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Quick question: In-built supports


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Tested between Marcia/Makalov on Lonely Isle Trial Map.

Marcia (Falcon Knight) before; Ddg 16, Crit 11

Makalov (Sword Knight) before; Dd 8, Crit N/A (No weapon)

Marcia after; Ddg 16, Crit 16

Makalov after; Ddg 8

Assuming you meant from the first group, nothing happens~ ^^;

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Tested between Marcia/Makalov on Lonely Isle Trial Map.

Marcia (Falcon Knight) before; Ddg 16, Crit 11

Makalov (Sword Knight) before; Dd 8, Crit N/A (No weapon)

Marcia after; Ddg 16, Crit 16

Makalov after; Ddg 8

Assuming you meant from the first group, nothing happens~ ^^;

I'd suggest entering battle before being sure about this.

In RD, the game doesn't update on the units' ability page. So Marcia standing next to Mak doesn't update either of their dodge. But if you have them enter battle while standing next to each other, you'll get a reduction showing in the chance for the enemy to crit them. I know this on RD because I'm paranoid about crits (don't want to reset) and so I've done it. I played PoR so long ago that I couldn't tell you, but have Mak stand two away from an enemy with a killer weapon, have Marcia stand adjacent to Mak and the enemy and tell her to attack the enemy. You probably don't have to enter battle, just choose attack and select the enemy. The information screen will either show crit - Ddg, or it will show crit - (Ddg + 5).

Think of it like this: Soren is immune to crits in PoR while standing next to Ike. But the Ddg doesn't have the infinity symbol, though it should. The pre-combat window will always, however, show 0 for crit chance against Soren.

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