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Kaien: Claire, are you in here?!

Claire: *Sniff* You, why are you here? You should be used to leaving me alone by now.

Kaien: Claire, you have no idea how sorry I am. Please don't cry, Claire. Seeing you like this, its unbearable.

Claire: ... ...

Kaien: I knew it would hurt you but I did it anyways. I kept telling myself that I was thinking about your needs when in reality, I was only thinking about mine.

Claire: You treated me like I was your property...

Kaien: I know, Claire, it was foolish. Please, Claire, I love you more than anything else in my life. I would never hurt you on purpose.

Claire: ... ... How can I be sure?

Kaien: Pardon?

Claire: How do I know that you love me for real? Those three words are thrown around so much, sometimes they just seem to lose meaning.

Kaien: Claire, remember when we were young, I told you that someday I would take you for my wife.

Claire: Oh my, that ring...

Kaien: Claire, will you marry me?

Claire: Kaien, do I need to answer?

Kaien: It would reassure me...

Claire: Yes, Kaien. *Moves forward, closes eyes* You really do love me...

Kaien: You seemed to have doubts.... I'm sorry if it was unexpected.

Claire: No, it was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

Kaien: Even the fighting?

Claire: Especially the fighting.

Kaien: Claire, from this day on I promise that nothing will separate us. I won't let any harm fall upon us ever again.

Claire: The three of us... you mean the three of us. *Eyes still closed*

Kaien: Claire, that's...

It was long and yet so fulfilling WOAH


Also, fixed a few things because I'm kinda OCD and couldn't bear seeing those without doing this any longer.

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It was cute.

Mine's like a more lighthearted version of SethEirika with a GerikTethys-esque ending sequence. :P

I thought that "I love you" was kind of just thrown there but other then that, it was epic.

Oh I get it, you're a Tsundere.

Edited by Soma Cruz
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Well, Lumi's not the most expressive person. She's not particularly good at timing things. She's much better at yelling at enemies across the battlefield and cutting them in half a second later while taking laughable damage because of her high defense, and that's if she gets hit at all.

So she kinda just blurted it out.

Noct is Seth. Plain and Simple.

Lumi totally jumped Noct on the battlefield, though. :awesome:

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Well, Lumi's not the most expressive person. She's not particularly good at timing things. She's much better at yelling at enemies across the battlefield and cutting them in half a second later while taking laughable damage because of her high defense, and that's if she gets hit at all.

Hmm, was Lumi in character in her Reyes support then? I think I got her angry, sarcastic side, but she did get a bit expressive when she was reminiscing.

@Lumi: *squeee* You're working on it. :newyears:

Edited by El Rey León
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Hmm, was Lumi in character in her Reyes support then? I think I got her angry, sarcastic side, but she did get a bit expressive when she was reminiscing.

You forgot. Lumi totally has a crush on Noct.

Lumi and Rey are just friends, so it's easier to talk that way.

And it's her memories after all.

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The shine is one-sided.

Give more of the darker trim color on the side facing into the shoulderpad


Though, work now. Got shit I gotta write. Fun.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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