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Bashing other forums

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I just saw a topic about this and...

May I suggest we have a rule that disallows members from ranting about/bashing other forums and communities? On another forum I go to, a few members did this several times and it almost instigated forum wars. I don't think anybody would want forum wars over here...

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couldn't you have just said

Serene made a post where he ranted on about smash boards

at least use my name, I want some credit for being the person who got the rule implemented or somethin

But yes I agree with you, the only reason why is because I need to take out some steam and everything around me was

A. Already Broken


B. usefull

So I'd just like to say:

Sorry for the board bashing, next time I'm pissed I'll take it out on some 5 year old from Mexico or something

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I agree. Warns will go out if it happens again. It'll be considered flaming, even though it isn't directed at anyone specifically.

Awesome, I contributed something other than my awesome critical opinion.

Serene gets some credit of course...I think...I dunno...

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Serene gets some credit of course...I think...I dunno...

*Starts to dance*


You hear that SF I made your lives harder. *evil laughter*

Also shouldn't I have gotten credit for getting anyone who makes a Kill a topic, a warn or suspension.

But then again, I don't think that worked because Illyana or whatever her name is made one like a couple of days or so ago in FFtF and didn't get anything.

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I don't think credit is given for forcing us to add a new rule by being the first to break it.

*stops dancing, acts depressed*

alright then fine, now I feel like shit, wait I know what will make me happy, I ain't gonna say it though

but anyway, no credit for me :(

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I don't think credit is given for forcing us to add a new rule by being the first to break it.

but, how could he have been the first to break a rule if the rule didn't exist in the first place?

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Aw, now I'm not allowed to tell off those PETA forum nuts without them hearing me.

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