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I prefer the body to the head, personally, but ...you know what I mean by that. Her right arm bothers me, but apart from that, even though I don't usually go for Ye Olde Anorexique Swordswoman...*fanboy drool*

Yeah I'll fix that sometimes.


She's not actually anorexic. It's just her leather corset thing for armor that she can move quickly in.

Even though the design is totally impractical. :awesome:

The body is wonderful and far outclasses the head. You should either give the body FE-style shading, or the head your style of shading. I'd prefer the latter personally. (Lol look at the sprite n00b giving advice. Ignore him if you must for he is unworthy)

The problem with bodies and FE-style shading is that I have virtually no reference besides other people's customs, and then the head with my shading style is hard, since I transferred my shading style from my CGs which doesn't work too well in sprites.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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She's not actually anorexic. It's just her leather corset thing for armor that she can move quickly in. Even though the design is totally impractical. :awesome:

That makes no sense at all but I'll roll with it~

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Well, since leather's a bit hard to cut through, and then the corsets themselves are a bit hard. Where women usually wear it for aethetics, Lumi's is just another piece of armor while still having that slimming effect. It's also not laced as tightly as a normal one so yay breathing.


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Well, since leather's a bit hard to cut through, and then the corsets themselves are a bit hard. Where women usually wear it for aethetics, Lumi's is just another piece of armor while still having that slimming effect. It's also not laced as tightly as a normal one so yay breathing.


I see a sword having somewhat of a hard time slashing through it but stabbing is a different thing.

It's FE anyway.

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My regular English teacher expects more out of us than ANY of my AP teachers.

And he's not particularly sympathetic to my 4 APs-and-a-third-year-college-class either.

I should've taken AP Lit. .___.

I hate editing

Editing what?

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