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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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And if FE had NOTHING to gain by adding new classes, then the previous, say, 10 games were a waste, weren't they?

Nothing and not much aren't really the same.

And how many new classes have really been added since FE1 and kept?

And breaking it down in a critical format. FE1 to FE2 was a massive change. And most things were dropped from FE2. So on to FE3. Decent changes kept for the rest of the series. FE4 skills were added. FE5 added a number of features. FE6 dropped them all. FE7 was most of the same from FE6. FE8 was filled with ideas that had potential. But were dropped. FE9 took some decent ideas from previous FEs. FE 10 too, though both were rushed and neither lived up to everything they should have been. FE11 is a remake that didn't gives us FE1 with every major addition since FE1. It added a few new features, but most of them only served to make more classes pointless.

I'm not saying that adding more would be bad, but that I'd rather see an FE with a defined character cast. And that can be done better with individual skill sets then giving each character his or her own class. I mean, it sounds so nice to write it down, but once you play the game, every Hero is better than every Swordmaster that doesn't outright outstat them.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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From what I understand, the features were dropped from FE5 to 6 were because there was a director change and the new director sux.

The way the class system seems to be going based on FE9-10 is that there's a foot class that's mono-weapon type (SM/Warrior/Halb/Snipar), Armors for the WT, Pegasus class, Wyvern class, Mage for each magic type, and a healer.

Which honestly isn't too far from your idea other than being able to use skills to decide mount/armor. =/

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I wasn't saying my way was the only way either. I just don't see the point of adding 4 base classes to each weapon and 5 weapon types to an already cluttered game.

Addition by subtraction or consolidation is always a nice touch and easier for programmers, but even if that's not your cup of tea, why throw off the simple mechanics built into the game by throwing in more items to be classified?

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I have an idea for a new game mode :awesome:

Endless Defend mode

Basically, you defend a spot until your army is defeated (either by the enemy seizing the spot or all of your units dying). You get a limited number of ally units, but the enemy army has unlimited reinforcements. Reinforcements will spawn every 2 turns, with the number of reinforcements doubling every 10 turns.

Could be a high score chart of how many kills you have accumulated and the number of turns you have survived.

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I have an idea for a new game mode :awesome:

Endless Defend mode

Basically, you defend a spot until your army is defeated (either by the enemy seizing the spot or all of your units dying). You get a limited number of ally units, but the enemy army has unlimited reinforcements. Reinforcements will spawn every 2 turns, with the number of reinforcements doubling every 10 turns.

Could be a high score chart of how many kills you have accumulated and the number of turns you have survived.

Depending on your team the limit is weapon durability. Or possibly stave durability. Anyway, with enemy stats in PoR and Ragnell and Aether, I think Ike could probably pull it off on his own. Too bad you can't give him saviour and aether and pick up Soren or something. Still, if enough enemies attack him at one range he survives for a very long time on his own. I think after enough turns Ike would be standing there with dozens of living enemies all crowding around trying to get at him.

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Put it on the wii and give it some decent online multiplayer. The only way to balance it would be to have both players control NPC armies, or at least units whose bases are set. I don't want any of this "my third tier capped gods vs yours" crap.

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Put it on the wii and give it some decent online multiplayer. The only way to balance it would be to have both players control NPC armies, or at least units whose bases are set. I don't want any of this "my third tier capped gods vs yours" crap.

I like the idea of mirror image set ups. Either that or rotations. Basically, line through the middle and you start with identical units/bases/weapons. Also, since the two sides might just sit there and hide you can make it rout in x turns and if it isn't routed by the end of turn x then the winner is whichever team has more units on the opposing team's half of the map.

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I want a third exotic beast mount class, like the Peg Knights or Wyvern Knights.

Except they're Spider Knights. They can tread over water like a water-spider and can crawl over mountains as effectively as any flying unit. Technically, you could call it a flying unit as well, just... well, not flying.

It still has a weakness to bows though, and is weak to Fire Magic.

I was also thinking as a sort of Flying Mount promotion branch it could start like this:

Newbie (The Flying Mount Trainee: has access to swords, spears, AND axes, but only has an E level limit for each. Also has caps at 15 for everything except for HP, which is 30.), once at level ten, can branch into any of the aforementioned types of Flying Mounts, with the following perks:

Pegasus Knight: The good ol' flier we've grown to hate. Or love, if you like Wyvern Knight 0.5. Starts with a D in Lances and loses the Axe and Sword usage. High SPD and RES, but low STR and DEF. A weakness to bows and Wind Magic.

Wyvern Knight: The scaly bastards that are too damn good. Starts with a D in Axes and loses the Sword and Lance usage. High DEF and STR, but low SPD and RES. A weakness to bows and Thunder Magic.

Spider Knight: The newcomer in the "Flying" Mount trio. Starts with a D in Swords and loses the Lance and Axe usage. High SPD and STR, but low SKL and LCK. A weakness to bows and Fire Magic.

From there, depending on which class you first chose, you can branch into a whopping FOUR different classes. (Peg Knight = P, Wyv Knight = W, Spi Knight = S.)

P-> Falco Knight: A winged holy knight that still sucks when compared to their scaly brethren. Lets hope that changes. Anyway, gains a C in Lances and gets to use swords. Further emphasizes its power and weaker stat variety.

P/W -> Wyvern Rider: A greater lord of the Wyvern with an exquisite taste for battle. As a mix of the P and W knights, they get a C in whatever weapon they were using first and an E in whatever weapon the other class had. So a P Rider gets a C in lances and an E in axes, while a W Rider gets a C in axes and an E in lances. Still has a weakness to bows and magic though. Has a higher SPD and DEF cap than their brothers, soon to be revealed.

W/S -> Dragon Knight: A loyal knight akin to the Rider, except it has an Axe/Sword combo. And depending on what you were first, you get those bonuses. Same routine for Wyvern Rider, except replace lances with swords. Has a higher SKL and STR cap than Riders.

S -> Spider Rider: A fierce warrior with the power to command their spider mounts to do battle against unmeasurable odds. They get a C in Swords and gains an E in Lances.


My brain feels funny rite now so I'll beeeeeee rrrrrrrrrrrrr

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I would want more Mamkute's/Manakete's

Of course you do.

I'd want at MOST four in a game, though.

Of course unless they are really weak

Did you get bored of Oliver?

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Gonzales isn't gay.

I'd like to see Bandits make a comeback too, though. Make them promote to Berserkers and give Pirates a more... Pirate-y promotion. Like a Viking.

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Gonzales isn't gay.

I'd like to see Bandits make a comeback too, though. Make them promote to Berserkers and give Pirates a more... Pirate-y promotion. Like a Viking.

:lol: Was talking about the gay bandits you fight as a boss

And Gonzales is just "special"

Edited by Nagi
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Yes he is. Yes he is...

He's like Lennie from Of Mice and Men.

I feel sorry for Gonzales sometimes :lol:

Would like harder difficulty

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Wyvern Knight: The scaly bastards which is my favorite class. Starts with a D in Lances and loses the Sword and Axe usage. High DEF and STR, but low SPD and RES. A weakness to bows and Thunder Magic.

Fix'd, unless that's how it is in RD.

And you really don't like Pegasus/Falco Knights.

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I would want more Mamkute's/Manakete's

A lot of games give you a Manakete extremely late in the game. It would be nice to have one early, perhaps even in the starting party.

:drool: I would love that.

New classes

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