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Galactic Empire Thread


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If you are a planetary system confronted with the obligation to join under the authority of our control, you will not be given a choice or any options, with the exception of facing interplanetary military action or, under extreme conditions, complete destruction by the Death Star's anti-planet ray.

If you are a citizen already living on an Imperial controlled government, you may sign up to enroll as an Imperial Stormtrooper.

Benefits of becoming a Stormtrooper include:

- No training required. You are given a blaster and expected to follow orders.

- Promising health care under the condition that you polish your own Plastoid armor of blaster marks and that your missions are successful. Failure to complete your missions, even if you comeback alive but injured is grounds for denial of medicinal funding.

If you are here to sign up to become an Imperial Starpilot, you will receive training through Simulated Reality training exercises that imitate the wars that have taken place in the Lylat System. You will be briefed and conditioned to shoot down incompetent Rebel Alliance type craft, and will be issued low end combat Starfighters, and will be expected to be able to dodge any and all fire.

In the event you do not wish to become an Imperial Stormtrooper or Starpilot, and do not partake in other activities beneficial to the Empire (which may include trading, crime organizations aiding our cause, mercenary or bounty hunter services, or simply informing stationed Stormtroopers of information that will help them on their, and the Empire's, tasks), you may be eligible to be drafted and added to our numbers. Further refusal will brand you as a rebel, and your living stations, and the organizations about you will be investigated for further Rebel activity.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Edited by FE3 Player
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The Rebel Fighters are in range. Sigma Squadron stands ready, awaiting your command.

Sigma Squadron attack!


Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through.

Intensify forward firepower!

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Suicide pilot on deck
Your ability to hit targets will be truly noted and set an example for all expendable resources.

For the Empire!

Flies and crashed into an X-wing.

*Crash A-wing into star destroyer window*

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Suicide pilot on deck
Your ability to hit targets will be truly noted and set an example for all expendable resources.

For the Empire!

Flies and crashed into an X-wing.

*Crash A-wing into star destroyer window*

(I hate that guy! Ruined an entire Star Destroyer!)

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My Lord, the fleet has moved out of lightspeed. Com Scan has detected an energy field protecting an area of the sixth planet of the Hoth System. The field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment.

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The Galactic Empire produced approximately 25,000 Imperial I & II Class Star Destroyers, and millions of other large vessels.

They annexed thousands of planets and swept most resistance under the rug.

They have trillions of soldiers, engineers, and cannon fodder goons.

Until the Clone Wars, all the Republic had were local garrisons and a few heavily armed freighters.

Empire>Everything else

Funny... I wanted to change my Xbox Live Gamertag to "Imperial Phoenix" instead of "JG Phoenix" but I'm only allowed to go up to 15 characters. "Imperial Phoenix" is sixteen ;_; and yes the space is necessary.

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I don't understand what you're trying to say here. That's an E-Wing.

E-Wings didn't exist until the collapse of the empire. Thus, an E-Wing being used in the Galactic Empire Thread would create a time paradox.

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