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"When asked of his advice on how many men should be trained in the use of the bow og'Un remarked, 'One in twenty from each town. Go there, these men will make themselves known."

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Edit: Oooh a link.

I finished my GLORY TO JEHANNA run.

The last few chapters were really easy thanks to Saleh's warpspamming and Joshie and Gerik being overpowered as usual. On top of that, Gerik Critkilled Lyon.


Eirika, Gerik, and Joshie teamed up on DK. I wanted Saleh to get a hit too, but Saleh gets cleaned ORKO'd. ;^;

That and he hasn't gained a point of Mag since recruitment, and he's level, what, 12? >____<

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I'll summarise a major part of what I'm doing with snippets of text...slowly telling people this bit by bit at my own pace.

The greatest band of heroes assembled were the Six.

Their leader was Noire, the second-greatest hero ever, beaten only by McBjorn the Unstoppable. He used both the sword Gra Galgach and his sorcery.

There was the guardian Ruusar, who was old. Like Jeigan but with massive 20/20 stats. He used a spear with some welsh name I've forgotten.

There was the warrior Scheva, who was youthful and a merc. He used an axe, the mighty Plotbreaker.

There was the seeress Azur, who was blind and weak, but powerful with magic. She used some form of magic.

There was the crusader Celest, who was basically extremely knightly. He loved Azur deeply. His weapon was the sword Kingmaker.

There was the marksman Verta, who hated Celest, thinking him a jacked-up peacock who just wanted to get into Azur's pants. His weapon was the bow Muirchaidh.

Now, their deity's brother was essentially being a douche to the entire continent, so these dudes banded together, did some heroic stuff and killed (actually dismissed) him. Unfortunately in the battle Scheva was killed.

Now each of the Six took land in the wartorn continent to make their own. It was all agreed that Scheva should be represented, and so Noire, being the greatest of them, took over that land too.

The second to die was Azur. She had become even weaker after the ravages of that conflict, and was struck down by disease before she could properly form her kingdom. Celest took over for her, grief-stricken, sending his son Shandervel to rule over her lands and make sure they weren't overrun by banditry.

Verta, who had willingly taken the smallest slice of land, suspected Celest was only trying to gain power. He challenged Celest, and the two battled for three days straight. Finally, Celest won, but he had been crippled permanently...Verta fled and went into hiding.

Ruusar, being old, died five weeks later. Of the Six, only one remained fully active...Noire (a paragon of Neutral Good, compared to Celest's LG and Verta's CG) kept an even-handed peace going.

A few months after this, Verta emerged from hiding. He told Celest that he had seen a portent of the future, and it boded ill...daemons would soon overrun the lands. Before Verta could relay this information to Noire, however, Celest spitefully struck him down, killing him instantly.

But Noire's sorcery had become that much more powerful. He met with Celest, and when Celest's back was turned ran him through, whispering that he had been hoist by his own petard.

I...haven't really worked out what happened next, but daemons are bad. I'm leaning towards it being the armies of the Continent that drive back the hordes.

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Uh, the computer I write on has no internetz...I'll get it up later.

But essentially it revolves around a race known as the Stickfigures (They...aren't, but they believe themselves to be the fevered imaginations of their hungover god, Glince, a part-time Luck Deity trying to pay off his college fees) who live on a continent somewhere in some land. As a race they have many wars, sometimes on technicalities. To an outsider this may not seem...intelligent, but to an informed observer its ingrained in their subconscious to be ever-ready for an invasion of some new threat. Because a lot of people don't like Glince, and want to squish his pet project with theirs. Recently another continent full of the bastards has arrived. And they are really tough at fighting...it took an simple farmer with a strong Gruen accent descended from a camp follower and an army sergeant descended from two great heroes of Yore, armed with the magic sword 'Arsebiter' to defeat the foe. Even now the otherlanders tremble at the very mention of Darren Tropenamer... anyway, they're back. And pissed off, and they actually have a plan, and a lot of people are gonna die, and Tropenamer died over a century ago tripping over an armadillo down a flight of stairs while carrying two knives pointed upwards... It's Lord of the Rings meets The Truman Show. And the afterlife is Asterix; Mount Olympus, Grease.

They originate from drawings I'd do in the margins of books, which later became almost stylised, which later became the focus of a series of sketchbooks. Drawing them became boring, and I'm good at writing, so I decided to switch media. My greatest-written/drawn character was named after a biscuit.

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Go roleplay, Furet.

Nein. There are two paths to walk; one is infested with godmodding, the other has a ruleset that is long, overcomplicated and clashes with my content Chaotic Nonevil.

Furet is a great writer, that's why he's head writer of the hack.


Furet is a workaholic

That is why he is often drunk

I procrastinate too much. Too busy writing this to actually do ... y'know, schoolwork, or hackwork.

I approve of Furet's writing skills.


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Musain, the land of Mages sages shamans clerics, anything Magical.

Vishara, a military based country, mainly Horsebacks and Wyverns and Generals

To add to this description,

Vishara is the "Land of Knights" Honorable and just.

Aukema is something similar to Lycia, balanced, and run by many marquess'.

Onduris is a deadly country, everyone is a sworduser, they spar quite often, though no one dies, as it is ruled by the fair King Jinsei.

-Nothing much is known about Hamisaki due to it's cut off ties to the rest of the continent-

Aukema, the land of foot soldiers, Mercs, Archers, lance users, nomads

Onduris, the land of Swordmasters

Hamisaki would be the Mysterious yet powerful (Even base of classes)

Edited by MeteorLunarSolar
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