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Evil Fire Emblem Quiz #40696


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I wonder if Dio got their banner? Since Red Fox of Fire just about managed to usurp them X D

Nope. I didn't manage to see it in time.

As for me:

1. Got right. Used Nightmare to check.

2. Way wrong.

3. Got it right. I used to do unsupported runs with Dark Bishop Moulder to get Lyon. 25*3 + 25 magic + 5 from A/B Anima supports.

4. Got right. Nightmare again.

5. I got it on second answer. I picked the 2 Herons first.

6. I actually thought it was fights with animations, which is why I took Assassin first because Volke just ninjas in front of his enemy. Swordmaster second, though.

7. Got it wrong.

8. Got it right. I know I did this calculation in PoR too. I know there's some differences between both games as well, namely the armor for a few classes seems to have doubled in weight.

9. I got a tiny point for BK X Seph.

10. I tested this on 4-E-3/4 the other day, and since I know Micaiah has talks with him and Zihark is peace and love with Laguz, Laura seemed like an easy choice.

11. This thing killed me. I actually thought we could send two answers for each book, which would've gave me a bonus point for Fenrir. I only got Wind.

12. I know I had to guess between German, Spanish and Italian...and I got it wrong both times. Screw my inexperience in that game.

13. Dumb luck, though Swarm seemed obvious since you can't buy it online.

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Huh, 4th isn't bad, especially since I didn't look anything up.

1) FE7: Which of these chapters features a female General as an enemy?

A Genesis

D The Value of Life

I vaguely remember this being mentioned about a year ago :P. (2)

2) FE7: What is the maximum number of playthroughs recorded in the Status menu?

C 15

A 9

15 gives 16 options (0-15) so it seemed the logical choice. 9 is the most you can display with 1 digit. Correct was 13 (0)

3) FE8: Without hacking, what is the maximum damage that can be done in a non-critical hit and how? Assume that the enemy has 0 Defence.

Max damage: 105

How: CEG Gespenst on Bishop Moulder with double Anima supports (25*3 mt + 25 mag + 5 supports)

I got a few little facts wrong (Naglfar, not Gespenst, and it's Vanessa, not Moulder, who gets double anima: He just gets double attack). Got both of the points, I guess because I had the right general idea. (2)

4) FE8: Which of these non-playable characters has non-generic growth rates?

D Morva

A Carlyle

I'm just awesome at guessing. I think I got 3 for both answers, too :) (3)

5) FE9: Which of these is not a real support bonus that boosts critical?

D Naesala x Nealuchi

C Naesala x Leanne

Not sure why I chose this, but I figured Leanne x Reyson was stupid enough to be true. (2)

6) FE9: Which of these classes has the fastest movement (walking) speed in battle?

A Assassin

C Paladin (Male)

Paladins because they're on horsies, and I remembered Assassins moving fast. Correct answer was Swordmaster (m). (0)

7) FE9: Which of these is not an unused Skill name?

E Immortal

D Evil Eye

Bah. I figured Dance was put in as an early form of Chant. Evil Eye was the monster weapon from FE8, and Immortal just sounded off. (0)

8) FE10: If a Pegasus was its own class, like Horse, how much Weight would it likely have?

D 20

C 16

:(. Correct answer was 15. Pure guesswork. (0)

9) FE10: Which of these is a real Bond support?

C Deghinsea x Kurthnaga

B Black Knight x Sephiran

Yeah, I think I remember seeing this in game. Maybe not. (2)

10) FE10: Which of these characters will directly engage Reyson in combat?

B Laura

C Micaiah

Laura is a good (i.e. noble) character but I couldn't see why she'd have this programmed in compared to the other 4. I should really have chosen Zihark 2nd though. (2)

11) FE10: Name the following tomes, based on their appearance in battle:

A Bolganone

B Elthunder

C Wind

D Light

E Worm

Bah. (2)

12) FE DS: Which language version has the faceless generic replacements named after the letters of the Runic alphabet?

C German

E Spanish

Bah. (0)

13) FE DS: In Map 0, the Debug Map, which of these items can not be purchased from the Armoury?

C Iron Axe

E Swarm

Iron axe seemed stupid enough to not be. Swarm was also unpurchasable elsewhere. (1)

Total: 16

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You got 3 points Q3, not Q4. I figured Gespenst was close enough to Naglfar to award the full points ^^

Evil Eye is also the Japanese name for the Glare skill. I suppose they didn't have time to implement it in FE9.

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Ah, okay. Still, I'm pretty pleased with myself :). 2 points away from 1st is a good score.

Edit: Abd it looks like my sig is starting to work :P

Edited by I eat tables
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