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... Wow screw you get out of here I hate you die stupid useless piece of unsavory little... rrrrr

You and your OTPs.

But yeah. Iris should be more like me and procrastinate. Even though I really should get off since I have a mountain-high pile of work.

Don't encourage him! >_>

or be like me: do work in class, afterschool, and on the way home. If not finished, do it on the way to school and before school starts. I'm always done by then

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... Wow screw you get out of here I hate you die stupid useless piece of unsavory little... rrrrr

or be like me: do work in class, afterschool, and on the way home. If not finished, do it on the way to school and before school starts. I'm always done by then

Lux is talking your language, Kai.

Oh, that's a good way of actually having more free time. 8]

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Now break his neck, or at the very least roundhouse kick him again D:<

... get a laptop yeah that sucks. :<

Well, the last OTP he made involved me... so...

My laptop is expensive. >____< Don't want to bring it to school if I don't have to.

College next year, though. Full digital-note-taking tiem!

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Well, the last OTP he made involved me... so...

My laptop is expensive. >____< Don't want to bring it to school if I don't have to.

College next year, though. Full digital-note-taking tiem!

... Well he's trying to take away your lover! don't kill me I swear at least one of you called the two of you a pairing

Be veeeery careful about it. And keep it away from food.

... this is random but I learned that my old elementary school now requires kids from grades 4-6 to have laptops. That's just ridiculous.

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Wait, do you even know which pairing I'm referring to?

LOLWUT. I'd think to keep little kids away from laptops. Shit's addictive.

My laptop is made of metal. :awesome:


My best friend's little brother attends the school. I saw the kid on his first day of having the laptop. His mother had to yell "GET UP HERE" like ten times. Then she threatened to take it away. Then he went upstairs. So yeah, you're totally right.

Well then why be worried about your laptop? :<

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People might steal it. I have a better computer than most people in the school. Only two years old, runs still at superspeed, and has about $5k worth of programs on it.

That and my backpack doesn't close all that well so....

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Be veeeery careful about it. And keep it away from food.

... this is random but I learned that my old elementary school now requires kids from grades 4-6 to have laptops. That's just ridiculous.

It's a digital age, Lux. I can see more schools adopting this policy, or even providing them for them (for the school year anyway. I can't see schools actually BUYING laptop for students). Just one step closer to the robot revolution that wipes out humanity.

Also, one time I spilled Coke all over my laptop. Shit still worked. :blink:

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