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I'm serious about that Shanan, too. I'm unattractive as it is without being utterly slaughtered and raped at my own 'thin white guy with dark interesting hair' look.

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Lumi's already a pimp. It doesn't matter to me if she gets another one or not.


I love how we have different Lumis in our avatars. This allows Kolbane to pursue his interests (I mean, FireXWind kicks ASS. Relatively. It's just that one has Evade and the other has Useless Evade.) without being curbstomped by two rampaging premotes.

CEv's nice for characters like Lumi who has low luck because I stuck it all in DEFENSE, though.

@Furet: *patpat* I'll warn you when I post Seth. Dude has arm width about 1.5 times of Shanan's (closer to Dieck's) and is made of fanservice left right and center.

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CEv's nice for characters like Lumi who has low luck because I stuck it all in DEFENSE, though.

@Furet: *patpat* I'll warn you when I post Seth. Dude has arm width about 1.5 times of Shanan's (closer to Dieck's) and is made of fanservice left right and center.

Full Hit's nice for AxeKolbane because he has like no skill. 9 base, 35% growth...not bad, perhaps, but not great either. Full Attack's nice for blatantly obvious reasons.

...My arm...sorta...changes shape when I flex, a little bit. I'm basically made of sinew, though. And I have...an ab.

Edited by Furetchen
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lol, I think she's got more paired endings than of the lords!

Lumi should just start a harem.

...like me.

Full Hit's nice for AxeKolbane because he has like no skill. 9 base, 35% growth...not bad, perhaps, but not great either. Full Attack's nice for blatantly obvious reasons.

...My arm...sorta...changes shape when I flex, a little bit. I'm basically made of sinew, though. And I have...an ab.

Mine's condensed power. Skinny, yes, but has a lot of attack power. That's about it.

Lumi lacks SKL for a Swordmaster (again, I stuck it in her defense) as well, so it'd help too. 10 base with 50% is pretty low for SMs since they cap at 29. Did Wind have crit again? Full crit would do nicely.

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Lumi should just start a harem....like me.

Mine's condensed power. Skinny, yes, but has a lot of attack power. That's about it.

Lumi lacks SKL for a Swordmaster (again, I stuck it in her defense) as well, so it'd help too. 10 base with 50% is pretty low for SMs since they cap at 29. Did Wind have crit again? Full crit would do nicely.

I'm not gonna think about that statement too hard.

One look at your PICTURE in the THREAD and I ascertain that you could beat the shit out of the entire female population of my school, who are divided mainly into A) pudgy white blonds who wear undersized clothing for what appears to be no reason and B) anorexics. I think you'd probably one-shot me, as well.

I don't think anyone actually put anything in Skill. Seriously. Except maybe Chase. I'm pretty sure WindXFire shares Attack, Hit and Crit, just differing on evades, and neither gives Def.

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With ending?

Meh, why not? Not like anyone who wastes an Anima A on a Dark disposable Jeigan Sniper is gonna let Furetchen live beyond like Chapter Fifteen...

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*see sig*

LOL. I edited myself into Ayra because it's like, two years old. I wield a Steel Blade with minimal AS loss, I should have 14 con! *shot for only having 6*

Though, after playing FE6 HM, I must concede that having SKL is very nice. Dieck was the guy with the highest skill on my team for a while and he had like, 80 hit on Nomads with axes. Which is actually... really good.

That's saying something.


Aww, poor Furet. Well, you did gimp him.

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You got more than six. You could take Matthew, easy.

I'm not joking about the composition of my school. You would fucking smash the entire place apart.

...We need to test my theory.

Kolbane will probably get there with at least a B...hey, will you be going for the NoctXLumiXKolbane support triangle? I sure as fuck will, because...Dark-Wind-Anima sucks ass as a support triangle. Take out Dark and put Fire in its place, though? You solve EVERYTHING.

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I'd be more than six con if I wasn't 161cm.

Maaaaybe seven. Hm. Eight is pushing it though.

Well, you buy me a plane ticket and I could test it out. But that Steel Blade belongs my my art teacher's friend. My sword is much less impressive. Only about a meter long and lighter than a FE4 Hero Sword.

Yeah. Well, alternating between KolbBLumi and ReyesBLumi (hilarious support is hilarious), really. Noct is alwaysalways A though because he's secretly Seth.

I think FirxShin was FirexWind. Or was it FirexIce. IDR. Either way they ripped apart Dragonknights in C21 like paper. 'Twas hilarious. They suicide, really.

Hero anything is pretty broken. :awesome:

b'sides Oujay. Poor guys joins with base stats of nonexistance on FE6HM.

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You look like a seven. I'm about a seven or six...good with light swords, don't give me anything else besides a crossbow. I love goddamn crossbows.

How about I buy you a raft?

Militia dude is a better unit than Reyes. And FireWind compared to...I don't remember. I think Thunder? Or Light?

I think Shin's Ice, because Sue's Wind and I'm fairly sure their supports don't mix well. While I maintain that Dark is the worst support on its own, WindXIce is DEFINITELY the worst support as a whole. Lol@sharing hit and cev. Although you won't be lolling at it through goddamn Sacae...

I modelled Kolbane on Oujay, because the system as it stood gave him NINE strength, EIGHT skill, THIRTEEN FUCKING SPEED and seven defence. Alllll nerfed. I intend to use Oujay when I go through FE6, too.

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seven it is. Lumi won't get that until she promotes though. Yay Killing Edges with no AS loss!

Raft works too.

Just I don't want those support convos go to waste. And it's FirexFire. I'd honestly like a Light one, though. Plan turning Lumi into an ultima tank Fyeah.

Yeah probably.

Oh dammit Sacae. I made a serious blunder involving not stealing the goddamn shield off of Narshen in C16 and Miledy spent the whole time dodging goddamn Nomads. She has surprisingly good dodge for her low SPD cap (cappedram that shit by like, level 4, too) and low luk.

RutgerxDieckxClarine practically waltzed their way through though.

Good luck with Oujay. He's trainable, but you have gods like Dieck and Rutger that double and kill everything. Oujay could, I suppose, clean up after them and take some kills.

Edit: Holy shit Astra.

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Rafts are fun. Termites or no termites?

One defence, same evade as TwoFire and same cevade as WindFire is not gonna help that much, tbh.

IMAGINE THE POWER OF THREE BADASS UNITS (well two and a Seth lookalike) FIGHTING TOGETHER TO KILL EVERY MUTHAFUCKA ON THE MAP. I mean, Lumi takes the front and Kolbane kills everything with handaxes from behind. And Noctian brings the best affinity. I like it already. Plus, Kolb will already be built up and Noct's near-instantaneous.

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...Seriously, this is the only community in which I can be proud in considering reading R-to-L jarring. Anywhere else, that's weakness. Here it's my strength.

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