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Best/Worst in the Series Round 26


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Best: FE3 Palla. WOW. People think Elincia is better than her? Jesus people.

Worst: IT was between Juno and Est. But I'll go with Est.

Note: Elincia counts as well, but Tanith's reinforcements do not. Units that are dracos after promotion from Peg Knights do not count (so Paola, Katua and Est can only be said for FEDS, Minerva does not count at all.)

That shouldn't be surprising anyway there's more people that've played the US games than those that've played the SNES or all.

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Best: FE3 Book 2 Paola. Any other answer is incorrect.

Worst: FE3 Book 1 Est.

Note: Elincia counts as well, but Tanith's reinforcements do not. Units that are dracos after promotion from Peg Knights do not count (so Paola, Katua and Est can only be said for FEDS, Minerva does not count at all.)

Argh. Well, I think that this can be remedied before long. Once I get my laptop I should be able to do run these topics again. Anyways...

Best: I'll be the oddball and say Karin, because of her flying utility monopoly for quite a while and her support with Felgus.

Worst: SD Est.

Just a nitpick here:

Dean has the near-complete monopoly.

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Note: Elincia counts as well, but Tanith's reinforcements do not. Units that are dracos after promotion from Peg Knights do not count (so Paola, Katua and Est can only be said for FEDS, Minerva does not count at all.)

Best: FE3 Palla. WOW. People think Elincia is better than her? Jesus people.

Worst: IT was between Juno and Est. But I'll go with Est.

Just because you spelled her name differently doesn't make her a valid option.

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Personally, I don't really see how FE9 Tanith is the best. Her bases are pretty underwhelming for her level IMO (20/1 Marcia's pretty comparable to her), and I never really found Reinforce to be omgwtfamazing.

Mostly picked her because I couldn't pick FE 3-2 Paola.

This said, pretty damn dodgy with supports, offers good fighting and summons do have their uses in clearing the maps easier or distracting enemies.

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Personally, I don't really see how FE9 Tanith is the best. Her bases are pretty underwhelming for her level IMO (20/1 Marcia's pretty comparable to her), and I never really found Reinforce to be omgwtfamazing.

Mostly picked her because I couldn't pick FE 3-2 Paola.

This said, pretty damn dodgy with supports, offers good fighting and summons do have their uses in clearing the maps easier or distracting enemies.

I admitted that her reinforcements are useful. However, Tanith's base stats aren't really that much better than 20/1 Marcia's stats. (IIRC, she only wins Mag, Speed, and Luck by significant anounts, but I doubt there's very much that Tanith's overkill speed will let her double that Marcia may fail to.) And her level lead hurts her in this case, seeing as Marcia's improving faster than her. Not good when your opponent's quite comparable to you even when 9 levels down. As for supports... Marcia is her best partner, without a doubt. Tanith/Reyson is extremely questionable because of the huge move difference that lasts about half the time. Also, dancer-type units aren't exactly wise support choices since their ability makes people move further AWAY from them. That leaves Reinforce, and tbh, I don't really think it's that great...

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Tanith/Reyson is extremely questionable because of the huge move difference that lasts about half the time. Also, dancer-type units aren't exactly wise support choices since their ability makes people move further AWAY from them.

That only really applies in the games units need to be next to each other to build supports, but that obviously is not how it works in PoR. I have not tried ReysonxTanith myself so I don't know how easy it is to keep them together, but if you give Reyson the Knight Ring (Which I usually do and think is a good idea) I can't imagine it being too difficult.

And there's also Oscar anyway.

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Tanith/Reyson is extremely questionable because of the huge move difference that lasts about half the time. Also, dancer-type units aren't exactly wise support choices since their ability makes people move further AWAY from them.

That only really applies in the games units need to be next to each other to build supports, but that obviously is not how it works in PoR. I have not tried ReysonxTanith myself so I don't know how easy it is to keep them together, but if you give Reyson the Knight Ring (Which I usually do and think is a good idea) I can't imagine it being too difficult.

And there's also Oscar anyway.

I get the move difference card played against me when I mention Ilyana/Mordecai, yet you're defending a support that has an even greater move gap? :mellow: Also, even if you don't have to be adjacent to each other to build the support, you have to be within three spaces to benefit from a support.

Granted, Tanith has Oscar, but... While I'd want to question who Oscar would perfer to support, I won't bother.

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I get the move difference card played against me when I mention Ilyana/Mordecai, yet you're defending a support that has an even greater move gap? :mellow: Also, even if you don't have to be adjacent to each other to build the support, you have to be within three spaces to benefit from a support.

Granted, Tanith has Oscar, but... While I'd want to question who Oscar would perfer to support, I won't bother.

Reyson's case is different because he does get more move when he transforms and he's a good candidate for the Knight Ring (And it should be worth mentioning that you can't get it without him). I'm not really against Ilyana/Mordecai myself because keeping units within 3 spaces of each other is quite obviously easier than keeping them right next to each other, and a move difference magnifies the latter more than the former.

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FE3 Palla rapes everything that has to do with Peg units. Well, her and Vanessa.

Say, how would FE8 characters fare in FE6 Hard Mode?

Bring this to another topic, don't do it in here.

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