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Also, Shanam ain't cool. That impersonator... You certainly showed him. :awesome:

:awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

He tried to get girls under Shanan's name, too. Trying to make the prince seem like some sort of...womanizer.

lolwut? You're an Asian Maths genius!

Exactly. I constantly reference mathematics equations and principles so whatever's being said makes sense to me in my terms, and not to mention I am quite violent.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Exactly. I constantly reference mathematics equations and principles so whatever's being said makes sense to me in my terms, and not to mention I am quite violent.

But exactly what makes you awesome! Except the violent bit...

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:awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

He tried to get girls under Shanan's name, too. Trying to make the prince seem like some sort of...womanizer.

:awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

The prince's impersonator deserved that elimination. And knowing you, I left him at the point where you could eradicate him.

Also, how bad of a hindrance do you consider low Luck to be?

Incidentally, I saw Way to Die #302 - Funny Boned. Honestly, I had no idea that laughing long and uncontrollably could kill you, but 36 hours???

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Depends. If one unit has high defenses, then not as much. Or insano-high dodge without the need of luck. I also don't mind mages with low luck, since unless they're Pent or Canas or Saleh they're getting 2HKO'd by anything physical regardless, so just keep them off the frontlines (except Lucius because he's manly and dodges crap anyway)

But if they lack any of that, then yeah.

Also, not at all in FE4 because CEv doesn't exist. Raw crit rates are the critrates ( :awesome: Lakche and her 100+% Crit chances)

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Depends. If one unit has high defenses, then not as much. Or insano-high dodge without the need of luck. I also don't mind mages with low luck, since unless they're Pent or Canas or Saleh they're getting 2HKO'd by anything physical regardless, so just keep them off the frontlines (except Lucius because he's manly and dodges crap anyway)

But if they lack any of that, then yeah.

Also, not at all in FE4 because CEv doesn't exist. Raw crit rates are the critrates ( :awesome: Lakche and her 100+% Crit chances)

Well, I see it mostly the same (if your defenses are good, I'm inclined to not care), but I dislike Saul and Moulder because I see them as "crit-blicks waiting to happen" (ditto Stefan in FE9).

Yeah, the only thing that stops critical hits in FE4 is Nihil (which also cuts short stuff like effective damage, which is good because effective damage in FE4 was a guaranteed critical hit).

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I prefer Natasha and Clarine, since both are wtf dodgetanks, and well, Stefan is hot so I let that slide. *shot*

100 kill weapons are so godly in that game. Especially on a swordmaster. That's 80 Crit right there.

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I prefer Natasha and Clarine, since both are wtf dodgetanks, and well, Stefan is hot so I let that slide. *shot*

100 kill weapons are so godly in that game. Especially on a swordmaster. That's 80 Crit right there.

:awesome: :awesome:

Though for one, I also use Ellen. And second, unless you're looking at a guide of some sort, you aren't going to get Stefan.


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Most of my friends don't understand what the hell I'm saying when I go off on tangents about sine and cosine.

At least you HAVE friends. In plural even. Unlike me :(

:awesome: :awesome:

Though for one, I also use Ellen. And second, unless you're looking at a guide of some sort, you aren't going to get Stefan.


Knowing you, I'm pretty sure your reasons for using Ellen have absolutely nothing to do with how good she is as a unit.

Have to agree with the Stefan bit. Before starting FE9, Fayt gave me only two things to watch out for: Stefan and Shinon's re-recruitment. With enough hints I figured them out, but both of those would likely have been nearly impossible otherwise. In fact, I think the first person who figured out any of those out did so through either insane luck or by checking the game's coding or something.

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Knowing you, I'm pretty sure your reasons for using Ellen have absolutely nothing to do with how good she is as a unit.

Have to agree with the Stefan bit. Before starting FE9, Fayt gave me only two things to watch out for: Stefan and Shinon's re-recruitment. With enough hints I figured them out, but both of those would likely have been nearly impossible otherwise. In fact, I think the first person who figured out any of those out did so through either insane luck or by checking the game's coding or something.

:awesome: :awesome:

Heh... There are some things that are just too obvious (or some things that you just can't hide).

Since it sounds like you're playing RD, you'll want to watch out for this guy:


Again, this guy has the Vague Katti. And again, you'll need to stop on a specific tile with a specific character to get him.

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:awesome: :awesome:

Heh... There are some things that are just too obvious (or some things that you just can't hide).

Since it sounds like you're playing RD, you'll want to watch out for this guy:


Again, this guy has the Vague Katti. And again, you'll need to stop on a specific tile with a specific character to get him.

That's only because you make it too easy.

Hmm, would you mind telling me the chapter number, at least? So that I can keep attempting it a billion times instead of continuing on and missing my chance of recruiting him?

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That's only because you make it too easy.

Hmm, would you mind telling me the chapter number, at least? So that I can keep attempting it a billion times instead of continuing on and missing my chance of recruiting him?


It's Chapter 3 in part 4.

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It's Chapter 3 in part 4.

Thanks, Richter Lanford!


And you call yourself violent

In other news, I reached Chapter 2-E. And I felt so sad at the start of that chapter...

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Thanks, Richter Lanford!

In other news, I reached Chapter 2-E. And I felt so sad at the start of that chapter...

All right. Also, you might want to search the square where the boss of that chapter stands. Not to mention that chapter has the strongest knife weapon in the game. Just a heads-up.

Don't forget the Nullify scroll, which is held by an enemy General near the stairs on the left side of the map.

Also, I assume you didn't get Beastfoe? Which reminds me, RD has hidden treasure in a good deal of maps.

Way to Die #179 - Pam-Caked

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That was... disturbing.

Indeed. Though I've seen worse. Like the guy who got flattened by a steamroller while taking a bathroom break.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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