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The Quest for the Holy Hikari


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New episode:

*On the ship.*

Masu: So, I gotta ask, why is it that I’m doing all this work to get money for all of us, and you two aren’t helping at all?

*Lyle and Arc are sunbathing and drinking tropical drinks.*

Lyle: We’re helping.

Arc: Yeah, we tell you every time you miss a spot.

Masu: .......

Lyle: Besides, we’re busy planning the trip.

Masu: Don’t I get a say in that?

Lyle: Well, you would, but you’re so busy with all this work that you don’t have any time to do it.

Masu: ......You do remember that I was the one chosen by Gawd right?

Arc: Which is why you should bare the burden of the quest.

Masu: ......*Grumbles.*

*Masu gets back to work. The captain passes by Lyle and Arc.*

Lyle: So captain, how long will it take to get to Kilvas?

Captain: Well, I’m not sure. I think it’ll be long enough to build on other plotlines that will be important to the story later.

Arc: Cool.

*Cave. A man walks in. He’s carrying Knife’s limp body over his left shoulder. He reaches the throne.*

????: Uh-oh....

Man: Don’t worry, he’s not dead. *He tosses Knife’s body on the ground.* And I’m not here to kill you either.

????: Well, I didn’t think so. But now I need to get someone to replace him for the next few days.

Man: I’m sure you already have someone in mind.

????: .....

Man: We don’t know what exactly you’re trying to do, but I hope you realize that we're not gonna let you kill him.

????: Who do you think you are? You ain't anybody by my book.

Man: .........You’d be better off to leave them alone. And don’t tell me the whole ‘I’ve been charged by Sayton crap.’ I know that’s a load of bull.

????: ......Hard-ass.

Man: ......Just remember who else is here. *He turns and leaves.*

Kiryn: *Pops out from behind the throne.* So....why did you have me hide there?

????: Cause if you had attacked him, he woulda killed ya.

Kiryn: With what?

????: Trust me, they don’t call him ‘Nightmare’ for nuthin. And he's not all we have to worry about.

Kiryn: What?

????: Let me take care of it. Now, get Knife to the healing place.

Kiryn: ......‘The healing place’?

????: You like your job Kiryn?

Kiryn: Sorry! *She picks up Knife, and brings him out of the throne room.*

????: You’re turn Fireman.

Fireman: *Pops out of the shadows.* Hello.

????: You have what I asked?

Fireman: Yep. He has two people on his side as of right now, and they’re headed for Kilvas.

????: I see. So he didn’t end up killing Tashi after all....

Fireman: No. But Tashi didn’t join Lyle either.

????: Well, that makes me feel a little better, but it’s still bothersome.

Fireman: Oh. And I bought that person you asked for.

????: Good. Nice to see ya Serene.

Serene: Hello.

????: Guess where your going?


Nealuchi: Oh dear princess! How happy I am for you!

Princess Kilvas: Thank you Sir Naeluchi...

Nealuchi: Oh hohoho. Please, princess there’s no reason for you to address an old buzzard like me so formally.

Princess Kilvas: Could you leave me alone for a minute Sir Nealuchi? I wish to be alone for a minute.

Nealuchi: Oh! Of course Princess! *He leaves.*

Princess Kilvas: ......Like hell I’m getting married to that scruffy hawk. I’m outta here. *She makes for the window. Opens it and flies out only to be caught by the scruff of her neck.*

Naesala: And where do you think you’re going?

Princess Kilvas: F-father?

Naesala: I know you don’t like him too much now, but trust me. This hawk kid isn’t as bad as you think.

Princess Kilvas: Let go of me! Even if he is, I still don’t want to marry him.

Naesala: I know you don’t. But still, I know this guy is a good guy and he’ll keep you safe. You did agree to this in the first place.

Princess Kilvas: *She stops struggling.* I know......but I did that cause I knew that’s what you wanted. I didn’t want to disappoint you...

Naesala: So instead of telling me how you really felt, you decided that fleeing would be a better choice to protect my feelings?

Princess Kilvas: .......

Naesala: Listen. I wouldn’t force you to do something that makes you unhappy. But I know this hawk guy isn’t bad at all.

Princess Kilvas: .....Okay.......

Naesala: There. Now lets get inside.


Masu: ......I’m done.....*Masu collapses after working for the past 10 hours.*

Lyle: Good job Masu. We earned about 2000 bucks.

Masu: WE?!?! I worked my ass off while you guys sat around and did nothing!

Arc: Get over it. Say captain, how long now?

Captain: We should be in the capital city of Kilvas by the morning.

Lyle: Good. I wonder what we’ll find there.

*Kilvas. Serene stands on a cliff looking out toward the sea.*

Serene: Heh. Looks like Lyle’s about to arrive.

To be continued.

Awesome!!!! I'm getting married! I really love these, You make me sound so important and cool! Awesome episodes! Can't wait for the next one! Should/Could I animate this?

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Awesome!!!! I'm getting married! I really love these, You make me sound so important and cool! Awesome episodes! Can't wait for the next one! Should/Could I animate this?


(I don't want to spoil anything, but your character is actually very important to the plot.)

And if you really want to animate it, feel very free to do so. (I would do it, but it would come out as stick sigures.)

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(I don't want to spoil anything, but your character is actually very important to the plot.)

And if you really want to animate it, feel very free to do so. (I would do it, but it would come out as stick sigures.)

Awesome! I'm important! Yay! I might make it a manga or something, I don't know how to work my animation program yet. =P

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i love the fact that the whole plot revolve around Hikari, even though she hasn't made a physical appearance!

she's the most important character IMO

Awesome! I'm important! Yay! I might make it a manga or something, I don't know how to work my animation program yet. =P

what animation program do you have? toon boom?

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i love the fact that the whole plot revolve around Hikari, even though she hasn't made a physical appearance!

she's the most important character IMO

what animation program do you have? toon boom?

I have eFrontier's Anime Studio. I don't know how to use it yet.. =/

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I have eFrontier's Anime Studio. I don't know how to use it yet.. =/

ooh, sadness! i heard that Toon Boom is good and simple (compared to other animation programs). its also used by major companies, like Disney and stuff. but i don't know about Anime Studio....

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This is interesting.

In a few episodes can realKiryn enter, as an independent force? Opposed to both sides?

I'm really quite confused on the whole status of the double Kiryn thing. If you can enlighten me about it, I'll do my best.

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Yeah im totally getting a girl in this for all the hard work i be doing. XD It would be awesome if it were animated with stick figures!

Shh! Don't spoil it! *Gives Masu false hope.* Here's the next one:

*The ship reaches the land. Masu, Lyle and Arc get off the ship. They bid their farewells to the Captain and the ship sails off.*

Arc: Wait.....how are we going to get off this island without a ship?

Lyle: .........Shit.....

*They start walking and end up in the capital of Kilvas.*

Masu: For a capital, this place seems really dead.

Lyle: Well, different cultures Masu. Laguz don’t really have need for the formalities that we have.

*Kilvas palace. Princess Kilvas is in her dressing room alone. She looks out the window in all directions.*

Princess Kilvas: .....Like hell I’m going to marry him. *She flies off, this time she is successful. However, above her, Serene is watching.*


Masu: Hey. Look at that! *He points up at the palace.*

Lyle: What?

Masu: There’s a raven laguz coming out of the palace window.

Arc: Well, she might be an attendant or something. We don’t really know-

*Two hawks fly down from above and block their path.*

Lyle: Er-

Hawk 1: We are attendants of his lordship Taro. You lowly humans are blocking his path.

Arc: Well we can just move-

Hawk 2: Silence! What are you humans doing here anyway? This is a laguz country.

Masu: Why does that matter?

Lyle: *Whispers to Masu.* Discrimination doesn’t disappear overnight Masu. *To the guards.*

I apologize for our rudeness, we’re looking for someone dear to us. We were hoping we could gain some information from one of the wise and mighty bird tribes-

Hawk: *A Hawk with reddish brown feathers stands behind Lyle.* Begone humans. You’re in my way.

Hawk1: We apologize Lord Taro.

Hawk2: Our sincerest apologies Lord Taro.

Taro: Think nothing of it my friends. Move beorc.*He shoves Masu out of the way.*

Masu: Hey! Watch it bub!

*Lyle and Arc do a facepalm.*

Taro: *Glaring at Masu.* What was that?

Masu: The least you could do is say ‘excuse me’.

Taro: I haven’t the time for you weakling. I’m due to be married to the princess of Kilvas by the end of the day. I will not be delayed by fools like you. *He storms off before Masu can retort.*

Masu: Jerk.

Lyle: .....Masu.....you’re an idiot.

Masu: What?

Arc: You just insulted the fiancé to the princess of Kilvas. Now we most likely have the entire bird tribe pissed off at us, and we need to find whatever Fireman was talking about.

Lyle: Alright, not everyone’s heard about this whole thing yet, we could probably find some common folk to help us out. Let’s split up and meet back here in an hour.

Arc: Got it.

Masu: Kay..

*They split up.*

*Begnion. Tashi is walking around in a secluded ally. He turns as he hears something.*

Tashi: Who’s there?

???: *A man in a flowing dark red trench coat and dark red mask comes out from behind a corner. He has long brown hair that hangs over the front of his mask, and down to his neck. At his sides are two bulges at each side. And he has two sword hilts sticking out of the top of the trench coat.* Don’t worry. I’m not here to hurt you. Quite the opposite.

Tashi: Who are you?

Hexblade: I am called ‘The Hexblade.’ Nightmare, you can come out to.

*Nightmare drops down from behind Tashi.*

Tashi: .....For not wanting to hurt me you do seem to be taking precautions.

Hexblade: Well, I did let you know about Nightmare. You didn’t notice him yet.

Tashi: .....Who says I didn’t?

Hexblade: Heh. Well regardless, I’d still like you to join us.

Tashi: .....I’m not really a team player.

Hexblade: Niether am I. Or Nightmare. I ask him to do missions I need done, he asks me for things he needs done. However, I realized I’m understaffed and need someone else to assist me.

Tashi: Find someone else.

Hexblade: ......I challenge you to a match.

Tashi: What?

Hexblade: I win, you accept my offer. You win, and I’ll give you these. *He takes off his trench coat and reveals that the four bulges were four other swords. Including the two on his back, that makes six.*

Tashi: ......Isn’t that a bit overkill?

Hexblade: You have no idea. Will you accept my challenge?

Tashi: ......Very well.

*There battle commences.*

*Kilvas. Lyle spots Arc.*

Lyle: Hey. Arc. Found anything?

Arc: Nope. You?

Lyle: The few people I talked to either tried to claw me or had no clue what I was talking about.

Arc: .......

Lyle: That would mean No.

Arc: I gathered that. Where’s Masu?

Lyle: Beats me.

*A spring somewhere, Masu is sitting watching the water.*

Masu: Man. Those guys are jerks. I defend them from that hawk guy and they treat me like crap. *He tosses a stone in an attempt to skip it on the water, but fails.* Dammit!

????: Are you okay?

Masu: Huh?

Princess Kilvas: *Princess Kilvas is hovering over him.* Hi.

Masu: *Blushing.* Uh...hey.

Princess Kilvas: What’s you’re name?

Masu: Uh-er-um. *Attempts to make himself masculine.* I’m Masu mamn.

Princess Kilvas: I’m the princess of Kilvas.

Masu: Eh? *Bows.* Um....It’s so nice to meet you! *In his head: (Man! No wonder she’s so hot! She’s a princess!)

Princess Kilvas: Please don’t be so formal. I’ve never seen a beorc before. What are you doing here?

*A voice comes from above. Serene is sitting atop of a tree.*

Serene: Sorry, I’m not in the mood for introductions. I’m Serene, I’m here to kill you.

To be continued.

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Shh! Don't spoil it! *Gives Masu false hope.* Here's the next one:

*The ship reaches the land. Masu, Lyle and Arc get off the ship. They bid their farewells to the Captain and the ship sails off.*

Arc: Wait.....how are we going to get off this island without a ship?

Lyle: .........Shit.....

*They start walking and end up in the capital of Kilvas.*

Masu: For a capital, this place seems really dead.

Lyle: Well, different cultures Masu. Laguz don’t really have need for the formalities that we have.

*Kilvas palace. Princess Kilvas is in her dressing room alone. She looks out the window in all directions.*

Princess Kilvas: .....Like hell I’m going to marry him. *She flies off, this time she is successful. However, above her, Serene is watching.*


Masu: Hey. Look at that! *He points up at the palace.*

Lyle: What?

Masu: There’s a raven laguz coming out of the palace window.

Arc: Well, she might be an attendant or something. We don’t really know-

*Two hawks fly down from above and block their path.*

Lyle: Er-

Hawk 1: We are attendants of his lordship Taro. You lowly humans are blocking his path.

Arc: Well we can just move-

Hawk 2: Silence! What are you humans doing here anyway? This is a laguz country.

Masu: Why does that matter?

Lyle: *Whispers to Masu.* Discrimination doesn’t disappear overnight Masu. *To the guards.*

I apologize for our rudeness, we’re looking for someone dear to us. We were hoping we could gain some information from one of the wise and mighty bird tribes-

Hawk: *A Hawk with reddish brown feathers stands behind Lyle.* Begone humans. You’re in my way.

Hawk1: We apologize Lord Taro.

Hawk2: Our sincerest apologies Lord Taro.

Taro: Think nothing of it my friends. Move beorc.*He shoves Masu out of the way.*

Masu: Hey! Watch it bub!

*Lyle and Arc do a facepalm.*

Taro: *Glaring at Masu.* What was that?

Masu: The least you could do is say ‘excuse me’.

Taro: I haven’t the time for you weakling. I’m due to be married to the princess of Kilvas by the end of the day. I will not be delayed by fools like you. *He storms off before Masu can retort.*

Masu: Jerk.

Lyle: .....Masu.....you’re an idiot.

Masu: What?

Arc: You just insulted the fiancé to the princess of Kilvas. Now we most likely have the entire bird tribe pissed off at us, and we need to find whatever Fireman was talking about.

Lyle: Alright, not everyone’s heard about this whole thing yet, we could probably find some common folk to help us out. Let’s split up and meet back here in an hour.

Arc: Got it.

Masu: Kay..

*They split up.*

*Begnion. Tashi is walking around in a secluded ally. He turns as he hears something.*

Tashi: Who’s there?

???: *A man in a flowing dark red trench coat and dark red mask comes out from behind a corner. He has long brown hair that hangs over the front of his mask, and down to his neck. At his sides are two bulges at each side. And he has two sword hilts sticking out of the top of the trench coat.* Don’t worry. I’m not here to hurt you. Quite the opposite.

Tashi: Who are you?

Hexblade: I am called ‘The Hexblade.’ Nightmare, you can come out to.

*Nightmare drops down from behind Tashi.*

Tashi: .....For not wanting to hurt me you do seem to be taking precautions.

Hexblade: Well, I did let you know about Nightmare. You didn’t notice him yet.

Tashi: .....Who says I didn’t?

Hexblade: Heh. Well regardless, I’d still like you to join us.

Tashi: .....I’m not really a team player.

Hexblade: Niether am I. Or Nightmare. I ask him to do missions I need done, he asks me for things he needs done. However, I realized I’m understaffed and need someone else to assist me.

Tashi: Find someone else.

Hexblade: ......I challenge you to a match.

Tashi: What?

Hexblade: I win, you accept my offer. You win, and I’ll give you these. *He takes off his trench coat and reveals that the four bulges were four other swords. Including the two on his back, that makes six.*

Tashi: ......Isn’t that a bit overkill?

Hexblade: You have no idea. Will you accept my challenge?

Tashi: ......Very well.

*There battle commences.*

*Kilvas. Lyle spots Arc.*

Lyle: Hey. Arc. Found anything?

Arc: Nope. You?

Lyle: The few people I talked to either tried to claw me or had no clue what I was talking about.

Arc: .......

Lyle: That would mean No.

Arc: I gathered that. Where’s Masu?

Lyle: Beats me.

*A spring somewhere, Masu is sitting watching the water.*

Masu: Man. Those guys are jerks. I defend them from that hawk guy and they treat me like crap. *He tosses a stone in an attempt to skip it on the water, but fails.* Dammit!

????: Are you okay?

Masu: Huh?

Princess Kilvas: *Princess Kilvas is hovering over him.* Hi.

Masu: *Blushing.* Uh...hey.

Princess Kilvas: What’s you’re name?

Masu: Uh-er-um. *Attempts to make himself masculine.* I’m Masu mamn.

Princess Kilvas: I’m the princess of Kilvas.

Masu: Eh? *Bows.* Um....It’s so nice to meet you! *In his head: (Man! No wonder she’s so hot! She’s a princess!)

Princess Kilvas: Please don’t be so formal. I’ve never seen a beorc before. What are you doing here?

*A voice comes from above. Serene is sitting atop of a tree.*

Serene: Sorry, I’m not in the mood for introductions. I’m Serene, I’m here to kill you.

To be continued.

Ha ha! I'm hot! Another great episode! The more I read it, the more I love it! Can't wait for the next!

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I've actually finished writing the next episode, but I'm ot sure if I want to put it up right now. Maybe in an hour. I want more people to read the last one first. (The problem I figured with my history was that I put too many episodes up too frequently.)

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Since no one has commented since I last did, I decided to put up the new episode. Also, it means I double posted. (WOOT FOR BREAKING RULES!!!) Anyway, this one is really long. Usually the episodes are about 2 1/2 pages long, but this one is about 3 1/2. So, read and enjoy:

*Serene takes out a scythe and readies himself to plunge downward.*

Masu: Don’t worry princess! I’ll be the hero! *He sends a fire burst straight at Serene.*

Serene: Heh. * He spins off the tree and avoids it.*

Masu: What?

Princess Kilvas: He did a barrel roll!

Serene: *Now flying in the air.* Feel free to try again. It’s been a slow day.

Masu: Grrr.

*Kilvas palace. The door to the princess dressing room opens.*

Naesala: Hey you, Taro is here.......*He looks around and sees that no one is there.* ......Shit....Oh well, I’m sure she’ll be fine.

*Lyle and Arc.*

Arc: Hey. Did you see that?

Lyle: See what?

Arc: There was a fire blast over in that direction. We should probably head on over.

Lyle: Why?

Arc: Because I’ve never seen a bird tribe use magic before, and we know someone who does.

Lyle: Who?

Arc: Masu.

Lyle: He’s a mage?

Arc: Some partner you are. No wonder you weren’t in sync in the spinoff I wrote.

Lyle: What?

Arc: ...Nothing. Let’s go.

*They run toward the fight.*

*The fight.*

Masu: So who are you anyway?

Serene: I told you. I’m Serene.

Masu: You know what I mean! Why are you trying to kill us?

Serene: Let’s just say that not everyone wants Hikari back.

Masu: *gasp*

Princess Kilvas: I trust you know who you’re attacking? I am the princess of Kilvas!

Serene: I know who you are. The princess of a dead country now that the bird tribes have joined together. Face it. You may have a title, but you are no one to worry about.

Princess Kilvas: My father is however. And he will not take kindly to your attack of me.

Serene: I’ll be long gone before he gets here. And you’ll be long dead. *He swoops in for another attack.*

*Masu blasts another spurt of fire at him. Serene does another barrel roll, but it allows Masu and the princess to avoid his scythe.*

Serene: I really have no time for this. I need to kill you two, Arc, and take Lyle back with me.

Masu: Why do you want Lyle alive?

Princess Kilvas: Who’s Lyle?

Lyle: I’m Lyle. Lyle Dayek.

Arc: I’m Arc. If anyone cares.

*Lyle and Arc come out of the bushes.*

Serene: Good. Now I can kill you all in one sitting.

*Kilvas palace. Naesala is walking when he comes across Taro, Tibarn, and several Hawk guards.*

Tibarn: Hello Naesala.

Naesala: Good to see you Tibarn. Have I done something to have you want to kill me?

Tibarn: Heh. Not at all. I’m here to observe the wedding.

Naesala: I’m afraid the wedding isn’t going to happen today.

Taro: What? Why?

Naesala: It seems the bride has gone out for a stroll.

Taro: What?!?! *He remembers Masu and puts two and two together.* Those bastard humans must have kidnaped her! Guards! Come with me! We shall hunt those humans down and tear their flesh from their bodies!

Naesala: That’s not really- *Taro marches off before he can respond.* Is that really the future of the bird tribes?

Tibarn: Don’t count me dead yet Naesala.

Naesala: I would only be so lucky.

Tibarn: .....Shouldn’t you be more worried? Taro might have jumped to conclusions, but it is possible.

Naesala: You’ll never understand us royal ravens Tibarn. There isn’t anything that happens to us that we don’t plan for. My daughter is fine without me holding her hand.

Tibarn: ....I see...


Lyle: Good job holding him off Masu. Let the big kids handle him now.

Masu: Eh? I can take him!

Arc: Masu. Back off. We got it.

Masu: Rrrr.

Serene: Got what? He couldn’t hit me. Lyle can’t even reach me. What do you think you can do?

Arc: *Smirks.* Watch. *Without even appearing like he moved Arc shoots an arrow into one of Serene’s wings.*

Serene: GAH!!! *He clutches his wing.*

Arc: What’s that? You want more? *He shoots another three arrows into his other wing.*

Serene: *Lands on the ground and folds his wings up.* Bastard....

Arc: Now Lyle can reach you. He’s all yours.

Lyle: Thanks Arc. *Lyle charges in.*

Serene: Rgh. *He takes flight again, this time he’s fleeing.* I’m afraid I underestimated you. Still. *He drops a rock on Princess Kilvas’s head. She falls to the ground unconcious.*

Masu: Princess!

Serene: ...the hawks will now do my work for me. *He flies off.*

Lyle: What did he mean by that?

Arc: I don’t feel like sticking around to find out. Let’s go!

Masu: *Picks up the princess.* Right!

Lyle: What are you taking her for?

Masu: She can fly! How else are we getting off this island?

Lyle: This sounds strange to me but: good thinking Masu.

*They start running.*


Lyle: That’s that Taro guy right?

Arc: Sure is.

Lyle: Shit.

*The run until they reach a cliff. Down below them is the ocean.*

Lyle: Say, Masu. Is she awake yet?

Masu: Nope!

Lyle: Kay. That might be a problem.

Arc: Not too much. In comparison to the 20 hawks that are coming to get us.

*They look behind them and see Taro and his hawk guards transformed and flying toward them.*

Lyle: Well, that’s certainly not something you see everyday.

Masu: Now what?

*Out of nowhere a white dragon grabs the four of them and flies for Goldoa.*

Lyle: WHAT THE F***?!?!?!!?!?!?!

Dragon: Courtesy of the Fireman for doing his duty for him.

Arc: Wha?

Dragon: I’ll explain later. *The dragon flies over Goldoa land, behind them they hear the screech of the hawks as they have failed. The dragon lands and sets the four of them down. He then transforms.*

Lyle: So what’s this about doing Fireman’s job?

Dragon: The Fireman overloaded himself with too much work.. So he had you go to Kilvas and rescue the princess. Fireman was paid by the queen of Kilvas to make sure she was saved from her fate.

Arc: So that whole thing about finding something in Kilvas was a lie?

Dragon: Not entirely. You did find the princess who is quite special indeed.

Lyle: Yeah, but now we have the entirety of the bird tribe wanting to gouge our eyes out.

Masu: Who are you though? And why did you save us?

Dragon: It was my payment to Fireman to go and rescue you all should you be in danger. Now that my duty has been fulfilled, I shall take my leave.

Lyle: Wait. Isn’t it bad that we’re in Goldoa?

Dragon: The new king of Goldoa always welcomes beorc guests. Travel through to one of the beorc nations. Then ask for Fireman. I’m sure he knows more.

Lyle: Thank you.

*The dragon flies off.*

Arc: So this whole time Fireman was having us do his job.

Lyle: It was probably just to keep us busy while he found what we need. Besides, now we have a new partner.

Masu: And she’s a girl!

Arc: Yes she is Masu. Want a cookie?

Masu: Well actually....

Lyle: So we’ll rest here till she wakes up, then we’ll head on out. Is that good? We’ll discuss that Serene guy later. For now, I’m bushed.

*Kilvas. On a cliff overlooking the ocean, Serene is pulling arrows out of his wings.*

Serene: Bastards.....

????: You look like you’ve taken quite a beating.

Serene: Eh? Kiryn? What are you doing here?

Kiryn: The boss man asked me to give you this. *She hands him a locket.* Apparently it will make you look like a hawk. He wants you to get close to this Taro guy and use him to find Lyle and such.

Serene: Clever. Where did he find this thing anyway?

Kiryn: Beats me. I’m off. Now that Knife’s incapacitated, I’m working for two people. So long. *She gets on her mount and leaves.*

Serene: What an interesting woman.

*Taro’s group.*

Taro: Cursed dragon! How dare he save them! I have half a mind to go and tear him apart with those humans.

Tibarn: Trust me Taro. You don’t want to go into Goldoa with intent to kill. They’ll beat us to bits.

Serene: *Now appears to be a hawk.* Sir!

Taro: What happened to you soldier? *He notices the pierces in Serene’s wings.*

Serene: I engaged the enemy sir. They used arrows and fire magic. I was able to avoid the magic.

Taro: You are very brave soldier. You shall be my right hand man as we go and rescue the princess!

Tibarn: Shouldn’t we leave the expedition up to the ravens.

Taro: With all due respect your majesty, the princess is my fiancé. And I shall rescue her from those lowly beorc.

Tibarn: .....You know. That attitude toward beorc will be the end of you.

Serene: .......

To be continued.

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Okay I know that I'm an uber bad ass, but I got confused a couple times on the whole deal with the fight, and what in dear god is my connection to Kilvas in this because I'm getting confused. Besides that, great story, don't forget my trump card

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Okay I know that I'm an uber bad ass, but I got confused a couple times on the whole deal with the fight, and what in dear god is my connection to Kilvas in this because I'm getting confused. Besides that, great story, don't forget my trump card

You were sent there by ????.

(What's your trump card?)

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Since no one has commented since I last did, I decided to put up the new episode. Also, it means I double posted. (WOOT FOR BREAKING RULES!!!) Anyway, this one is really long. Usually the episodes are about 2 1/2 pages long, but this one is about 3 1/2. So, read and enjoy:

*Serene takes out a scythe and readies himself to plunge downward.*

Masu: Don’t worry princess! I’ll be the hero! *He sends a fire burst straight at Serene.*

Serene: Heh. * He spins off the tree and avoids it.*

Masu: What?

Princess Kilvas: He did a barrel roll!

Serene: *Now flying in the air.* Feel free to try again. It’s been a slow day.

Masu: Grrr.

*Kilvas palace. The door to the princess dressing room opens.*

Naesala: Hey you, Taro is here.......*He looks around and sees that no one is there.* ......Shit....Oh well, I’m sure she’ll be fine.

*Lyle and Arc.*

Arc: Hey. Did you see that?

Lyle: See what?

Arc: There was a fire blast over in that direction. We should probably head on over.

Lyle: Why?

Arc: Because I’ve never seen a bird tribe use magic before, and we know someone who does.

Lyle: Who?

Arc: Masu.

Lyle: He’s a mage?

Arc: Some partner you are. No wonder you weren’t in sync in the spinoff I wrote.

Lyle: What?

Arc: ...Nothing. Let’s go.

*They run toward the fight.*

*The fight.*

Masu: So who are you anyway?

Serene: I told you. I’m Serene.

Masu: You know what I mean! Why are you trying to kill us?

Serene: Let’s just say that not everyone wants Hikari back.

Masu: *gasp*

Princess Kilvas: I trust you know who you’re attacking? I am the princess of Kilvas!

Serene: I know who you are. The princess of a dead country now that the bird tribes have joined together. Face it. You may have a title, but you are no one to worry about.

Princess Kilvas: My father is however. And he will not take kindly to your attack of me.

Serene: I’ll be long gone before he gets here. And you’ll be long dead. *He swoops in for another attack.*

*Masu blasts another spurt of fire at him. Serene does another barrel roll, but it allows Masu and the princess to avoid his scythe.*

Serene: I really have no time for this. I need to kill you two, Arc, and take Lyle back with me.

Masu: Why do you want Lyle alive?

Princess Kilvas: Who’s Lyle?

Lyle: I’m Lyle. Lyle Dayek.

Arc: I’m Arc. If anyone cares.

*Lyle and Arc come out of the bushes.*

Serene: Good. Now I can kill you all in one sitting.

*Kilvas palace. Naesala is walking when he comes across Taro, Tibarn, and several Hawk guards.*

Tibarn: Hello Naesala.

Naesala: Good to see you Tibarn. Have I done something to have you want to kill me?

Tibarn: Heh. Not at all. I’m here to observe the wedding.

Naesala: I’m afraid the wedding isn’t going to happen today.

Taro: What? Why?

Naesala: It seems the bride has gone out for a stroll.

Taro: What?!?! *He remembers Masu and puts two and two together.* Those bastard humans must have kidnaped her! Guards! Come with me! We shall hunt those humans down and tear their flesh from their bodies!

Naesala: That’s not really- *Taro marches off before he can respond.* Is that really the future of the bird tribes?

Tibarn: Don’t count me dead yet Naesala.

Naesala: I would only be so lucky.

Tibarn: .....Shouldn’t you be more worried? Taro might have jumped to conclusions, but it is possible.

Naesala: You’ll never understand us royal ravens Tibarn. There isn’t anything that happens to us that we don’t plan for. My daughter is fine without me holding her hand.

Tibarn: ....I see...


Lyle: Good job holding him off Masu. Let the big kids handle him now.

Masu: Eh? I can take him!

Arc: Masu. Back off. We got it.

Masu: Rrrr.

Serene: Got what? He couldn’t hit me. Lyle can’t even reach me. What do you think you can do?

Arc: *Smirks.* Watch. *Without even appearing like he moved Arc shoots an arrow into one of Serene’s wings.*

Serene: GAH!!! *He clutches his wing.*

Arc: What’s that? You want more? *He shoots another three arrows into his other wing.*

Serene: *Lands on the ground and folds his wings up.* Bastard....

Arc: Now Lyle can reach you. He’s all yours.

Lyle: Thanks Arc. *Lyle charges in.*

Serene: Rgh. *He takes flight again, this time he’s fleeing.* I’m afraid I underestimated you. Still. *He drops a rock on Princess Kilvas’s head. She falls to the ground unconcious.*

Masu: Princess!

Serene: ...the hawks will now do my work for me. *He flies off.*

Lyle: What did he mean by that?

Arc: I don’t feel like sticking around to find out. Let’s go!

Masu: *Picks up the princess.* Right!

Lyle: What are you taking her for?

Masu: She can fly! How else are we getting off this island?

Lyle: This sounds strange to me but: good thinking Masu.

*They start running.*


Lyle: That’s that Taro guy right?

Arc: Sure is.

Lyle: Shit.

*The run until they reach a cliff. Down below them is the ocean.*

Lyle: Say, Masu. Is she awake yet?

Masu: Nope!

Lyle: Kay. That might be a problem.

Arc: Not too much. In comparison to the 20 hawks that are coming to get us.

*They look behind them and see Taro and his hawk guards transformed and flying toward them.*

Lyle: Well, that’s certainly not something you see everyday.

Masu: Now what?

*Out of nowhere a white dragon grabs the four of them and flies for Goldoa.*

Lyle: WHAT THE F***?!?!?!!?!?!?!

Dragon: Courtesy of the Fireman for doing his duty for him.

Arc: Wha?

Dragon: I’ll explain later. *The dragon flies over Goldoa land, behind them they hear the screech of the hawks as they have failed. The dragon lands and sets the four of them down. He then transforms.*

Lyle: So what’s this about doing Fireman’s job?

Dragon: The Fireman overloaded himself with too much work.. So he had you go to Kilvas and rescue the princess. Fireman was paid by the queen of Kilvas to make sure she was saved from her fate.

Arc: So that whole thing about finding something in Kilvas was a lie?

Dragon: Not entirely. You did find the princess who is quite special indeed.

Lyle: Yeah, but now we have the entirety of the bird tribe wanting to gouge our eyes out.

Masu: Who are you though? And why did you save us?

Dragon: It was my payment to Fireman to go and rescue you all should you be in danger. Now that my duty has been fulfilled, I shall take my leave.

Lyle: Wait. Isn’t it bad that we’re in Goldoa?

Dragon: The new king of Goldoa always welcomes beorc guests. Travel through to one of the beorc nations. Then ask for Fireman. I’m sure he knows more.

Lyle: Thank you.

*The dragon flies off.*

Arc: So this whole time Fireman was having us do his job.

Lyle: It was probably just to keep us busy while he found what we need. Besides, now we have a new partner.

Masu: And she’s a girl!

Arc: Yes she is Masu. Want a cookie?

Masu: Well actually....

Lyle: So we’ll rest here till she wakes up, then we’ll head on out. Is that good? We’ll discuss that Serene guy later. For now, I’m bushed.

*Kilvas. On a cliff overlooking the ocean, Serene is pulling arrows out of his wings.*

Serene: Bastards.....

????: You look like you’ve taken quite a beating.

Serene: Eh? Kiryn? What are you doing here?

Kiryn: The boss man asked me to give you this. *She hands him a locket.* Apparently it will make you look like a hawk. He wants you to get close to this Taro guy and use him to find Lyle and such.

Serene: Clever. Where did he find this thing anyway?

Kiryn: Beats me. I’m off. Now that Knife’s incapacitated, I’m working for two people. So long. *She gets on her mount and leaves.*

Serene: What an interesting woman.

*Taro’s group.*

Taro: Cursed dragon! How dare he save them! I have half a mind to go and tear him apart with those humans.

Tibarn: Trust me Taro. You don’t want to go into Goldoa with intent to kill. They’ll beat us to bits.

Serene: *Now appears to be a hawk.* Sir!

Taro: What happened to you soldier? *He notices the pierces in Serene’s wings.*

Serene: I engaged the enemy sir. They used arrows and fire magic. I was able to avoid the magic.

Taro: You are very brave soldier. You shall be my right hand man as we go and rescue the princess!

Tibarn: Shouldn’t we leave the expedition up to the ravens.

Taro: With all due respect your majesty, the princess is my fiancé. And I shall rescue her from those lowly beorc.

Tibarn: .....You know. That attitude toward beorc will be the end of you.

Serene: .......

To be continued.

Awesome! It just keeps getting Better!!

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You were sent there by ????.

(What's your trump card?)

Well my trump card stems from an original idea I made up, also in this idea, I'm a Grim angel (I'm PM you about this an more)

My trump card is Serene Divinity (can't reveal what it does I'll PM you about this as well)

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Well my trump card stems from an original idea I made up, also in this idea, I'm a Grim angel (I'm PM you about this an more)

My trump card is Serene Divinity (can't reveal what it does I'll PM you about this as well)

Cool. *Already thinking of how to use this new plot device.*

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I sent the details of all the stuff I put in for Serene, most of which is orginal. Shit I forgot another twist with the Grim Angel, I'll be messing you for that as well

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