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Mage only playthrough

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Rebirth 3,

I always cleaned out some dragons with my long range tomes (I really love those tomes <3)

slowly going closer, killing Gareth and Nasir with boltning while maintaning my line of defence with Illyana, Micaiah, Soren, Callil and Pelleas

then I went on the offence, rushed to Dheg with my frontliners, Illyana attacked dheg, got hit (healed with laura), the rest killed some dragons (couln't reach dheg)

the enemy phase dheg hitted Illyana, activating Resolve and wrath, the next 9 dragons come in attacking her, missing and dying by crit, with the last dragon Flare activated and I was fully healed, killed him after that with another boltning+rexbolt combo

that was fun :)

now Rebirth 4

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Rebirth 4: AWESOME ...

this was sooooo much fun, I had to get a perfect line of defence with my mages,

cause 1 small hole = death Ike

so I surrounded Ike with all my mages and slowly killed all of the spirits, slowly progressing closer and closer, once I could rush in 1 used all my long tome spells (to deal as much possible dmg, and close in with Callil, Illyana and Soren for the killing blow,

the mass amount of spirits made it fun (and Ike being 2shotted by the spirits)

Rebirth 5: my 11/3 Ike is just waaaaaaay to low, I Bexped him up a bit so he can survive longer

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I'm at the final chapter, this is sooo hard -.-

anyway, I need some tips, should I focus on killing the spirit (so there are less spirits their to heal those barriers, or should the barriers be my focus)

I don't have Seraphin, so (that's kinda a huge dunk in my offensive powers)

the biggest worry are these higher resistance barriers :S

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Stay back the first turn, or Ashera will destroy your units with her all range attack. stay back on that turn. attack with long range magic if you have it. strike quickly on the 2nd-4th turn. On her 5th turn, she uses an all silence attack. Basically, you have to finish her off before turn 5.

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Stay back the first turn, or Ashera will destroy your units with her all range attack. stay back on that turn. attack with long range magic if you have it. strike quickly on the 2nd-4th turn. On her 5th turn, she uses an all silence attack. Basically, you have to finish her off before turn 5.

that's impossible o.o, I can easily fend of the ilence turn (some panceas + sacrifice from micaiah)

but I can't beat her in 5 turns, I can barely break 2 barrier in 3 turns -.-

the long range magic does like 1-12dmg on the barriers, and the fact that they heal 40HP (+a bunch of spirit), you can't really kill it with just long range

is there some sort of rythme she follows? (like every x turns she uses and all range attack, etc etc?)

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is there some sort of rythme she follows? (like every x turns she uses and all range attack, etc etc?)


Turn 1: Physical attack that hits every character. Might: 52 - (3 x distance)

Turn 2: Magical attack that hits one character. Might: 50, 7 range. Won't hit Micaiah or your heron.

Turn 3: Magical attack that hits every character. Might: 52 - (3 x distance)

Turn 4: Physical attack that hits one character. Might: 50, 7 range. Won't hit Micaiah or your heron.

Turn 5: Silences every one of your characters.

Turn 6 through 9: Repeat the attacks from turn 1 to 4. If on turn 9 there is no one on her range, she will use the attack of turn 5.

Turn 10: Stuns every one of your characters.

From there one, the attacks repeat in the same order.

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I'm at the final chapter, this is sooo hard -.-

anyway, I need some tips, should I focus on killing the spirit (so there are less spirits their to heal those barriers, or should the barriers be my focus)

I don't have Seraphin, so (that's kinda a huge dunk in my offensive powers)

the biggest worry are these higher resistance barriers :S

Why didn't you get Sephiran? He makes things easy. Get a restore staff to him by turn 5, have him equip it on turn 5 (need to make certain that he doesn't have a weapon in his inventory), he'll auto-heal silence on turn 6 and can blast the Ashera Staff. Repeat on turn 10 and 11 to deal with stun. Ashera's strongest weapons mean nothing until turn 21 when the Ashera Staff is burnt out. (Use on turn 6, 11, 16 only). In fact, Hammerne would allow it to last even longer depending on uses remaining.

I don't get why you didn't get Sephiran. I think you had deployed other meat shields before, so deploying BK in 1-E isn't an issue. Ike can card the BK in chapter 3-7 and if you are on HM I think he moves when someone is 1 outside his range. On NM I'm not sure he moves unless some unit gets in his range. Still, you can draw with Ranulf since he's just another meat shield. Ike carding the BK is a magic attack anyway, so you could argue it's fine.

Also, since you killed Nasir you can't even have Calill and Tormod double the auras, which really makes things difficult. Do you have a save such that you can redo 4-E-3 and not kill the one unit that might make this whole thing doable (Nasir)? Doubling spirits with long range tomes and +5 magic makes it so easy to kill them. Soren, for exmaple, can ORKO all the spirits not sitting on wardwood.

Do you still have 2 paritys for the wardwood tile auras?

Is Nasir still alive? he'd help greatly with white tide

Only with Calill and Tormod against the auras. I suppose he helps for everyone against the spirits and Ashera since spirits have 28 or 30 spd and Ashera has just 32.

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Well, Nasir also gives +5 Mag, so it technically helps everyone

Yeah. A lot too. I was just thinking of Ashera and the spirits, but that +5 on the auras even for units that don't double could be extremely helpful.

Sephiran still makes it pretty easy, though with only 5 uses of Fortify and 3 uses of Ashera (locked to turns 6, 11, and 16 unless you can finish before then) plus whatever you can get out of Hammerne it might be troublesome to face the AoE attacks. Still, he makes the battle easy. You have Physic Staves for the single target rounds, Ashera for the status effect rounds, and Fortify uses for the AoE rounds. There are only 5 AoE's by PP turn 13, so it's not really a big problem since you can likely finish by then pretty easily.

Incidentally, Matrona staff also cures the status of the wielder but also heals 20 hp at the same time. However, if Ashera Staff is present then it doesn't matter since Lehran recovers 40 hp of his 50 hp every single round anyway and then blasts the Ashera Staff to heal everyone else those rounds. I'm not sure if Ashera heals self when used, but since Fortify doesn't I'd have to assume Ashera doesn't either. Still, if Lehran uses the thing it doesn't actually matter whether it does or doesn't, however I suppose without physical units it might be important to have him able to actually attack. Still, dude can attack during the other rounds.

Well, Nasir makes it easy to take out the spirits, so he might be more important than Lehran for this.

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Obviously, Ike can't do anything until the final strike, but how are you going to keep him alive that long? He's probably gained very little if anything from his bases + promotion gains. He really needs 31 speed so he's got 2 chances to finish Ashera though, which limits the amount of BEXP you can give to other units. I'm assuming that you couldn't use Mist or Elincia with staves either, or is that allowed?

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Obviously, Ike can't do anything until the final strike, but how are you going to keep him alive that long? He's probably gained very little if anything from his bases + promotion gains. He really needs 31 speed so he's got 2 chances to finish Ashera though, which limits the amount of BEXP you can give to other units. I'm assuming that you couldn't use Mist or Elincia with staves either, or is that allowed?

it wouldn't be called a "mage only PT" if anything else but mages (and sages and arch sages obviously) were allowed, wouldn't it?

I was planning on playing a mage only PT as well, but in my current PT I found out I like sothe and Heather to much to not use them.

maybe I'll do a whisper and mage only PT...

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it wouldn't be called a "mage only PT" if anything else but mages (and sages and arch sages obviously) were allowed, wouldn't it?

Well, if bringing Nasir to 4-E-5 for White Pool is okay, and it's given that Ike has to deliver the final strike, it's only fair that I should know if non-sage staff users are OK as well. I thought it was a decent enough question...

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it wouldn't be called a "mage only PT" if anything else but mages (and sages and arch sages obviously) were allowed, wouldn't it?

I'm sorry, it wasn't supposed to sound that way XD

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I'm sorry, it wasn't supposed to sound that way XD

It's fine. I just wanted clarity as to how you're defining 'mage only', given what's been said in the topic about Nasir as well as the fact that Ike MUST land the final strike.

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It's fine. I just wanted clarity as to how you're defining 'mage only', given what's been said in the topic about Nasir as well as the fact that Ike MUST land the final strike.

the mage only defenition (for me) is all attacks must be magical (besides Ike's on th BK and Ashera)

also on the last chapter I Bexped Ike up (giving him max DEF,STR,SKILL,SPeed and HP iirc), and if Ikes were Ragnell, no spirit would attack him (because the ones with long range tomes don't counter)

I think I got a save file from earlier, part 1 of the tower,

I guess I'll redo those stage, you need Ena to recruit Nasir right?

also on that chapter, does the Dragons ever stop spawning

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the mage only defenition (for me) is all attacks must be magical (besides Ike's on th BK and Ashera)

also on the last chapter I Bexped Ike up (giving him max DEF,STR,SKILL,SPeed and HP iirc), and if Ikes were Ragnell, no spirit would attack him (because the ones with long range tomes don't counter)

I think I got a save file from earlier, part 1 of the tower,

I guess I'll redo those stage, you need Ena to recruit Nasir right?

also on that chapter, does the Dragons ever stop spawning

Nasir auto recruits if he lives through the chapter. It's not contingent on anything else.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Nasir auto recruits if he lives through the chapter. It's not contingent on anything else.

really -.-, if only I knew this sooner (played FE10 like twice before, and never bothered XD)

oh well, first thing tomorrow, is checking when I saved the last time, to get Nasir >:D

thanks for the help :)

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really -.-, if only I knew this sooner (played FE10 like twice before, and never bothered XD)

oh well, first thing tomorrow, is checking when I saved the last time, to get Nasir >:D

thanks for the help :)

And better yet, neither he nor Gareth attack your characters (At least, I've never seen it happen.), so it's not hard to make sure that they live.

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And better yet, neither he nor Gareth attack your characters (At least, I've never seen it happen.), so it's not hard to make sure that they live.

I've had Nasir kill Ike several times. On the enemy phase.

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Also if you can get Sanaki up to 32 speed and at least 7 str (or 31 speed and at least 8 str) then using Ena or Gareth adjacent to Sanaki results in her getting the magical 39 AS with Nasir. 7 + 5 str = 12 and Rexflame is 13 wt, so 32 - 1 + 3 + 5 = 39 AS. Also 8 + 5 = 13 and Rexflame is 13 wt, so 31 + 3 + 5 = 39 AS.

You could get 3 mages doubling auras as long as they trade around Rexflame and you pull off Nasir next to each of them. It's not easy, but I'm sure it's possible to do that a couple of times. It could be really helpful.

I've had Nasir kill Ike several times. On the enemy phase.

They are perfectly willing to attack, yes. They are just completely unwilling to move. So, as long as you don't have an enemy phase in which one of your units is within 2 squares of Nasir or Gareth (an extremely easy feat) you'll be fine.

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ok redid part 1 2 and 3

I killed Desinghea in 2 turns (could have done in 1 if I let myself use Leanne :) )

got all the laguz, doing stage 4 now -.-

final chapter






main offense:



Callil (all got Nihil)

finishers (killing low hp enemies)




using Nasir in between my main offenses to kill the Gaurdians asap

(then one side of Nasir is Bastian using Blizzard to kill stuff of)

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killed Ashira (finally -.-)

cheated a bit, I attacked Ashera with Ike when she had 35HP left :S (none of my bishops+micaiah could do dmg)

Bastian and Laura died :'(

My top 5 was

5. Rhys

4. Micaiah

3. Callil

2. Soren

1. Ilyanna

big shocker Ilyanna would have been number 1 XD

*does a laguz run next*

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Congratualations on finishing the mage-only PT.

Laguz PY is easier then mage-only. Keep a sharp eye on those Transformation gauges and keep them healthy by buying LOADS of Grass and having them smoke it like it's Cinnamon.

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