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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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Trainee Swordsman = Apprentice.

Trainee Lord = Prince.

Trainee Beast Mount = Newbie.

By Beast Mount, I mean something like this:

Newbie-> Peg Knight, Wyvern Knight, or Spider Knight.

I like the apprentice Idea

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A lot of what I would've said has been said already. But, I would like to see more weapon variety. I'm not talking about 50 different swords, etc. What I mean is a unit running around with Swords and Anima as his weapons.

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A lot of what I would've said has been said already. But, I would like to see more weapon variety. I'm not talking about 50 different swords, etc. What I mean is a unit running around with Swords and Anima as his weapons.

Mage Knights in fe4. Mage Fighters in fe4. Technically Master Knights in fe4, though they had that and just about everything else as well.

Mage Knights in fe5.

Then for whatever reason they just stopped using such a great class and the closest you get is Mist in fe9 for 25 uses of the sonic sword and 15 of the runesword (provided you don't let anyone else use them) and I suppose if you hammerne either you get more.

I miss it, too (though the ones in fe4 could have used a higher str and mag on average, like >21 each would have been nice)

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I expanded on my Trainee Prince idea: Here's a quick rundown:

Start off with a Lvl. 1 Prince, level cap is 10. Now, he promotes automatically by Ch. 5, but he has ten or so chapters to get there- his other trainee friends will automatically promote upon reaching Lvl. 10. Oh, and I say 10 Levels by chapter five because there will be Five prologue chapters- not the lame excuses in SD, but actual levels to brief you on characters.

So by the end of Ch. 5, you have three choices to choose from for your Lord, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:

Mage Lord- A student in the magical arts; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Anima: E-A

Horse Lord- A an aspiring warrior fighting for justice; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Lance: E-A

Battle Lord- A fierce knight with a strong heart; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Axe: E-A


Now once we reach, say Ch. 15 or so, he'll promote again, regardless of your level, but depending on what class you originally chose, you'll have two options:

From Mage Lord, either Sage Lord or Master Lord.

From Horse Lord, either Master Lord or Great Lord.

From Battle Lord, either Great Lord or Chaos Lord.


Sage Lord: An arcane master who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Anima: D-S

Staff: E-A

Light: E-A

Master Lord: An adept spellsword who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Lance: D-S

Light: E-A


Great Lord: An armored fighter who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe/Lance: D-S

Lance/Axe: E-A

Bow: E-A

Chaos Lord: An intimidating figure who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe: D-S

Dark: E-A



After that, all of these classes lead to a single, awesome class:

Legend: A heroic example of might and all that is good.


Sword: SS

Lance: SS

Axe: SS

Bow: SS

Anima: SS

Light: SS

Dark: SS

Staff: SS




I shit you not. You get this awesome, Lord unit.

At the end of the game, and I mean LAST FREAKING LEVEL. Not even from the beginning, either; you get this on the second part, but I won't spoil my story for you...

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Most important: Excise random skills with as much wroth as can be gathered. Give them charge times like Berwick Saga skills or something.

Second-most important: Kill global repeated attacking. Bring back Pursuit from FE4. Assign distribution of it to someone sane instead of whichever mentally-deficient person assigned it in FE4. Also give it to more than a handful of enemies.

Least important: Have a character with high bases and negative growths.

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I expanded on my Trainee Prince idea: Here's a quick rundown:

Start off with a Lvl. 1 Prince, level cap is 10. Now, he promotes automatically by Ch. 5, but he has ten or so chapters to get there- his other trainee friends will automatically promote upon reaching Lvl. 10. Oh, and I say 10 Levels by chapter five because there will be Five prologue chapters- not the lame excuses in SD, but actual levels to brief you on characters.

So by the end of Ch. 5, you have three choices to choose from for your Lord, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:

Mage Lord- A student in the magical arts; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Anima: E-A

Horse Lord- A an aspiring warrior fighting for justice; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Lance: E-A

Battle Lord- A fierce knight with a strong heart; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Axe: E-A


Now once we reach, say Ch. 15 or so, he'll promote again, regardless of your level, but depending on what class you originally chose, you'll have two options:

From Mage Lord, either Sage Lord or Master Lord.

From Horse Lord, either Master Lord or Great Lord.

From Battle Lord, either Great Lord or Chaos Lord.


Sage Lord: An arcane master who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Anima: D-S

Staff: E-A

Light: E-A

Master Lord: An adept spellsword who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Lance: D-S

Light: E-A


Great Lord: An armored fighter who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe/Lance: D-S

Lance/Axe: E-A

Bow: E-A

Chaos Lord: An intimidating figure who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe: D-S

Dark: E-A



After that, all of these classes lead to a single, awesome class:

Legend: A heroic example of might and all that is good.


Sword: SS

Lance: SS

Axe: SS

Bow: SS

Anima: SS

Light: SS

Dark: SS

Staff: SS




I shit you not. You get this awesome, Lord unit.

At the end of the game, and I mean LAST FREAKING LEVEL. Not even from the beginning, either; you get this on the second part, but I won't spoil my story for you...

I like our idea but the Master lord should use anima instead of light because the mage lord shouldn't lose anima when promoted and the Great lord should have a horse.

oh, and they need better names.

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4. Side Chapters. I actually found the idea of having less than 15 units as a requirement in the side chapters for Shadow Dragon quite interesting. They should keep that idea for the next game.

i did not really like that idea since you get a reward for playing bad instead of playing good or doing something special.

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FE10's BEXP. It's a reward for playing efficiently, and characters who overkilled the shitty stats stats weren't COMPLETELY out of luck, although there's too much in NM and too little in HM. Speaking of which, I liked the base too, rather than having to get everything from armories on the map. However, I want supports to be able to be activated on the field, so that when a support is ready it can immediately start building towards the next rank, rather than having to wait until the next chapter.

FE10's support anyone system, with certain pairings receiving special support convos. With the GBA affinities though (buffed up because there's only one partner. Something like... +0.8 att/def, +4 avo/crit eva, +8 hit/crit, round to the nearest whole number).

FEDS' forging.

FEDS' turn skip, or being able to press start to skip a certain battle animation.

More magic tomes. I hate how the physical weapons have things like brave and killer, and magic tomes only get simple mt upgrades, and the limited supply, unbuyable, 5 use siege tomes aren't cutting it.

FEDS' difficulty, or rather, the number of levels of difficulty. There were 6 levels total (although I hated how you can't do the prologue in hard modes. I'd take Frey and give up Gordin in a heartbeat), so everyone could find a difficulty right for them.

FE10 skill system, although make a greater incentive to keep innate skills on units. Getting free cap is rather weak if your skill is good like paragon (well, that, and most units who had uber skills were shitty and never around, see Tauroneo/Astrid/Geof/Tormod, so they'd lose their skill anyway).

Fe8 branch promotion.

FEDS save points.

FEDS reclassing, although balance the classes.

Least important: Have a character with high bases and negative growths.

This is really interesting.

Edited by pen15
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I actually found the idea of having less than 15 units as a requirement in the side chapters for Shadow Dragon quite interesting. They should keep that idea for the next game.

NO! I dont like killing my units! Fulfilling some sort of other requirements ala FE7 would be far better!

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Elimination of Jeigan characters.

Character balance in general--no Nino/Est/Arran/etc totally worthless units. Some new character concepts, aswell--for example, the aforementioned high bases + negative growth, or a Nino character that has growths befitting her join status (i.e. ridiculously huge growths that make training the unit actually worthwhile).

Support convos for character development, plus more detailed/developed story in general. A story like FE7's rather than FE11's minimalist story.

FE11 reclass system, obviously tweaked for more balance. More differences between classes, aswell, rather than having pointless repeats such as FE11's three magic classes which all have the exact same capabilities.

Good battle animations that are fun to watch. I liked the GBA's over-the-top animations much more than FE11's simple ones. For people who don't like watching long animations, the option to simply turn them off exists, so they might as well give some nice animations for the people who do like to watch them.

Better music. Not that FE music is bad, but it could be better.

Enemy diversity and balance. I didn't like how in FE11 you never fight any enemy Swordmasters, Warriors, Berserkers, etc at all.

Varied objectives, as opposed to FE11's "seize every chapter."

Make bosses move around the map, please.

Edited by CATS
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FE10 skill system

FE10 support system with support conversations

FE10 base system

three tiers

stronger tomes

more character balance

tomes that can attack twice like Brave weapons

every playable character has decent playing time to make them good

more special damage weapons

magic weapons

FE8 world map

abilty to play any chapter without playing the whole game over again, just for fun

trial maps

more unlockables like hidden characters, weapons, trophies, extra videos, artwork, etc.

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I expanded on my Trainee Prince idea: Here's a quick rundown:

Start off with a Lvl. 1 Prince, level cap is 10. Now, he promotes automatically by Ch. 5, but he has ten or so chapters to get there- his other trainee friends will automatically promote upon reaching Lvl. 10. Oh, and I say 10 Levels by chapter five because there will be Five prologue chapters- not the lame excuses in SD, but actual levels to brief you on characters.

So by the end of Ch. 5, you have three choices to choose from for your Lord, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:

Mage Lord- A student in the magical arts; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Anima: E-A

Horse Lord- A an aspiring warrior fighting for justice; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Lance: E-A

Battle Lord- A fierce knight with a strong heart; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Axe: E-A


Now once we reach, say Ch. 15 or so, he'll promote again, regardless of your level, but depending on what class you originally chose, you'll have two options:

From Mage Lord, either Sage Lord or Master Lord.

From Horse Lord, either Master Lord or Great Lord.

From Battle Lord, either Great Lord or Chaos Lord.


Sage Lord: An arcane master who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Anima: D-S

Staff: E-A

Light: E-A

Master Lord: An adept spellsword who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Lance: D-S

Light: E-A


Great Lord: An armored fighter who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe/Lance: D-S

Lance/Axe: E-A

Bow: E-A

Chaos Lord: An intimidating figure who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe: D-S

Dark: E-A



After that, all of these classes lead to a single, awesome class:

Legend: A heroic example of might and all that is good.


Sword: SS

Lance: SS

Axe: SS

Bow: SS

Anima: SS

Light: SS

Dark: SS

Staff: SS




I shit you not. You get this awesome, Lord unit.

At the end of the game, and I mean LAST FREAKING LEVEL. Not even from the beginning, either; you get this on the second part, but I won't spoil my story for you...

I like our idea but the Master lord should use anima instead of light because the mage lord shouldn't lose anima when promoted and the Great lord should have a horse.

oh, and they need better names.

I actually dislike it, (for the sole reason of having 1 third tier one)

I would prefere multiple third tier lords (I hate mounted units)

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A richly textured world first and foremost.

Oh and all the new additions Shadow Dragon brought to the table.

I'd also like to see one feature from FE5 to return and be expanded upon but that's something for another, bigger post ...

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I expanded on my Trainee Prince idea: Here's a quick rundown:

Start off with a Lvl. 1 Prince, level cap is 10. Now, he promotes automatically by Ch. 5, but he has ten or so chapters to get there- his other trainee friends will automatically promote upon reaching Lvl. 10. Oh, and I say 10 Levels by chapter five because there will be Five prologue chapters- not the lame excuses in SD, but actual levels to brief you on characters.

So by the end of Ch. 5, you have three choices to choose from for your Lord, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:

Mage Lord- A student in the magical arts; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Anima: E-A

Horse Lord- A an aspiring warrior fighting for justice; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Lance: E-A

Battle Lord- A fierce knight with a strong heart; aspires to unite the nations.


Sword: E-A

Axe: E-A


Now once we reach, say Ch. 15 or so, he'll promote again, regardless of your level, but depending on what class you originally chose, you'll have two options:

From Mage Lord, either Sage Lord or Master Lord.

From Horse Lord, either Master Lord or Great Lord.

From Battle Lord, either Great Lord or Chaos Lord.


Sage Lord: An arcane master who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Anima: D-S

Staff: E-A

Light: E-A

Master Lord: An adept spellsword who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Lance: D-S

Light: E-A


Great Lord: An armored fighter who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe/Lance: D-S

Lance/Axe: E-A

Bow: E-A

Chaos Lord: An intimidating figure who fights for his continent's freedom.


Sword: D-S

Axe: D-S

Dark: E-A



After that, all of these classes lead to a single, awesome class:

Legend: A heroic example of might and all that is good.


Sword: SS

Lance: SS

Axe: SS

Bow: SS

Anima: SS

Light: SS

Dark: SS

Staff: SS




I shit you not. You get this awesome, Lord unit.

At the end of the game, and I mean LAST FREAKING LEVEL. Not even from the beginning, either; you get this on the second part, but I won't spoil my story for you...

I like our idea but the Master lord should use anima instead of light because the mage lord shouldn't lose anima when promoted and the Great lord should have a horse.

oh, and they need better names.

I actually dislike it, (for the sole reason of having 1 third tier one)

I would prefere multiple third tier lords (I hate mounted units)

Third tier lords would not only require re-tuning of other tier lords, but also adjustments in how everything would work.

That's just plain preference for the second point. Besides, the best class ever, Great Knights, are mounted. And armored.

And Seth is also mounted. And Levin is also capable of giving his kiddies mounts, I think...

Jesus, every awesome unit I can think of is mounted.

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Third tier lords would not only require re-tuning of other tier lords, but also adjustments in how everything would work.

That's just plain preference for the second point. Besides, the best class ever, Great Knights, are mounted. And armored.

And Seth is also mounted. And Levin is also capable of giving his kiddies mounts, I think...

Jesus, every awesome unit I can think of is mounted.

that might be, but I avoid mounted (horse mounted anyway) units,

I don't know why, but I favor everything that's not on a horse XD

anyway, what I mean is, you get to choose 3 paths with your lord, ending with the same one seems ... to make the choice unneeded, since you end up with the same one anyway (besides getting S/SS faster in other weapon types)

other wise superb :P

(now that we are talking about new classes)

I don't get why we didn't get pegasus archers yet

instead of meh STR? good speed and skill, it would be good STR and speed and meh skill

the reason? air, the higher you are, the hrder it is to aim, but the farther the arrow drops, the higher the impact (sience stuff XD)

hence why the skill would be lower but the STR higher then an archer (or a pegasus since both have the same caps giv or take 2-3)

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That sounds like a 3rd Tier class for an Archer branch. I dub it "Falcon Shooter".

And the Lord wouldn't end up the same- it's stats will always be different depending on what path you take.

Also interesting; you make story-related decisions that affect you and your units. Like, choice one leads to +2 STR for your Lord and the other gets you 10,000 gold. Shit like that.

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Ok, now I feel like making a longer post.

Many people gush on FE5 about its difficulty, capturing and whatnot but one of the least talked about features was the ability to completely change how the background windows look like. You were able to choose from about 5 background patterns and you you were able to set the background color to pretty much anything from the SNES palette.

This combined that we are currently in the control/interface cycle means that this feature should return and be expanded upon that you can completely customize the status window to one's likings. Would you like to see the bars on each stat? Would you like to see just the portrait or the full body of the character? Maybe you want a more FE4-style status screen? Everything should be possible!

Some FE3 devotees miss how AS was shown in the status window so this should be adressed as well. At one point in FE5 Luck was supposed to be an invisible stat, so why not expand upon that players can make even more self-imposed challenges that they can turn stats on and off any way they want.

Of course to make it easier for some people there should be 5 or so default window designs.

For the record I imagined it to be roughly something like this:


So how do you like this idea for a new FE?

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Balanced characters.

Good plot/storyline.

Challenging enemies.

No uber rapeage Pally that can own the first half of the game.

Awesome music.

Final boss that actually kicks a lot of ass. Something like Formortiis capped with no weakness to Sacred Twins.


Movement stars

Events/Hidden events (liek those in FE4)

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Final boss that actually kicks a lot of ass. Something like Formortiis capped with no weakness to Sacred Twins.

or the dragon in FE7, atleast he hit hard and accurate *looks at FE8 boss*

iirc, he 2 hitted everyone (well OHKO when your HP was crappy low >.>)

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Because I'm greedy (in order of game features wanted from each game)

  • FE4's pairing and inheritence system; preferably with children that actually change appearance and role (or you choose) depending on the father. Multigenerational is always a great idea for a game in my opinion.
  • FE4's large maps. Conquering countries as a single level was awesome.
  • FE4's ability to repair weapons. Perhaps even the ability for a character to learn some craft skills. Makes it even more RPG'ish!
  • FE5's capture system. Being eternally poor might be artificial difficulty, but I found it quite interestingly tactical, and enjoyed the idea I could be merciful from time to time (and with a purpose, too!). I don't think it should be quite as hardcore as FE5 though (maybe a little money is available).
  • FE5's requirement to dismount indoors. Its bloody silly to have knights riding around in castles. Though not neccessarily forcing said knights to use swords on dismount. Its one thing to not be able to use lances on foot if not trained, but I didn't see why axe knights were restricted like this.
  • FE6's huge amount of characters. Having 2-6 options in each class and being able to choose the one you like is good for a player.
  • FE7's (or FE2/Tear-Ring/FE10) multiple lords, with different viewpoints. This has already been done to various successes and failures, mind, and I'm not sure what the actual correct balance would be...
  • FE8's branched promotions, but fixed so that both options are always at least viable.
  • FE8's (or FE2/Tear-Ring) world map. Not with monsters, and with actual purpose for wandering around. FE8's was actually pretty pointless. Perhaps something like FEDA: Emblem of Justice, with enemies chasing the party.
  • FE9's support system. It was the best incarnation yet, because there was no longer a need to have people stick to each other in battles, just have them take part together. I love character development, and this was lost in FE10 and FE11.
  • FE10's actual battle scenes. They were easily the slickest, sexiest ones to date. Mainly because of all the little touches, like the flourish entering and winning a combat and things like that. (FE9's were a bit wooden, and the GBA was a little bit too silly)
  • FE11's errr...well... I can't thing of anything. Class swap was dumb since Fire Emblem is not Super Robot Wars, and hence it only really stripped even more personality and individuality away. I don't really care about speed. I didn't use the stylus over the D-Pad. None of my friends have DS's so multiplayer was useless. Errm...yeah...to me it was a bit of a step backwards (figuratively, as well as literally, lol).

Other ideas

  • If you're going to use the FE10 support anyone thing, then have an 'E' and 'D' support for those generic conversations, then only certain characters with proper conversations can actually advance to C or higher, and perhaps only lovers can reach A.
  • I've already mentioned FEDA: Emblem of Justice. The alignment system from that is nice too. If you're not aware, you go up in alignment from completing the mission objectives, but go down in alignment if you just win the map by killing everything. I like that, because excess genocide in video games is always silly.
  • All the above said, having quality characters is better than quantity of characters.
  • Shoot Soren in the face. (hides from fangirls)
  • Call Cavaliers Social Knights. LOL. (see sig)

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Most important: Excise random skills with as much wroth as can be gathered. Give them charge times like Berwick Saga skills or something.

Holy cow, another Berwick player! I believe the appropriate thing here is (if this doesn't look like a high-five to you, pretend it does): o/\o

Seriously though, that's probably a really solid idea. It was kind of annoying in Berwick Saga (like a lot of other things), but it does add a nice bit of strategy to the game. Do you use the super "roast one enemy" skill now, or wait until something big and mean comes your way? If you use it now, you better hope that another 4+ turns pass before said big mean enemy reaches you. :P

(But for the love of all that is good, do not include the stupid "taking damage negates a counter" system.)

Least important: Have a character with high bases and negative growths.

Seconded. I made a rather large list of ideas a while back, and I believe this was one of them. Time for another high-five?

Anyway, my "dream" Fire Emblem game (without regard for how dang unlikely it would be) goes like this:

1. Artwork by Satoshi Urushihara. Heck yes.

2. Music by Noriyuki Iwadare. Another heck yes.

3. Multiple plot branches where you can actually choose to be a bad dude and/or just make everyone hate you.

4. Animated FMVs (not that 3-D stuff).

If you've been paying attention, you already know that this has all been done before: Langrisser (specifically Dramatic Edition's version of Der Langrisser). SO many things went right with that game, and I would love to see that stuff applied to Fire Emblem. Just don't touch the Fire Emblem mechanics, please.

Since the above is completely absurd (outside of #4), I'll just settle for this:

1. A new game.

2. Not a remake.

Probably the only way to make me hate a Fire Emblem game is to make it stupidly slow or drastically change the mechanics, so I'm not too picky about the next one. A few features would obviously be nice (capturing (Thracia, NOT Berwick), character development, a plot that isn't so blasted happy, etc.), but I'm ok with whatever we get.

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Most important: Excise random skills with as much wroth as can be gathered. Give them charge times like Berwick Saga skills or something.

Holy cow, another Berwick player! I believe the appropriate thing here is (if this doesn't look like a high-five to you, pretend it does): o/\o

Actually I haven't managed to play Berwick Saga yet, I've only read about it >_> I fully intend to play it at some point however.

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