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"Controversy" in Modern Warfare 2


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Okay. So, we have our nice and shiny new FPS of quarter four, Modern Warfare 2, and everyone is having a good time and shooting the bad guys and watching multiplayer videos on your live streaming player of your choice.

Until somebody actually gets to the "No Russian" mission. If you haven't heard of it, then refrain from flaming me with "ZOMG SPOILLERRRZ" because frankly, the secret has been out for a WHILE. So while people like Jack Thompson jizz in their pants, the gaming community continues.

Then the game itself comes out. And everyone goes batshit crazy because it "desensitizes" kids to violence and teaches that its okay to go into your nearest airport and shoot everything up. Never mind the reasons for WHY you do it, which will not be revealed, but because... well... if this is the kind of thing desensitizing teens towards violence, then WHY BUY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? It's an M rated game and is specifically rated towards a crowd who can HANDLE that sort of thing. But no, retarded parents have to go and get it, then complain about it without mentioning they haven't even researched it before hand.

Another thing: there have been MUCH MUCH MUCH more graphic scenes than "No Russian", and nobody has gone so far to call it desensitizing. Mortal Kombat, Doom, Grand Theft Auto, and Gears of War come to mind. AND THEY'RE ALL RATED M. WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

"But Sedgar, you kill CIVILIANS in this game".

So fucking what? You kill civilians in GTA- at a MUCH more drastic scale might I add- with GRENADES and RPGs. (Not saying it isn't fun; it's sure as shit fun.) That's besides the point. That particular mission is, admittedly, rather lightweight in terms of wholesale slaughter of innocents.

"But Sedgar, you still kill CIVI-"

Oh boo fucking hoo. Then go back to playing GTA, stealing money from that hooker, and being a hypocrite in general. And you know what a cyber hooker and a cyber Russian bystander have in common? THEY BOTH AREN'T REAL ZOMFG

"But Sedgar, it's a part of the campaign mode".

They are nice enough to warn you about it before you even START the damn thing. Can't exactly say the same for other games. Saint's Row 2 is just pure lolness an wtfness.


tl;dr- Stop the retards whining about this particular mission so we can keep the peace. Besides, if everyone overreacted like this, then the only things the internet would consist of are internet forums for bitching and 4chan.

Oh wait

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Still. They obviously haven't got proof backed up to support such arguments. At least some radicals do, albeit contorted beyond belief.


So why are the complainers even... COMPLAINING about it?

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Still. They obviously haven't got proof backed up to support such arguments. At least some radicals do, albeit contorted beyond belief.


So why are the complainers even... COMPLAINING about it?

We know these people are fucked in the head. Everybody knows that. But complaining about it at this point is about as helpful as saying that all criminals and would-be criminals just disappeared off the face of the planet. Hell, I'd like to dream that, but it won't happen. These douchebags will always exist whether you want them to or not.

And you simply can't do anything about it except turn the other cheek and resume playing video games. I suggest you do so.

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Okay. So, we have our nice and shiny new FPS of quarter four, Modern Warfare 2, and everyone is having a good time and shooting the bad guys and watching multiplayer videos on your live streaming player of your choice.

Until somebody actually gets to the "No Russian" mission. If you haven't heard of it, then refrain from flaming me with "ZOMG SPOILLERRRZ" because frankly, the secret has been out for a WHILE. So while people like Jack Thompson jizz in their pants, the gaming community continues.

Then the game itself comes out. And everyone goes batshit crazy because it "desensitizes" kids to violence and teaches that its okay to go into your nearest airport and shoot everything up. Never mind the reasons for WHY you do it, which will not be revealed, but because... well... if this is the kind of thing desensitizing teens towards violence, then WHY BUY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? It's an M rated game and is specifically rated towards a crowd who can HANDLE that sort of thing. But no, retarded parents have to go and get it, then complain about it without mentioning they haven't even researched it before hand.

Another thing: there have been MUCH MUCH MUCH more graphic scenes than "No Russian", and nobody has gone so far to call it desensitizing. Mortal Kombat, Doom, Grand Theft Auto, and Gears of War come to mind. AND THEY'RE ALL RATED M. WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

"But Sedgar, you kill CIVILIANS in this game".

So fucking what? You kill civilians in GTA- at a MUCH more drastic scale might I add- with GRENADES and RPGs. (Not saying it isn't fun; it's sure as shit fun.) That's besides the point. That particular mission is, admittedly, rather lightweight in terms of wholesale slaughter of innocents.

"But Sedgar, you still kill CIVI-"

Oh boo fucking hoo. Then go back to playing GTA, stealing money from that hooker, and being a hypocrite in general. And you know what a cyber hooker and a cyber Russian bystander have in common? THEY BOTH AREN'T REAL ZOMFG

"But Sedgar, it's a part of the campaign mode".

They are nice enough to warn you about it before you even START the damn thing. Can't exactly say the same for other games. Saint's Row 2 is just pure lolness an wtfness.


tl;dr- Stop the retards whining about this particular mission so we can keep the peace. Besides, if everyone overreacted like this, then the only things the internet would consist of are internet forums for bitching and 4chan.

Oh wait

I fucking love the way you think

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I have nothing wrong with the mission itself, but somethings I'm reading on gamefaqs are downright disturbing. Like people who watch as a women tries to crawl away to safety only to put a bullet in her head and enjoying it? Some of these people really need guidance.

There's an option to skip the scene anyways, for those who don't want to play it.

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Okay. So, we have our nice and shiny new FPS of quarter four, Modern Warfare 2, and everyone is having a good time and shooting the bad guys and watching multiplayer videos on your live streaming player of your choice.

Until somebody actually gets to the "No Russian" mission. If you haven't heard of it, then refrain from flaming me with "ZOMG SPOILLERRRZ" because frankly, the secret has been out for a WHILE. So while people like Jack Thompson jizz in their pants, the gaming community continues.

Then the game itself comes out. And everyone goes batshit crazy because it "desensitizes" kids to violence and teaches that its okay to go into your nearest airport and shoot everything up. Never mind the reasons for WHY you do it, which will not be revealed, but because... well... if this is the kind of thing desensitizing teens towards violence, then WHY BUY IT IN THE FIRST PLACE? It's an M rated game and is specifically rated towards a crowd who can HANDLE that sort of thing. But no, retarded parents have to go and get it, then complain about it without mentioning they haven't even researched it before hand.

Another thing: there have been MUCH MUCH MUCH more graphic scenes than "No Russian", and nobody has gone so far to call it desensitizing. Mortal Kombat, Doom, Grand Theft Auto, and Gears of War come to mind. AND THEY'RE ALL RATED M. WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

"But Sedgar, you kill CIVILIANS in this game".

So fucking what? You kill civilians in GTA- at a MUCH more drastic scale might I add- with GRENADES and RPGs. (Not saying it isn't fun; it's sure as shit fun.) That's besides the point. That particular mission is, admittedly, rather lightweight in terms of wholesale slaughter of innocents.

"But Sedgar, you still kill CIVI-"

Oh boo fucking hoo. Then go back to playing GTA, stealing money from that hooker, and being a hypocrite in general. And you know what a cyber hooker and a cyber Russian bystander have in common? THEY BOTH AREN'T REAL ZOMFG

"But Sedgar, it's a part of the campaign mode".

They are nice enough to warn you about it before you even START the damn thing. Can't exactly say the same for other games. Saint's Row 2 is just pure lolness an wtfness.


tl;dr- Stop the retards whining about this particular mission so we can keep the peace. Besides, if everyone overreacted like this, then the only things the internet would consist of are internet forums for bitching and 4chan.

Oh wait

I fucking love the way you think

Thanks. I suppose. Unsure if this was really sarcasm, but I just needed to vent on this idiotic topic.

I have nothing wrong with the mission itself, but somethings I'm reading on gamefaqs are downright disturbing. Like people who watch as a women tries to crawl away to safety only to put a bullet in her head and enjoying it? Some of these people really need guidance.

There's an option to skip the scene anyways, for those who don't want to play it.

Gamefaqs us Gamefaqs guys, no matter what anyone else says it has become. It's sort of how 4chan shall forever remain 4chan; a never ending cancer of the internet.

And the people who protest this scene don't really acknowledge you can SKIP it. They like ignoring blatantly stated facts in order to live in their own little world.

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I saw the scene on Youtube, and it is disgusting. I don't care when games touch on subjects like illegal drugs, rape or terrorism. A lot of the time it can really improve the game's story--imagine how much sillier Final Fantasy VII would have been if all that stuff was censored out of the American release.

But to have the player shooting blameless civilians in an airport as they put their hands up? That's unacceptable. It's alright when some little developer or modder makes something like this, they have small circulation and their games will never be mainstream. But when a big developer includes something like the No Russian scene in such a heavily marketed game? There's no way around it: It's promoting ethnic violence.

In Russia they have a very interesting law with some pretty severe penalties against inciting ethnic or religious hatred. With any luck this game will get banned in Russia and whoever's trying to market it over there will be brought to court for it. In America we don't have the same kind of protection, which is a shame because the people who designed the scene really deserve to get raped in prison for it. Things like this keep the public reactionary and hawkish when it comes to America's idiotic Cold War foreign policy in Europe and Asia.

I have a question for all of you nihilists who say that this isn't important. What is important? It seems to annoy you that people are protesting something that is horrific by any definition. But the thing that bothers me the most is that I can't do anything about it.

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We're still debating things like Gamers v Rest of the World?

At times such as this, I believe it would be wise to simply take away the toys and stop the two sides playing with them. If you can't play nice, you don't get to play at all.

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I say there's a difference between arguing something and arguing something that isn't there.

I say you're completely missing the point of my posts.

I get it completely. You're saying that idiots will be idiots.

I only want the idiots to be a bit less idiotic.


But to have the player shooting blameless civilians in an airport as they put their hands up? That's unacceptable. It's alright when some little developer or modder makes something like this, they have small circulation and their games will never be mainstream. But when a big developer includes something like the No Russian scene in such a heavily marketed game? There's no way around it: It's promoting ethnic violence.

Oh dear, you're right, it's COMPLETELY wrong to shoot at civilians, and this is definitely the ONLY game that promotes it! They even RUN AWAY from you... oh wait, they do that in Grand Theft Auto. And promotes ethnic violence? Err, not really. They're cyber-people, not actual Russians. Besides, we've seen this over 9000 times before in, say, Resident Evil 5, where everyone bitched about how killing blacks was wrong. And don't make the argument that they were trying to kill you, because the cops in the airport were trying to kill YOU too.

OH. And in Postal 2, you get to kill midgets with scissors... and PISS ON THEM. I wish I was joking. Seriously. and I didn't hear a goddamn peep out of that. So if this is waaaaay too sensitive for you, then you should probably avoid the gaming industry all together.

In Russia they have a very interesting law with some pretty severe penalties against inciting ethnic or religious hatred. With any luck this game will get banned in Russia and whoever's trying to market it over there will be brought to court for it. In America we don't have the same kind of protection, which is a shame because the people who designed the scene really deserve to get raped in prison for it. Things like this keep the public reactionary and hawkish when it comes to America's idiotic Cold War foreign policy in Europe and Asia.

You do know the scene can be skipped, right? So, the fact you're complaining about something that can be SKIPPED, and is also warned about, is sort of... lazy. And this is an international release anyway, so its sort of pointless to have it censored when its already out. And RAPED IN PRISON? Boy, you need to get your brain examined. This sort of thing is very TAME for the gaming environment. If anything, somebody needs to plug YOUR blathering mouth with their cock.

I have a question for all of you nihilists who say that this isn't important. What is important? It seems to annoy you that people are protesting something that is horrific by any definition. But the thing that bothers me the most is that I can't do anything about it.

Have you ever seen the game Custer's Revenge? Check that out. And also check out Postal 2. And it's a damn good thing your whiny ass can't do a thing. Activision knew what the reaction would be for this sort of scene. So they prepared for it. And idiots like you still ignore their warning. *Sigh*

Again, when compared to all of gaming's history, this scene is a moderate rift in violence. Before you go any further about this, then tell me this:

What is your view on Resident Evil 5's gaming? Or GTA's? Hell, go check out Custer's Revenge and Postal 2? Tell me that "No Russian" is worse than that.

Freakin noobs.

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We're still debating things like Gamers v Rest of the World?

At times such as this, I believe it would be wise to simply take away the toys and stop the two sides playing with them. If you can't play nice, you don't get to play at all.

Hey, we're minding our own business here. They decided to come in and shit on our cake.

Wow I just watched a video of the mission. I'm unimpressed. That was fucking boring. Shit/10.


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Oh dear, you're right, it's COMPLETELY wrong to shoot at civilians, and this is definitely the ONLY game that promotes it!


Freakin noobs.

Just because something isn't original doesn't mean it's alright. Games have been going to the brink of what's legal for them to have for a long time.

I didn't play the game or support its development in any way, and from what I hear it's a pretty shitty game even without the scene. I just saw the scene on Youtube and read a couple articles about it. That's what I formed my opinion from. My opinion is that it's disgusting.

You can't argue that the scene doesn't promote ethnic violence. With something as aggressively marketed, widely distributed and hugely profitable as CoD5, everything is a political statement.

Wow I just watched a video of the mission. I'm unimpressed. That was fucking boring. Shit/10.

Yeah, it seems like all the player has to do is walk through it. If this is what the whole game is like, I wonder why anyone stopped playing Counter Strike.

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Have you ever seen the game Custer's Revenge? Check that out. And also check out Postal 2. And it's a damn good thing your whiny ass can't do a thing. Activision knew what the reaction would be for this sort of scene. So they prepared for it. And idiots like you still ignore their warning. *Sigh*

Again, when compared to all of gaming's history, this scene is a moderate rift in violence. Before you go any further about this, then tell me this:

When did he ever say he thought it was okay in those games? You're missing the entire point; he isn't singling out one game, YOU singled the game out and then listed other offenders.

Him:"I think it's wrong that you're able to kill innocent civilians"


Utter ignorance.

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Him:"I think it's wrong that you're able to kill innocent civilians"

That actually doesn't bother me and I don't have too much of a problem with it. It's the fact that the story doesn't give you a choice of not being involved in the slaughter. You can choose to skip the scene, but if you play through the game completely there will always be this tainted blood on your hands.

Imagine how this scene would be received if it was a movie, and the player the main character.

Maybe that's not a good comparison, even without this scene the ridiculous and unrealistic plot of the game in a movie would cause a diplomatic incident!

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Oh dear, you're right, it's COMPLETELY wrong to shoot at civilians, and this is definitely the ONLY game that promotes it!


Freakin noobs.

Just because something isn't original doesn't mean it's alright. Games have been going to the brink of what's legal for them to have for a long time.

I didn't play the game or support its development in any way, and from what I hear it's a pretty shitty game even without the scene. I just saw the scene on Youtube and read a couple articles about it. That's what I formed my opinion from. My opinion is that it's disgusting.

You can't argue that the scene doesn't promote ethnic violence. With something as aggressively marketed, widely distributed and hugely profitable as CoD5, everything is a political statement.

Wow I just watched a video of the mission. I'm unimpressed. That was fucking boring. Shit/10.

Yeah, it seems like all the player has to do is walk through it. If this is what the whole game is like, I wonder why anyone stopped playing Counter Strike.

1. Okay then. If games have been doing this for a long long time, then why are you starting this sudden crusade against ethnic violence on THIS game? Such a sort of controversy has been going on for FAR longer than Modern Warfare 2.

2. No. I won't argue that it DOESN'T promote ethnic violence. It's a scene thats pivotal to the plot of the main story, albeit when you complete it. And its only being that promoted and marketed that much because it was such a critical success.

And in all honesty, I'm not sure how else to better set up the main plot. People don't see it as racial violence thought. They see it as more people to kill and think LOLAWESOME. Those kinds of people are normally around 12 to 15. In which case, THEIR PARENTS ARE AT FAULT. Yes, it's a normal answer and all, but still. But onto the point:

They've created this scene as a sort of propaganda; to demonstrate the type of terrorism that occurs around the world today; the merciless of the monsters who perpetrate it. How indifferent they are as they stroll through with LMG's in airports, indiscriminately killing everyone in sight- children, women, everyone- to further their own selfish causes. It shows what reality is to the people who tend to ignore it.

This game is such a scene. Except not only are you a secret agent undercover, but you get blamed for causing this incident. Again, besides the point. If you claim people are simple and dumb enough to be affected by what a GAME portrays in an entertaining fashion, then you're making an unfair assumption of everyone why may plan to buy MW2. The problem isn't within the scene itself. It's within the people who play it.

This game is M for Mature. That entire scene is, in a way, heart wrenching. Not for the faint of heart, it was directed towards mature players. NOTE HOW I SAID MATURE. Treyarch assumes the people who play this game are older of mind and are capable of handling what they see. Clearly, there's only one or two people at fault if they find their children playing through "No Russian".

But you knew that already, didn't you?

Yeah, it seems like all the player has to do is walk through it. If this is what the whole game is like, I wonder why anyone stopped playing Counter Strike.

Really, the entire game itself is only okay. Unbreakable riot shields, one-hit kill throwing knives, and tactical nukes to automatically end the game.

It's the Michael Bay of FPS's. A.K.A, ridden for the archetypal douche bag. Counter Strike was kewl.

EDIT: Couldn't help but notice:

It's the fact that the story doesn't give you a choice of not being involved in the slaughter. You can choose to skip the scene, but if you play through the game completely there will always be this tainted blood on your hands.

So you acknowledge you can skip it. Good. But calling it tainted blood is a bit much. Plus, if it doesn't make you comfortable, you can skip it all you want. I'd understand if it was, you know, REAL. But these people aren't. I won't go and simply say "it's just a game", because America and the world in general is easily affected by such things.

Because we're idiots. Or maybe because I just don't have that much faith in humanity. either way...

Oh, and HAI MORI! How's that "hating me" thing doing? Oh, you've responded!

When did he ever say he thought it was okay in those games? You're missing the entire point; he isn't singling out one game, YOU singled the game out and then listed other offenders.

He's noting MW2 for this sort of wholesale slaughter of innocents in an era of gaming where its already been done many times. It's also good to know you still make shitsauce assumptions about me. You truly do take after 'Sua.

EDIT TWO: Diplomatic situation? Sure. why not. Because it's happened before. A lot. Virginia Tech anyone?

Edited by Sedgar the Hero
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That actually doesn't bother me and I don't have too much of a problem with it. It's the fact that the story doesn't give you a choice of not being involved in the slaughter. You can choose to skip the scene, but if you play through the game completely there will always be this tainted blood on your hands.

Imagine how this scene would be received if it was a movie, and the player the main character.

Maybe that's not a good comparison, even without this scene the ridiculous and unrealistic plot of the game in a movie would cause a diplomatic incident!

So you don't think it's wrong itself, you think it's wrong that you don't get to choose to do it? Sounds worse than the topic creator <_<.

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There's doing brutal and evil stuff in a video game and there's crossing the line.

MW2 definitely crossed the line in this mission.

Besides there are other things about MW2 that should be of more concern that undeniably show that the game industry nowadays only thinks of the 'industry' and nothing else ...

As for the argument that the mission is supposed to show that terrorism is bad, people will be more amazed than put off by it.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Maybe that's not a good comparison, even without this scene the ridiculous and unrealistic plot of the game in a movie would cause a diplomatic incident!

Yeah, it's likely not because people always give movies a free pass on shit like that. It's a bit of a double standard that bothers me, it's alright if Anthony Hopkins eats people, but we're not going to let the PS3 get away with that!

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Please stop pointing fingers, Moron.

Besides, you DO get to choose whether or not you wanted to do the mission. Pretty sure they wouldn't have made it otherwise.


There's doing brutal and evil stuff in a video game and there's crossing the line. MW2 definitely crossed the line in this mission.

Plenty of games have crossed the line. What I don't get is why people haven't started pulling triggers YEARS ago. This isn't exactly OMGTERRIBLE compared to some other things.

At least they've given you the option to skip it. The only line this game has crossed is the "Transformers 2" line.

In other words, it's given enough hype to re-sink the Titanic, but fails to live up to 1/4 of that expectation. Actually, it's more like 1/15.

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What I don't get is why people haven't started pulling triggers YEARS ago.

They did. Remember the GTA mod?

It didn't get anywhere NEAR the amount of hype this game is getting.

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