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Advance Wars > Fire Emblem



52 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you think it's better? (justify your answer)

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Advance Wars is more dynamic, quick and, instead of watching an individual battle between two archers

And of course, AW builds up strategical reasoning better than FE. So, instead of leveling the character with the best base stats and build to fight with him/her alone, you can build up an entire army (which means spending money) to conquer enemy territory by using your brain alone (and of course, if you have the top guns, it means you have territory.)

Of course, they are similar games from the same company, but Advance Wars provides a better gameplay than Fire Emblem. Still, you can love Fire Emblem a bit.

Edited by Relinquished
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I like Fire Emblem more because the RPG elements add a layer of depth that Advance Wars can not have.

Even then AW is still a great series with Days of Ruin being my favorite.

On a similiar note, has anyone here tried out Dragon Quest Wars yet?

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Mech spam is ultimate strategy.

Oh, I have to actually justify it?

I'd rather have two archers facing off then win my battles by spamming the strongest unit I can mass-build efficiently.

Edited by Allan's Aokage
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Ah the mech spam. I spend turns building cheap units in large quantities with occasional artillery builds Tanks only to have to fight my mech wall and suffer some serious retaliation.

I like the gameplay mechanics in AW, suitable for multiplayer but the RNG makes single player more interesting.

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AW is not even quicker. It's even slower than Fire Emblem.

However,deploying/conquering stuff is a pretty neat aspect of the gameplay.

I like Super Robot Wars more than both

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(To the ones who will post, excluding the ones who already posted.)

I've changed the poll's question a bit. Both games are good in their own department. But it's time to discuss which aspects are the ones that give advantages and disadvantages to both games.

Try to stay neutral when giving justification. I know that you'll have to decide for one of them, but explain why is better.

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AW has near 100% accurate turn-by-turn walkthroughs. Doesn't sound that strategic to me.

I actually attempted to follow one of those turn-by-turn walkthroughs to see how accurate they were. Generally, the first few turns will go right, but after a while, especially on larger maps that take longer to complete, or maps that allow the enemy to build up forces quickly, take many, many resets to actually get the result described in the walkthrough.

Though I still think Fire Emblem is better, Advance Wars seems to require more strategy than Fire Emblem. Get a blessed unit or two, maybe three in Fire Emblem and watch them destroy everything in their path. There isn't that big a luck factor in Advance Wars.

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Advance Wars is awesome. Specially' if you can go toe-toe with an honorable foe.

But as far as balance goes, are we talking about the games with dudes like Colin Hachi, and Sensei? And arguably Tabitha/Isabella in DoR?

Because I wouldn't call that balanced.

And FE is a single-player only affair, I don't think they compare.

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AW has near 100% accurate turn-by-turn walkthroughs. Doesn't sound that strategic to me.

I actually attempted to follow one of those turn-by-turn walkthroughs to see how accurate they were. Generally, the first few turns will go right, but after a while, especially on larger maps that take longer to complete, or maps that allow the enemy to build up forces quickly, take many, many resets to actually get the result described in the walkthrough.

To tell the truth, I only played Days of Ruin and the walkthroughs I found for it actually did work with near 100% accuracy for me, I just don't know for sure about the other games in the series except what I've heard from friends.

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I only tried some maps of Black Hole Rising and the first GBA Advance Wars with those kind of walkthroughs, so that's what I based my conclusion on. The DS games I never used a walkthrough for at all, so I can't tell how accurate those are...

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I tried Advance Wars once because it was from IS too, but I was really disappointed.

I missed the invdividual characters and classes you had in FE, in AW it's just "the more the messier". It's no fun seeing tanks and planes fighting each other...

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I only tried some maps of Black Hole Rising and the first GBA Advance Wars with those kind of walkthroughs, so that's what I based my conclusion on. The DS games I never used a walkthrough for at all, so I can't tell how accurate those are...

I followed a visual walkthrough for a majority of Black Hole Rising when I played it a second time around (I was bored and couldn't be bothered to just find a save somewhere to unlock all the characters). Aside from the last mission, they seemed very accurate.

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Oh hey, that game.

Well I was into AW before Fire Emblem, but I haven't played AW in a while, though beating Hard Mode on AW2 was crazy awesomesauce at the time, even more so since I didn't actually have the game and had to borrow it from one of my friends (hour long bus rides ftw).

I'd say I liked Advance Wars better since those bus rides were golden multiplayer times.

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You see, there's this game called Starcraft...

Uh, anyway, snapping myself out of the wet dream, I think I prefer Fire Emblem, just because if I wanted the gameplay AW provides, I may well just go for an RTS. I still like Advance Wars a bunch though.

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You see, there's this game called Starcraft...

Uh, anyway, snapping myself out of the wet dream, I think I prefer Fire Emblem, just because if I wanted the gameplay AW provides, I may well just go for an RTS. I still like Advance Wars a bunch though.

We're not talking about Starcraft, rainbow boy. Make a thread if you feel like talking about it.

Well, about the walkthroughs, i didn't find them accurate at all. Still, I can't enjoy the game while using the walkthrough. I'm pretty sure that you guys feel that way with Fire Emblem as well.

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We're not talking about Starcraft, rainbow boy. Make a thread if you feel like talking about it.

1: he already "snapped out of his wet dream", using his words.

2: he only mentioned the name of the game, but talked only about Fire Emblem and Advance Wars.

3: don't back seat moderate.

I followed a visual walkthrough for a majority of Black Hole Rising when I played it a second time around (I was bored and couldn't be bothered to just find a save somewhere to unlock all the characters). Aside from the last mission, they seemed very accurate.

I checked that out, too. Terrible results...

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Advance Wars 1-DS might just have worse balance than Fire Emblem games.

DoR isn't as much of a step up in the balance department as people like to make it sound.

Out of the 12 COs in the game, half of them are either Over or underpowered. Ever since Isabella was soft-banned from competitive play it's gotten even worse.

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Advance Wars was great back when I had a GBA and friends who were excited by the idea of passing it back and forth to do the turn by turn multiplayer. After age 12 or so, when I was practically the only one left bringing a gameboy to school, the interest faded in favor of singleplayer-oriented games like Fire Emblem and computer games for strategy multiplayer. Age of Conquerors is still fun, though my current computer can't run it very well.

On a similiar note, has anyone here tried out Dragon Quest Wars yet?

If you know how I could get my hands on this game without buying a DSi, I'm very interested. I'l

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Fire Emblem.

AW is more difficult, unless you mass-produce cheap units like Mechs. I always try to get Neotanks and all the other big tanks out on the field, and it never works. I just like to see the animations of big ass tanks obliterating the Infantry the other side sends out.

Edited by Ben Stein
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AW's metagame is defined by infantry and arties.

I like both ground and sea artillery. It's the best. I still use Grit a lot when playing AW:DS, and Gage in AW:DoR.

You misunderstood me. I really did mean infantry and artillery. Those two units make up the backbone of the metagame. Other cheap units (mechs, tanks, etc) are also seen in the metagame.

Edited by General Spoon
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