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They get recaptured or destroyed, so no.

But your rank falls.


Femina, Tinny, Hannibal and Ardan all died. Neither offspring of Sylvia was recruited. Leinster fell. This chapter's turncount is up to fifty-nine. Rankwise I'm LONG gone.

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Femina, Tinny, Hannibal and Ardan all died. Neither offspring of Sylvia was recruited. Leinster fell. This chapter's turncount is up to fifty-nine. Rankwise I'm LONG gone.



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...the Pegasus Trio just attacked Shannan on a forest.

Bleg: ...die!


*Hit! Hit!*

Bleg: aarrgh

Maybell: Taste...the Critical Sword!


*Hit! Hit!*

Maybel: Ungh

Meng: I'm sorry, but you're gonna die!


*Hit! Miss!*



Meng: I'm sorry...Ishtar...


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Couple questions...

[spoiler=That double as spoilers. Like, HEAVY spoilers.]

1=To break the enchantment on Julia, do I need to kill Manfloy, kill Manfloy and seize his castle, or neither of those?

2=If I need to take him down, are Arion's mercs good enough for the job?

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@Nightmare: Check my profile. big FE fan strikes again...and I'm pretty sure he first posted it as a response to my status before quickly deleting it and rewriting it for the comments :P

...Damn, looks like Aless, Delmud and Celice are goin' on a quick trip. If I go north, will I aggro the Dark Warriors?

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@Nightmare: Check my profile. big FE fan strikes again...and I'm pretty sure he first posted it as a response to my status before quickly deleting it and rewriting it for the comments :P

...Damn, looks like Aless, Delmud and Celice are goin' on a quick trip. If I go north, will I aggro the Dark Warriors?

Stay out of their range and you'll be fine.

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Hawk has Silence, Julia has Sleep. WHich is broken.

Hawk's busy Restoring everyone so they can cross the sandpit.

I can't trade because Freege blew up.

Overall this is exactly the kind of demented yet workable plan Furetchen would come up with.

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