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What would YOU want in a new FE

Mister Cold

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Wyvern Knight: The scaly bastards which is my favorite class. Starts with a D in Lances and loses the Sword and Axe usage. High DEF and STR, but low SPD and RES. A weakness to bows and Thunder Magic.

Fix'd, unless that's how it is in RD.

And you really don't like Pegasus/Falco Knights.

Name one game other than FE7 where you get even ONE character in a Wyvern Knight-like class, promoted or not, that is considered at LEAST good.

FE1: Sheeda

FE2: Clea/Katua/Palla

FE3: Katua/Palla

FE4: Altenna

FE5: Dean

FE6: Miledy

FE7: The sole exception

FE8: Cormag/Vanessa

FE9: Jill

FE10: Haar

Sure, you could argue that some Peg Knight-related characters can match them... barely.

Not a single Pegasus flier character in their same game can match them.

Oh, and you can't always say the same for Pegasus Family Knights. There's TECHNICALLY Palla, Catria, and Sheeda. Then there is Marcia, Tanith, and Florina... then that is about it. Maybe Fee, but that is only with Noish. The Pegasus Knights not mentioned, when compared to their respective flying dragon brethren, fail. Not to say they don't have uses, they're just bad when compared to Dragon Knights.

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Old Supports system

Old Supports system

Old Supports system

Etc. If I knew how to say 'supports system' in Japanese, I would have written several angry letters to IS by now.

One of the Shadow Dragon interviews mentioned FE4 and FE6 as remake ideas. If they remade FE4, I'd like to see each Holy Weapon get its own individual battle theme, like the Laguz royals did in FE10 (Holsety would require the most epic theme in the history of videogames, though, which is a big ask)

If they remade FE6, they'd better make the music a hell of a lot better. And make the pre-premotes less horrible (Not Zealot and Juno though, I need someone to laugh at) I would be cool if they did some kind of data transfer system, and the A support 'pairings' you made in FE7 affected the stats of the children characters. (though it would only really work for Roy and Lilina though)

But, to be honest, I think its about time they made a game set in a completley new universe, with a completley new cast of characters.

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A weight and constitution system where a unit weighs more than their own weight depending on the weight of all weapons in their inventory (equipped and unequipped).

Less inventory, weapons etc., the lighter and quicker the unit would be, affecting skill and speed.

Rescuing a unit would take a spot up in the inventory. The total weight of the rescued would be added to the rescuing unit's weight, affecting skill and speed further.

Also a load limit system linked to strength and base weight of the unit, where a unit simply wouldn't be able to carry over a certain amount of weight due to strength.

It all works in my head, anyway.

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If they remake FE6 for any ridiculous reason, they need to reference FE7 like, three times as much and to add skills.

I don't think they should reamake it, mind you, but if they were to, I'd rather have most prepromotes be from FE7, instead of random nobodies. Add some chapters to the game, especially two or three after Roy promotes. Make the weapons more epic without being overpowered.

Add difficulty and skills. Maybe 2 gens FE7 and FE6?

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If they remake FE6 for any ridiculous reason, they need to reference FE7 like, three times as much and to add skills.

I don't think they should reamake it, mind you, but if they were to, I'd rather have most prepromotes be from FE7, instead of random nobodies. Add some chapters to the game, especially two or three after Roy promotes. Make the weapons more epic without being overpowered.

Add difficulty and skills. Maybe 2 gens FE7 and FE6?

lol a remake of six? IF anything, IS is going to remake FE3 first, then maybe Genealogy and Thracia afterwards.

But I sort of like your idea of creating a sort of Fire Emblem 6/7, like how it worked with FE4.

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FE6 and 7 could be linked together in the same game, but I just can't see the generation system working out. If I'm not mistaken, only nine characters in FE6's cast are descendants of characters from FE7, and three of them are the result of pairings which can't be altered. That kind of defeats the purpose of the generation system if you ask me.

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Well IS could just be creative.

It isn't the first time they've done so.

And there can be at least EIGHT mandatory pairings. Everything else can come with imagination.

I can think of one:

MatthewXSerra = Astohl.

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First off, I wasn't suggesting that I'd remake 6 first - Only that the idea to remake 6, in general would be ridiculous, but if they had to, I'd want them to do it 'right'.

FE6 and 7 could be linked together in the same game, but I just can't see the generation system working out. If I'm not mistaken, only nine characters in FE6's cast are descendants of characters from FE7, and three of them are the result of pairings which can't be altered. That kind of defeats the purpose of the generation system if you ask me.

But having them linked gives an excuse to remake both, I guess, and you can at least add some FE6 prepromotes to FE7 and some FE7 characters to FE6. Like Geese. Add some more support conversations.

It'd ultimately be entire dependent on how the second gen would be effected by the first. More than likely, it wouldn't be worth much unless they added a solid skill set, because even a minor growth boost for that A support isn't huge. As I see it now, you have Lugh and Rays' father, Lilina's mother, Roy's mother, Sue's Mother, and Wolt's father. Those that are locked in could be given a boost for A supports obtained. They could also add a character or two. Heath could be an FE6 boss, for example, and maybe give him a child for a third Wyvern in FE6. Old woman Niime could show up to add dark magic to gen 1. Edit some back stories and Hugh could also be given a mother. Ingrene too. Wendy and Bors can be given a father and a mother - In fact, I'd imagine that either Oswin or Serra would have to be parents to them. Chad and Cass are also orphans.

Add a new character or two to FE7 to make a new pair or two.

I mean, if you want it to work, it could work. Even make some characters mentors. I mean, not all the Peg Knights from FE7 are going to get married to royals and be tied down so where they can't help out the FE6 peg knights.

I mean, if they were to make another 2 gen game, it should be brand new. Hell, any game they make should be brand new. But if something comes up, like that, I'll bring it up.

Like if the remake FE4, I'd hope they tune back the children's growths in the second gen. Like 40-80 instead of 50-100.

But I'd be disappointed in a remake of FE6 if it did as little as FE11 did for FE1.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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The FE4 children's growths needs to have a different formula. I think 80% + 40% instead of 100% + 50% would produced the desired effect.

Also, why would Heath be a boss in an FE6 remake when he had already deserted the Bern army in FE7?

Edit: In fact, I just checked his ending, and it says he moved to Ilia and became a "mercenary knight of some fame". Although, his Vaida ending is different (they go back to Bern) and his Pris ending is vague.

Edited by Paperblade
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Whoo, jumped on this bandwagon way too late.

I'd like many of the features in the FE series that was actually UNIQUE. All three GBA FEs were pretty much spin-offs of each other, EXCEPT branched promotion in FE8.

Lover's system, inheritance and future generations - A reason why FE4 is so popular?

Branched promotions - This way, inheritance can work differently with the same pairing. Besides, I always liked it.

Magic/Weapon Co-Op - FE4 MageKnights and MageFighters were my favorite classes.

The extra excess of anticlimacticism - I'd like some suspense in a game.

Lots of classes and weapons - So far, seven types of magic was introduced (right?) and five types of weapons, not including Laguz weapons. Let's be extra ambitious, IS. Combined with branched promotion, an abundance of classes should have perfectionists like me stop worrying about class balance.

Bigger caps - Thracia 776 pissed me off SO MUCH. I say to FIFTY, DAMMIT.

Higher difficulty - Not like FE5 where reinforcements come relentlessly, but something you could work into. Like jacked-up bosses.

No broken characters - Sure as hell raises the difficulty, but I'll miss holy weapons (Call me, Narga~)

Extra-long game - How about 70 chapters? Just Kidding.

Fixed Arenas - Just so that you won't spend 200 turns.

Rank-less runs - Games are supposed to be stress-free. Why the hell would ANYONE tell the players to push themselves into getting that S Rank?

Unlockable characters in Epilogue - Now THIS is worth pushing for aftergame. However, no pulling FE6 or FE9s, where you have to beat the original game quite a number of times. I say the FE8 style, just goofing off here and there, until you reach your goal.

Better background storylines - No Navarres, please. I don't want none of that "came from nowhere, then vanished" crap.

The super story - The best and most climactic storyline. It's so good, it should be a book (or even a MANGA.)

Decent RNG - Why do I hate FE5 the most? Lemme think... Starts with an R... sounds like Tantrum Lumber Penentrator...

Put that together, we have a game that's worth waiting 10 years for. =.=

Edited by SupremeRulerOfJugdral
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Ahem, as I was saying...

Good story

Long enough to enjoy it

Characters that shine their personalities throughout the game rather than just in support convos, kinda like FE7

Speaking of support convos, bring them back

Epic battles, and at least some bosses should be hard as hell to make things interesting

Good replay value, like you get some post playthrough bonuses and you access more levels or maybe you get to fight the True Final Boss

Speaking of more levels, gaiden chapters should be back and I don't mean the ones like FE1 DS

Some interesting effects in the game, sort of like what Kishuna had in FE7

What are the odds of all this happening in the next FE?

Edited by 21_21
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Wyvern Knight: The scaly bastards which is my favorite class. Starts with a D in Lances and loses the Sword and Axe usage. High DEF and STR, but low SPD and RES. A weakness to bows and Thunder Magic.

Fix'd, unless that's how it is in RD.

And you really don't like Pegasus/Falco Knights.

Name one game other than FE7 where you get even ONE character in a Wyvern Knight-like class, promoted or not, that is considered at LEAST good.

FE1: Sheeda

FE2: Clea/Katua/Palla

FE3: Katua/Palla

FE4: Altenna

FE5: Dean

FE6: Miledy

FE7: The sole exception

FE8: Cormag/Vanessa

FE9: Jill

FE10: Haar

Sure, you could argue that some Peg Knight-related characters can match them... barely.

Not a single Pegasus flier character in their same game can match them.

Oh, and you can't always say the same for Pegasus Family Knights. There's TECHNICALLY Palla, Catria, and Sheeda. Then there is Marcia, Tanith, and Florina... then that is about it. Maybe Fee, but that is only with Noish. The Pegasus Knights not mentioned, when compared to their respective flying dragon brethren, fail. Not to say they don't have uses, they're just bad when compared to Dragon Knights.

Dragon/Wyvern Knights do not exist in FE2. Clea, Palla, Katua, and Est all class change into Falcon Knights.

As for what I would want in a new FE game,

FE10 enemy difficulty (enemy stats stay strong throughout the entire game)

More intelligent, non predictable AI


Support Conversations

No super broken characters

More characters per class

Good story

Magic that isn't all shared in the same weapon level (Like FE4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10)

More dark magic users

Personally, I don't really care what the next game is, it's just that the above would make it better. I just want a new game to be announced or something already.

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Put it on the wii and give it some decent online multiplayer. The only way to balance it would be to have both players control NPC armies, or at least units whose bases are set. I don't want any of this "my third tier capped gods vs yours" crap.

I really can't say it any better than this.

Maybe a split-screen offline mode or something, but nothing like the Link Arena.

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Speaking of off the wall comments, I'm a bit disppointed that skills aren't a higher priority on most people's list.

Well, Mastery Skills in FE10 were basically just critical hits. I know that's not what you were talking about, but...

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Speaking of off the wall comments, I'm a bit disppointed that skills aren't a higher priority on most people's list.

Well, Mastery Skills in FE10 were basically just critical hits. I know that's not what you were talking about, but...

Suggesting people are feeling a little sour about them after that? Possible.

I want fe4 prayer back, or at least fe5 prayer. Miracle is pathetic in comparison. Mostly I want a critting Astra with skill% activation. That was good times. I know Lex!Lakche > Noishe!Lakche, but critical is just fun, and crits on astra even moreso. Personally I think the Noishe versions are more fun.

And fe4 Ambush and Wrath. Those were good. I like those versions more than the fe9 or fe10 versions. fe9 Vantage was probably too good. fe5 ambush was all the time too, right? And I want charisma back. Charge was fun, too. Not as great as other skills, but fun.

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Suggesting people are feeling a little sour about them after that? Possible.

I've heard my fair share of complaints.

fe5 ambush was all the time too, right?

Yup, though Wrath didn't work when used with it, unlike in FE4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If someone could marry the balance and additions that Shadow Dragon has with the breadth of content that Seisen and Thracia have then it would be the best FE game ever.

Oh and optionally artwork done by Hirohiko Araki.

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