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*remembers Nadesico!!!!!!!*

You say that to just about every 20+ female that leaves some community you belong to.

he does doesn't he....

maybe ferret feels threatened.

Honestly, I have no fucking idea what you guys are talking about.

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The power of SA is strong.

Now go on to Kamelot. I think they may be a bit more acceptable to you, ERL.

Kamelot, huh?

Was that metal? It didn't sound like it. It sounded like...actual music. :P Regardless that was good. I guess it's more the Death Metal and Speed Metal I should avoid.


While I can admit the subgenres with harsh vocals aren't as approachable...


If you avoid all metal bands on general principles you'll be missing out on a ton of good music.

And yes, ERL, don't avoid all metal. I've been posting ballads lately, but even Kamelot's normal songs are pretty easy to listen to in terms of metal. You should try them out. Sonata has a wide range. Wolf and the Raven is one extreme of their's while Tallulah is the other extreme. Their regular songs can get insanefast while their ballads are quite mellow.

Also, look up the lyrics for SA's Kingdom For a Heart. Cutest song ever. You probably won't like the music, though. It's one of the faster songs. But lyrics are DAAAAAW.

Letter for Dana and Shy are both cuter than KFoA (IMO).

...Anyway, random ballady things for ERL's education:

Blind Guardian's

cannot be missed.


sung in Polish by a Polish band (they also sing it in English but I think it loses something).

Iced Earth's Ghost of Freedom. Oh man, I'm choking up and getting all patriotic.


of The River Flows Frozen (because I'm sure the growls in the regular version would turn you off).

Leaves' Eyes'

Savatage (the guys who later went on to form TSO), have a very good ballad in This Isn't What We Meant.

from Dream Theater's "Scenes From a Memory" (one of the greatest albums of all time, of all time).
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Kamelot, huh?


While I can admit the subgenres with harsh vocals aren't as approachable...


If you avoid all metal bands on general principles you'll be missing out on a ton of good music.

...Anyway, random ballady things for ERL's education:

Blind Guardian's

cannot be missed.


sung in Polish by a Polish band (they also sing it in English but I think it loses something).

Iced Earth's Ghost of Freedom. Oh man, I'm choking up and getting all patriotic.


of The River Flows Frozen (because I'm sure the growls in the regular version would turn you off).

Leaves' Eyes'

Savatage (the guys who later went on to form TSO), have a very good ballad in This Isn't What We Meant.

from Dream Theater's "Scenes From a Memory" (one of the greatest albums of all time, of all time).

Wow, metal fans really do rule the internet.

Well looks like I've got some homework to do. :P I'll give these a listen.

Though, in other forums I've been in metalheads have been very elitist and obnoxious, saying it's the only form of "true music" and if anyone dares to insult the genre or say they like other music better, they swarm them like killer bees, showing them no mercy. I've seen...bad things...happen to good people because of metalheads. >__> I guess that is also part of my aversion to the genre.

Edited by El Rey León
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Wow, metal fans really do rule the internet.

Well looks like I've got some homework to do. :P I'll give these a listen.

Though, in other forums I've been in metalheads have been very elitist and obnoxious, saying it's the only form of "true music" and if anyone dares to insult the genre or say they like other music better, they swarm them like killer bees, showing them no mercy. I've seen...bad things...happen to good people because of metalheads. >__> I guess that is also part of my aversion to the genre.

hehehe, indeed. I am always pleasantly surprised by the number of random metalheads I run into.

But by no means is metal the only thing I listen to, and anyone so elitist to claim it's the only "true music" sounds like a person I'd have trouble getting along with.

Personally, I also love a lot of gothic-inluenced music (like stuff from

). I also have a fondness for punk and ska (Bad Religion, The Offspring, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Goldfinger, Save Ferris, etc. [no links, these guys are mostly mainstream enough you've probably heard their name at least]), not to mention folk (Simon and Garfunkel, Blackmore's Night, Backworld), techno, and classical.

Sure, I love metal probably the most, but just about every walk of music has some really good stuff, and to deny that is downright retarded.

You don't like metal? That's fine, maybe there's some other avenue I can share you do enjoy. Still no? Well then, music isn't the be all and end all, we can talk about something else. Movies, games, etc. No need to be defined by one thing in particular.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Awesome CG. Also sums up how I feel, thanks to Iris's new HnH... I like her and all, but I REALLY think that anything that even remotely resembles the FE girls HnH in any way, shape or form is a terrible idea and should be avoided... Speaking of which, I was opposed to a FE girls HnH from day one... and guess what?

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Awesome CG. Also sums up how I feel, thanks to Iris's new HnH... I like her and all, but I REALLY think that anything that even remotely resembles the FE girls HnH in any way, shape or form is a terrible idea and should be avoided... Speaking of which, I was opposed to a FE girls HnH from day one... and guess what?

Yeah, that CG was awesome. I'm so glad the GBA version still had it so I saw it when I played the game.


This one was really cool too, when you see it in the game.

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Wow, metal fans really do rule the internet.

Well looks like I've got some homework to do. :P I'll give these a listen.

Though, in other forums I've been in metalheads have been very elitist and obnoxious, saying it's the only form of "true music" and if anyone dares to insult the genre or say they like other music better, they swarm them like killer bees, showing them no mercy. I've seen...bad things...happen to good people because of metalheads. >__> I guess that is also part of my aversion to the genre.

Point there. I've seen the really elitist bunch, of course. They'd even insult some of the metal subgenres, claiming that "x genre of metal is the manliest, brutalist metal, and y metal is for pussies*

Every fandom has its extremists. Just look at Twilight fangirls. Twilight is the most unmanly thing to walk this earth and yet its most hardcore fans.... *shudder*

But no. Not all metal is that angry. It's good to see you being at least open to ballads, since they're some of the most beautiful modern music IMO.

And for the record, I listen to J-pop too. :P

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Point there. I've seen the really elitist bunch, of course. They'd even insult some of the metal subgenres, claiming that "x genre of metal is the manliest, brutalist metal, and y metal is for pussies*

"Power metal? pfff. You mean flower metal. Hahaha."

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Every fandom has its extremists. Just look at Twilight fangirls. Twilight is the most unmanly thing to walk this earth and yet its most hardcore fans.... *shudder*

Nice way to demonstrate your point.

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Nice way to demonstrate your point.

Name one thing in Twilight that's manly.

Okay. Barbie's probably less manly. I tend to exaggerate a bit when I make points. Bad habit of mine.

Rephrase: "Twilight is one of the more unmanly things to walk this earth?"

"Power metal? pfff. You mean flower metal. Hahaha."

God those people are so annoying.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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hehehe, indeed. I am always pleasantly surprised by the number of random metalheads I run into.

But by no means is metal the only thing I listen to, and anyone so elitist to claim it's the only "true music" sounds like a person I'd have trouble getting along with.

Personally, I also love a lot of gothic-inluenced music (like stuff from

). I also have a fondness for punk and ska (Bad Religion, The Offspring, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Goldfinger, Save Ferris, etc. [no links, these guys are mostly mainstream enough you've probably heard their name at least]), not to mention folk (Simon and Garfunkel, Blackmore's Night, Backworld), techno, and classical.

Sure, I love metal probably the most, but just about every walk of music has some really good stuff, and to deny that is downright retarded.

You don't like metal? That's fine, maybe there's some other avenue I can share you do enjoy. Still no? Well then, music isn't the be all and end all, we can talk about something else. Movies, games, etc. No need to be defined by one thing in particular.

I'm more of a classic rock and instrumentals person. I also like punk and ska. But metal's never been something I could sink my teeth into. People always suggest the ones with angry guitars and growls and snarls and other stereotypical metal sounds.

Anyway, as for the ballads you gave me.

Elizabet III-Fall From Grace was actually very good. And I loved The Bard's Song. I tried listening to the "growl" version of The River Flows Frozen kind of scared me, but I was able to listen to all of it. I think Leaves' Eyes' Elegy was my favorite.

OK, metal ballads are nice. Don't know if I'll ever be keen on the whole genre, though.

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As I've said before, Kamelot is generally very good for those who aren't too keen on overtly angry or speed-based sounds while still being excellent-quality metal. Talented musicians that they are.

IMO their "hardest" song is March of Mephisto, but that's also one of the ones I listen to most so that's what's off the top of my head. Correct me if I'm wrong, Bal.

But if the growl versions scare you, then by all means stay away from it. Though--I think it's a bit of an acquired taste. I used to be scare off of it when I was younger (the days when I exclusively listened to classical and c-pop, though, where I practically hated every single other music genre) but as I got listened more to it, I started to develop tolerance and even a taste for it.

It's totally fine if you're not. Hell, Metal has too many subgenres to start anyway. The only subgenre I'd suggest as a whole to you, seeing your tastes, is the Symphonic branch, because it mixes classical elements in with metal and it sounds epic and awesome.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Name one thing in Twilight that's manly.

Okay. Barbie's probably less manly. I tend to exaggerate a bit when I make points. Bad habit of mine.

Rephrase: "Twilight is one of the more unmanly things to walk this earth?"

God those people are so annoying.

I think Proto is saying that the extremists of everything is easily seen through your post where you stated you hated Twilight.

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Hey, LB, I'm at the route split now (taking Eirika's path naturally). Chapter 8 was amazing. So many great level ups. Eirika got a near perfect one (only missing out on RES) and Ross finally gained more than 1 stat per level.

This is their current stats

Eirika LV 17

26 HP, 14 STR, 17 SKL, 17 SPD, 12 LUK, 6 DEF, 8 RES, A Swords

Seth LV 7

36 HP, 14 STR, 18 SKL, 13, SPD, 13 LUK, 14 DEF, 9 RES, S Swords, A Lances

Ross LV 10/9

27 HP, 14 STR, 11 SKL, 6 SPD, 16 LUK, 11 DEF 7 RES, C Axes.

I did make a blunder though. I brought Colm in as a "guest star" to steal the treasures. Enemy Thief stole his lockpick. I'm not training him, so he didn't have the speed to steal it back. >__< But I made that sacrifice, because Ross got too many awesome level ups to raegreset. Guess I'll have to rely on Door/Chest Keys for a while.

Anyway, I got this Angelic Robe. Who should I give it to?

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Seth to increase his tanking ability. Plus, when training your newcomers, use Meatshield Seth. Or Slim sword.

Seth is wtf STR screwed, though. He has 50% growths in that but he hasn't gained a point. WTF. Defense and Res looking good, on the other hand.

Once you get past C9, Chest Keys are go. Do go through the trouble of getting Rennac, since there's awesome stuff on his chapter.

Actually, yeah. Amelia. She'll need it to survive just one hit.

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You might want to hand him a Energy Ring when you get the chance to make up for the levels he missed. Eirika's strength ATM is absolutely awesome. Her defense is a bit weak, but she'll catch up post-promotion so no worries about it.

I may have to have a word with the RNG goddess. I'm not liking how she's treating Seth at the moment.

Hand him a Steel or something.

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You didn't answer my Speedwing question. >:

Also, I may find use for his disapponting str. He could do chip damage while Amelia takes his kills for easy level ups.

Man Eirika's gonna ram 20 so early, I hope I don't end up babysitting HER until Ch. 15. :P

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