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Phoenix Wright

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There really are easier/safer/smarter ways to prevent the flu than by putting it directly into your body, weakened, "controlled", or not.

Yeah; it's called an vaccination.

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Okay screw the quoting for today <_<

There really are easier/safer/smarter ways to prevent the flu than by putting it directly into your body, weakened, "controlled", or not.

I'm not a doctor, partially because I'm not interested in the medical field, especially after everything I learned about it. And also because I do not like to study one field too heavily.

Some people, mostly in other countries are immune to almost all forms of sickness because of their strengthened immune systems.

The best way to strengthen your immune system is to clean the garbage out of your body, and oxygenate your body's cells so they can function normally. Most of us aren't functioning normally as it is, and by normally, I mean "optimally". If we were, the flu wouldn't be a problem for us. We either wouldn't get it, or if we did, it would amount to nothing more than an itchy throat for six to twelve hours. The body is designed to fight off everything, even viruses and diseases, the problem is that we're eating less than a fifth of the materials our bodies need to give us perfect or at least near perfect health. Most of us also have an oxygen deficiency hence the cell oxygenation thing I mentioned.

Go ahead and have at that post if ya want. It's just an overly condensed overview of my learningz :awesome::facepalm:

The only people immune to most all diseases are those whose genetics have been optimized so as to accelerate their metabolism. Only a few Japanese women (and I think some test rodents) can, at present, be accurately be classified as such optimized individuals[1] [2] [3]. In fact, some diseases have to be imported[4] to North America because vaccinations have made them extinct in certain regions. I've also been careful not to study any academic field too heavily so as to ensure I have sufficient memory space for daily activities[5], but to the extent of my knowledge the number of individuals immune to illness is restricted to these aforementioned few.

In regard to your other point, the body usually isn't well equipped to fight off everything as you suggested. HIV makes its rounds by infecting cells which play an important role in the immune system itself[6], and Krillin[7] gets beat up by... most everyone, and there are also many other examples I can think of but can't be bothered to check. The Black Death[8] took place in an oxygen rich time between the eras of dinosaurs[9] and cars[10], both of which cause oxygen to break apart and turn into cancer cells, and yet deaths were many! Not getting vaccinated and then continuing to live is equivalent to consorting with a rabid baboon and hoping you don't get bitten. The statistics[11] are not in one's favor.


1. ^ Information on the Cure virus

2. ^ Example of an immunologically optimized individual - Lolipedia

3. ^ Another example of an immunologically optimized individual - Lolipedia

4. ^ I forget what this is

5. ^ Memory as understood by the Church of England

6. ^ Species of StarCraft #Zerg - Wikipedia

7. ^ Something I found with Google - Google

8. ^ Peer reviewed journal #1

9. ^ Jeremy's Halloween outfit 2007!

10. ^ 1926 Study on hybrid forms of transportation - Amish Online

11. ^ Peer reviewed journal #2

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I'm not sure on your facts, or what you claim, but what you say DOES make some sense.

But let me ask you a question first: What was the reason so many Native Americans caught diseases from adventuring Spaniards, and later Brits, French, et cetera? Was it because they didn't have a good diet? Not enough exercise? What was it?

If I eat perfectly, I can fight off the HIV virus too? Wow. Who woulda thought?

The Native Americans caught diseases from the foreigners? Meh, "The More You Know"... Anyway...

Yeah it's all too likely that they were lacking in sufficient amounts of "something" Not necessarily EVERYTHING, but something.

Every culture seems to have its own eating habits and animals/plants they will and won't bother eating. Some diseases probably come from eating certain animals/plants, and/or not eating others.

About the HIV Virus. It is JUST A VIRUS, so if the human body was made strong enough to fight it off, it could be cured. The problem is most noone is strong enough to fight it off, save for the case studies I read about, where people were cured of their HIV and AIDS by cell oxygenation therapies.

There really are easier/safer/smarter ways to prevent the flu than by putting it directly into your body, weakened, "controlled", or not.

Yeah; it's called an vaccination.

So it's easier to get an vaccination than to get a vaccination? :huh:

I was right, you're crazy.

The only people immune to most all diseases are those whose genetics have been optimized so as to accelerate their metabolism. Only a few Japanese women (and I think some test rodents) can, at present, be accurately be classified as such optimized individuals[1] [2] [3]. In fact, some diseases have to be imported[4] to North America because vaccinations have made them extinct in certain regions. I've also been careful not to study any academic field too heavily so as to ensure I have sufficient memory space for daily activities[5], but to the extent of my knowledge the number of individuals immune to illness is restricted to these aforementioned few.

In regard to your other point, the body usually isn't well equipped to fight off everything as you suggested. HIV makes its rounds by infecting cells which play an important role in the immune system itself[6], and Krillin[7] gets beat up by... most everyone, and there are also many other examples I can think of but can't be bothered to check. The Black Death[8] took place in an oxygen rich time between the eras of dinosaurs[9] and cars[10], both of which cause oxygen to break apart and turn into cancer cells, and yet deaths were many! Not getting vaccinated and then continuing to live is equivalent to consorting with a rabid baboon and hoping you don't get bitten. The statistics[11] are not in one's favor.


1. ^ Information on the Cure virus

2. ^ Example of an immunologically optimized individual - Lolipedia

3. ^ Another example of an immunologically optimized individual - Lolipedia

4. ^ I forget what this is

5. ^ Memory as understood by the Church of England

6. ^ Species of StarCraft #Zerg - Wikipedia

7. ^ Something I found with Google - Google

8. ^ Peer reviewed journal #1

9. ^ Jeremy's Halloween outfit 2007!

10. ^ 1926 Study on hybrid forms of transportation - Amish Online

11. ^ Peer reviewed journal #2

Is it me, or does the F.D.A. have us by the balls?

I read once that there is a particular law that was passed here in the US. The law goes like this...

"Only drugs can cure disease"

Basically, this gives certain parties the right to go after individuals, mainly doctors, who practice certain kinds of alternative methods of curing disease. People can actually have their medical licenses stripped from them for claiming that they have something that's not a drug that can "cure" a disease.

With that said, is it really any wonder that most of what we hear pertaining to illness suggests that humans are simply too weak to survive?

Look, the Earth has undergone some massive geographical and atmospheric changes in the last 6,000 years. Humans may not be perfectly immune to everything, but our bodies are not designed to crap out like this. There are a hell of a lot of sources that cause our bodies to be this weak and over reliant on medicine.

#1 Location

People living in different areas of the world tend to have slightly different health problems. Example? China and the increasing Asthma diagnosis. Living in a location with as little crap in the air as possible would change this.

#2 Food

A perfect diet is statistically no longer possible. Most of our food is processed nowadays. Processed food has almost no benefits compared to whole and organic foods. The foods that are "whole" and even "organic" aren't going to give you a perfect diet either. Chemicals are all over the place now, and thye get into everything. There is nothing you can do to avoid these foreign chemicals.

#3 Exposure

UV Exposure. Light doses of ANYTHING that's bad for you is still bad for you and radiation is a big one. This can effect everything from genetics in pre-birth, to the speed of aging, and cellular growth rates.

Chemical Exposure. Chemicals can have a number of effects on our bodies and everything we consume or touch. The simple fact is that we can't do anything about this other than to limit our exposure to it. Did you know that there was a semen decrease in American males reported not too long ago? It's mainly because there's trace(Harmless?) amounts of estrogen in our drinking water. Avoid that.

#4 Mental Health

"Don't worry, be happy"

Your mental state effects your body's state. Example? An example I've heard of was startling. It was that being angry for twenty minutes or longer is enough to shut down your immune system for 24 hours. With that said, the best way to avoid getting Swine Flu, is to keep your immune system at least "functional" by not getting pissed off all the time. Do what makes you happy.

#5 Genetics

Genetics are nature's cards, which she deals you before you know what the word "deal" means. Genetics are your overall position on the health chart ranging from dead within seconds after birth, up to perfect and flawless. It basically determines how high up the health chart you can go, and sets an absolute "limit" for you. There's nothing you can do in this area but be as healthy as possible.

Stack all five of these on top of each other, and you've got billions of sick people suckling to the pharmacies. Humans are not designed to get sick. Under the right conditions and living environment, we could never get sick at all. The problem is all of the above :facepalm:

Edited by Phoenix
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I'm not sure on your facts, or what you claim, but what you say DOES make some sense.

But let me ask you a question first: What was the reason so many Native Americans caught diseases from adventuring Spaniards, and later Brits, French, et cetera? Was it because they didn't have a good diet? Not enough exercise? What was it?

If I eat perfectly, I can fight off the HIV virus too? Wow. Who woulda thought?

The Native Americans caught diseases from the foreigners? Meh, "The More You Know"... Anyway...

Yeah it's all too likely that they were lacking in sufficient amounts of "something" Not necessarily EVERYTHING, but something.

Every culture seems to have its own eating habits and animals/plants they will and won't bother eating. Some diseases probably come from eating certain animals/plants, and/or not eating others.

About the HIV Virus. It is JUST A VIRUS, so if the human body was made strong enough to fight it off, it could be cured. The problem is most noone is strong enough to fight it off, save for the case studies I read about, where people were cured of their HIV and AIDS by cell oxygenation therapies.

There really are easier/safer/smarter ways to prevent the flu than by putting it directly into your body, weakened, "controlled", or not.

Yeah; it's called an vaccination.

So it's easier to get an vaccination than to get a vaccination? :huh:

I was right, you're crazy.

The only people immune to most all diseases are those whose genetics have been optimized so as to accelerate their metabolism. Only a few Japanese women (and I think some test rodents) can, at present, be accurately be classified as such optimized individuals[1] [2] [3]. In fact, some diseases have to be imported[4] to North America because vaccinations have made them extinct in certain regions. I've also been careful not to study any academic field too heavily so as to ensure I have sufficient memory space for daily activities[5], but to the extent of my knowledge the number of individuals immune to illness is restricted to these aforementioned few.

In regard to your other point, the body usually isn't well equipped to fight off everything as you suggested. HIV makes its rounds by infecting cells which play an important role in the immune system itself[6], and Krillin[7] gets beat up by... most everyone, and there are also many other examples I can think of but can't be bothered to check. The Black Death[8] took place in an oxygen rich time between the eras of dinosaurs[9] and cars[10], both of which cause oxygen to break apart and turn into cancer cells, and yet deaths were many! Not getting vaccinated and then continuing to live is equivalent to consorting with a rabid baboon and hoping you don't get bitten. The statistics[11] are not in one's favor.


1. ^ Information on the Cure virus

2. ^ Example of an immunologically optimized individual - Lolipedia

3. ^ Another example of an immunologically optimized individual - Lolipedia

4. ^ I forget what this is

5. ^ Memory as understood by the Church of England

6. ^ Species of StarCraft #Zerg - Wikipedia

7. ^ Something I found with Google - Google

8. ^ Peer reviewed journal #1

9. ^ Jeremy's Halloween outfit 2007!

10. ^ 1926 Study on hybrid forms of transportation - Amish Online

11. ^ Peer reviewed journal #2

Is it me, or does the F.D.A. have us by the balls?

I read once that there is a particular law that was passed here in the US. The law goes like this...

"Only drugs can cure disease"

Basically, this gives certain parties the right to go after individuals, mainly doctors, who practice certain kinds of alternative methods of curing disease. People can actually have their medical licenses stripped from them for claiming that they have something that's not a drug that can "cure" a disease.

With that said, is it really any wonder that most of what we hear pertaining to illness suggests that humans are simply too weak to survive?

Look, the Earth has undergone some massive geographical and atmospheric changes in the last 6,000 years. Humans may not be perfectly immune to everything, but our bodies are not designed to crap out like this. There are a hell of a lot of sources that cause our bodies to be this weak and over reliant on medicine.

#1 Location

People living in different areas of the world tend to have slightly different health problems. Example? China and the increasing Asthma diagnosis. Living in a location with as little crap in the air as possible would change this.

#2 Food

A perfect diet is statistically no longer possible. Most of our food is processed nowadays. Processed food has almost no benefits compared to whole and organic foods. The foods that are "whole" and even "organic" aren't going to give you a perfect diet either. Chemicals are all over the place now, and thye get into everything. There is nothing you can do to avoid these foreign chemicals.

#3 Exposure

UV Exposure. Light doses of ANYTHING that's bad for you is still bad for you and radiation is a big one. This can effect everything from genetics in pre-birth, to the speed of aging, and cellular growth rates.

Chemical Exposure. Chemicals can have a number of effects on our bodies and everything we consume or touch. The simple fact is that we can't do anything about this other than to limit our exposure to it. Did you know that there was a semen decrease in American males reported not too long ago? It's mainly because there's trace(Harmless?) amounts of estrogen in our drinking water. Avoid that.

#4 Mental Health

"Don't worry, be happy"

Your mental state effects your body's state. Example? An example I've heard of was startling. It was that being angry for twenty minutes or longer is enough to shut down your immune system for 24 hours. With that said, the best way to avoid getting Swine Flu, is to keep your immune system at least "functional" by not getting pissed off all the time. Do what makes you happy.

#5 Genetics

Genetics are nature's cards, which she deals you before you know what the word "deal" means. Genetics are your overall position on the health chart ranging from dead within seconds after birth, up to perfect and flawless. It basically determines how high up the health chart you can go, and sets an absolute "limit" for you. There's nothing you can do in this area but be as healthy as possible.

Stack all five of these on top of each other, and you've got billions of sick people suckling to the pharmacies. Humans are not designed to get sick. Under the right conditions and living environment, we could never get sick at all. The problem is all of the above :facepalm:

Great, now I have to explain the bald patch resulting from me tearing my hair out after reading this post to my class tomorrow. Thank you.

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Great, now I have to explain the bald patch resulting from me tearing my hair out after reading this post to my class tomorrow. Thank you.

You don't have to tell'em a damn thing. Plead the fifth, and wear a hat.

Haven't you learned by now that I'm rarely going to post anything on topic that you can handle? :lol:

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You do realize that my post wasn't even the start of medical questions (and in other cases facts). Not to mention that Wander is right. The most a body can do is fight a disease IT DOES NOT KNOW and form memory cells to fend it off the next time it decides to infect your body.

The reason why HIV is such a problem is because the B-cells take too long to kill the multiplying HIV viruses. These HIV viruses are also making your own cells burst in the process. So, by you constantly losing T-Cells (or B-Cells, I forget) from the HIV virus, your body becomes MUCH weaker to other diseases. Something as simple as the cold can kill.

Also, viruses mutate. This is really the only reason people ever catch the cold, or the flu more than once. Chicken pox may one day mutate into something deadly, and it'll be an epidemic, or maybe even a pandemic. But, because it mutates so slowly, this won't be for a while.

Phoenix, where did you get this information from?

EDIT: About the cold being able to kill: although it's very unlikely, the virus does gain potency from HIV virus. It might kill, but will most likely only pose a larger problem to you rather than an otherwise healthy person.

Edited by Ben Stein
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You do realize that my post wasn't even the start of medical questions (and in other cases facts). Not to mention that Wander is right. The most a body can do is fight a disease IT DOES NOT KNOW and form memory cells to fend it off the next time it decides to infect your body.

The reason why HIV is such a problem is because the B-cells take too long to kill the multiplying HIV viruses. These HIV viruses are also making your own cells burst in the process. So, by you constantly losing T-Cells (or B-Cells, I forget) from the HIV virus, your body becomes MUCH weaker to other diseases. Something as simple as the cold can kill.

Also, viruses mutate. This is really the only reason people ever catch the cold, or the flu more than once. Chicken pox may one day mutate into something deadly, and it'll be an epidemic, or maybe even a pandemic. But, because it mutates so slowly, this won't be for a while.

Phoenix, where did you get this information from?

EDIT: About the cold being able to kill: although it's very unlikely, the virus does gain potency from HIV virus. It might kill, but will most likely only pose a larger problem to you rather than an otherwise healthy person.

Please don't underestimate your bodies people.

We're living in an environment that's not 100% FOR US. Listen, the human body is a massive collection of cells that work together, all day, everyday, as optimally as possible. The body fights off disease as best it can with what resources are made available by you, mainly in what you eat.

If our bodies were designed to get "sick" a.k.a. designed to become heavily damaged, or weakened on occasion, then our immune systems would have to do at least one of the following:

A. Shut down continually, at random, or at the first sign of foreign invasion.

B. Have very low mitosis rates, to allow for less resistance against foreign agents.

C. Both.

When the body is attacked, the cell mitosis rate(white cell) goes up, not down, which is a sign of defense, not submission. There's no reason for the body to fight off disease constantly/consistently if it were "designed" to be overcome by deficiencies and foreign agents.

But if you're positive that our bodies are naturally flawed to that extreme, then I'd be happy to hear an explanation. After all, I'm not in this to win a disagreement. I'm in it to optimize my own health, by learning all I can.

Also about my sources... I'll tend to study ANYTHING that's not related to modern medicine, WebMD, or anything else that points to standard disease treatment. I study preventative methods, and cures, not drugs, and surgeries.

Try this guys... you can do some research on this stuff yourselves. Try looking for keywords like:

"Alternative Medicine"

"Cure/s found for_____"

"What they don't want you to know" :lol:


Not the keywords I used, initially, but who cares? Go for it. Look for REAL, WORKING, methods, not just new standard practices and what not. Avoid the F.D.A. if possible, as they and their buddies can't afford it financially to tell you the facts, yet alone endorse them by approving alternative treatments.

And don't give up just because you run into two or twenty five sites that say "It's all a lie, it doesn't cure sh*t!".

I urge anyone reading this to decide for yourselves if you believe what you're researching, ALWAYS.

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Phoenix, do you actually know how the immune system works?

our bodies are naturally flawed to that extreme

Vestigial organs would to have a few words with you.

I study preventative methods, and cures, not drugs, and surgeries.

Oh, go see a homoeopath.

I'll tend to study ANYTHING that's not related to modern medicine, WebMD, or anything else that points to standard disease treatment.

That explains everything. Free tip; don't try to sound like you know something about anything if you've not even researched it. It only reinforces the images we have of you... that you're a retard.

I study preventative methods

Like vaccinations?


Another free tip; studying off the internet is not a good idea. With a ridiculous abundance of information from anyone, you can find "evidence" to support anything, no matter how untrue it actually is.

Why, if I looked hard enough, I could find a website that proves that drinking snake venom cures swine flu.

Edited by Shuuda
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Phoenix, I am going to try to keep this short:

Vaccines, by their nature, are probably the best possible way to prevent yourself from getting a disease, barring completely avoiding any place where you could get the disease, which in many cases would be nearly impossible. No matter how well you eat or how much you exercise, you cannot become immune to diseases. Yes, healthier people generally have an easier time fighting off viruses, but it in no way confers immunity.

There are numerous cases, throughout history, were people have died due to having no natural immunity to a disease. For example, when Europeans settled in North and South America, native populations were absolutely devastated by diseases such as smallpox. This had absolutely nothing to do with their diet or living habits. The reason they were decimated is because they did not have a natural immunity (that is, their ancestors had never encountered the disease, therefore they were not able to evolve an immunity or resistance to it), and because they had no built up immunity, due to never having encountered similar diseases. That is to say, there bodies had absolutely no idea how to handle these diseases. In some cases, such as the smallpox outbreak, the people believed to have carried the disease over from Europe had practically no symptoms, because their body was practically immune to the virus. They carried the virus, but it was hardly severe. However, when it spread from them to the Native people, it was incredibly deadly.

This was not due to eating habits. For the most parts, Native Americans probably had BETTER eating habits than their European cousins, not to mention the fact that the Europeans would have just been on a huge boat trip, with very little food other than biscuits.

When you say vaccines are not a good way to prevent diseases, you are flying in the face of pretty much all legitimate medical research, and mountains and mountains of empirical evidence. We know a lot about diseases and immunity. You can trust medical Scientists, because they are experts.

Seriously, if the people who spend their whole lives scientifically studying these things tell you something, and then you think up a completely different thing on your own, or get it from some crazy guy, who will you trust?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Phoenix, do you actually know how the immune system works?

our bodies are naturally flawed to that extreme

Vestigial organs would to have a few words with you.

I study preventative methods, and cures, not drugs, and surgeries.

Oh, go see a homoeopath.

I'll tend to study ANYTHING that's not related to modern medicine, WebMD, or anything else that points to standard disease treatment.

That explains everything. Free tip; don't try to sound like you know something about anything if you've not even researched it. It only reinforces the images we have of you... that you're a retard.

I study preventative methods

Like vaccinations?


Another free tip; studying off the internet is not a good idea. With a ridiculous abundance of information from anyone, you can find "evidence" to support anything, no matter how untrue it actually is.

Why, if I looked hard enough, I could find a website that proves that drinking snake venom cures swine flu.

Well, when I was caught up in the BS the F.D.A. offers, I tended to hear a lot of this:

"It is thought to help with ___"

"It is been found to increase ___"

"Studies show that taking ___"

Lot of uncertainties and no real help in sight. Why stick with them if they don't even know exactly what their products do? Seriously, right now! Go and look up a common medicine, and look at what it's supposed to do. Do they say with a 100% certainty that it even works? Nooooo... they can't. They make these medicines by throwing a bunch of chemicals together to get a particular effect, and that effect varies from person to person no matter what. They have to ignore the side effects altogether sometimes or they'd never get a product on the shelf. I've been long done with their research.

YOU'RE RIGHT THOUGH, Mr.Opinion=Fact. With the internet, you can prove anything, like the theory of evolution, the existence of aliens, the catholic religion, and you can even prove that both the Bible, and the Quran are 100% true even though they probably contradict each other heavily.

Point is... you can't trust everything you read, that's why I don't. You must think I do the google dance huh? Let me guess, you thought I went to Google, and clicked on the first website I saw involving a miracle cure for something, and then simplified whatever I read from that site? That it? Well that's not even close, Shuuda.

Lastly, since you go to other places besides the internet for information, you must watch tv, aka, the uncontrollable flow of chosen information. You could read books too though, aka, the chosen information for publishing. I guess you could read the newspaper... aka, chosen blablablah.

You make it sound like the internet is the worst source of information, although I'd bet you don't rely on anything else yourself. What? Do YOU know the researchers in person? Or did you have to choose one of the following sources for new knowledge?

TV (Abundance of information from anyone)

Books (Abundance of information from anyone)

Internet (Abundance of information from anyone)

School (standardized information from the highest paid people ONLY)

So which ones do you rely on? :huh:

RevanMan: Let me rephrase what I said.

Vaccines aren't a good way for ME to prevent getting diseases. A good example? Last time I got a flu shot, I got the flu...(this was consecutive) wonder why <_< This was years ago mind you, but it still defeats the purpose. I also noticed that any year I hadn't gotten a flu shot, I'd somehow not gotten the flu either, so as far as I'm concerned, no vaccines, and a bit of caution is the best way to prevent getting the flu for me, and me alone.

Now about the eating and habitats thing. I already told you guys that humans can't become perfectly immune to disease, not in the world today. I already admitted that. Read my posts past the first couple of lines. There's more than just food intake and environment causing us problems.

Now of course the average person trusts the medical researchers. Here's why you trust them.

Question: Why shouldn't we trust the experts? They actually test this stuff and get results.

That's why you trust them. They're so called experts. They surely know the most about health, and that's why we have great products pouring out of the pharmacies that are pretty effective at throwing human bodies into huge imbalances, and producing random side effects. There's no way that a naturalist who's looking at the problem from the source, rather than trying to pass out pain pills like candy could be as knowledgeable as an expert.

Point is... Experts don't get paid to cure diseases, they get paid to compile data, and bombard you with facts that make it easier for the F.D.A. to do its job, which is to steer the public in its desired direction. That direction in my opinion is the wrong one, and that's why I stay the hell away from them and their research, because all I see in their research is that cancer has no known cure(partly because it would hurt them), or that only a drug can cure a disease, even though some household products work better than half of the stuff that the experts gave the thumbs up on.

There's just no way that the "experts"... aka, "human beings" could be wrong could there? Not even in one area? They have to be right? Even though they're proven liars? Even though the people paying them make more money off of bad data? Experts can't ever be wrong because that would be too weird, right? It's not like there was ever a professional who specialized at medicine made a mistake or two, and never learned what the mistake was, and then kept making the same mistakes over and over without ever figuring out what was wrong. That's fine. I don't care. Go ahead and label me a nutjob. I just find it easier to trust research from researchers with a better track record, or at least ones not attached to administrations that have already proven to everyone that they can't even do their own job properly.

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#4 Mental Health

"Don't worry, be happy"

Your mental state effects your body's state. Example? An example I've heard of was startling. It was that being angry for twenty minutes or longer is enough to shut down your immune system for 24 hours. With that said, the best way to avoid getting Swine Flu, is to keep your immune system at least "functional" by not getting pissed off all the time. Do what makes you happy.

That's right. Many people got AIDS or cancer for no reason because they weren't positive enough!

If you really think this will keep you from getting sick, go drink sewer water over the course of a few days while being nothing but positive, tell me how well that works for you. Also, great tip. Be positive all the time, because that's so incredibly easy, right? This basically means nothing that even remotely pisses you off should happen to you, and you won't get sick. Perfectly logical thought, and incredibly likely as well. How does disease manage to keep alive in such a day and age?

Speaking of do things that make you happy, my dad did what made him happy, which was computer programming. Yet, he got colon cancer. Luckily it was caught early (you'd think a tumor the size of a fist would be malignant). He also enjoyed walking his dog. Yet, he got a blood clot.

Positive guy, yet two fatal things got to him, one of them eventually killed him. So I can say from personal experience that this is wrong.

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I've never gotten Vaccinated and I've almost never been sick. I don't want to get vaccinated so there.

I feel very sorry for the cheerleader.

Fun fact. In health we were once shown a video of HIV. There was actually a guy who's immune system killed HIV. His blood just murdered HIV. He got HIV while he was a druggie. All of his friends had died of it.

Edited by Rafael
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I've never gotten Vaccinated and I've almost never been sick. I don't want to get vaccinated so there.

Swine flu can't be stopped by a kinda strong immune system. It targets the immune system.

I feel very sorry for the cheerleader.

No one else does.

Fun fact. In health we were once shown a video of HIV. There was actually a guy who's immune system killed HIV. His blood just murdered HIV. He got HIV while he was a druggie. All of his friends had died of it.

ok. and?

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People have survived swine flu without the vaccine so it's not like it's needed for everyone.


I was just saying... he obviously did something right. People were talking about HIV so I just decided to write it down.

Edited by Rafael
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People have survived swine flu without the vaccine so it's not like it's needed for everyone.

>There is a sickness going around that has a small chance of killing you

>You can easily get a vaccine to prevent it

>You whine and say 'no i dont want to get vaccinated'



I was just saying... he obviously did something right. People were talking about HIV so I just decided to write it down.

He did nothing right. He got lucky.

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#4 Mental Health

"Don't worry, be happy"

Your mental state effects your body's state. Example? An example I've heard of was startling. It was that being angry for twenty minutes or longer is enough to shut down your immune system for 24 hours. With that said, the best way to avoid getting Swine Flu, is to keep your immune system at least "functional" by not getting pissed off all the time. Do what makes you happy.

That's right. Many people got AIDS or cancer for no reason because they weren't positive enough!

If you really think this will keep you from getting sick, go drink sewer water over the course of a few days while being nothing but positive, tell me how well that works for you. Also, great tip. Be positive all the time, because that's so incredibly easy, right? This basically means nothing that even remotely pisses you off should happen to you, and you won't get sick. Perfectly logical thought, and incredibly likely as well. How does disease manage to keep alive in such a day and age?

Speaking of do things that make you happy, my dad did what made him happy, which was computer programming. Yet, he got colon cancer. Luckily it was caught early (you'd think a tumor the size of a fist would be malignant). He also enjoyed walking his dog. Yet, he got a blood clot.

Positive guy, yet two fatal things got to him, one of them eventually killed him. So I can say from personal experience that this is wrong.

I'm so tired of people taking what I say out of context, or taking it to extremes that I never intend, and then get mad at me because it doesn't make sense. I'm sorry you lost your father, but that's got nothing to do with what I was posting.

When I say be positive, it's not intended to cure cancer, yet alone prevent it! It's meant to better your chances of preventing it, and "aids" in curing common problems! How the f*ck could you even take my point that far?! Your body WILL function better if you're more mentally stable, and not stressed or depressed. A Genetic defect, or HIV, cancer, hell none of that stuff is going to be completely toppled by a positive attitude.

Please, don't EVER quote me again unless you've read what you're trying to put down a minimum of fifteen times. I'm getting sick of correcting these horrible interpretations.

Phoenix, please tell me you don't plan on having any kids. Ever.

Not with you :mellow:

EDIT: Instead of responding, I have simply deleted the off-topic parts of this post. I don't want any drama breaking out.

Edited by Shuuda
Deleting off topic drama.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the double post but this topic is dead anyway :awesome:

I heard earlier today that some of the swine flu vaccines are being recalled...

What's this about?

_____ :) _____<---This is where I'd normally poke fun at vaccines and other F.D.A. approved things that get recalled after only a few months, and then say something along the lines of "See, I told you so!", but I'd actually like to know what's really going on rather than just assume that the vaccines are seriously messing people up and hop on a pedestal.

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Sorry for the double post but this topic is dead anyway :awesome:

I heard earlier today that some of the swine flu vaccines are being recalled...

What's this about?

_____ :) _____<---This is where I'd normally poke fun at vaccines and other F.D.A. approved things that get recalled after only a few months, and then say something along the lines of "See, I told you so!", but I'd actually like to know what's really going on rather than just assume that the vaccines are seriously messing people up and hop on a pedestal.

I haven't really looked into this, so I could be completely wrong, but what I have HEARD is that they overestimated the threat and figure they don't actually need to vaccinate everyone.

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Sorry for the double post but this topic is dead anyway :awesome:

I heard earlier today that some of the swine flu vaccines are being recalled...

What's this about?

_____ :) _____<---This is where I'd normally poke fun at vaccines and other F.D.A. approved things that get recalled after only a few months, and then say something along the lines of "See, I told you so!", but I'd actually like to know what's really going on rather than just assume that the vaccines are seriously messing people up and hop on a pedestal.

I haven't really looked into this, so I could be completely wrong, but what I have HEARD is that they overestimated the threat and figure they don't actually need to vaccinate everyone.

That WOULD be the best case scenario... (however, I am a pessimist most of the time :) )

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Sorry for the double post but this topic is dead anyway :awesome:

I heard earlier today that some of the swine flu vaccines are being recalled...

What's this about?

_____ :) _____<---This is where I'd normally poke fun at vaccines and other F.D.A. approved things that get recalled after only a few months, and then say something along the lines of "See, I told you so!", but I'd actually like to know what's really going on rather than just assume that the vaccines are seriously messing people up and hop on a pedestal.

None of my topics die, foo!

I don't know why they recalled vaccines...

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