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Lucius Appreciation Thread


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I discarded Prissy due to her high Mov so it will be a little hard to support that fast.

This logic sounds a little roundabout to me.

Care to explain this? If her high Mov somehow stops her from making supports, you don't use it all. Nobody would seriously charge their healer out in front of the group, right?


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Care to explain this? If her high Mov somehow stops her from making supports, you don't use it all. Nobody would seriously charge their healer out in front of the group, right?

K. I'm talking about the people who prefer not to waste time and just cut to the chase, they won't wait enough for support so...her support with Heath or Guy is useful :)

I'll sign up for this, sure, lol.

Alright, glad you did! ;)

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I agree with what the creator of this thread has stated about Lucius. Early joining time, reliable, and the rest are kind of overrated (especially Nino, being the Est character she is).

This thread has RevengeHero's full support.

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Pent has something to say to this topic.

"Hai,I iz pent,with my auto support,I have double your average 20/20 Def at base level,and triple your def growth.

You may get better Mag than me,but I have enough Spd that I can use heavy tomes and still double,so i kill everything anyway,since enemies have piss poor res.

Sure,you have a couple of chapters of availability on me,but I crush you so badly before you get to promotion that it basically cancels out,plus I actually get to bone a chick,a really hot one,at that,instead of being the boys playtoy."

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Unless of course you're saying the following:

LuciusChibi.png = emo-FALCONPUNCH.gif



You are a blasphemer. Lucius' appearance is simply his cover. If you saw his true manliness, you would explode from it.

Pent has something to say to this topic.

"Hai,I iz pent,with my auto support,I have double your average 20/20 Def at base level,and triple your def growth.

You may get better Mag than me,but I have enough Spd that I can use heavy tomes and still double,so i kill everything anyway,since enemies have piss poor res.

Sure,you have a couple of chapters of availability on me,but I crush you so badly before you get to promotion that it basically cancels out,plus I actually get to bone a chick,a really hot one,at that,instead of being the boys playtoy."

More liek "Hai pent I do moar with Lightning than you do with thunder and have double your mag growth. Since I'll already be well into prmotion by the time you join all you have better is a slight staff rank"

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I agree with what the creator of this thread has stated about Lucius. Early joining time, reliable, and the rest are kind of overrated (especially Nino, being the Est character she is).

This thread has RevengeHero's full support.

The name's Soul, remember it!

I'll sign you up, indeed. ;)

EDIT: Just to PWN Ether's statement: Pent will only have +6 Def in averages. :\


You may get better Mag than me,but I have enough Spd that I can use heavy tomes and still double,so i kill everything anyway,since enemies have piss poor res.

Same, my base Mag & Spd at lvl 20/1 say "Hi!", because I will still be onereounding with an average Light tome.

I have enough Spd that I can use heavy tomes and still double,so i kill everything anyway,since enemies have piss poor res.

Oh, wait. I don't even require such a heavy tome to oneround things, if so, I'll just have my advantage using Shine and the support of Milord Raven will help me carry on, I loose 1 AS, but I still double everything, my Avo isn't all that, I hope you aren't dumb enough as to field me, though when I'm with Lord Raven I've nothing to fear. -_-

Sure,you have a couple of chapters of availability on me, but I crush you so badly before you get to promotion that it basically cancels out

Me: Well duh. :facepalm:

Lucius: That's just something the would make e facepalm, but that is not my thing. I am already promoted by then and with similiar and even higher bases than you at 20/1.

Plus I actually get to bone a chick,a really hot one,at that,instead of being the boys playtoy."

I'm sorry, Lord Pent, this statement is very unlikely of you, but if that's the case well...people actually find Raven useful since he too will be onerounding everything. Yeah, compare that to your dear wife, her 2 range and the fact of Rebecca's existence.

Edited by Soul
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Canas: I can actually survive guys hitting me with anything other than magic. Oh, and I promote into Druid too!

Lucius: And I actually have reliable dodging when there's no need to field me or when the tactican isn't to much of an idiot to do so. :D

Canas: But I can actually, you know, KILL things. With Luna. And Gespenst. You have lolAureola. I also have higher HP, LCK, and RES growths. I also support Pent but I have a GOOD affinity. You have Light and support Raven, whop has the same affinity. OH, and I get B in dark while you start out with a D in Light, when most people you probably have C's or even B's now. Also higher base stats in EVERYTHING except SPD. Not to mention Druid gains are cool; +4 HP, +3 SPD and +2 DEF. What does Bishop get? +3 HP, +0 SPD, and +3 DEF.

My caps also >>> yours except DEF and RES, but DEF lead is +1 and we overkill RES anyway.

In conclusion, awesome monocle man >>> girly man.

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Canas: But I can actually, you know, KILL things.

Ditto. Doubling things from base level and so on.

With Luna. And Gespenst. You have lolAureola.

When it comes to tiers, endgame stuff like this isn't really considered, it's throughout the whole game.

I also have higher HP, LCK, and RES growths.

@Bolded: So?

@Italics: It's still crappy when your Spd is low.

@Underline: Your calculations suck. And you later call yourself a teacher.

I also support Pent but I have a GOOD affinity. You have Light and support Raven, whop has the same affinity. OH, and I get B in dark while you start out with a D in Light.

I don't need a rank, as I stated. I ONEROUND anything, exept...exept some bosses.

Not to mention Druid gains are cool; +4 HP, +3 SPD and +2 DEF. What does Bishop get? +3 HP, +0 SPD, and +3 DEF.

@Bolded: Again with the HP? I'm still dodging more.

@Italics: Lol at your base Spd & growth. I'm doubling SWORDMASTERS and Heroes later on and actually still kill them.

My caps also >>> yours except DEF and RES, but DEF lead is +1 and we overkill RES anyway.

Not in averages, because you don't even reach 24 Res, I, on the other hand almost cap my Res and laugh at every other enemy mage. IN. THE. FACE.

Don't overrate caps when you don't even cap a thing. I here reach higher Mag too, the necesary to kill most things, and all of your tomes weight you down anyways, I'm enough with Shine.

In conclusion, awesome monocle man >>> girly man.

May St. Elemine clear you mind, young one. :newyears:

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Fucking typo, meant DEF instead of RES.

Not in averages, because you don't even reach 24 Res, I, on the other hand almost cap my Res and laugh at every other enemy mage. IN. THE. FACE.

Like I said, we both overkill it anyway. And yes, you cap more things because you have lower caps. derr and lol at average of 7.6 DEF at 20/20. I have TWICE that.

I'M BULKIER THAN YOU, GIRLY MAN. I'm also stronger since I get to use Luna, which I can get in Ch. 19/20. Not to mention WTF35 uses from such a powerful tome.

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Fucking typo, meant DEF instead of RES.

Not in averages, because you don't even reach 24 Res, I, on the other hand almost cap my Res and laugh at every other enemy mage. IN. THE. FACE.

Like I said, we both overkill it anyway. And yes, you cap more things because you have lower caps. derr and lol at average of 7.6 DEF at 20/20. I have TWICE that.

I'M BULKIER THAN YOU, GIRLY MAN. I'm also stronger since I get to use Luna, which I can get in Ch. 19/20. Not to mention WTF35 uses from such a powerful tome.

Level 11 Canas (Luna): 11 Mag, 4 AS

Level 11 Lucius (Lighting): 15 Mag, 13 AS

Lol, no way is Canas doing more, even if he ignores Res.

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Me: Because mages are supposed to be bulky, yeah. <_<

I'm also stronger since I get to use Luna, which I can get in Ch. 19/20. Not to mention WTF35 uses from such a powerful tome.

As I said before, I'm killing everything by a set of high attacks and doubling, why over kill it? It's a waste, use it endgame.

Yeah, like that's making Canas any better, Lucius is as good with a Lightning tome.

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Isn't convincing enough, Serra, Erk, Priscilla and even Renault kill most things. I'm saying Lucius is the best out of all of those. Early join time, that's a good factor, remember he oneround everything or most things earlygame too while Canas can't even double a pirate.

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Pent has great base stats

He roflstomps Lucius in Def.

He has an auto-A that already gives +3 Def as well.

He can take more than 2 hits.

He's killing all non-boss/Sage enemies (and I'm not sure about Sage) with Thunder/Elfire

Lucius has more availability.

Looks like a clear win for Pent.

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Etzel is obviously a fusion of Lucius and Canas. However, since he wasn't created with 100% accuracy, his manliness and is much lesser and his monocle much less... monocley.

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