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5 hours of raeg-fueled stuff.

I hate shading the face. Once the face is over with, the rest can be done in about 6 hours.

That whole FUUUUUUUU- was 'cause I'm, like, super jealous of your drawing ability.

At least I can sprite better! ;~;

Maybe I'll get better once I start doing it on a regular basis; drawing, that is.

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Well, I have like, what 14 years of drawing and private art lessons? I take this stuff super-serious. This piece in particular is to get into college.

I'd better step it up if I want to get into a graphics design program, then >__>

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Just cram photoshop tutorials, or something. And doodle in class for your drawings. :awesome:

Lol, what class :awesome:

There there, Sephy-Sempai~

It'll be okay =3

Did... Did you just refer to me with a Japanese suffix which is meant for people you greatly respect? I am highly confused by this notion <__>

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Oh right, you aren't in school. Silly Lumi.

Doodle on your free time and cram PS tutorials?

Truuuuuuuust me, the second I get that tablet from FS, it's gonna be Photoshop CS5 (Or whatever the latest version is) and doodling aaaaaaaaaall day long. Probably even streaming it, lawl XD

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Lol, what class :awesome:

Did... Did you just refer to me with a Japanese suffix which is meant for people you greatly respect? I am highly confused by this notion <__>

Sephy-Sempai, what's wrong?


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Mine's only a 4x6 and it's already $100.

Oh... MAN, was I off about that price. http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/wacom-intuos4-extra-large-tablet-ptk1240-english-only/10120952.aspx?path=18d37f06c2bb3f674143b4e1bae06a16en02

Well, the 4x6 ones are still less than $100, so, I should be able to afford one soon.

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Oh... MAN, was I off about that price. http://www.futuresho...4e1bae06a16en02

Well, the 4x6 ones are still less than $100, so, I should be able to afford one soon.



They're still amazing, anyway, NO MATTER THE SIIIIZE. Size does matter though

I'm in the same boat as Lumi, Minus the Mac. Plus the Windows.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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4x6 is nice on my laptop since it's a 13 inch.

On bigger screens it's annoying.

Ohlol. That would be awesome for one of those 27 inch screens.

I KNOOOOOOOOOOOW. But, $1000 is WAY out of my price range. Like, holy shit is it ever. I get $20 bucks a week, and I can't get a job, 'cause LolIliveinFrenchland and don't speak French.

Oh well. Maybe I can find something that's, like, 12 inches, or something, and isn't suuuuper expensive.

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