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I'm just doing recolors now. I figured that's a good starting place for a beginner. Next will come the splicing. Then, in a million years, customs! :newyears:

Crit makes shit better.


Edited by El Rey León
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Yep, those suck ass too, which is why I'm making a new Miku mug from scratch.

You need to revive man.

Make moar.

Practice makes better.

Over the holidays, yes. For now, though, I have one speciality to offer and I intend on focusing my efforts of improvement.

Constructive Criticism->Improvement->stuff gets better.

I wish anyone would do the former on ToKA so I could reap the benefits of the latter.

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I recolor all sprites into Seth's Palette before I start splicing them into one of his reclass'd mugs. :awesome:

Speaking of which, I have to think of Sniper!Seth and how he'd look.

*Fangirl squeal*


It's not fully done yet, though.

Tomorrow I start the revisions.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Recoloring does nothing, i can do it in 5 minutes with Usenti, HOLY SHIT I MADE A SPRITE.

Splicing actually does something.

Yes, I enjoy feeling like I did something even though I did nothing. >__>

OK, I'll go straight to splicing then. Maybe I'll show it to you all at the end of the week if you need a good laugh or something.

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Then there's the people who can't splice that well but customs like a god.

IDK. Customing is easier when you have bases in drawing.

But heavy-duty CG-style shading complicates it again.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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You have no RES

We're talking 30 Mt here. Which means it'll hurt no matter what.

That's Shanan alright.

... They Nerfed Balmung what

Balmung was too overpowered so it makes sense. Original Balmung has always been my favorite holy weapon. Stupid Holsety fanboys/fangirls...

I think it can only be activated once per battle...

Well, they are weak against thunder magic. That's one thing to take advantage of.

Bah, looks like Roar may not help much either. I'm on the final battle now though, so it's the best time to waste them all.



Wow! This looks way better in color than I had initially imagined it. You are so amazing at this, Luminescent Blade!

Minor Pillow problems everywhere, but not that bad, like when the two legs cross over, there's pillow shading.

The outline needs to be one side anti Aliased too.

Chest plate is awkward, messy shading overall.

TRIM NEEDS MOAR TRIM....NESS It's not shaded properly, look at FE mugs for how to trim properly.

You also need to reflect where the light hits other objects and how they cast shadows on saaaay, the cape.

Considering my first Fullbody was THIS It isn't bad.

I see a lack of praise in this post...

What's Uncle ALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! playing over there btw?

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