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What are considered "Good" growth rates?


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HP 60%+

STR: 40%+

DEF: 50%+ (possibly 45%+) (lower for magics)

LCK: I don't know

RES: 30%+ (higher for magics)

SPD: 45%+

SKL: 40%+ (possibly 45%+)

Basically 40% growths except for HP. A unit with these growths would generally turn out good.

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Mostly because of forges for accuracy. His skl and luck are a little questionable, but it turns out to not matter much because he isn't stuck with 60 hit weapons to 2HKO stuff.

His skill growth is fine enough, luck doesn't matter too much, even if he does get critted he'll end up tanking them out unless it's a magic-crit or an armor-slaying weapon crit.

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Mostly because of forges for accuracy. His skl and luck are a little questionable, but it turns out to not matter much because he isn't stuck with 60 hit weapons to 2HKO stuff.

His skill growth is fine enough, luck doesn't matter too much, even if he does get critted he'll end up tanking them out unless it's a magic-crit or an armor-slaying weapon crit.

When he misses a ORKO >10% of the time or more because of lack of accuracy, I consider it a problem. The way to make him good is crowning him (get past annoying 23AS speed cap), which means at 15/1 he has about 22 skill and 16 or 17 luck.

44 + 15 + 17 = 76 base hit. A steel poleax yields 136 hit. Enemies hover around 56 avo in that chapter. 80 listed, 92.2% true. ~85% chance of hitting twice. Easily fixed by a forge. Even when bio is severely against him, it cuts it down. When bio is against him enough, he can drop to 60 listed. 75 listed even if you give him a steel axe instead of a forge. 70 listed with a hand axe. 82.3% true (with hand axe), or 67.7329%. Obviously steel axe is higher, iron axe is much lower.

Basically his skl growth doesn't get much time to take effect and the base is lowish.

Now, while I suppose you could support him with light/wind/fire and get a +15 on his hit, and if you do fire then he can probably ORKO most stuff with a plain steel axe meaning 90 listed (98.10%, or 96.2361% of hitting twice) even when things are really against him. But what makes him so great is that he usually doesn't need a support partner. This is thanks to forges (among other things). I like forges. Also hand axe forges later on to allow ORKOing at 1-2 range with good accuracy.

Then again, this is "good growths", not "perfect growths", so nevermind. His growths are undeniably "good", especially given the way the game works.

Mia has good growths for her class and bases and the way the game is set up. Ike has good growths (despite his spd growth) because of how quickly he caps str/skl and being able to bexp for spd (forced promotion time helps, too). Elincia has good growths (bases could be higher, but that would just save a chapter of paragon anyway).

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It really depends on the base and stat in question. As Narga mentioned, Mia has pretty good growths, and Gatrie has pretty sweet growths as well.

It differs though. For example, Ike's 35% Spd is usually good enough because of his high base. Soren's 35% however, is not good enough because his base is not so good.

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It really depends on the base and stat in question. As Narga mentioned, Mia has pretty good growths, and Gatrie has pretty sweet growths as well.

It differs though. For example, Ike's 35% Spd is usually good enough because of his high base. Soren's 35% however, is not good enough because his base is not so good.


It is more situational than simply their growth. A unit with 38 AS and a 10% growth in speed will have a "good" speed growth if they have enough time and levels to have a reasonable chance at 39AS in 4-E-5. Beyond that one chapter, their speed growth is quite irrelevant, so "good" is defined by whether or not they are likely to pull off 39AS. (my example character has a ~65% chance of hitting 39 AS in 10 levels. Maybe 15% growth would be "good" and 10% would be "decent", but the point should be clear.)

Soren's low tier 2 cap gimps him almost as much as his low base, considering the opportune time for the first crown has passed by the time Soren hits his cap (even with slowplaying bexp. In NM you can just bexp dump all at once to hit the cap in time, but in HM that isn't feasible) so he must wait until 3-11 regardless. His growth is actually the least of his problems in NM because of how quickly he caps mag/skl/res. Even in HM it is less severe because of the possibility of slowplaying. It all comes back to his base, really.

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It kind of depends on the game. For Fe4's 1st gen, for example, 40+ would be considered good, but in FE10 or FE4 2nd gen, it's more like 50+.

I generally describe it as:

10s: Terrible

20s: Bad

30s: Average

40s: Good

50s: Great

60s: Exellent

70s: Fantastic

80+: Insane

100+: Wolfguard

Wait, I jusr realised this was an RD topic. In that case, it's 50+ in most cases, but as some people said, it can depend on the character. In general, bases are more important in this game, mostly because everyone had uber growths.

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