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I still love those silly dheginsea jokes like

what does dheginsea say to microsoft word?

bold! bold I say!

I don't care how old they are.

That's pretty funny. First time I'm seeing the jokes.

I don't really mind FE10. I used to not like some aspects, and I still don't, but after playing it again and again I came to realise that it's not as bad as I thought it to be.

Things I like:

-New items/weapons

-Inventory system

-Skills and improvement of the system

-Battle animations (I never turn them off)

-Soundtrack! God, I love it

-Most all characters


-Design of the game and difficulty

-Aesthetics in general

-The idea of everyone supporting with everyone

-Some story elements

-Other things I can't be bothered to remember

Things I don't like:

-Watered down script (though this isn't as bad as I once thought)

-Some bad choices with the storytelling

-Not enough personality/character development for most new characters (Dawn Brigade especially)

-Micaiah could've been a looooot better

-And uh...that's about it I think

This, pretty much, except for the idea of everybody supporting with everyone. Because it made every single conversation completely generic.

I love him too. I used to fanboy all over him like you wouldn't know (back in 2008).

And I still fanboy over him~

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I liked FE10, it's probably my favourite Fire Emblem... but I didn't like some things they did, like making Falcoknights worse, and Sages (specifically Tormod). As if it wasn't bad enough that Sages were frail and slow, they had to give them shitty offense too.

But they fixed Laguz, they had a good forging system (just get rid of Hand Axe and Javelin forges), BEXP is a lot better, it has good difficulty, and in general it's just fun to play.

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I liked FE10, it's probably my favourite Fire Emblem... but I didn't like some things they did, like making Falcoknights worse, and Sages (specifically Tormod). As if it wasn't bad enough that Sages were frail and slow, they had to give them shitty offense too.

But they fixed Laguz, they had a good forging system (just get rid of Hand Axe and Javelin forges), BEXP is a lot better, it has good difficulty, and in general it's just fun to play.

Sages were fine. What they nerfed was thunder magic, and the amount of playtime Tormod got. He seriously only gets, like 5-7 chapters in the entire game.

And, they did NOT fix laguz. They nerfed them even further than what they were in FE9. The only good thing they gave was the option to revert back to human form when you wanted to. BEXP is only slightly better.

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If your sages are that bad, the RNG hates you. I use Ily every time I play FE10, and she doubles, ORKOs and doesn't get 2HKOd. Sorry, bro. Your personal experience sucks :P

Um, check her averages and go to the HM enemy stats topic in the RD forum. If your Ilyana is ever doubling anything (beyond a couple enemies in her first chapter), you got lucky. Very lucky. Or you manipulated her stat gains by resetting. Though eventually, on average, she does avoid a fair number of 2HKOs late game when she caps def. That still takes a while, though. And she still shouldn't double much if anything.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Ehhh, I don't play hard mode. I'm talking about normal, since Soul didn't mention hard mode.

Even on NM, she has trouble doubling in loads of maps if you don't abuse her level ups. Or she should.

And generally when we complain about units sucking, we are talking HM since that's when things are hardest. Obviously units will perform better on NM when you get effectively 4x as much bexp and every action gives 5 more exp. It's not hard to be good on NM. HM is what separates units in performance ability.

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I guess so, and I wont deny her almost uselessness on hard mode during the middle game.

I still, personally, don't think mages/sages are horrible in FE10.

Laguz on the other hand... Correct me if I'm wrong, but, other than the laguz royals, I'm pretty sure most all of them suck. Bar Ranulf, Skrimir, and Kurthnaga, maybe the hawks. So, pretty much all the beast laguz XD

Edited by seph1212
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I guess so, and I wont deny her almost uselessness on hard mode during the middle game.

I still, personally, don't think mages/sages are horrible in FE10.

Laguz on the other hand... Correct me if I'm wrong, but, other than the laguz royals, I'm pretty sure most all of them suck. Bar Ranulf, Skrimir, and Kurthnaga, maybe the hawks. So, pretty much all the beast laguz XD

Volug is good. At least, part 1 and 3. He's okay in 4, but nothing special. The hawks are definitely good. I'd actually say Ranulf, Skrimir, and Kurth (especially Kurth) are worse than the hawks and Volug. Kurth is epicly worse. Skrimir is significantly worse. Ranulf has cat gauge and is quite far from level 30 (on HM) so he suffers a lot as well.

The herons are obviously great in their chapters, considering they are like dancers only better (except fe4 dancers).

As for the laguz mechanics in fe10 compared to fe9... Having grass with fe9 mechanics (though only giving +10 instead of +15 to match the lower gauge limit) along with the ability to untransform at will might be a better way to go at it. I did not like how laguz were so incredibly weak while not transformed. The worst was how they added the ability to kickbox but made it so that if you actually did damage you couldn't build gauge. The kickboxing is virtually useless on HM, though it can be fun in 3-6 on NM with resolve and beastfoe on Volug.

They probably should've had untransformed units with 75% of the full transformed stats, halfshift would have 87.5% of the full transformed stats, and fully transformed would be 100% (hp and luck at 100% always). They could've built the growths to work off the fully transformed stats.

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I guess so, and I wont deny her almost uselessness on hard mode during the middle game.

I still, personally, don't think mages/sages are horrible in FE10.

Laguz on the other hand... Correct me if I'm wrong, but, other than the laguz royals, I'm pretty sure most all of them suck. Bar Ranulf, Skrimir, and Kurthnaga, maybe the hawks. So, pretty much all the beast laguz XD

Kyza has 30 attack and 22 AS at base. In order to match that attack, Ilyana needs to be about 20/7 and to match his speed she needs to be 20/20. She doesn't match his durability until third tier and never matches his movement. He also has a better growth spread.

So yeah... I can't really understand thinking that laguz are bad and sages are good.

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I really should play through hard mode, so I can know why all these units are more useful than others on it. Since, I find Kurth to be amazing. Dragon foe and paragon, and he's level 40 by the end of part 3 end game.

Personal opinions, yay~

Anouleth, Kyza's pretty bad, at least, for me. And getting Ilyana to promote in part 1 is easy as all hell. Getting her to level 7 is even easier. Fuck, I can get her to archsage by part three, and still have everyone else be at a good level.

And Kyza's a tiger that thinks he's a cat.

@nightmare Muarim's pretty awesome. I like mordy 'cause I could totally use him as a pillow.

Edited by seph1212
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Kyza has 30 attack and 22 AS at base. In order to match that attack, Ilyana needs to be about 20/7 and to match his speed she needs to be 20/20. She doesn't match his durability until third tier and never matches his movement. He also has a better growth spread.

So yeah... I can't really understand thinking that laguz are bad and sages are good.

At least she can actually do stuff every single player phase and doesn't face counters. And she has 1-2 range for the sake of enemy phase.

I'm not seeing Kyza as the clear-cut winner here, frankly.

Muarim is good in part 1, of course. In part 4 he's a crit-blick waiting to happen. If you get lucky with those 10%s not killing him, I guess he's okay with Resolve in 4-4.

Yeah, Mordy can be pretty good with resolve even in HM. Not sure how good for dondon levels of speed, but at more reasonable play speeds he's pretty cool since he's just about immune to physical attackers and even at near half hp can still survive a single hit from sages. He's also better than Kurth and Skrimir. Ranulf is arguable for who is better on HM.

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