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Questions about stat caps and limits on changing them


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Having gotten interested in hacking ever since I found out about the nightmare editor a while back, I found through trial and error that stat caps cannot realistically be put at more than 31, or 11111 in binary. A couple of exceptions exist, such as the Demon King's (FE8) caps of 50. But that is for only one chapter, and does not carry over in saves. Nothing more than 31 can be saved and reloaded without it looping, in the GBA FEs. Is there any way around this, other than telling people to use save states? Obviously FE9 and FE10 have higher stat caps, but I cannot figure out how to get higher stats in FE6-9.

The problem is greater in the SNES FEs. FE3 has a flat 20 cap, and I cannot figure out how to change that. FE4 seems to have caps hardwired in to the classes, and I have not been able to change anything there, though abuse of stat-boosting conversations blows the caps with no difficulty. But even trying to change the starting stats led to "looping" of stats and more problems. So is there a way to change the caps? Or am I stuck with what is there for the playable characters?

Thanks in advance.

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I made a hack for this that used a lousy "compression" to store the difference between stats and bases instead of the stats themselves to get around this. It didn't work out for FE 8 (yet, anyway), had some restraints you had to be wary of to avoid screwing things and still had limits, but it was a decent solution.

There's nothing else you can do, really...

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FE4 classes are 15 higher than their base, and seem to be stuck at 80HP/30 Luck (at least, I don't know how to change it)

Also, note that FE4 generics (every enemy that has 0 luck and no holy blood, even if they have a face sprite) aren't limited by caps.


http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g247/CableLrry/MoreInteresting.jpg (note that he's level 100 with 135 max HP...)

I dunno how easy it would be to change this with hex or binary.

Dunno about hacking other games D:

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