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Night Kai.

Need name for Bardman.

(Legends and Lore)

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Jean, Cale, Denis, Matthieu, Guibert, Luis, Roger, Gobain, Philip, Otto, Thomas, Garin, Aubry, Clement, Alvar, Simone, Petrarch, Piers, Francis, Wyclif, Cipolla, John, Jerome, Jaques, Edward, Bartholomew, Walter, Gibouin, Guerri, Raoul, Bernier, Ybert, Amant, Herbert, Droon, Gerard, Henry, Bernard, Peter, Raymond, Leo, Michael, Charles, Olivier, Urban, Eustace, Ludolf, Gislebert, Godfrey, Albert, Victor, Adrian, Karl, Eggihard, Anselm, Haroun, Pippin, Constantine, Bernhard, Hadrian, Augustine, Albinus, Gregori, Brun

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Ever need names, go to http://myth.bungie.org/legends/encyclopedia/who.html

Get Celtic names with Warriors, more European names with Bowmen, Dwarfy names under Dwarf, awesome names under Archer, smashy names under Myrmidon and bandit names under Brigand/Dark Archer.



Edited by Furetchen
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I kinda just want to see how big this looks in a post. Don't click the spoiler.

There are fabled to be two celestial beingsthat give us what our world functions with: night and day. In this tale thetroubadours sought to weave, the being who gave us day was called “Sol” and thebeing that brought night was named “Luna.” Sol and Luna were the best offriends, even though they were polar opposites. They happily and dutifully gaveeach other turns at sharing their gift with Mother Earth and Father Sky, alongwith all the beings in it. They also varied how long each others’ turn was forthe sake of variation. It was perfect harmony. However, one day, Luna decidedshe was tired of sharing her time with Sol. So while Sol was giving the worldday, Luna got in front of Sol and pushed him back.

Sol was confused: he didn’t know why she suddenly turned impatient. He politelyasked her for his position back, but she ignored him and enveloped the world ina dark night. Then he started to try to move her, but she was solidly rooted.But Sol knew this was disrupting the balance, so he drew the power of the starsto him, and walked right into her, and then through her, blocking her night.The whole incident lasted around eight minutes, which was but a blink of an eyein celestial time. He then eased her back, and told her that he forgave her forher impulse. Somehow, the way Sol gently made peace with her snapped her backinto focus, and she agreed to slip back into the cycle. This incident, that thepeople of the world called the solar eclipse, only happened once.

Well, once with them.


“Don’t be so offensive! Keep thrusting yourself forward and you’ll end upjumping into my sword!” my mentor yelled.

Already exhausted, all I could do was grunt in acknowledgement and go on withfencing. I keep slashing, left and right, but my mentor kept on parrying thenpushing me back. Finally I lunged at him and our swords clashed midair. For amoment we were frozen, swords connected and shaking, but then he drew in andthrust his momentum out and I was forced back.

Still off balance, he threw his sword at me and it hit me squarely in thechest.

“That was a dirty trick,” I exhaled.

“All is fair in love and war” he replied, sounding pleased. Did I just hearjust the slightest hint of short breath in his voice?

Before I could ponder it further he was already upon me declaring round two then picking up his sword. He stabbed at meand I just barely managed to hit his sword out of the way. I was annoyed withmyself for losing focus with the match, but I also noticed something strangewhen I batted his sword out of the way: he seemed almost knocked sideways eventhough all I hit was his sword. Then it hit me: my mentor was throwing all ofhis momentum into every movement. A clever tactic I had to admit, as it let himmove quickly and strike powerfully, but now that I noticed this factor I coulduse it to my advantage.

He recovered quickly and stabbed at me, but I sidestepped toward him andelbowed him in the back. I knocked him away and made him stumble, and hestruggled to gain his footing. Seizing this moment, I put my foot on his backand pushed. He flew into the ground face first, and I swung my sword at him,resting my sword tip on his neck, also gently putting my foot over his back.

He muttered something that was muffled by the ground under him. I lifted myfoot and he rolled over and said “that wasrather devious,” sounded completely winded and out-of-breath.

“All is fair in love and war,” I responded, feeling somewhat smug. I reachedout my hand and he grabbed it, and I pulled him to his feet.

“Very well, Iosias, I’m impressed. That’s the first time you’ve managed to beatme.” Oddly enough, although this was true, I didn’t feel triumphant, justrelieved. My mentor, Tito, was an expert swordsman, so I was really glad Imanaged to win. But something was off…

“You let me win, didn’t you?” I asked.

“Yes, I did, but I’ve always been holding back. You wouldn’t learn anything ifI went full stop on you. We’ll someday have a match where I bring out all mystrength, but that’s some time away. However, progressing at the rate you are,that may be sooner than you think, especially since you’re not getting anyyounger.” He paused for a moment and then muttered “and neither am I.” He wasactually only thirty-two, but he despises the idea of being anything overthirty.

I, myself, am only sixteen, so this meant while he was getting older, I wasgetting nearer my prime. More than that, I was also improving in swordplay at arather rapid pace, but I knew I couldn’t feel complacent. I had to keepimproving even when I surpassed him.

Before I was completely lost in my thoughts, a soldier clad in red armor withthe familiar crest of the hawk on his chest plate burst through the doors outof breath, raising a finger and trying to speak.

“For God’s sake man, speak the King’s English!” my mentor exclaimed.

“Sir Tito, Prince Iosias, we have a major disaster on our hands!”


While dashing through the palace to the throne room, my mind raced with thepossible things that could have happened. Is my father dead? Is there arebellion? Father had always told me there are a fair amount of citizens in ourcountry who were power-hungry.

Before I got lost in panic, my mentor and I were in the throne room withFather. I’d only been in here once before and as such I was still struck by theroom’s pure majesty. The whole color scheme of the place was an incredible mixof crimson and gold. From opulent hanging tapestry to the bright red carpetbeneath my feet, I realized what an incredible sense of purpose I felt as Iwalked up the room’s large, wide stretching steps. At the end of this massive,spacious room I saw a stained glass window of our nation’s crest, the hawk, andnear it, the stairwell up to the tower that stood over the whole palace. Thenthere was the throne. It wasn’t especially large, but it was certainlybeautiful. It had all sorts of bright jewelry embedded on it: sapphire,emerald, ruby, amethyst, and more. The throne seemed to have it all. And ofcourse, sitting on that throne, was Father.

He was a man in his fifties, but the stress of being a ruler made him oldbefore his time, giving him a tired, sere look. It didn’t help that he wore agrimace at the moment, either.

“King Ciechi, what’s the matter?” my mentorasked.

My father arose from the throne and walked over to the stained glass window,his back turned to us. For a moment he just seemed to be admiring thehandiwork, but then he suddenly turned around with an even darker expression.

“Armonia is being invaded,” he stated.

Astonished, I just stood there, my mouth agape. My mentor seemed taken aback aswell. My father went back to sit down on the throne, and we all just stoodthere in silence for a few moments. This came as a large surprise to me,considering Armonia’s vast militant might. I wondered what country in their mind woulddare attack us, but beyond that, a bigger question in my mind formed: why?Deciding to get some I answers, I voiced my thoughts by asking what country wasattacking us.

“Not country, but countries. All of ourneighbors—Anya, Itianus, and Eurul—have formed an alliance and are heading straight to ourcapital, Segamene. They’re attacking from thenortheast, and already a city on the outskirts of our country, Tiramur, has been taken. It stood no chance against the combinedmight of the three countries.”

Now I understood why they had the bravery to attack us. Powerful though we arein military, not even we can stand a chance against the power of threecountries. But I still didn’t entirely understand.

“Why are they doing this?” I inquired. I noted with annoyance that my voice wasshaking and told myself to toughen up.

For a moment he just stood there, and starting looking past me and my mentor,seemingly fascinated by something we couldn’t see. He closed his eyes, sighed,and said “I don’t know.”

“But there has to be a reason!” I yelled. “They wouldn’t just ban together andattack us with no purpose!” My father just looked down steadily, and thisinfuriated me further. “Don’t you even care about our country? Everything weknow will be put to ruin! Do you even have a plan?” I felt the anger drain outof me, but it was replaced with a sense of rising dread.

“Do you even intend to do anything?” I asked somberly.

“Yes. Rather than surrendering, I’m going to take action. Starting with making you the general of the central army.”


Contrary to what some foreigners may believe, the central army isn’t the armythat protects the midlands of our country. It’s actually our main force. Amazedand honored though I felt, I was also shocked.

“Father, I’m flattered, but I’m wondering what makes you do this,” I said.

“Someday, assuming we manage to win this war”--(I already noticed how he didn’tseem assured. This worried me because Father was always confident in ourmilitant might.)—“, you’re going to rule this kingdom. You need some experienceas a commander.”

“But now?” Iasked, feeling on the edge of panic. “We’re in one of the worst crises inhistory and you’re sending me out for practice?” I’dbegun to wonder if being a king so long made him insane.

“I didn’t want it to come to this. The chances of us winning this war are slimat best, but assuming we do win, we need a strong leader to make sure wereconstruct properly.”

The way he kept on saying how it was my duty to make sure our country managedto stay strong made me worried. I came to the grim realization that Fatherdidn’t intend to make it through this war. After a moment I got the courage toask.

“Father, what are you going to do now?” I asked.

“I’ll assume command of the remaining forces, and fight the force approachingfrom the northeast,” he responded.

“That’s crazy! Are you trying to suicide?” I exclaimed.

“Oh I have no intention of just letting them strike us down; we’ll give them afight. I’m actually buying you time to start your own campaign. Take control ofthe central army and advance as you see fit.”

I bit my lower lip, unsure of what to say to this. As ridiculous as I saw thisat first, I realized it was actually rather strategic. If he managed to holdoff the army long enough, I might be able to cripple them at the source, whilethe main power is occupied. Resigning myself to this dire situation, I asked myfather where I should take my forces.

“I won’t be able to help you after this, but I suggest that you head directlysouth and mount an assault on Anya.”

Once again I noticed the tactical prowess of my father in this advice. Itianus was somewhat guarded bymountains, and Eurul was barred off by the Virorius river. Aside from the idea of terrain, Anya was the weakestcountry in terms of fighting power, not to mention it had few strongholdsguarding its borders near Armonia.

“What about the soldiers, Your Majesty? Are you sure they’ll be fond of theidea of following a boy who is merely sixteen?” my mentor inquired.

“They will have to accept that fact my son will take up the mantle someday. Infact, I’ve already told the soldiers Prince Iosias would be assuming command ofthe army. Not to mention you are a venerable soldier among the ranks of ournation, so as long as you enforce his leadership they will listen.”

I was slightly annoyed by the fact that he told them of my eventual role ascommander meant he was going to make me do it even if I refused. Regardless, Inodded and, upon realizing there was nothing left to discuss, took my leave ofthe throne room along with my mentor.

Just as I left I saw three figures striding up to us. I quickly identified themas my close friends: Luke, prince of Eurul; August,son of the duke of Bolalea; and Fleur, sister ofAugust. For a moment I just watched Fleur walking to me, my heart skipping abeat.

Remembering there were more pressing matters, I snapped back into focus andtold them what had happened. For a moment I just let them take it all in, andthen something hit me.

“Wait, Luke, you’re the son of my enemy now. Do we… Have to fight?” I said with alarm.

His expression was blank, but he suddenly looked hurt. “Sias, I couldn’t dothat.”

“But then what will you do? If you side with them we have to fight you, but ifyou side with us you’ll be branded a traitor by our country.” This was lookingbleak to me. I couldn’t bring myself to fight one of my best friends.

Luke paused and closed his eyes, as though concentrating. Then he said, “I gotit. I can disguise myself as a regular soldier. Unless in private, you can justtreat me like one. That way the country won’t knowthat I’m fighting by your side.”

“But how are you going to feel, fighting your own country? Are you sure you’reokay with this?”

“I’m not happy about it, no, but I can’t bring myself to fight you guys either.You’re my friend, Sias. I’m not going to side against you,” he grinned.

“And we’re in your country, so we’re with you anyway,” August said happily.

“That’s right. You’re our friend. We’re happy to help you in your time ofneed,” Fleur said musically.

For a moment I silently thanked God for having such faithful friends, and thenwas filled with fiery determination.

“Okay, Mentor, rally the troops and tell them to get equipped. We leave atsunrise tomorrow.”


The night proved to be relatively sleepless, as I expected. I decided to getsome last minute training done and started practicing strokes with my sword.

Realizing that it would soon be light outside, I left the training room andstood just inside the palace gates. Soon after I got there my friends arrived,and I noted with a twinge of jealousy that they seemed to be well-rested. Ialso noticed that Luke was in a regular soldier’s uniform.

“Wow, Sias, you’re a mess!” August chuckled.

He was probably right. Ever since I left the throne room I had felt like I waswading through a thick fog. It didn’t help that I was tired. The temptation tosnap back at his remark was awful, but I managed to hold back.

“I feel awful, too,” I admitted. “I only got an hour of sleep last night. Orsomething like it.”

“Well then, I suppose we’ll just have to give you a temporary burst of energy.You must look good in front of our troops, after all,” the voice of my mentorsaid.

Turning around to face him, I noted that in his hands he held some small objectthat was a mix of purple and blue. It was somewhat spherical in shape.

“Uh, what is that?” I asked.

“Adroyack. It’s an incredibly rare fruitthat’s guaranteed to reinvigorate even the most exhausted of people.” He tossedthe fruit at me. “I recommend you eat that. The effects are immediate.”

Studying it for a moment, I figured it was okay to eat. Taking a bite, I wasimmediately hit by a strong pulse of sweetness. It was absolutely delicious. Iate the rest in two bites and then noticed that I felt incredible.

“Mentor, this is amazing! I haven’t felt this great in”—I paused and realizedthat I’d never felt this good—“ever!”

“Glad to hear it,” my mentor said. “Also since you’re above me in rank now, youno longer need to call me ‘Mentor’ anymore.”

“Sir Tito, then?”

“Just Tito will do. Now let’s go, you’re going to need to give a speech to yourtroops.”

“A s-speech?” I stuttered. I hated being the attention of a crowd.

“Well of course,” Luke said. “You need to show your troops that you’recharismatic, and ready to lead them. For this to be believable, you need toinspire them.”

“But I haven’t rehearsed or anything,” I input weakly. “I don’t know what Ishould tell them!”

“You’ll be fine,” Fleur smiled. “I’m sure the words will come to you whenyou’re in front of them. I know you’ll do great.”

I was heartened by Fleur’s words of encouragement. I nodded, and we all exited the palacegrounds. As soon as we came out, I was awestruck by the incredible number oftroops that stood before me. Tens ofthousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. All of them willing to fight for the cause.

I stood in front of them. I looked at my friends and Tito and looked back atthe crowd. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and started talking.

“Soldiers, we come from different backgrounds. We have all led different lives,but despite that, we are here today, and will be for a time, for a commonpurpose. We are comrades, men-at-arms, willing to fight for what we love. I amnot an experienced commander, and I’m sure there are many new soldiers amongthe ranks, but I believe we can learn from each other and grow to be trueheroes, willing to defend our country to the last breath. I will not lie. Facesamong these ranks will disappear, but I want you to know your sacrifices willnot be forgotten. You are brave people who will go down in history as martyrsfor the sake of our kingdom. We will be facing many hardships in the timesahead, but we’re like a big family now. And families stick together and supporteach other through everything. So let me ask you, my family: are you with me?”I finished off with what sounded close to a yell.

For a moment there was silence. Then suddenly the crowd erupted into yells androars, some people throwing their arms at the sky. It seemed almost like theywere angry, but then I realized what was really happening: they were cheering.

I looked at Tito, who nodded approvingly while smiling. I also saw my friendswere cheering along with the army.

Relieved that I had managed to win my army’s support, I lined up the army, andwith my friends and Tito by my side, we marched off to Anya.


Due to being such a large army, we avoided going through towns so as not tocause chaos. The journey itself was turning out to be relatively uneventful,but I could sense the feeling of rising dread among my troops as we came closerto Anya.

While passing through Engea forest, about halfway through our journey, wepaused to take a break. I told the soldiers they had until dawn to rest, andthen we would continue our march.

My friends and I went further into the forest, and we started a fire. For ashort time we just sat on the logs, watching the fire blaze, each lost in ourown thoughts. I decided to strike up conversation.

“You know what I don’t understand?” Their heads turned to me. “How Father didn’t know why these three countries came togetherto attack us.”

For a moment, everybody just looked away.

Then Luke said “I don’t know.” The other two nodded their agreement.

I was getting tired of this treatment. A lot of the times, when I askedquestions revolving around Father, people would just pause, stare into space,and then tell me they were unsure. I always knew they were lying, of course,but I never actually took it upon myself to fight for the answer, assuming itwould get me into trouble. But I wasn’t going to take any more of this.

“Guys, stop lying. You’re my best friends. No secrets between us, okay?”

This time August spoke. “Sias, your father always told us to be quiet on stufflike this. But if you really want us to tell you, we will. Just know youprobably won’t like the answer.”

“I want to hear it, no matter what it may be.”

“You see, your father is a truly evil man,” Luke said. I was awestruck at thisstatement.

“That couldn’t be! My father has always been loving and caring!” I exclaimed.

“To you. Your father has always treasured you. Butbeyond you and his army, the rest of the world is worthless to him. His peopleloathe him because taxes are sky high. He treats them all as mere steppingstones for his ambitions.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“But that’s not possible! My father has always made it sound like there were alot of malicious citizens in our land! Those whowanted to start civil unrest and overthrow him!”

“Sias, you can’t be that blind,” Luke admonished. “He did that to hide you fromthe truth. There are citizens who want to usurp him, but simply to end thetorture Armonia isgoing through.”

I realized the weight of this information. This had meant Father had been lying to me my entire life.Those rare times I left the palace, I had gotten many nasty looks from thepeople. I always assumed they were just the “evil people” Father had told meabout, but now I know what they were thinking. I was the son of a cruel,oppressive man, and I was someday going to take up the mantle and continue hisdominating reign.

“But wait, horrible as this is to hear, why are the three countries banningtogether to fight us? It doesn’t have anything to do with them,” I asked.

“Because King Ciechi acts oppressively towards us, as well. He’s been attempting to push our borders, he’s been attackingour trade caravans if they even set foot on Armonia’s soil, and he even told my father that he was superior. There hadbeen talk of war before I left to stay here, but I didn’t think it’d come tothis.”

They all just looked at me, concern on their faces. For a moment I almost lostmyself, given everything that had happened, I wasbeginning to wonder if I could take it all.

Then I realized from now on, I had the power to shape the future, rather thanmy father. I could end this war. I could make peace between the nations. Icould make it so Armonia would be a place to be treasured. Father may have wanted me totake up his mantle, but this was not a path I was going to take.

“Despite what you may be thinking, I’m glad you told me this. I now know thetruth. Assuming I manage to fight and win this war, I will do my best to pickup the pieces.” I smiled warmly, trying to reassure them that I was okay.

“I’m glad to hear it,” Luke said. “I’m actually tired, though, so I’m going tosleep, now. Good night, everyone.” He got up and walked back to camp while we murmured our goodnights.

After he was gone, Fleur got up and embraced me. Feeling embarrassed butsecretly pleased, I felt my face grow hot.

“W-What was that for?” I asked.

“Because you needed it. Sias, even though you‘reburning with determination, I can tell you’re hurt inside. You don’t need toface this alone. Like I said, we’re your friends. We’ll be with you through thebest and worst of times; we’ll share your happiness, and we’ll share yoursorrow. Let me tell you, you’re nothing like your father. You’re caring andkind; you genuinely love your people. I know if we win this war, your rule willbe remembered as a golden age.”

I was touched. I really was blessed to know her—to know August and Luke, too.They’ve always been supporting me, and I wondered what made me deserve suchgifts.

“Thanks, Fleur. I know this can’t be easy for you guys, either, but I’ll do mybest not to hide how I feel anymore.”

She looked pleased. “I’m happy to know I was able to help. Anyway, I’m going tohead to bed, too. Do your best to sleep well,Sias, okay?”

“I’ll try. Night, Fleur.”

After she left August started chuckling.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, feeling a bit annoyed.

“You really like my sister, don’t you?” he grinned.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I yelled. I realized with dismaywhat a pathetic attempt that was.

“Sias, it’s okay. I don’t mind if you fancy her,” he said.

After realizing how poorly I denied it, I gave up and asked a bit nervously“Was it really that obvious?”

“Definitely. When she hugged you your facewent crimson as your flag! Not to mention you stuttered after she let go.”

I sighed, grinning bashfully. Suddenly August’s expression turned more serious.

“Have you ever actually been to battle before?” he asked.

Surprised at this sudden change in topic, I told him I hadn’t.

“Okay, I need you to know right away this isn’t like training sessions. Get impaled and it’s all over,” hesaid somberly.

“Well, I know that,” I said.

“Most people say they do, but many get overconfident in battle and lose theirlives. They believe after they’ve killed a man or two that they’re invincible.My father almost died in his first battle. He was defeating every opponent infront of him, and he declared himself undefeatable. Suddenly he looked down andnoticed a sword protruding from his stomach. He had failed to watch all sides,and it nearly cost him his life. Take care not to repeat his mistake, Sias.”

August got up and left, telling me to sleep well. For a minute or two, I justclosed my eyes and went through everything that happened. Realizing I couldn’tmake sense of it all at the moment, I just decided to follow everyone’s advice.

Just before I left, I turned around to douse the fire that I’d forgotten, butall that was left were smoldering embers.


I knew before I even made it back to mytent that I wouldn’t sleep well. This war, my father’s treachery, the fear thatwith one false move those close to me would perish; it all weighed down on mymind and kept me awake through the night.

Where had it all gone wrong? Yes, perhapsmy father was a poor diplomat, but what set this movement off? There had tohave been some tipping point, some event that triggered this impossiblenightmare.

Although I thought I wouldn’t be able tosleep for days, I found myself waking up from aslumber. I got out of my tent and stretched, and took in the setting.

Sunlight filtered through towering trees,hitting my back and giving me a comfortable, warm sensation. Looking up I sawsome rich, green leaves float gently to the ground.

Engea Forest… Part of a nation I oncethought had a great ruler. Armonia is a beautiful place from what I have seen. The evil may infectcivilization, but the nature, the land itself remains in its pure, untouchedform.

My land, my nation… blood is being spilledon it. The horror is the suffering will kill so many soldiers, merely fightingfor a commander that forces them to give their lives. No matter how well I carry out my campaign, there will be somany corpses strewn on this land.

And it’s all my fault… I should have asked.I should have pursued. But instead whenever my father told me what happened, orwhat to do, I just believed he knew what was best. If I had taken an activerole, I could have prevented this. I could have made peace. No one had to die.

Before I could slip into despair, I snappedback into focus and realized there was something strange. Why wasn’t I hearingany sounds? It’s natural that none of my soldiers are up, but why aren’t thebirds singing? Why do I not see nor hear any life anywhere?

“Prince Iosias, get down!” Tito shouted.

I threw myself down to the groundimmediately and pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind. I heard a whistlingabove my head and saw an arrow to the left.

Someone had just tried to kill me.

“Soldiers! Get up, get up, get up! We have an emergency on our hands! Get armedand prepare for battle!” Tito yelled.

After a couple of moments I began to see soldiers filing out of their tents and taking battle position.

All around me, I heard footsteps and horsesheading towards us from all directions, and before I knew it my army and thisunknown force collided.

Trying to collect my bearings, I saw asoldier charging at me, lanced outstretched. I sidestepped and shoved him away,and watched him stumble into one of my soldier’s swords.

I identified his raven-black armor as thatof Itianus’, and looking around, saw the blue and white armor of Anya, as well white and gold equipment of Eurul.

This wasn’t possible. Has the capitalalready fallen?

No, it couldn’t be. Even if my father hadbeen defeated by the alliance, they couldn’t have reached us so quickly. That only left one other alternative.

There were two forces.

But how large was this one?

I looked around me and saw Tito, Fleur, andAugust all around me, staving off any enemies that came too close. But wherewas Luke?

An armored knight approached and lunged atme with his sword, but I ducked. Looking up, I saw a blade going through thehelm and stabbing his head. Looking behind, I saw Tito’s arm outstretched.

“Prince Iosias, this is a battle. You haveto fight them, not just avoid them.” Tito said, sounded a bit annoyed.

Taking it into note, I proceeded to side kick a nearbyenemy in the chest with full power. Before I could keep attacking, I stopped.

That smell… This couldn’t be a good sign.

And then I saw the smoke.


Fire. EngeaForest was on fire.

A fire rushing towards us from the west,and enemies closing in from the north and south. I decided to take what Ithought to be the only viable option.

“Everyone, head east! We have to escapebefore the fire engulfs us all!” I yelled.

It seemed all that was need was thecommand, because as I said it all my soldiers were sprinting and gallopingeast.

It was a horrible scene. As the fireengulfed more and more of the forest, the agonizing screams from its directionbecame louder and in more distress. The enemy alliance was burning peoplealive, and destroying a forest. Why would they do this? They could have justleft it at ambush…

Four horse riders came and picked up me,Fleur, August, and Tito, and we galloped after the rest of our army.

Out speeding the rest, we ended up at thefront. As we rode, I began to think something was strange. Why were there notroops coming from the east? It’s almost like…

They were trying to force us in thatdirection.

I realized it too late and we reached theclearing. Staring out, I saw thousands of soldiers, about one mile away.

There was a man with dark hair in thefront. For a moment he just seemed to be watching us. Then he pointed his swordat us, and his army charged.

This couldn’t be the end. It couldn’t be.But there were soldiers heading from three directions, and a fire coming fromthe last.

Was it already over? I’ve failed my nation?

I should have known. I was never meant tobe a leader. My father was wrong. He should have known his son wouldn’t be ableto save his country.

And then I smiled grimly at the thoughtthat at least this meant I wasn’t like him.


Maybe I should just surrender myself. Maybethey’ll let my soldiers go if I offer my life.


We can’t fight them, maybe a peace offering isthe only way. Ah, but what choice do I have? They won’t show us mercy, notafter what my father has done.

“Sias!” Augustyelled.

Snapping out of my trance, I looked overfor him and tipped my head, motioning to go on.

“I have a plan, but you won’t like it,” hesaid.

“Anything. Anything will do, we need something to get us out of this,” Iresponded.

“I’ll head a token force of ten thousandsoldiers. We won’t last but this will give the rest of you time to charge southand out of their radar.”

“August! No!” I said.

“It’s strategic, Sias. Besides you and I, August is the only one who has leadership skills. And whatwould our soldiers think if we just sent 10000 to their deaths for the sake ofrunning away? No, we need them to know that we haven’t forgotten them, and thatthey’re the heroes today, not bait. The only way to do that is have a commanderat its front.” Tito admonished. “It’s your choice. Your friend? Or the rest ofyour country?”

“I can’t let you die, Brother! This isn’tright!” Fleur screamed. “We have to find another way!” Tears started streamingdown her face. She ran over to August and threw her arms around him. “I won’tlet you go!”

“I can’t let them do it. And I’m certainlynot going to have my little sister die, not while I still draw breath. Really, you have to live.” He looked at me and I realized hemeant “for Sias’ sake.”

She looked up at him and said in the voiceof a scared child “D-does it have to be this way..?”

“Sorry, Fleur. It does,” he said gently. He looked at me again. “Sorry Sias,but they’re getting close and I’m not waiting for an answer. I’ve always wantedto give my life for my country, corrupt or not. Don’t stop me, please. Takegood care of Fleur, for me.” He smiled at this last part.

He motioned for a small force of soldiersto follow him, and they charged at the main force. By the way they so readilyfollowed him it seemed August had devised this as a last resort in advance.

Before I knew it we were all running south,battering straight through the forces heading towards us.

We kept running, running…

Reaching the edge of Engea forest, we wentwest to shake them off our path.

As soon as I knew we were completely safe,we stopped and set up camp. As soon as my tent was up, I told them I would seeno one. I went straight into my tent and immediately I began to feel the tearsfalling from my eyes.


After the feelings of immediate sorrow weregone, they were replaced by an overcast of immediate angst.

Just two weeks and I’ve already lost abattle as well as a close friend. From the start, I was disbelieving of myfather’s choice to have me as the head of this army. I had almost lost hopebefore it began. Then my friends, mentor, and father told me that I was rightfor this, that I had the skill required. Maybe they were wrong. But I didn’tthink this was the case. I thought they lied.

In fact, I knew they lied. People have alwaysbeen withholding the truth from me—they never told me anything. And when Iasked for an answer, when I pressed, what did they give? A fabrication. A falsehood. A flat-out lie.

And yet I cannot blame them.

It’s my fault. All of it. My fault for believingthem. My fault for not being able to predict thissecond force. My fault for not saving myfriend, when I should have strategized. It’s all my fault… All my fault…

I don’t understand why anyone would careabout a failure like me. I already let down the people who meant most to metime and again, and now it’s gone so far that I could even save my bestfriend’s life.

Underneath it all, I can only ask onequestion: why? Why did all of this happen? Did I do something terrible todeserve this? But my father…

“Prince Iosias.”

I looked up and saw Tito.

“What?” I said.

“You’d better come outside,” he said,unfazed by my venomous tone.

I followed him out of the tent and wassurprised by what I saw.

About 20 yards from me, in a clearing whereno tenets were set, I saw a group of my soldiers. They were clustered around asoldier from Anya.

“What happened?” I asked.

“As we were patrolling the camp we caughtthis soldier, just about to impale one of our own in the back. Apparently hewas trying to infiltrate our ranks and learn our plans, so the enemy couldtrack us,” a soldier responded.

“I find that unlikely,” Tito cut in. “Thefact that they knew we were in the forest in the first place would suggestthere is a double agent in our ranks already. Albeit, a spy is the only logicalconclusion, and perhaps they wanted a backup spy.”

“Well I don’t care. This soldier tried toslip into the army and give information to the enemy. What shall we do withhim?” a soldier asked.

“Please! Please!” the Anya soldier cut in.“I’ll swear eternal loyalty to you and I’ll betray them! Please just let melive!”

Suddenly I felt completely empty. I placedmy hand on the hilt of my blade and began approaching him.

“You should have thought of that before youand your lot took the life of my best friend.”

“You mean the man who led that small force? But… But he—“ the man was never able to finish the sentence, as by this point mysword was already pierced through his heart. It was so sudden that he didn’teven have time to cry out. I yanked my sword from his chest and he crumbled tothe ground.

I closed my eyes, and said in a strangelytoneless voice “I am returning to my tent. Rid me of this man, and do notdisturb me for the rest of the day.” I turned and strode back to my tent.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caughtFleur. I couldn’t catch her expression clearly, but I could swear I saw asingle tear fall from her eye.


I simmered for a while, but soon enough myfeelings of anger were replaced by nagging regret.

For snapping at everyone, for hurting Fleurfor a reason I am unsure of, but most of all, for killing that man.

I knew that my first kill would have tocome eventually—this is war, and I accept that fact. But I didn’t expect itlike this. I didn’t want it like this…

It also scared me: the very nature oftaking another’s life. I remember that moment so vividly. His flesh was sopenetrable, and before I could even contemplate what I had done, his eyesglazed over. I’m frightened now—how easy it is for a life to be lost.

It also seemed so much more real, because Ikilled one man, not many…

But what happened is what happened. I won’tgive in to negative emotions for a third time so soon. It was time to startmaking amends.

I left my tent and went to Fleur’s.

I didn’t see her face—she was on her bed,and her face was in her pillow. She seemed to be shaking.

“Fleur…” I started.

She picked her head up and turned to faceme. I was shocked to see her face stained, and her eyes red. “W-what do youwant?” she sniffed.

“Listen, I’m sorry for what I did earlier.I really wasn’t thinking then.”

“No, you weren’t. Do you really think mybrother would want you to use him as fuel for hatred?”

“I was distraught by the loss of him, somuch so that it was misdirected. I know he wouldn’t want me to remember himlike this. I won’t let vengeance take control of me again. I promise.”

Her expression softened at the look in myeyes. “Alright. I can’t really stay mad at you. You mean a lot to me, afterall.”

Despite myself I couldn’t help but feel myface grow hot. But then I remembered something else.

“Enough about me. How are you taking this?”I asked.

“Oh, I’m not taking it too hard. My brothergave his life for his country, just like he wanted. I’m fi…” but she didn’tfinish. I looked at her and saw her eyes closed tightly, and she was trembling.

Without even considering it, I was upbeside her, and I pulled her into my embrace. For a moment she felt tense, andthen she relaxed and buried her head in my arms. I heard her sobbing quietly,and as an act of comfort, I began running my hand up and down her back.

For a while, we just sat there in silence.But eventually, she lifted her head.

She didn’t say anything, but the tears hadstopped falling. I decided to break the silence.

“I may not have been able to save yourbrother, but I will protect you. That is a promise.”

She looked straight into my eyes.

“Beyond anything, I don’t want to lose you.Don’t go out there and get yourself killed, because I—“

“Prince Iosias.”

I turned around and saw Tito. He looked abit embarrassed.

“Er, am I interrupting something?” heasked.

It was at that point I realized Fleur and Iwere still in each others’ embrace. We hastily broke apart.

“No no it’s not what you think it is,” Iresponded.

“Uhhh huh.” He smiled. “Anyway, I was justgoing to check on you. I assumed since you left your tent, you were open fortalking.”

“I’m fine, now. Do you need something?”

“Yes. I have good news, and I have badnews.”

“Let’s hear both.”

“Well the good news is a total of 130,000troops have come from the north and from the capital. But that’s also the badnews.”

“Wait, if the troops from the capital arehere, then…” I paused, unable to finish this sentence.

“Yes. The capital has fallen, and so hasthe country. King Ciechi is dead.”


Why is all of this happening? I keep goingto the brink of losing hope, and I keep climbing up, only to be kicked downagain. And now my country is no longer mine.

But I promised myself that I wouldn’tsuccumb to sorrow. The situation is bad, but I will not be discouraged. Thecountry has fallen, and yet I still have this army. I will win it back, andpunish those responsible for this nightmare. Nor do I miss my father. I do notmiss him in the slightest. If he’s been as evil as people claim he is, then Iam actually glad he’s dead. So I will not mourn him.

I went to the middle of camp, and calledall troops to me. I then stood on a rock to elevate myself from the crowd. WhenI saw when my troops had gathered around me, I began speaking.

“Listen to me. Surely the news that thecapital has fallen—as well as its king—has spread throughout camp. But I wantyou to know that this isn’t over. The might of our country has been combined.We are now at the peak of our prowess. We are at our prime.

“I love my country—no, I love our country. I trust you all do as well.Together, our combined might, we can take our country back. We will fight offthe forces that have occupied our land.

“I have a plan. But it’s actually verysimple in essence. We will fight this southern force head on.”

At this, assorted murmuring broke up. Iheld my hand up for silence.

“You may believe that this plan is suicide,but I don’t believe that’s the case. We have the power! Our country is themightiest! But beyond our power, remember all the people who live here. Theydid no wrong. The one to blame is King Ciechi. I know of what he’s done, but Iintend to fix it. He left a legacy behind, and I will make sure that this isreplaced by a golden age. But first, we need to take our country back.

“The ultimate success shall start with thisbattle. I believe in every one of you. We all have the power, united. I willhead east and fight them. You are all welcome to join me. So now, I ask you forthe second time…

“Will you fight by my side?!”

This time, there was no silence. As soon asI finished, there was a deafening roar of cheering.

I smile. I had managed to raise theirdamaged morale. Perhaps we stood a chance tomorrow, after all.

I went out to the outskirts of camp, so asnot to get caught in the dispersing crowd. I decided to circle around to goback to my tent.

On my way there, I saw Luke. He had hisback turned to me, and he threw his arm up and a dove flew away. It seemed tobe carrying a letter.

“Luke!”’ he jumped and turned around.

“S-Sias!” he said, sounding startled.

“I haven’t seen you since before the ambushin Engea forest. Where have you been?”

“Well, in order to stay anonymous, I’verefrained from speaking with you directly,” he said.

“Oh, I see… Don’t be afraid to approach me,though. I’m fine with that. I’d treat any soldier the same way. Anyway, whatwas that letter for?”

“L-Letter?” he said. He seemed somewhatflustered.

“Yeah, the one that dove was carrying.”

“Oh, that.” He just paused for a moment.“Alright, that letter was to my sweetheart back in Eurul.”

“Ahhh,” I laughed. “I didn’t know you werein love!”

“Well, I was going to tell you, but Ifigured this wasn’t the time, considering we are in this war. But I feel theneed to tell her how I’m doing, occasionally,” he said.

“Alright. I can understand how that feels,”I responded. “Anyway, you’d better get some rest soon. Tomorrow is big day.”

“Yeah… it is,” he answered. “I guess I’llhead back to my tent now. Sleep well, Sias.”

Something seemed odd about him, but I wastoo preoccupied with thoughts of the upcoming battle to give it much thought.

I went back to my tent, and slept heavily.


It could have been the exhaustion, or Icould have inwardly understood I needed lots of sleep, but I slept a good ninehours.

I went outside and looked to the sky. Icaught dark clouds just covering up the sun. Rain was coming. Perhapsdisadvantageous, but it would make it harder for the enemy to fight as well.And besides, I was dead set on this day. I shall not go back.

After a quick meal, I called all the troopsto formation, and we began our march east.

After a minute or so, I saw Tito join me atthe lead.

“So you and Fleur are together now, huh?”he said mischievously.

“No, no, listen, I was just apologizing forwhat I did. We made up and you caught us at the wrong time,” I said, feeling alittle annoyed.

“I know, I know. But why don’t you justtell her how you feel already?” It seemed like a genuine question. I expectedthis since he was the only person I’d told, until…

“I don’t see why I should. Not yet. We’remaking it through this war. I can tell her when there’s actually time forlove.”

Tito snorted. “Please. That’s just yourexcuse for not telling her. Plus, believe me: this war isn’t sure fire. Youknow it yourself. You say it to keep the morale high and give yourselfsomething to believe in. But using it as an excuse is ridiculous. Tell her. Youdon’t know if you’ll never see each other again.” I realized he was phrasingthat last sentence pretty softly. Tito looked back. “Oh, there she is now.” Heleft while she made her way towards me.

“Sias, there’s something I have to tellyou,” she said. Something in her voice was pretty serious, which worried me.Was there even more bad news? I decided to put that off for a bit so I couldtell her first, so it wouldn’t seem like I was being selfish.

“There’s something I have to tell youfirst. It’s important.” She saw the look in my face and gestured to go on.

“Do you remember when we first met?” Iasked.

“Oh yeah!” she laughed. “Seven years ago.August introduced you to me. We were getting along well, but then Auguststarted picking on me. I was getting close to tears, but then you broke inbetween us and yelled ‘leave her alone!’ Then you tackled him and you startedwrestling.” She laughed again.

“You remember that fondly?” I asked,confused.

“Hah, yeah, of course! Oh sure, I was beingpicked on by my brother, but then you jumped in and defended me. It meant a lotbecause it was from that point on I knew you were someone I could depend on;someone I could trust.” Our eyes met and I saw something in hers that I justcouldn’t quite identify.

“Well, you did the same thing for me,later. 2 years later, Tito kept on stabbing at me when I was down with hisfoil. He said I had to stand up for myself, but I couldn’t escape his barrageof strikes. Then suddenly, I heard a yell and you tackled him. You made himdrop his foil, and you took it and started slashing at him. That certainly evenedus out.”

“But because of that, I took up swordplay,because he said I had talent. So I won out twice. I helped you out, and I gotto learn this useful skill. But, Sias, I don’t see it as getting even. You’resomeone I care about, and thus, I help you not to gain favors, but because youmatter a lot to me.” She smiled warmly, but then it was replaced by a look ofconfusion. “What exactly is it that you’re getting at, though, Sias?”

“Partly to relive the memories, but theytie into what I wanted to tell you.” I took a deep breath, then began. “Fromthe moment I met you, when I saw you, I thought ‘my God, she is pretty.’” Ilooked at her and she was looking away, but she seemed to be blushing. “I can’tbelieve the kind of person you are. I didn’t think it was possible for anyoneto be this incredible. You were always there for me, always putting up with mywaves of angst. You helped me through things that maybe no one else I knewwould. Oh sure, they tried to help, but they took it a step further. Ultimately,I wish we could know each other forever, because you’re the best thing to everhappen to me. I guess what I’ve been dodging what I wanted to say, until now.But now I’m ready.” I took a deep breath. Then I said it.

“I love you, Fleur.”

For a moment, silence, and I looked away.And before I could register what had happened, she had her arms wrapped aroundme, and her lips touched mine. I just stood there in surprise, but then Iembraced her and responded with the same passion.

We stood in that blissful entwinement,ignoring the cheers of the crowd behind us. After a few moments (or was itminutes? Hours? An eternity?), we broke apart. As I looked back, I saw Titonodding and smiling.

Fleur and I looked into each other’s eyes.And then she spoke.

“That’s what I was going to tell you. ButI’m so glad you said it. I love you, too, Sias.”

“Prince Iosias! We have trouble!” I lookedaround and saw one of my battalion generals.

“What’s the problem?” I asked.

“That other force, they’re approaching usfrom our left flank!”

That meant they were coming from theforest. But how could they have known that we were chasing them? I motioned formy troops to halt, then told Fleur to come with me. We sprinted to the leftside, and then I gave Fleur my sword. It was time to talk to the general.

I strode to the middle of the field. Thatsame man I saw leading the force outside the forest was the one who walked tome. When I saw him up close, I was surprised.

He was encased in heavy black armor,meaning he was from Itianus. His hair was the same color as his armor, and hecarried himself with confidence. But what struck me as odd were his eyes. Adeep brown, they seemed riddled with sadness.

“My name is Prince Iosias,” I said.

“And I am General Elias,” he replied.

“Must we fight? I don’t want needlessbloodshed.”

“No, we don’t have to. If you surrender,then no one shall die today. But if you refuse to do that, then indeed wemust.”

“But I can see it in you. You don’t want tofight! Why are you doing this?” I asked. I started to feel alarmed. This manwasn’t evil. I didn’t want to kill him.

“I was ordered to. I will not disobey myking.”

“Do you even believe in attacking thiscountry?”


“You don’t, do you? Join us! We can fightoff this invasion together!”

“You don’t seem like a bad man, Prince ofArmonia. But I will not betray my nation.”

“You’re not betraying your nation, you’refollowing what you believe!”

He took a couple of steps back, as thoughsomeone had just hit him.

“I am sorry Prince Iosias, but we’re donetalking. Prepare your troops. It’s time we finished this.” He began walkingback. I just stood there dumbstruck. But then I ran back.

“What happened?” Fleur asked.

“Get ready. We’re about to battle.Remember, I will protect you.”

“Okay. You’d better not die either.” Shetossed my sword to me.

For a moment, the general and I just facedeach other. Each side observed the other by curiosity. Then, out of someunspoken agreement, we simultaneously gave the word.


Suddenly, a deafening roar erupted acrossthe plain, and thousands of feet stomped furiously. The battle had begun.

This time, I knew what I was going to do.As soon as I saw an enemy, I began slashing away. One, five, ten, twenty,fifty. They all fell to the impossible flurry of my blade.

A soldier from Anya thrust his lance at me.I sidestepped, but it grazed my side, and a rip was made in my tunic, which wassoon stained.

Suddenly, I had a very bad feeling. I beganrunning through the enemies, cutting everyone down. And then I saw it.

General Elias and Fleur were facing eachother. I just stood there in horror, and then the general began speaking.

“What is your name?”

“I am Fleur, sister of August.”

“Very well.”

“I don’t know why you’re following an orderthat you clearly do not believe in. But I will not let you harm Sias.”

“I see. I guess it’s safe to assume you’rehis lover, then.”

“Yes, I am. Now, draw your sword. In hisname, I will cut you down!”

He took out his sword, and they clashed.Fleur was moving incredibly quickly, slashing and stabbing at a pace I almostcouldn’t see. But General Elias just kept blocking her blows. Why wasn’t hestriking back? But I noticed Fleur was slowing, and her breath was becomingmore forced, and that’s when I understood.

He was wearing her down.

She then brought her sword down at him, buthe parried this as well, then he thrust her back. She brought her sword backand leaped.

And the next thing I knew, a nightmarepicture was before me. The general had his sword up, and it was through Fleur.She was suspended in the air by this impaling object.

He then slowly drew his sword out of her,and she collapsed. A pool of blood formed around her.

It was nothing. I could not feel anything.The disbelief overwhelmed me. Only a single word escaped my lips.


I ran over to her and picked her up. Andthen I just looked at the general. He froze at my expression.

“Halt, troops! Halt!” he yelled.

“I promised I’d stay alive for you…” Fleurwhispered. Her breathing was shallow.

“Withdraw from here. My men shall notpursue you,” said the general.

“I promised…”

Instincts took over. I stood up and yelledfor us to retreat, and began running southeast.

“I promised…”

I just kept running and running. I didn’teven look back to see if my troops were following me.

“I… pr… om…”

And only as the last breath escaped herlips did the rain begin to fall.


We set up in an abandoned stronghold, and Iwent straight to the throne room of the stronghold. I scrawled a quick notethat said “only Tito and Luke are allowed to enter.”

Luke came in about 15 seconds after.

For a moment, he just said nothing. Then helooked away and said “I am so sorry for this…” He turned his head away, andleft me to be alone.

I didn’t care what others thought anymore.

Looking back on it now, the reality issimple: I failed.

I failed to save August. I failed toprotect Fleur. I couldn’t even help my country when I let my own feelings getin the way.

I’ve screwed up time and again, and when itcomes down to the bare facts, I’m not fit to lead this army. I’m not fit to doanything. God made a mistake when He created me. They say he’s perfect, but ifHe made such trash as me, I don’t believe that’s the case.

I tied the rope to the chandelier.

I wonder what was going through thosetwisted minds of theirs. It doesn’t even occur to me why they decided to trusta fool such as myself.

I threw the rope around my neck, and threwthe note I wrote to the floor.

Alright, well, I need not trouble mycountry, or this world, with my presence. I’ve only been a problem up untilthis point. Now I can do at least one thing right.

Then I realized I’d be breaking Fleur’sdemand that I live. Oh well.

I climbed to the top of the throne, andjumped. Then I knew nothing more.


August had finally found it. The fortress.Was it just him, or was the total amount of troops larger? Nonetheless, hesavored his blissful return to where he belonged: among the ranks of those whowere willing to serve their country.

As he approached them, heads turned. Theywere all staring, dumbstruck. Disbelieving that this man was still alive—Augustwas still reeling a little, himself.

Soon enough, this shock was replaced byjoy, and cheers erupted across the field. He rode his way through the happyfaces, towards the forces. When he reached the entrance, he dismounted, andthen went inside.

As soon as he entered, Tito and Lukegreeted him.

“August!” Tito exclaimed. “We thought youwere dead! How did you survive? How did you find us?”

All Luke managed to say was a feeble(perhaps pained? August thought) “you’re alive?”

August opened his mouth, about to answerall of these questions, when Tito cut him off. “Oh, tell us later. This willdefinitely lift Iosias’ melancholy. He needs some good news. Let’s go meet him,he’s in the—“

“Wait,” August interrupted. “What hashappened that put him in such a state?”

Tito and Luke looked at each other.

“August…” Tito began. “I suppose meetinghim will have to wait bit. There are some things that we need to tell you.


“What?!” August yelled. He couldn’t believehis ears. He had remained silent the whole time as Tito explained, but this wasmostly because he was so shocked. Now it began sinking in, and yet it stillseemed like a bad dream.

“How could the king be dead! How could thecapital have fallen! How could we have lost the second battle! How could Fleurbe…” he gulped, feeling dangerously close to tears. “Gone?”

“The king and capital were going to fall.The king knew this would happen, or else he would take his country’s entireforce and defend the capital when they approached,” Tito answered.

“Okay, but, what about the second battle?Our troop number was vastly superior to theirs in both number and morale!”August yelled.

“It ties in with Fleur’s death.” Augustflinched at the word. “The battle lasted about ten minutes, but when Fleur fellto General Elias’ blade, Iosias just picked her up, yelled ‘retreat!’, and ran.Oddly enough, the general didn’t pursue us,” Tito said.

And then August realized something. All ofthis was traumatic for him, especially his sister’s death. But he could onlyimagine what Sias was going through. So then he asked how Sias was taking itLuke spoke for the first time since August returned.

“Incredibly demoralized. It’s somewhatfrightening. His posture has slouched, he hasn’t spoken since the battle, and thefire in his eyes has disappeared. I haven’t even seen him since yesterday.”

August hit upon a decision. This was badnews, but it was all so much worse for Sias. He was going to be strong for hisbest friend. After a moment of silence, he spoke.

“Okay, time to cheer Sias up. Where is he?”

They went to the fortress’ throne room, andknocked. No answer. They opened the door and went in anyway—that is when theysaw it.

Fleur’s body was by the throne. Sias musthave been shocked to the point of feeling like she was still alive. But… therewas Sias, hanging from a rope that was tied to the chandelier.

“No, no, no, NO!” August yelled. “Sias,what have you done?!” Luke and Tito seemed too shocked to speak.

Why did he do this? Why did he commitsuicide? August thought Sias was stronger than this. That of all people, hewould have the passion to keep himself and his dreams alive. Maybe he waswrong. And then he noticed a piece of paper under Sias. He read it.

Tito, Luke, I am truly sorry for this. But I’ve failed everyone,time and again. I could not see my father for the man he was. I could notstrategize. I killed when I should have been merciful. I couldn’t save anyone.Not even Fleur. August realized withoverwhelming guilt that if he had come just a day sooner, perhaps Sias would bealive. He kept reading. Well, I’vedecided that the world would be better off without trash like me. Please,someone take my place. I want my country to live on, even if I won’t. Perhapsit can, as long as someone more potent than me takes the head. At least… Fleurloved me. I can die knowing that people cared, but you all cared about thewrong guy. And I guess her love makes it worse, and makes it hurt more that Ididn’t keep my promise to her: that I would live on. I lied. I guess I failedthere, too. Good bye, all. I am so, truly sorry…”

August handed the note to them, and theyboth read it.

“Well, even after death he cares aboutothers, it seems,” Tito said grimly.

“How can you be joking at a time likethis?!” August yelled.

“It wasn’t a joke. I was praising him. ButI thought better of him than that. I didn’t expect him to just quit like this.”

“Wait… How did he know that Fleur lovedhim? She only told me, and I know I didn’t breathe a word to anyone else.”

“Before the second battle began, heconfessed his love to her, and she rewarded him by admitting the same thing,”Tito said.

So they ended up together eventually—Augustknew it would happen. But why did it have to be short? Why did Fleur have todie? Why did Sias have to give up?

“Well, Sias said one thing that was true,”Tito said. August and Luke both looked at him. “He was right in that someoneelse should lead the army now.”

“How are you being so cold to this?” Augustsaid, incredulous. “He was your star student!”

“But clearly that wasn’t good enough. Hegave up, and we must go on.” August noticed the emptiness in his voice, andthen realized that Tito really was torn up over it as well.

“Alright… Who do you suggest lead thearmy?”

“Well, Luke is an automatic no, becausehe’s the prince of another country, and I’m not exactly good with leadershipskills. But you’re a good fighter, you’re young, you raise the troops’ morale,and you know how to strategize. Not to mention you’re of noble blood.”

August didn’t have to consider this forlong. He loved his country, and would do anything to save it.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll do it.”


I fell onto a hard surface. Where was I? Icouldn’t see. I couldn’t hear. And suddenly, I felt metal latch around mywrists and my ankles.

I tried to move. But it was no use. Deaf, blind,and restrained. I am lost, I know not of where I am. But most of all, I feelempty. No happiness, no sadness. I am, but I do not be.

Suddenly, I felt a presence touch my mind.It was familiar, but I could not quite identify it. Iosias, you are damned. Suicide is an ultimate sin. But you have beengiven a choice. You may free yourself of these impediments, if you so decide.

I tried to send my thoughts back, but Icouldn’t.

If you want to communicate me, then speak. That has not beentaken away from you.

“Who are you?” I tried to ask. I could feelit, but it was strange not to hear my voice.

My name is… There was a pause. Well, it is now Vista.

“Why are you helping me? How does this aidyou?”

I felt the shock emanating from thetelepathist. Iosias, what has made you sodistrustful?

“Well since you apparently know me, youshould know that almost everything I held dear was taken away from me,” I said.I was somewhat appalled at all the hatred that poisoned my voice.

This is troublous. They’re already starting to take you over.You must act quickly.

“Who’s taking me over?” I asked.

The devil. They’re trying to pull you to their domain.

“You mean… I’m not in Hell? Then where amI?”

Who knows? I know I don’t, just that I’m stuck here with you.But I was told I had a chance to escape this place. I must help you.

“Wait, who told you this?”

I did. Another presence entered mymind. But this one emanated raw power. It was so immense, so potent; wordscould not even begin to describe its incredible nature. This was a presence Ihad felt all my life. But I was never sure what it was. And suddenly I didn’tfeel empty anymore. But that is not yourconcern. I am giving you a chance, as well. But as this man said, you are toescape from this place, and do so with haste. You turned your back on me, butnot completely. Thus I can protect you, but since a microscopic fraction of meis with you, you only have three hours. But free yourself of one chain, and Iwill be able to protect you forever. Free yourself from all, and you will befaced with another choice.

“But when did all of this happen? When Iwas alive, I didn’t have these disabilities.”

This same powerful presence answered. You watch, but you do not see. You hear, butyou do not listen. You walk, but you do not move. You reach, but you do notgrasp.

It was cryptic, and I couldn’t figure outwhat was meant behind this. So I decided to put it at the back of my mind, andask another question.

“Alright, but how do I escape?”

This time, the other presence responded. I have been charged with the duty of guidingyou through recent events. You will be put in them again, but you mustrecognize what you did wrong, and do what is right.

I didn’t want to stay here for eternity,and I didn’t want to go to Hell. So my decision was made easily.

“Fine. What shall we do first?

This focuses on your ankles. You must free yourself of thosechains. Are you ready?


Then let’s go.

I suddenly felt an extreme rush ofadrenaline and everything went white.


“I’m glad to know that you’ll do it,” Titosaid.

“But, wait,” August said. “I see a hugehole in our story.”

“That being?” Tito asked.

“How are we going to explain Sias’ death?Saying he killed himself would be disastrous for the morale of our soldiers. Iwouldn’t be surprised if a large portion of them left—him giving up would seemlike a signal for everyone else to do the same.”

“I have already thought about that,” Lukesaid, suprising both of them. “We can simply cover up one flaw with another.Pretend that Sias believes we lost because of smaller numbers, and that he’sdecided to go on a recruit journey, alone. It would make sense that hisjudgment was clouded, we’re just changing the nature of his mistake.”

“That is actually ingenious!” Titoexclaimed. “Good thinking, Luke!”

This actually angered August. When heconsidered it, he realized how cold they were being to all that was happening.Shouldn’t they at least mourn these deaths?

And then he remembered. One of the untoldrules of war is not to lose yourself in the death of your friends, or you maycollapse under the pressure. Sias was proof of said fact.

But he couldn’t dishonor their memory. Hewould have to mourn them sometime.

“Just one thing, though,” August said.“What are we going to do with the body?”

“Okay, listen,” Tito said. “This is a veryconvoluted idea, but just bear with me and watch.”

He picked up Sias’ body (after cutting offthe rope), walked behind the throne and opened a door that was apparently meantfor storage space, threw the body in, and closed the door. August was bothdumbstruck and furious.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Augustscreamed.

“It’s not as though we could bury him. Thatwould require us to take him through the castle, thus opening up the likelihoodof the soldiers seeing his body,” Tito answered calmly.

“But your attitude towards him, it’s likeyou don’t care at all!”

“I have no respect or sympathy for failuresand quitters,” he said coldly.

“No, that’s not it! You just won’t admityou’re sad too! But you’re too stubborn and ashamed because you know the truthdeep down. He didn’t fail. You did!” Tito froze and August immediately knewthat he had said the wrong thing.

“Tito, wait, I…” August didn’t quite knowhow to continue.

Tito didn’t say a word. Instead he turnedaround and walked out of the room, the door slamming behind him.

August started after him, but Luke stoppedhim by grabbing his shoulder.

“Let him go. You won’t do any good in thisstate. At this point you’d just rub salt over the wound. Just wait until both ofyou have calmed down, and resolve this later.”

August didn’t like it, but he knew thatLuke was right.

“You should actually give a speech to yoursoldiers. Let them know that you’re in charge now and tell them where Siasassumedly is. I’ll give you a moment to yourself.” Luke turned and left.

He just sat on the throne and simmered downfor a few minutes. But after he calmed down, he was about to exit the room. Andthen he looked back.

He went back and picked up Fleur’s bodygingerly. He walked her over to the storage room and put her in.

Sias would have wanted it this way, he thought.

Then he left the room and readied himselfto speak to his army.


As soon as the white came it left, andsuddenly I was in a tent. I left the tent and ended up in a forest-like area.

I looked around and saw a multitude oftents around me. This all began to look very familiar.

And suddenly I got a feeling I’d knownbefore. That same feeling of dread before all hell broke loose.

“Prince Iosias, get down!”

And again, I threw myself to the ground.

That is when I understood: I’d been suckedto the past. Somehow I was reliving the ambush in Engea forest. But why?

I looked to my side and saw that same arrowthat almost killed me.

And then came that same call to arms.

“Soldiers! Get up, get up, get up! We have an emergency on our hands! Getarmed and prepare for battle!”

It was then I realized that whatever thereason for being in this time, I didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes. Sothus I decided to think on my feet, and head west.

Some of my soldiers followed me, decidingto be guards. And that’s when I found them.

I found a soldier from Eurul, who threw afire lantern. I jumped and manage to catch it.

That stopped the fire, but that meant Iwould lose August still, because I’d still be forced east, straight into thatother army. But suddenly I had an idea.

“Men!” I screamed at the top of my voice.“Get as many branches as you can carry and head east to the clearing!”

They looked at me as though I were insane,but they followed my orders anyway and started sprinting and galloping east.

I sprinted with them, carrying a fewbranches in my hand and holding the fire lantern tightly.

Then we finally made it to the edge of theforest, and we found that spanning army, with General Elias at the head.

“Soldiers, don’t be intimidated! They’re amile away, just make a line with all of the branches, right in front of them!”

They slowly started, still confused, thenbroke into a run, furiously stacking branches next to each other.

“Now, run south!”

Unlike the last two times, they didn’t needtelling twice. Immediately I saw my whole army retreating south. After I madesure they were a safe distance away, I threw the fire lantern onto thebranches. A fire erupted from the wood, a fire that spread to all of the otherbranches. The other army just stopped mid-charge, staring dumbfounded. They hadtheir own tactic thrown right back at them.

Satisfied, I ran south with all speed andcaught up with everyone, telling them to head west at the corner of the forest.Soon enough we began setting up.

I sighed with satisfaction.

Tito walked up to me.

“Prince Iosias, that was incredible! Therewas an ambush, and yet you managed to think on your feet and keep casualties toa minimum! But how did you know there would be a fire?” he asked.

“I noticed there was no one approaching usfrom the east. We could have held those soldiers off, so obviously they weregoing to force us east somehow. So I went west and luckily caught the firelantern just in time,” I lied.

“Amazing! I never would have thought ofthat!” Tito beamed.

I felt a jolt when I saw both of my dead(are they really dead, now?) friends come over, along with Luke.

“Incredible! That was ingenious!” Augustexclaimed.

“I have always believed in you—these are thereasons why,” Fleur said. She smiled warmly. I was hit with a wave of sorrowwhen I saw her, but I managed to hide it. I felt so guilty for breaking herpromise.

“How did you manage to pull that off?” Lukesaid, dumbfounded.

I opened my mouth to respond, but suddenlyeverything started to seem distant. And then suddenly I was hit with anotherburst of adrenaline, things went white, and suddenly I was deaf, blind, andchained again.

You have exceeded expectations, Vistatold me. I was beginning to recognize it was him sending the thoughts, somehow.Not only did you stop the fire and saveyour friend, but you decided to use their own tactic against them, and not burnthe forest, when you could have done that instead.

“Well, of course. It would be incredibly coldto burn down an entire forest for that battle. It’s cruel to burn downcreatures in a squabble that isn’t their responsibility.”

I felt warmth emanate from Vista. Your heart… At least that wasn’t locked.

“Yeah, thanks, but, two questions,” I said.“Am I safe from Hell, now?”

You are. But you are still stuck here. As am I.

“Alright, then that brings me to my secondquestion: was there something that I was supposed to learn from all of this?”

Was there?

“Well, I feel like there was a message tobe gained from that. Like there was something above fixing my mistakes. Thefirst time, I panicked and was lost, but this time… I managed to think on myfeet. I wasn’t able to do that before, but I think that taught me that it’simportant to improvise, not panic.”

Suddenly there was a loud crack. It took mea moment to realize what just happened, but then I noticed: the cuffs around myankles were gone.


If you manage to understand the lesson learned from each ofthese events that you are put through, then the corresponding impediment shallvanish. Like I said, you have the choice to free yourself of these obstacles.You once walked but did not move. Now you walk and you go the distance. Thusyour legs are free.

“Alright. One more question, though. Doesthis change the past? What I do in these events?”

No. That other presence you felt creates the events in perfectlikeness, and they work exactly like they would if you had done the same thingin your living world.

“Who is that being, anyway?”

The answer should be really obvious. Who is the one being thatis so powerful that they are able to do anything on will?

I paused for a moment, but then it hit me.“God?”


“A… Ah, I’m so sorry! I’ve been acting sodisrespectful to You! I wish You’d told me, I would have treated You better!”

Suddenly I felt that extremely powerfulpresence again. Treat Me like you wouldthe lesser of your brothers. You shall not respect others because of theirtitle. You must treat everyone with compassion, not just those with power and thoseclose to you.

“But You…”

If I did not have this power, if I was not the one who createdyou, and I was a simple bandit on the street, would you treat Me this way?

“I… No, I guess not.”

Do not be hurt. Just understand my message, no malice is meantbehind it.


Suddenly the powerful presence was gone,and then Vista began speaking to me again.

The next test focuses on your wrists. Are you ready?

“I am.”

Good luck.

Then came that same rush, and that samevision of white.


August found a balcony on the third floorof the fortress, and from it he called all of the troops to him.

He had no hesitation. As soon as the crowdgathered, he began speaking, as he had no trouble with a speech in front ofmany, unlike Sias.

“Everyone, I am glad to be back here, whereI belong.” This statement was greeted with scattered cheers. “I have heard thebad news that the king and capital are done for. But like my friend hasprobably told you: the capital has fallen, but our spirit is not crushed. Wemust forge on, and we will not stop until the capital is ours or we die!” Thistime the cheering was much louder.

“Now, perhaps you may be wondering why ourprince isn’t in front of you, giving this speech instead of me. Well, by nowyou have heard that Fleur, my sister, has fallen to General Elias’ blade. Thisis why he is not with us right now, or at least I assume so. His judgment wasclouded by her death, and thus he believed the reason that we lost that battlewas due to lesser numbers. Now this is obviously not the case, as now that theentire country’s forces have merged, we surpass them by many. Sias disagreed,and he decided to go across the country and assemble a recruit force.” Worriedmurmurs rippled across the crowd.

“Do not be discouraged. We will see himagain. But for now, he left this force in my control. I swear by my sister’sgrave that I shall lead the army to the best of my abilities. And as I saidbefore, I will not rest until this capital is retaken, or if I am dead. Siasasked it before, but now it is my turn to pose the question: soldiers…” he tooka deep breath. “Are you with me?!”

Silence. Then suddenly, from the middle ofthe crowd came a yell.

“Commander August, Command August!”

For a moment, that yell was the only one,but then it was joined by a few others, then more. Soon enough, a deafeningroar cheering him on ripped across the land.

“Good!” he yelled, trying to be heard overthe crowd. “Now that I know your blades are mine, I shall devise a new courseof action. Get some rest everyone. I will let you know when I have come with aplan.”

He offered a smile to the crowd, then leftthe balcony and found Tito in the room behind.

“I’m not surprised they readily acceptedthe change of leadership,” Tito said. August was partially surprised Tito waseven talking to him this quickly.

“Why not? I’m shocked, personally. Ithought it would be harder than that,” August replied.

“Well, there are many reasons why. First ofall, you are of noble descent, which makes the people naturally drawn to you.Secondly, they support you because of your patriotic act back at the ambush inEngea forest. But most of all, they all want back their old lives, so they’reflocking to any person that offers hope. They don’t want this war. I doubt mostof the soldiers from any nation do. But it’s left to the nobles and their pettygames. Soldiers are just disposables to them. Pawns to move across the boardfor the purpose of outmaneuvering their opponents.”

“Tito, not every noble is like that…”

“I know, I know. You’re different.”

“I meant Sias,” August said sadly.

“Oh,” Tito said. An awkward silencefollowed, but then Tito said “you know, I’ve been meaning to talk to you aboutthat.”

“So have I, but I wanted to wait until wewere both ready. I’m just glad we cooled down fast. Now, Tito, I’m sorry aboutthis—“

“No, don’t apologize. We are both at faulthere. We were spitting fire at each other when we’re really just misdirectingour sadness over Iosias’ death. You were right, I am distraught. But… how didyou see it?” Tito asked.

“It’s because you’re usually composed. Butyou seemed pretty off. And I could see it in your eyes, the sorrow.”

“I gave myself over, I suppose. I’m juststill disbelieving that he did what he did.”

“So am I, but… I don’t blame him for it. Iwouldn’t have gone as far as he did but I would have been dangerously closeto—maybe even restricted by—despair.”

Tito sighed. “Well, whatever the reason,Sias is gone now. Someday we will have to admit the truth to our soldiers, butthat will have to wait until this war is over.”

“Yes, and we must forge on without him. Iwill not stand by and watch this nightmare. I will take action,” August said.

“Good. No hard feelings then?” Tito asked.

“None at all,” August answered.

Tito smiled and left August to himself.Then August went to the throne room to think of what to do next.

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My hard mode run last stopped in Madra, so I won't have to worry about that for quite a while. And Moapa? Hmm... Another one who wasn't all that much trouble in Normal mode, but he has those Knights with him... Also, how hard is teh AVIMANDER?

Hard Mode Avimander isn't as hard as Normal Mode Poseidon imo but it's just that he's no longer a boss that you can easily stomp all over without being extra-careful. This fight was actually a challenge. I even went as far as using Impair on him (believe it or not, it works) and also, Resist. Plus, I wasted a Crystal Powder because Jenna was pure Fire.

It's only based on my Avimander experience that makes me feel that Moapa could get annoying. Agatio/Karst and Poseidon would obviously be really difficult and the summon guardians would be a nightmare. Even Valukar, who I always found to be pretty easy, apparently gets to hit the Golden Sun HP cap in Hard Mode (Dullahan is the only other boss that reaches it).

Anyway, is there any characters you want made? I feel like making someone who isn't related at all to Lumi or Noctian at all.


To add to this description,

Vishara is the "Land of Knights" Honorable and just.

Aukema is something similar to Lycia, balanced, and run by many marquess'.

Onduris is a deadly country, everyone is a sworduser, they spar quite often, though no one dies, as it is ruled by the fair King Jinsei.

-Nothing much is known about Hamisaki due to it's cut off ties to the rest of the continent-


What is Musain ruled by?

Read the end of the overview. You'll never see it coming.






What is it?

Fayt, is it okay if I add your character? It's good one. You can even interface with me if you have other ideas for your characters like supports and stuff.

Can you do that for mine too?

You did that on purpose.

Of course, this is oujay's

And crit evade! Yeah! That's right, bitches! Y'all gonna get...get crit evaded! By...me! Wooo!

Am I the only one who thinks that Support CEv bonuses are rarely significant enough to make a difference?

I just realized that I never wrote Lumi and Noctian their default unpaired endings.

... Is there a way to change Noctian's ending depending on if Lumi is alive or dead?

(Or Lumi can retreat, lol)

Kai you spelled Noctian wrong.

They can have FIXED A support, you know, like PentxLouise

Ages 0-18 sucked.

No wonder you're so pessimistic

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[spoiler=Was the Pokemon anime all a dream?]Did one ever know the reason why the pacing and story development change after Ash was hit by lightning in the beginning episodes? How Ash and his world were relatively normal until after the incident? I have a theory. The accident with the bike put Ash in a coma. Days later he was found and was hurried to the hospital and treated with heavy medications. This is why Team Rocket became less menacing. The medication took effect and stabilized his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his Pokémon master fantasies.

If one had noticed, the early episodes of Pokémon were of amazing quality. The rest of the series is just the results of his subconscious mind fulfilling his desires, as well as attempting to escape them. Should Ash realize he's in a coma, he would wake up, but suffer brain damage. So he has to take down all his mental barriers one by one until he can come to grips with what he is and escape his coma.

This explains why he doesn't change much physically. Also, the worldwide socialism can be explained if you once again realize that this is a dream world; he thought up a safe system of government that would run smoothly and keeps the world going allowing his adventures to work like they do. It also explains a few other things, such as how a child can go off on his own in a world full of dangerous untamed animals, and why every Pokémon center has the same exact nurse. Joy and Jenny he knew from his hometown, and they act as a safety net or anchor, allowing him to feel safe no matter where he goes. The professors, like the Joy's and Jenny's represent stability, and ash's ideals. This is why Gary became a professor. It's also the reason that every time he enters a new region, virtually no one has heard of him, despite his conquests, and why Giovanni leads Team Rocket. How could Paul, the rival of the Sinnoh area, not know of someone who has placed in at least the top 16 of all three leagues and has destroyed the Orange league and Battle Frontier?

Ash’s travelling partners are actually aspects of himself he can enjoy, but doesn't like to associate with himself. Team Rocket are his qualities that he deems "negative", but is coming to terms with. Jesse and James want to appease Giovanni, Ash's Father. Meowth especially wants to appease him because he remembers the good times with Giovanni. This Places meowth in a category known as ash's (corrupted) innocence, and another fragment of ash's humanity. If you note that meowth can speak this quickly becomes apparrent. In fact the whole reason for meowth's speech is so he can help Ash accept Team rocket as part of himself eventually.

Brock is Ash's repressed sexuality. He fell into the coma a virgin and needed an outlet for his growing sexual frustrations. Since he can never experience sex, Brock must never succeed. Brock is a projection of his sexuality, and is constantly shot down because Ash could never “know” sex. Brock isn't just Ash's latent sexuality, he's also his fatherly instincts, neither of which Ash can come to terms with. Brock leaves his siblings to "journey" with Ash. because Ash can't cope with having that much responsibility, much as his foray with a real relationship ends on mysterious terms. Ash just cannot handle commitment at his mental level. Brock's Stay with professor Ivy was an.attempt to outright suppress his sexuality. You'll notice that James got much more dialogue in this part of the series, as well as getting more touchy feel-y with his pokemon and getting most of his backstory. Ash didn't enjoy this much, hence the reasons Brock comes back all horrified, and refuses to speak about it. (ash's subconscious was repressing him at the time, so other than a general feeling of dread he has no idea of what went on then.) This is also why brock keeps coming back to the series....Usually AFTER Ash meets a new girl aspect of himself.Misty is an image that Ash had of a girl. This is why she plays so prevalently in the series but is ultimately unattainable because he never really knew her before the coma. Likely the one that helped get him to a hospital. I have a theory in line with this: Since Misty was his initial love interest (if only subconsciously), he needed her to reach a level of womanhood. He felt that people could only have relationships when they've matured. But in practice, it turned out he couldn't cope with it and just wanted the normal, pushy, arrogant Misty he knew, and wouldn't let her keep Togepi anymore.

Misty is Ash's first attempt at a girl he could love, however, being a girl from the real world, all he really he knew of her was her anger, as a result she ended up quite hot headed in his mind. Constantly berating his sexuality, but eventually mellowing out until she had faded into the background. This was also traumatizing to him, being attached to it. Since then, the thought of anyone around him maturing to adulthood has been blocked, and anyone who shows signs of it will quickly end up leaving for another, more naive fill-in.

Max came with May, she played the ID with great aspirations, and he played the sensible Ego that "Session". They worked for a little while but Ash, being a teenager, eventually had his sexuality had to come back into play. He kept reinventing himself and eventually wrote new aspects, but his mind slowly brought back the old ones as a crutch to make the transition easier. Dawn is Ash giving himself a chance to love. since he already established Misty as someone he's not likely to go anywhere with, he created a new super female, one that was more like him, and less violent all the time. (One will note that both May and Misty had no tolerance for Brock whatsoever whereas Dawn seems to try and shrug it off.)


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Hard Mode Avimander isn't as hard as Normal Mode Poseidon imo but it's just that he's no longer a boss that you can easily stomp all over without being extra-careful. This fight was actually a challenge. I even went as far as using Impair on him (believe it or not, it works) and also, Resist. Plus, I wasted a Crystal Powder because Jenna was pure Fire.

It's only based on my Avimander experience that makes me feel that Moapa could get annoying. Agatio/Karst and Poseidon would obviously be really difficult and the summon guardians would be a nightmare. Even Valukar, who I always found to be pretty easy, apparently gets to hit the Golden Sun HP cap in Hard Mode (Dullahan is the only other boss that reaches it).

Hmm... Well, he DOES use Guard, so Impair on him will knock his Defense back down. Resist is always good to have around.

There's the fact that Karst has Death Scythe as well as Djinnfest to worry about. And Rising Dragon and Meteor Blow just suck to be on the business end of. But since both are Psynergy, you can try sealing Agatio's Psynergy. Can't really say about Moapa, and Poseidon... Well, Watery Grave and Ocean Fist just suck.

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[spoiler=Was the Pokemon anime all a dream?]Did one ever know the reason why the pacing and story development change after Ash was hit by lightning in the beginning episodes? How Ash and his world were relatively normal until after the incident? I have a theory. The accident with the bike put Ash in a coma. Days later he was found and was hurried to the hospital and treated with heavy medications. This is why Team Rocket became less menacing. The medication took effect and stabilized his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his Pokémon master fantasies.

If one had noticed, the early episodes of Pokémon were of amazing quality. The rest of the series is just the results of his subconscious mind fulfilling his desires, as well as attempting to escape them. Should Ash realize he's in a coma, he would wake up, but suffer brain damage. So he has to take down all his mental barriers one by one until he can come to grips with what he is and escape his coma.

This explains why he doesn't change much physically. Also, the worldwide socialism can be explained if you once again realize that this is a dream world; he thought up a safe system of government that would run smoothly and keeps the world going allowing his adventures to work like they do. It also explains a few other things, such as how a child can go off on his own in a world full of dangerous untamed animals, and why every Pokémon center has the same exact nurse. Joy and Jenny he knew from his hometown, and they act as a safety net or anchor, allowing him to feel safe no matter where he goes. The professors, like the Joy's and Jenny's represent stability, and ash's ideals. This is why Gary became a professor. It's also the reason that every time he enters a new region, virtually no one has heard of him, despite his conquests, and why Giovanni leads Team Rocket. How could Paul, the rival of the Sinnoh area, not know of someone who has placed in at least the top 16 of all three leagues and has destroyed the Orange league and Battle Frontier?

Ash’s travelling partners are actually aspects of himself he can enjoy, but doesn't like to associate with himself. Team Rocket are his qualities that he deems "negative", but is coming to terms with. Jesse and James want to appease Giovanni, Ash's Father. Meowth especially wants to appease him because he remembers the good times with Giovanni. This Places meowth in a category known as ash's (corrupted) innocence, and another fragment of ash's humanity. If you note that meowth can speak this quickly becomes apparrent. In fact the whole reason for meowth's speech is so he can help Ash accept Team rocket as part of himself eventually.

Brock is Ash's repressed sexuality. He fell into the coma a virgin and needed an outlet for his growing sexual frustrations. Since he can never experience sex, Brock must never succeed. Brock is a projection of his sexuality, and is constantly shot down because Ash could never “know” sex. Brock isn't just Ash's latent sexuality, he's also his fatherly instincts, neither of which Ash can come to terms with. Brock leaves his siblings to "journey" with Ash. because Ash can't cope with having that much responsibility, much as his foray with a real relationship ends on mysterious terms. Ash just cannot handle commitment at his mental level. Brock's Stay with professor Ivy was an.attempt to outright suppress his sexuality. You'll notice that James got much more dialogue in this part of the series, as well as getting more touchy feel-y with his pokemon and getting most of his backstory. Ash didn't enjoy this much, hence the reasons Brock comes back all horrified, and refuses to speak about it. (ash's subconscious was repressing him at the time, so other than a general feeling of dread he has no idea of what went on then.) This is also why brock keeps coming back to the series....Usually AFTER Ash meets a new girl aspect of himself.Misty is an image that Ash had of a girl. This is why she plays so prevalently in the series but is ultimately unattainable because he never really knew her before the coma. Likely the one that helped get him to a hospital. I have a theory in line with this: Since Misty was his initial love interest (if only subconsciously), he needed her to reach a level of womanhood. He felt that people could only have relationships when they've matured. But in practice, it turned out he couldn't cope with it and just wanted the normal, pushy, arrogant Misty he knew, and wouldn't let her keep Togepi anymore.

Misty is Ash's first attempt at a girl he could love, however, being a girl from the real world, all he really he knew of her was her anger, as a result she ended up quite hot headed in his mind. Constantly berating his sexuality, but eventually mellowing out until she had faded into the background. This was also traumatizing to him, being attached to it. Since then, the thought of anyone around him maturing to adulthood has been blocked, and anyone who shows signs of it will quickly end up leaving for another, more naive fill-in.

Max came with May, she played the ID with great aspirations, and he played the sensible Ego that "Session". They worked for a little while but Ash, being a teenager, eventually had his sexuality had to come back into play. He kept reinventing himself and eventually wrote new aspects, but his mind slowly brought back the old ones as a crutch to make the transition easier. Dawn is Ash giving himself a chance to love. since he already established Misty as someone he's not likely to go anywhere with, he created a new super female, one that was more like him, and less violent all the time. (One will note that both May and Misty had no tolerance for Brock whatsoever whereas Dawn seems to try and shrug it off.)


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Hmm... Well, he DOES use Guard, so Impair on him will knock his Defense back down. Resist is always good to have around.

Two Resists + that Djinn which raises Resistance = Max Res. If only enemy EPA didn't exist...

There's the fact that Karst has Death Scythe as well as Djinnfest to worry about. And Rising Dragon and Meteor Blow just suck to be on the business end of. But since both are Psynergy, you can try sealing Agatio's Psynergy. Can't really say about Moapa, and Poseidon... Well, Watery Grave and Ocean Fist just suck.

Karst and Agatio. I normally tend to focus all my bullets at Agatio and then bring down Karst when she's alone. Perhaps it would be wiser if I switched them up. I have doubts of whether Bind would work though. I'm fighting Poseidon right now actually. I'd rather face another Serpent.

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