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I still need to play Thracia.

But I'm currently involved in projects for FE6 (Ch13), FE9 (Ch11), and FE4 (Ch1). Ffffff.

On the one hand though, without imposing outside requirements on myself (i.e., not shooting for ranks or drafts), it would probably actually be an easy and refreshing change of pace.

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Why do we reach forward?

Why do we grasp outwards?

Why do we care?

Because we are humans

We are dust, yet not the world

A change is durable

Life is passable

Change is future

Life is present

Life is change

Present is future

Thus, we reach outwards

We keep moving

We are humans

We are dust.

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Actually, it's more like Kicking ERL's arse every night~<3

At least your Kicking with lurve~<3


You live in New York. How is that special?


Othin and Halvan entered my life.



For Othin, the former, but at 1-2 range. Halvan can do both.


Stupid Dungeon level with my forgetting to use savestates.

Not awesome. My brief exposure to Thracia really impressed me with them. SPD-based Fighters? They were like Swordmasters with Axes?

I hope you reset (resetted?). Thracia's difficult enough. And without the two best units you're in for an even tougher ride.

Edited by El Rey León
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Oh right. :lol:


I bought a bunch of Chest Keys at the C9 place, then proceeded to C11. Nothing to special here, just rushed the chapter with my group four, feeding kills to Amelia along the way. Also gave her the Secret Book to help her hit stuff. She's gonna need a few Body Rings though. With that low con, pretty much anything but a Slim Lance or Iron Lance will weigh her down and make her lose AS. :/ Ross is turning out GREAT. He's stronger than Seth now!

C12 gave me problems, mostly of the "keep Ewan alive" variety. Stupid Pupil kept dying on me because monsters would always find some spot I missed when trying to place him our of range and eat him. :P He did abuse that zombie in the NE corner that never moved and gained 5 levels. Also SethxEirika got their A support this chapter. It seems protecting the kids from monsters and Grado pedophiles has brought them closer. <3 Ross and Amelia reached B level too.

Current stats awaiting your judgment:

Eirika LV 20

28 HP, 15 STR, 18 SKL, 20 SPD*, 13 LUK, 10 DEF, 9 RES A Swords, SethxEirika A Support

Seth LV --/13

49 HP, 19 STR 21 SKL, 15 SPD, 17 LUK, 16 DEF, 11 RES S Swords, A Lances, SethxEirika A Support

Ross LV 10/18

32 HP, 20 STR*, 13 SKL, 15 SPD, 18 LUK, 13 DEF, 8 RES, A Axes, RossxAmelia B Support

Amelia LV10/9

37 HP, 11 STR, 9 SKL, 14 SPD, 18 LUK, 12 DEF, 4 RES, C Lances, RossxAmelia B Support

Ewan LV 6

19 HP, 5 MAG, 4 SKL, 8 SPD, 7 LUK, 0 DEF, 7 RES, E Anima

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My school's an hour walk too. Got some exercise and nearly got hit by a car.

Seth-Whenever you get another speedwing (C19 comes to mind), feed it to him ASAP. He should have 17 SPD by now.

Defense and Res looking good so far. STR is pretty much back on track. Well, it's still screwed by one, but at least it wasn't that ridiculous. HP's looking good too. I'd say you put the C16 Talisman on him when you get there, since you want that one magictank unit come gorgons chapter. Plus he gets +3ATK/DEF with Eir A. I'd say that's pretty badass.

Ross-Nice STR. SKL's on track and SPD is insano-blessed. Maybe Seth should've taken the wings. DEF's on track and RES is blessed by one point.

Amelia-All around blessed except STR(average, though) SKL (you should have two of these) and RES (Seth can take care of magictanking). Good work girl.

Ewan-Nice HP and RES, SPD is +1 and LUK-1, others look average.

It's a good thing Seth only ever gets HP screwed for me, because I feed him the first robe I get anyway. :P

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Bullshit. Seth is perpetually blessed because he loves me.

Actually there's one time where he ended with 16 DEF but lets not talk about it. Plus A Eir B Franz and his shield monopoly fixed that.

If I RNG abused I would not have had a 3-point DEF-screwed Eirika where I had to spare a Dracoshield for her thus ending Seth's monopoly on them.


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I wouldn't say my Seth sucks, Soul. He's still pulling his weight pretty darn well. I don't know why he isn't picking up SPD more often. Lumi, you must've focused too much on Seth str-screwage when you complained to Anna. Make her fix his speed. :sob: He can't double myrmidons, mercenaries or mauthe doogs.

I'm amazed at how my Ross turned out. Two more levels and he's Super Journeyman.

Nice to hear Amelia's actually blessed. She almost never turned out well for me, but she's holding her own.

Ewan will be a bitch to train though. Such a low level and such low stats. Stupid Est. Super Pupil better be worth it.

I'm actually really enjoying taking on maps with such a small group. Kind of feels like an actual RPG where I gain a unique character each time instead of just another class unit. The Five Man Band is all here!

As a matter of fact, I'll give them roles tvtropes style.

The Hero - Eirika

The Lancer - Seth

The Big Guy - Ross

The Smart Guy - Ewan

The Chick - Amelia


What's good strategy for C13? I've already decided not to take on Aais, but I'm worried about when Pablo and Cormag shows up.

Edited by El Rey León
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If you don't mind missing out on Cormag, have Seth and Eirika bum-rush Aias.

Have Eirika be support for Seth. Seth should use a Horseslayer. Eirika can Rapier. Ross can kill cavs. Amelia can support him and Ewan should just hide on that chapter. C14 and 15 are much better places to train him, especially considering his movement advantage in the latter.

It's much better than dealing with Bolting IMO. And then you'll be surrounded. Better end chapter early than face issues.


Think of something for Team Issac that fits as well? :awesome: And your TB Rangers. And... Brotherhood of Heroes.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I think that Seth should do fine, even when strength-screwed, once Audhulma comes in and Silvers become buyable.

Because money is never an issue.

I normally do those pairings as well, Ein. :)


Also, I love it when a HnH is ending, and it's close enough that either side could win. :awesome:

Plus, you just tend to punch out Riev before the reinforcements flood the scene, otherwise you're royally screwed, right?

In addition...


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Yep. Seth. Ten-move, 25 STR (Average+one Ring should do it), Audhulma in one hand, Javelins/Silvers in the other. Three turn clear C19 always. <3

The only treasure I want is Speedwing anyway, and if needed I'll send out Tethys and Duracell to get that. Or if Eirika is trained she can do it herself.

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I wouldn't say my Seth sucks, Soul. He's still pulling his weight pretty darn well. I don't know why he isn't picking up SPD more often. Lumi, you must've focused too much on Seth str-screwage when you complained to Anna. Make her fix his speed. :sob: He can't double myrmidons, mercenaries or mauthe doogs.

For faster, weaker enemies, have him 1HKO them with a Silver or Steel Lance.

As a matter of fact, I'll give them roles tvtropes style.

The Hero - Eirika

Ephraim fits that much better, along with "The Lancer".

The Lancer - Seth

'Nuff said

The Big Guy - Ross

The Smart Guy - Ewan

The Chick - Amelia

No, and no. Not to mention how sexist was your labling towards Amelia. Try "Badass adorable".

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That being said, I'm going to try to fit Team Jehanna (from my previous PT) into the 5-man team. I will have to exclude Eirika and Ewan because they don't really fit.

Joshua: THE HERO.

Marisa: the Lancer

Gerik: the Big Guy (I was originally going for him as lancer, but it's either him or Marisa and he's the one with 15 con here, sooooooo)

Saleh: the Smart Guy

Tethys: The Chick

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Except there can't be "The chick" when there are two of them. And Ross isn't a bug guy. Seth mains Swords AND Lances, which would make him "The knight in shining armor", since he marries the princess he is supposed to protect.


Edited by Soul
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It's just PT based 5-man teams. All for good fun.

I had 7 team members on my Jehanna Run. Ewan didn't do much except mass produce summons and Eirika's not Jehannan. So...

Raven >>>>>>>>>>> Guy

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That must've been too nuanced for Soul to get. =p And I was half-joking anyway. And for all intents and purposes, Ross is The Big Guy of my group since he has the most strength and has tanking ability now. Seth's The Lancer because he always races out to the frontlines, doing his own thing. Eirika's The Hero as this is her route. Ewan is The Smart Guy 'cause....he reads tomes and you need to be smart to use magic? Eh. Amelia's The Chick because she's a chick. :P Amelia has never been badass in any of my pts.

Oh man, I worry about C19. How am I gonna protect L'Arachel's uncle with just the five of them? And I want to collect the treasures so rushing Riev isn't an option. :mellow:

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That must've been too nuanced for Soul to get. =p And I was half-joking anyway. And for all intents and purposes, Ross is The Big Guy of my group since he has the most strength and has tanking ability now. Seth's The Lancer because he always races out to the frontlines, doing his own thing. Eirika's The Hero as this is her route. Ewan is The Smart Guy 'cause....he reads tomes and you need to be smart to use magic? Eh. Amelia's The Chick because she's a chick. :P Amelia has never been badass in any of my pts.

Oh man, I worry about C19. How am I gonna protect L'Arachel's uncle with just the five of them? And I want to collect the treasures so rushing Riev isn't an option. :mellow:

You obviously never went through a Drafting tournament.

I 2-turned with only Eirika, Ephraim, Duessel and Ross.

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