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What would happen if RD was like this?


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Laura would be an awesome Cleric. +5 STR on promotion, combining her unusually high STR averages for a HEALER. Plus, Horse and access to Light Magic. Also gets a considerably better Mastery Skill.

Laura eventually promotes to Cleric >_> unless you mean Mist's Cleric?

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Oh, and Sothe is epic failure as a Whisper. Those caps are... bad.

I'd class change, say, Zihark. Into an Assassin when he reaches Rank 3.

We could, but then we get to give Zihark lolKnives. I'd rather leave him as a TB for some time.

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Aran would make a good Lance Knight, IMO. Would fix his shoddy SPD.

Same base and 5 less growth doesn't look like a "fix" to me. >_>

Soldier's growth is too good, which is Aran's main problem. The only class notably faster is Armor Axe, but that drops his base to 6.

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Laura should be changed to Fire Mage straight away. There's no data for Fire Mage (F), but her bases might look like:



35%HP 15%STR 70%MAG 65%SKL 70%SPD 35%LUK 20%DEF 50%RES

Fairly unimpressive, until you consider she has 22ATK with a Fire tome against the laguz in 1-4, which 2HKOs everything but the boss. She now actually has a half-decent chance of promoting, her Tier 2 caps are better, she is capable of ripping apart Part 3 laguz with the Arcfire you find in 1-E, and she's suddenly good in Endgame!

Oh, and Ilyana can class change to priest and heal in Part 1.

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For Fire Mage (F) or any classes with 0 growths just take their male counterparts.

Also, Fire can't be found until 1-7, where Tormod has Fire and Elfire, so anyone who goes Mage will have to either share with Ilyana or Micaiah.

Edited by Jade Curtiss
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I assume you'd be able to buy Wind and Fire magic at the same time as Thunder magic if they changed the game this way.

I don't know offhand, but if Fire were buyable in 1-4 like Thunder, wouldn't it also be forgeable (I don't know if Thunder is <_<), I would add enough attack so that she could 2HKO Agony, so she'd need 30 attack... so +3 Might thanks to effective bonus would give her 31.

Oh, and Ilyana can class change to priest and heal in Part 1.

A dying rat could class chance to Priest and heal Part 1, the magic boost is ridonkulous. <_>

Edited by Paperblade
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I assume you'd be able to buy Wind and Fire magic at the same time as Thunder magic if they changed the game this way.

I don't know offhand, but if Fire were buyable in 1-4 like Thunder, wouldn't it also be forgeable (I don't know if Thunder is <_<), I would add enough attack so that she could 2HKO Agony, so she'd need 30 attack... so +3 Might thanks to effective bonus would give her 31.

Well, thunder is forgeable in 1-4. If you could have a fire mage I don't see why not.

(using fire mage bases/growths and priest (F) bases/growths.)

Um, Priest (F), mag growth is 35%.

Fire Mage gets 65%.

Laura's mag growth = 70%.

New mag growth = 100%.


Base mag drops by 2 (8 to 6), but it's not really very relevant in about 6 or 7 levels on average, and she becomes rng proof for mag. Speed growth drops to 50%, but the base goes from 5 to 9.

Takes 20 levels for it to matter (ignoring caps). And speaking of caps the spd cap goes up past 15 in first tier. Luck cap takes a nosedive, though, so eventual avo is lower. Rexflame and a +1 on her cap should take away some of the pain of that. Err, luck growth becomes 0%. That hurts.

Oh well. Parts of it works. Just switch her every time laguz appear.

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Luck doesn't change with class if we're doing this FEDS style. >_>

I've also been using the male version for all classes since the male versions are more in line with each other compared to female versions.

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Luck doesn't change with class if we're doing this FEDS style. >_>

I've also been using the male version for all classes since the male versions are more in line with each other compared to female versions.

So priest (M)?

Also, what about luck growth? Even if the base itself doesn't change, are you not at least changing the growth? (I never played FEDS, I take it they do not change the growth?) On the bright side, it wouldn't kill her luck growth completely anymore even if you did change luck growth. Anyway, it also means mag growth doesn't change, which is probably more reasonable than a 100% mag growth. Even with the drop in the base (only 1 using M for both) it's still great that she can attack at all especially if she can get fire for 1-4. And the speed just goes up even more now (higher base by just 1 but no drop in speed growth). Especially since the 15 speed cap changes to 20. And a 25 cap in tier 2 means she'll go from 6 to 19.3 in tier 1 on average and then 20.3 to 25 in tier 2 would cap really fast (20/8) and then 27 to 32 caps by 20/8/9. Well, those levels at the latest more often than not I suppose. Averages aren't fixed mode, I realize.

Str base up 1, growth -.05, but .15 should still get her to 13 in time for rexflame easily enough, considering 4 + 3 + 5 = 12 with just bases and promotion bonuses. 1 point in 30 levels should be easy enough. Over 99% after just 30 levels (since she caps mag and speed in less than 30 levels pretty easily).

Mag caps slower than before, but faster than spd anyway.

Out of curiosity, does anyone think they would raise the normal Laura if her mag/skl/spd caps were removed for each tier? 50.9 mag, 45.9 skl, 47.9 spd at 20/20/20. Though I suppose even with proper motivation it would still be too hard to get her there. Of course, even 15/15/15 means 40.5 mag, 35.4 skl, 37.4 spd, much better than Micky (though removing her mag cap would also make a crazy character, and about 55.6 luck at max level and 55.6 mag and 58.3 res). Well, Fire Mage reclassing makes it so much easier to raise Laura and she doesn't even lose mag/spd growth.

Loses .1 hp growth and .05 skl growth(slightly less overkill) and .15 lck growth (don't let her get attacked by stuff with crit, duh) and gains .15 res growth (actually caps on average near 20/20/20 (19/19/19 works) now, yay). Well, the hp growth is probably the only big deal, but it took a long time before she could take more than one hit anyway.

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Looking at the growth page on this site, it's looking that Luck growth doesn't change.

Except that is a consequence of this. Since the classes have a 0% luck growth, it stays the same for the characters in any class. Classes don't have a 0% luck growth in RD.

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Looking at the growth page on this site, it's looking that Luck growth doesn't change.

Except that is a consequence of this. Since the classes have a 0% luck growth, it stays the same for the characters in any class. Classes don't have a 0% luck growth in RD.

Oh, right. I only checked class bases and character growths since I had to leave for class. <_>

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Ilyana as an armor (axe):

55 45 50 60 30 40 30 50

Thunder Mage (M)

55 hp, 15 str, 65 mag, 45 skl, 45 spd, 20 lck, 30 def, 45 res.

+0, +30, -15, +15, -15, +20, +0, +5

From Thunder Mage (F):

-5, +30, -15, +10, -25, +20, +5, -15.

Armor Axe

90 hp, 45 str, 20 mag, 45 skl, 65 spd, 25 lck, 40 def, 20 res.

So Armor Axe Ilyana:

90% hp, 75% str, 5% mag, 60% skl, 50% spd, 45% lck, 40% def, 25% res.

Or going by Thunder Mage (F), her growths become:

85% hp, 75% str, 5% mag, 55% skl, 40% spd, 45% lck, 45% def, 5% res.

Res could hurt her later on, speed is better than the original but now only decent.

Okay, sure, her def growth is only barely better than Meg's, but look at that hp and str! Even her speed growth is passable.



22 hp, 6 str, 12 mag, 12 skl, 13 spd, 6 lck, 3 def, 9 res, 5 con, 5 wt, 5 mv.

Thunder Mage (M)

16 hp, 5 str, 5 mag, 7 skl, 6 spd, 5 lck, 2 def, 5 res, 9 con, 9 wt, 5 mv.

+6, +1, +7, +5, +7, +1, +1, +4, -4, -4, +0.

Armor Axe

21 hp, 10 str, 0 mag, 7 skl, 4 spd, 7 lck, 11 def, 4 res, 12 con, 20 wt, 5 mov.

Armor Axe Ilyana

27 hp, 11 str, 7 mag, 12 skl, 11 spd, 8 lck, 12 def, 8 res, 8 con, 16 wt, 5 mov.

90% hp, 75% str, 5% mag, 60% skl, 50% spd, 45% lck, 40% def, 25% res.

I suppose at level 12 her def is a problem, but being female she gets +5 total from her two promotions. However, the 40% growth even after 46 levels and her promo bonus makes only 35.4 def.

Using Thunder Mage (F)'s bases, yields:

Armor Axe Ilyana

27 hp, 15 str, 9 mag, 16 skl, 13 spd, 8 lck, 13 def, 8 res, 12 con, 20 wt, 5 mov.

85% hp, 75% str, 5% mag, 55% skl, 40% spd, 45% lck, 45% def, 5% res.

I guess I'll stick to the Thunder (M) version, although it takes 20 levels before the M version catches up in speed to the (F) version, but with 26 levels more afterwards it means better speed down the road. The defence of course is better for the Thunder (F), and ignoring caps will hit 38.7 at 20/20/20.

Anyway, based on HP caps of 40/45/60 like Meg's and str caps of 20/27/36, Ilyana has 8 levels before tier 2, another 19 before tier 3, another 19 till level cap.

Lv 12 Armor Axe Ilyana

27 hp, 11 str, 7 mag, 12 skl, 11 spd, 8 lck, 12 def, 8 res, 8 con, 16 wt, 5 mov.

90% hp, 75% str, 5% mag, 60% skl, 50% spd, 45% lck, 40% def, 25% res.

Level 20:

34.2 hp, 17 str, 7.4 mag, 16.8 skl, 15 spd, 11.6 lck, 15.2 def, 10 res.

Level 20/1:

36.2 hp, 19 str, 9.4 mag, 17.8 skl, 16 spd, 11.6 lck, 17.2 def, 12 res.

Level 20/20, using the floored average of Meg or Brom's caps, 45, 27, 15, 24, 22, 30, 30, 21:

45 hp, 27 str, 10.35 mag, 24 skl, 22 spd, 20.15 lck, 24.8 def, 16.75 res.

hp caps at: 20/11

str caps at: 20/12

skl caps at: 20/12

spd caps at: 20/13

If 3 out of the last 7 levels are bexp'd instead (over 5 or more chapters so it's all like 20 exp at a time in 3 different chapter bases) she will almost certainly get luck/def/res and no magic, considering her res growth is 5x her mag growth and the rest are even more.

So 3 guarantees instead of 1.35 luck, 1.2 def, .75 res.

She could easily have

45 hp, 27 str, 10.35 mag, 24 skl, 22 spd, 21.8 lck, 26.6 def, 19 res.

Or crown at level 20/13 and take a hit in lck/def/res instead of extra.

Level 20/20/1 averages:

49 hp, 30 str, 14.35 mag, 26 skl, 24 spd, 20.15 lck, 27.8 def, 20.75 res.

Level 20/13/1 averages:

49 hp, 30 str, 14.00 mag, 26 skl, 24 spd, 17.00 lck, 25.00 def, 19.00 res.

Level 20/20/20, using the average of Meg and Brom's caps, rounded down, 60 36 20 34 31 30 35 31

60 hp, 36 str, 15.3 mag, 34 skl, 31 spd, 28.7 lck, 35 def, 25.5 res.

hp caps at: 20/20/14

str caps at: 20/20/9

skl caps at: 20/20/15

spd caps at: 20/20/15

def caps at: 20/20/19

Level 20/13/15:

60 hp, 36 str, 14.7 mag, 34 skl, 31 spd, 23.3 lck, 30.6 def, 22.5 res.

The tier 2 speed cap is probably too low for her to be really good, and the def throughout her existence is a little low, but I think the hp and str are funny.

20/13/15 Ilyana would have 60 hp, 36 str, 34 skll, 31 spd.

I think as soon as she hits 20/13 a class change to almost anything else might be in order, at least until 20/20/1, though it might hurt her defense, but at least it should help her res.

Even so, 27hp and 12 def and 11 speed for 1-3 isn't bad. Also 8 luck is enough to avoid crits in 1-4. She's 5HKOd by 18 mt cats and 3HKOd by 24 mt tigers or combinations of 24 mt + 26 mt tigers. Only two 26 mt tigers would be capable of 2HKOing her, and in 2 levels she has an 81% chance of that no longer being the case, ignoring def growth. Higher if you include def growth. Only 36% chance of pulling hp + def, though, so one level is not likely to do it. 5 or 6 levels away from wielding Steel Axe without spd loss, 1 or 2 levels away from wielding hand axes with AS loss, and at base does not lose AS from Iron Axe.

I think she is better than Brom, at least, though she is less tankish, but at least she has better speed and may actually hit 22 AS before all the enemies get past 18, and will eventually avoid getting doubled by swordmasters.

I think it's funny her current hp/str/def growths either tie or beat Zihark's current growths, though. He stomps her spd, though. His only growths that are actually better are skill and speed. Of course, bases are a different matter entirely.

Of course, any unit with a big + in str and doesn't have a big - in hp or def will make a decent axe armor, thanks to the 90% hp and 65% spd growths that come with it.

Rolf would be particularly amusing, though, with his +25 hp and +40 str and +20 spd. Of course, his +0 skill and -15 luck and -10 def and -5 res aren't doing him any favours.

115% hp, 85% str, 10% mag, 45% skill, 85% spd, 10% luck, 30% def, 15% res.

If there wasn't a hp cap he'd probably be fine, but he's basically going to face crit rates from everything (depending on base) and not gain much def or res compared to other users. Of course, the spd caps hurt and it's first tier but he's second tier and Axe Generals growths aren't nearly as high. In fact, many of them are quite bad.

So the only units eligible for Axe Armour's crazy growths are the tier 1 DBers. Aside from Bandits and SP classes I think Axe Armour might have the best overall growths out there, at least if the unit taking Axe Armour happens to have a good luck boost, because otherwise the 25% base might hurt. Also, a str boost is needed to reach high amounts quickly, because a 45% growth is good but not great. Any, Ilyana's +30 str and -15 mag make it seem like she's just not in the right class.

Actually, come to think of it, DracoKnight (F) might work, but then she'd have to take from ThunderMage (F) meaning 50% skill growth and 40% speed growth.

65% hp, 75% str, 10% mag, 50% skl, 40% spd, 50% lck, 45% def, 25% res.

26 hp, 11 str, 9 mag, 12 skl, 14 spd, 6 lck, 11 def, 6 res, 7 con, 36 wt, 8 mv

Actually, aside from speed and luck she might make a better DracoKnight than Jill.

50% hp, 45% str, 15% mag, 45% skl, 65% spd, 60% lck, 35% def, 45% res.

24 hp, 11 str, 1 mag, 12 skl, 15 spd, 14 luck, 13 def, 3 res, 7 con, 36 wt, 8 mv.

It's debatable, but Ilyana does have higher hp, str, def growths. Trouble is 14 speed and 40% growth isn't as good as 15 speed and 65% growth.

Still, in 27 levels Ilyana gets to 25.8 spd with promotion bonus from tier 1 to tier 2, so eventually caps with 25 speed. Takes until 20/18, though. Also, even at 20/18/20 she only hits 34.6 spd, and takes until 20/18/19 just to hit 34.2 speed to be able to double spirits/auras.

Speed is also her 3rd lowest growth and it takes forever to cap stuff:

Caps for the draco (F) series are:

Dracoknight (F)

40 20 5 20 20 30 20 10

Dragonmaster (F)

50 28 5 26 25 30 25 14

Dragonlord (F)

55 35 10 38 35 35 36 22

Even that 75% str growth takes until 20/13 to cap. Res caps at 20/17 despite the low cap. 20/17/17 to cap tier 3. Magic drops to 5, and she has 9 mag at 12/10/1 but with a 10% growth it could take a long time to cap. 12/10/11 on average. HP caps at 20/20/10 but not before. Str caps tier 3 at 20/13/7. Def caps at 20/20. Then again at 20/20/19. Caps skl at 20/19. Then falls .5 short of 38 at 20/19/20.

At 20/20/10 she has hp and str capped, but spd is still behind skl, lck, and def for capping.

Still, by 20/20/20 she has

55 hp, 35 str, 10 mag, 37.5 skl, 34.6 spd, 29 lck, 36 def, 22 res.

It's hilarious that she'd cap all but skl, spd, lck on average, and is really only one level away from skl and spd.

I think Jill's faster speed growth and slightly higher base make her a better unit, but if Ilyana can start doubling stuff early enough she'll be out damaging Jill by a lot thanks to the difference in their growths but having the same bases and Ilyana being at a lower level. However Jill is safer against things with crit considering a base luck of 8 higher.

DracoKnight(F) isn't a bad class to be, and DracoMaster(F) has the same growths, and so does DracoLord(F). Actually, Ilyana's growth spread gets even better if you compare it to Thunder Sage (F).

Instead of: -5, +30, -15, +10, -25, +20, +5, -15.


+0 hp, +35 str, -10 mag, +15 skl, -20 spd, +20 lck, +5 def, -10 res.

So if she takes Axe Armor in 1st tier and at level 20 switches back to Thunder Mage to promote then switches to DracoMaster she then gets:

70% hp, 80% str, 15% mag, 55% skl, 45% spd, 50% lck, 45% def, 30% res.

Which should fix a few problems. Luck still doesn't come close to capping, but the rest should, and speed should go up faster. Of course, taking Axe Armour from 12 to 20 then switching to Thunder Mage and promoting and then switching to DracoKnight makes it a little complicated to figure out what her 20/1 stats would be, though I suppose I could just take the level 20 axe armour stats from earlier, translate to thunder mage, subtract if anything is over its cap, promote, compare new stats to thunder sage (F) bases, translate to DracoMaster(F).

I don't think she'd lose def in the process, though, but she'd lose 2 str. Something tells me that an 80% growth rate won't really care much. Starts tier 2 at 19 as a DracoMaster(F) anyway. 10(thundermage cap) + 2(promotion) + 7(difference in bases). Caps at 20/13 just like before, this time with extra.

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Looking at Axe Armor Aran:

HP: 25/70

STR: 12/85

MAG: 0/10

SKL: 11/75

SPD: 6/50

LUK: 6/35

DEF: 15/75

RES: 4/5

The resistance hurts, but besides that he's pretty insane. Well, at least growth-wise. He needs 27 levels to catch up in speed, although with a speedwing he only needs to be 20/2. He gets a 1 base HP boost and 20% growth boost. He gets 2 base STR and 10% growth boost. He loses 1 SKL. He loses 4 base speed but gains 15% growth. He gains 4 DEF and 2 RES, but loses 20% of his RES growth (His RES is only ahead for 10 levels). Looking at his 20/1 stats:

HP: 36.1 (+3.6)

STR: 21 (+.25)

MAG: 3.3 (=)

SKL: 21 (=)

SPD: 13.5 (-2.05[.05 with a speedwing])

LUK: 10.55 (=)

DEF: 21 (=)

RES: 6.65 (-.6)

Hmm, it seems like caps hurt him. He'd have 24.05 STR, 21.75 SKL, and 25.75 DEF if it weren't for caps. Durably he'd have 3.6 HP and 4.75 DEF on normal Aran and 3.3 STR offensively. He'd have been pretty awesome for part 3. He's not that far away from being 4HKOd by tigers.

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Looking at Axe Armor Aran:

HP: 25/70

STR: 12/85

MAG: 0/10

SKL: 11/75

SPD: 6/50

LUK: 6/35

DEF: 15/75

RES: 4/5

The resistance hurts, but besides that he's pretty insane. Well, at least growth-wise. He needs 27 levels to catch up in speed, although with a speedwing he only needs to be 20/2. He gets a 1 base HP boost and 20% growth boost. He gets 2 base STR and 10% growth boost. He loses 1 SKL. He loses 4 base speed but gains 15% growth. He gains 4 DEF and 2 RES, but loses 20% of his RES growth (His RES is only ahead for 10 levels). Looking at his 20/1 stats:

HP: 36.1 (+3.6)

STR: 21 (+.25)

MAG: 3.3 (=)

SKL: 21 (=)

SPD: 13.5 (-2.05[.05 with a speedwing])

LUK: 10.55 (=)

DEF: 21 (=)

RES: 6.65 (-.6)

Hmm, it seems like caps hurt him. He'd have 24.05 STR, 21.75 SKL, and 25.75 DEF if it weren't for caps. Durably he'd have 3.6 HP and 4.75 DEF on normal Aran and 3.3 STR offensively. He'd have been pretty awesome for part 3. He's not that far away from being 4HKOd by tigers.

check this

He actually gets a +2 luck increase above base, making him safe from criticals in 1-4.

Axe Armours aren't quite at the level of Bandits, but aside from the spd drop they are pretty sick.

And 25hp/15def/8lck would be nice there.

The 18 mt cats do 6 damage, and the 24mt tigers do 18. He's still 2RKOd by tigers, but at least the cats 5RKO, which lets him pretty much ignore them if he gets some healing, well, unless he also gets attacked by a 26 mt tiger. He can take 1 24mt tiger and 1 18 mt cat. The biggest increase to his usefulness would have to be the +2 luck, same reason Axe Armour Ilyana is so great here. Oh, and she has more hp than your Aran, and since she isn't doubled in 1-4 that would make Axe Armour Ilyana > Axe Armour Aran for that chapter, whatever happens later (Aran does have a much better def growth even after Ilyana's change of class). It'll take a while before he stops getting doubled by everything, but I suppose after 27 levels it could start paying off. Just, that's like half his lifetime catching up, more even if it's HM where he doesn't hit 20/20/20 because almost no units do. So until then, what he's getting is an initial def increase and more hp, and his def caps really quickly allowing bexp in part 1, though it will just go into hp/str/skl anyway. str/skl should cap by level 19, though, meaning he'd be able to bexp from level 15, probably cap those at level 18, and bexp spd, except that could result in less spd than average. Still, looks interesting. At least 16 AS tigers don't double him in 3-6.

Aside from hp and speed, though, soldier growths are pretty good too, so he's not getting as much as other units do.


+20 = 70

-5 = 70

0 = 10

0 = 75

+15 = 50

0 = 35

0 = 70

-20 = 5

only hp and spd go up: by 20 and 15.

Res drops to really low amounts, so he'll have to stay away from sages forever. He gets more res out of his promotion from tier 2 to tier 3 as he does from the 51 levels he gets going from level 7 to level 20/20/20. He gets as much from the first promotion as from 20 levels.

He ends with 12.55 res at 20/20/20.

I can't figure out if you were looking at soldier or halb(M) for Aran's growths, though, since the hp increase indicates soldier but the str increase indicates halb. Also, the speed increase indicates soldier as well. And I can't figure out just where the 75% def comes from. Halb (F)?

Actually, I kinda want to play my Axe Armour Ilyana in part 1 then switch her back to thunder mage for promotion then switch to Dragonmaster (F). I suppose if it's only legal to make the classes to which I have access, though, then I couldn't do any of that. She'd just be so good. That str growth is nuts. And the Axe Armour hp growth? Of course, some units go over 100 for their Axe Armour hp growth, but oh well. And I know it's not legal, but I'd love to take Micaiah's growths (class base of zero) and switch her to bandit or something. Then at level 20 when Bandit can't promote switch to something that would prevent as many stats from dropping to their new caps as possible. Actually, she could probably switch back around level 15 or something, considering everything is sure to cap by then.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Hmm, maybe I looked at Halb for the strength growth, whoops. And the 75% defense was just a typo. Although he could take the 1-E speedwing and he'd catch up in speed by 20/2.

Actually, I'll take a look at Bandit Aran. Let's just see how awesome he is:

HP: 29

STR: 11

MAG: 0

SKL: 8

SPD: 8

LUK: 1

DEF: 7

RES: 0

... Are their growths amazing? Because those numbers are pretty awful. He just lost 5 LUK, so now his 1-4 is worse, and then he lost a lot in other stats: -4 SKL, -2 SPD, -4 DEF, and -2 RES. He got 1 STR and 4 HP... Yes, yes they are:

HP: 85

STR: 85

MAG: 0

SKL: 105

SPD: 60

LUK: 80

DEF: 120

RES: 35

I'm thinking his caps would hurt him again. Those growths are pretty insane, but I honestly don't think this would really be any better than Armor Axe Aran. It has some small leads, but Armor Axe Aran is already capping out DEF easily, so he's not running into problems with his defense. The main thing is that Armor Axe Aran isn't facing crit rates, but Bandit Aran does have the potential to be 4HKOd in Part 3. He just has trouble getting there with his bases. Hmm.

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Hmm, maybe I looked at Halb for the strength growth, whoops. And the 75% defense was just a typo. Although he could take the 1-E speedwing and he'd catch up in speed by 20/2.

Actually, I'll take a look at Bandit Aran. Let's just see how awesome he is:

HP: 29

STR: 11

MAG: 0

SKL: 8

SPD: 8

LUK: 1

DEF: 7

RES: 0

... Are their growths amazing? Because those numbers are pretty awful. He just lost 5 LUK, so now his 1-4 is worse, and then he lost a lot in other stats: -4 SKL, -2 SPD, -4 DEF, and -2 RES. He got 1 STR and 4 HP... Yes, yes they are:

HP: 85

STR: 85

MAG: 0

SKL: 105

SPD: 60

LUK: 80

DEF: 120

RES: 35

I'm thinking his caps would hurt him again. Those growths are pretty insane, but I honestly don't think this would really be any better than Armor Axe Aran. It has some small leads, but Armor Axe Aran is already capping out DEF easily, so he's not running into problems with his defense. The main thing is that Armor Axe Aran isn't facing crit rates, but Bandit Aran does have the potential to be 4HKOd in Part 3. He just has trouble getting there with his bases. Hmm.

Actually, I thing that he might lose 3 str as well. Bandit's base str is one higher, but they also have a -4 str according to this:

Bandit 0 Str -4

I think "other" would apply during a change of class, though maybe other only applies at the creation of the unit, in which case Aran would not lose 3 str, and he would gain 1 like you said.

If soldier's growths weren't already pretty good, I wonder what other class he could go with? A lot of the classes have less spd growth than Soldier, though, so it probably limits his choices. If he was female, I'd say dracoknight, but he's not.

Anyway, Axe Armour is his best bet for 1-4, thanks to the luck boost. Really, if Axe Armour was an option but you could only have one, there would be a fight amongst the characters on which one gets it, considering how amazing those are in first tier, despite the lowish spd base. That hp growth is just too good, and the def base as well.

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If he lost 3 strength too, then I'd say Bandit's definitely a no go for Aran. I wonder how Axe Armor Eddie does:

HP: 22/110 (19/85)

STR: 11/65 (7/60)

MAG: 0/5 (0/5)

SKL: 8/65 (11/65)

SPD: 5/75 (12/60)

LUK: 8/45 (8/50)

DEF: 12/35 (5/35)

RES: 4/0 (0/20)

Pretty awesome. I wonder how much better he would be...

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If he lost 3 strength too, then I'd say Bandit's definitely a no go for Aran. I wonder how Axe Armor Eddie does:

HP: 22/110 (19/85)

STR: 11/65 (7/60)

MAG: 0/5 (0/5)

SKL: 8/65 (11/65)

SPD: 5/75 (12/60)

LUK: 8/45 (8/50)

DEF: 12/35 (5/35)

RES: 4/0 (0/20)

Pretty awesome. I wonder how much better he would be...

10 luck.

I think we could stick Axe Armour on almost anybody and they'd be fun. At least, as long as they switch classes to something else before promoting and pick a class with better tier 2 speed caps.

I suppose Ed's got some speed issues, though, with needing ~47 levels before he catches up. Of course, that's why he just class changes to something with a higher speed base at level 20. Still, at level 20 he has 17 speed anyway, 13 above base, so anything with a base of 7 or more will be instacap when he switches. 39.6hp, as well. 18.6 above base, so that goes into another class. Fighter or something to prevent losing hp. Too bad his def growth doesn't change. He's mostly assisted by the better base and higher hp cap. 4 levels still only yields 8 AS, though, so he's doubled in 1-4. 26hp/13def by level 8, though. Cats do 10 damage, 26mt tigers ORKO, 24mt tigers 2RKO. He suffers for a little bit, but then does okay once his spd growth kicks in. And by "okay" I mean more concrete durability than Zihark/Sothe. Again, too bad about that def growth.

Really, it needs to be a unit that is a fair amount of spd above their base so that the 4 speed base doesn't hurt overly much. It's strange, but I think Ilyana really does become the best axe armour there is.

Check out Leo:


Archer -> Axe Armour

lv 4

17 + 2 = 19hp

8 + 1 = 9 str

0 + 0 = 0 mag

12 - 3 = 9 skl

10 - 4 = 6 spd

6 + 2 = 8 lck

5 + 6 = 11 def

4 + 3 = 7 res

7 + 2 = 9 con

7 + 10 = 17 wt

6 - 1 = 5 mov

60 + 25 = 85% hp

40 - 10 = 30% str

15 + 10 = 25% mag

75 + 0 = 75% skill

35 + 15 = 50% spd

65 - 5 = 60% lck

35 - 5 = 30% def

55 - 15 = 40% res

Well, def is a problem yet again, and he's 10 levels from just 11 AS. That str growth is quite bad, too. All it does for him is hp and spd, but it hurts his str and def later on, and his spd sucks for now so he's stuck getting doubled until he gets enough spd and hp to class change into something better.

I'm starting to think it's only really good for Aran and Ilyana. And for Aran it's mostly because of the +2 lck.

So mostly Ilyana.

Nolan for example would only gain 10% hp growth and 20% spd growth, but lose 4 spd from his base and aside from that only mag goes up in growths. Of course, +6def never hurt anybody.

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