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Paranormal Activity


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First of all, here's the trailer for those of you who haven't heard of it

This is supposed to be one of the scariest, if not THE scariest movie of all time and I could actually believe it. Why? Because I saw it at midnight when it first aired in my area

Let me just say that OH MY FUCKING GOD WAS IT SCARY!!! Instead of talking about the movie and spoiling it for people I'll just mention the people watching it in the theater. First of all, there were countless screams of agony and not just the normal ones from other horror movies. I mean these people were scared shitless. When the movie was getting close to finishing up, there were a lot, and I mean A FUCKING LOT of people who ran out of the theater. Now when I say ran out, I don't mean they just got out of their seat and walked out. These people were crawling over each other, sprinting down the stairs and running as fast as they possibly can out of that fuckin theater. I mean these people couldn't get out of the theater fast enough. I even heard people saying "Oh fuck this!" and ran away scared out of their minds. And it wasn't just girls. The group of guys behind me were one of these said groups that bailed out of theater as fast as possible plus many others as well

Kinda makes you wanna see it now right? People were shaking as they left the theater in fear, myself included

Now for all those people who haven't seen it are like "Oh please, it can't be that scary":

1: Go fuck yourself

2: Get an ego check

3: Watch it, then come tell me that

If people have and are like "psh, it wasn't that scary" then they:

1: are trying to look cool and it failed

2: actually didn't see whole thing because they were too scared

3: are just lonely and want attention

So? Who wants to go see it now?

Thoughts? Comments? Stories even? Discuss...

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Is this the only movie in history that caused that much intimidation to people? I should go check this movie out sometimes

Maybe not the only one "in history". I remember hearing about "Jaws", "The Sixth Sense", "The Blair Witch Project" and others scaring people a lot at the time they came out

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I really find it hard to believe that's all that scary. Yes, I rebelled. What you gonna do? Summon Doomtrain?

No. I already knew that people would say something like that. That's why I made my list in the first post

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I believe, sincerely, that this movie is like the Blair Witch Project. In other words, the beauty of this movie hasn't lived up to the hype.

I found very little to be truly frightening!

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In all honesty, and this is coming from a horror fan, this movie is overrated heavily. I've seen scarier earlier this year (Drag Me To Hell was awesome.) and Paranormal Activity only made me jumpy.

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In all honesty, and this is coming from a horror fan, this movie is overrated heavily. I've seen scarier earlier this year (Drag Me To Hell was awesome.) and Paranormal Activity only made me jumpy.

i'm hardly surprised. movies like these are prone to suffer from this type of thing.

really, i was kinda iffy about the movie, and when i saw the preview it actually made me doubt even more of its supposed "scariness". it may not be fair to judge on just an incomplete preview, but the acting sure seemed bad enough.

i'll probably end up seeing it if it's released in my hometown, since my friend is all psyched about it. She's dragging me to all these movies lately.


Edited by Robin!
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I would watch it, just to prove it isn't scary. I might jump in my seat at unexpected things, however, that's simply because it's unexpected.

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Now for all those people who haven't seen it are like "Oh please, it can't be that scary":

1: Go fuck yourself

2: Get an ego check

3: Watch it, then come tell me that

Sounds like somebody is an overly defensive fan boy.

I bet it's scary, but I probably won't see it because modern horror is so stupid. Not like the older horror films that are so laughably stupid that they're brilliant, but the kind of stupid that makes you yell "Oh my god, I've just wasted $10 AND 2 hours of my time!"

To be honest, I was going to take my chances on this film, but hearing my friends' reviews and reading this thread has completely killed my interest.

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Fa wants to know if Oliver wants to watch it?

Stop talking in third person.

Edit: And stop role playing in third person.

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Fa reminds me of Sayuri from Kanon

And no I'm not a fanboy. I just hate it when people try to act cool and wont admit when something brings out some kind of emotion; which has happened already (not talking about here, btw)

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