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That One Thread


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From what I saw, most people didn't care about the edit wars. Crash and I think Proto were the only ones who didn't like it.

Oh, and Oujay too.

You'd be wrong :P:. Those are just the people who voiced their opinion publicly.

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From what I saw, most people didn't care about the edit wars. Crash and I think Proto were the only ones who didn't like it.

Oh, and Oujay too.

It wasn't the edit wars that I objected to. I just didn't like how this thread was turning out to be at that time.

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I think we should just name it bunnies and post pics of bunnies, or something. :P

Honestly, I'm cool with whatever thread name 's long as it isn't oujay's, he wasn't even there when Dan told me to join the thread. Back when the edit wars started, there was a surge in activity. Good times~

The thread really belongs to not one person, so let the rabbits manage it. <3

Also because

is fucking adorable

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I did not prove myself wrong. By saying "I think" I have thus stated it was a matter of opinion and I prefer real bunnies to the ones I draw. As cute is a matter of utter subjectivity, I cannot be wrong.

But thank you.

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I want it to be called "oujay's empire thread" simply because that's what it originally used to be. It doesn't matter what it is now, or whether the user named Oujay is even alive anymore. I still want it to hold on to its original name...

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In that case there is also no problem in letting this thread stay as it is, as there is also no "problem" with the title staying as it is.

Yes there is, there's a problem because IT WAS CHANGED WHEN IT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN!

@All the peopel who desperately want it not to be Oujay's: Why does it matter if he's active or inactive? He doesn't have to be there, he permanently got the rights to have his name in the title when he CREATED THE THREAD.

I want it to be called "oujay's empire thread" simply because that's what it originally used to be. It doesn't matter what it is now, or whether the user named Oujay is even alive anymore. I still want it to hold on to its original name...

Exatly! Oujay could fall off the planet and it would STILL be the correct name. And it really shouldn't be anyone else's.

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Assuming I care about gay or straight. It's dudesexual and chicksexual to me. And all the other ones that are standard that I don't feel like covering. And obviously dudes are more attractive.

What are OJ's contributions to this thread? The only threads I'd say that belong to an individual are things like art threads and creative things, but this is not. As this is a community, any thread posted in a community forum belongs to the community itself. Thus, the more posts one has, the more stake one has in it. Let's compare this to a corporation. Judging by postcount, DAN would have the most say in this thread, not me, not OJ, and certainly not you. The majority of the content is not generated by him, thus he cannot claim ownership of the thread.

It's also like a kitty. Say OJ had a kitty, but abandoned it at a roadside halfway leaving it to die. We picked it up and nursed it back to health to prosperity. OJ, due to abandonment, could no longer claim ownership to the kitty, even though he wants it back, for he committed an act of irresponsibility over the kitty and doesn't deserve the kitty. And now I want a kitty.

I propose that SF Dating Thread because, fuck, there's plenty of couples that came out of this thread, myself and Furetchen and Dan and Amelia are the ones I could think of, and then the numerous joke OTPs that sprung from it as well. It's a title that would actually suit the thread.

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But the fact, you could say OJ had infinite contributions because it wouldn't exist without him.

And because you dodged the issue, why is having an inactive person's name in the title so offenseive to you? It's not like the kitten analogy at all, he doesn't lose ownership by not being there, that's ludicrous, he originally CREATED the thread and that's literally the only thing that matters at all in any capacity.

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Anyone can make a thread.

The only posts one has ownership to are the ones labeled with their name. He does not claim ownership to the 9000+ posts Astra made, nor the 5000+ I made. He is allowed ownership the 871 posts that he has made, and that's minuscule. It does not matter who made the first post. A thread cannot thrive without subsequent posts. Without these posts that we and not he made, this would not be here. I see you do not support democracy as well, huh. Totalitarian, isn't it?

And hell, if somebody made a house and abandoned it, moving to vegas, and it's in desolate form sitting there to rot, and say I spent the time and energy to fix it up and make it nice and pretty, I ain't having that random guy's name plastered on my door.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Yes there is, there's a problem because IT WAS CHANGED WHEN IT SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN!

@All the peopel who desperately want it not to be Oujay's: Why does it matter if he's active or inactive? He doesn't have to be there, he permanently got the rights to have his name in the title when he CREATED THE THREAD.

Exatly! Oujay could fall off the planet and it would STILL be the correct name. And it really shouldn't be anyone else's.

Calm down, pal. Don't get your panties in a bunch over this. Argue your point all you want, but there's no need to be offended over whatever happens.

If it consoles you any, Mistress Fox, I am a fan of yours~

I thank you for your continuing service as a savior slave.

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I propose that SF Dating Thread because, fuck, there's plenty of couples that came out of this thread, myself and Furetchen and Dan and Amelia are the ones I could think of, and then the numerous joke OTPs that sprung from it as well. It's a title that would actually suit the thread.

I'd second this motion just because some people might come here thinking they could get with some people here. It'd be a good way to get activity. Maybe from questionable people, but... it's activity..!

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