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Tricks for falling asleep


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I don't think I've said it here before, but I have trouble getting to sleep before 04:00 lately because I don't have any incentive to get up before noon most days. But tomorrow's Sunday, so I have to be at work at nine, and it's 02:40 right now and I can't get to sleep.

This is a serious topic for once, even if it will be too late to do anything for tomorrow except drink coffee in the morning I'd like any tips you have for the future.

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Forget it, in retrospect I don't think I'll hear anything better than what I already know how to do except to take hypnotics, which I don't have.

If any moderators are on, would you mind closing this topic?

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I'll no doubt have this problem tonight when I have to get up at about 8am for 9am lectures.

The way I deal with it is: I don't. I drag myself through the day's lectures, surviving off energy drinks.

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I have the opposite problem. I hate sleep. Any time during the day, if I lie in bed (which I often naively do, forgetting what happens every single other time I do it) I fall asleep within an hour and don't wake up until like noon the next day or until someone forces me to.

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Whatever you do, don't try to eat very much, that enegizes you and keeps you awake indeed.

You could:

-Either watch TV

-Or listen to music, I recommend a MP3/4 so that you have it for yourself personally. I turnn off the lights when doing so, everything else has to be turned off too.

There...after a while, you'll maybe start feeling tired, that's the chance to go to bed.

Try it? :D

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