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Lucius Appreciation Thread


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I like Lucius, but any advantage he has disappears as soon as the rest of your mages start DAing, and that's fairly early. Lucius shouldn’t be getting considerably more kills than anyone else and his durability is lolworthy for even a magician. Isn't it like 10% growth?

He's a lot better than Nino and Canas, though, I'll give him that.

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He's a lot better than Nino and Canas, though, I'll give him that.

Nino: Definitely

Canas: Very debatable. Since they practically join in the same chapter (Lucius can't do much, if anything in his joining), there's no availability lead. Lucius might be doing more damage, but over time Canas will become tankier and can pull out Luna on higher Res enemies, or Flux for the lower ones.

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Monocles are clearly superior to feminine looking features. Besides, there's a character that can pull off both:


Wrong section, this is FE7.

Nino: Definitely

Canas: Very debatable. Since they practically join in the same chapter (Lucius can't do much, if anything in his joining)

@Italics: Not even close, you're not even considering Lyndis' mode, where there, he doubles and kills anything unless it's a boss, whom he could double with at least +1 Spd gain.

@Bolded: Lucius: "BRB, onerounding everything"

Canas: "I have more Def, though I won't even double a pirate, my base magic slows me down"

There's no availability lead.

As stated. Lyn's mode.

Lucius might be doing more damage, but over time Canas will become tankier and can pull out Luna on higher Res enemies, or Flux for the lower ones.

Lucius has a base 22 Atk, that's all he needs at base level promoted, cap his Res and he'll be onerounding anything, even swordmasters. Canas would have Luna, but it will be a waste on other types of tomes when Lucius just needs an average tome.

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Canas: I canz pwns the final boss with Luna if you train me.

Athos: I can pwn the final boss with Luna without training.

Tactician: ****! Screw you Canas, we got a competent dark user here.

Athos: And I have my personal tome, Foreblaze, and Aureola.

Tactician: Lucius!

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Athos: And I have my personal tome, Foreblaze, and Aureola, the latter of which, well, let's just say that I don't want to carry around too much, lest I have to carry spoils from Nergal's defeated minions.

Tactician: Lucius! You know what to do about that!


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Really? Athos is around for, like, 12 chapters before endgame with Luna? Also, Lucius is not ORKOing everything right away, especially in his starting chapter, where we'll easily be way past him by the time he's recruited. Unfortunately, I don't have enemy stats past chapter 16, so we'll just pretend that pirates have 2 RES and 27 HP (based off of chapter 14 counterparts)

Canas 2RKOs

11-12/0 Lucius 1RKOs, but I doubt he's that high

Base Lucius 3RKOs

8/0 Lucius 2RKOs, much more reasonable for a LM->HM

So Lucius has similar offense to Canas if you played LM, and worse if you didn't. And then if we assume the pirates have 17 ATK, to compare durability, base Lucius survives with 1 HP. It's not unreasonable to assume that some of them, especially if they have better weapons, could OHKO him. At 8/0, he's 2HKOd. At 12/0, he's still 2HKOd. Base Canas is also 2HKOd, but by the end he could be facing 3HKOs. Also, 70/25/45 growths laugh at Lucius' 55/10/60 growths. Canas is already a great magic tank, and on top of that, he can take a few hits. Also, this was for HHM. On a lower difficulty, Lucius might pull off slightly better offense, but Canas is then facing 3HKOs right away, and Lucius is still getting 2HKOd.

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You're not taking into account he joins in LYN's MODE, where that's chapter 7, where he IS doubling anything. Same story if we were saying chapter 16 where he laughs at Shamans in HM, though, Archers would own him.

But as stated, you have enough time to train Lucius in Lyn's mode even if the nexr buyable Lighting tome is in Chapter 10, you could get him up 4 levels, that's enough to surpass Canas in offense due to high Atk & AS, which Canas is only winning at durability. And again, why do we need a bulky magic user? We won't field him unless you're dumb enough to do so.

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Save Luna for Athos. He comes at Lv20 so I don't see how that hinders him.

Canas: I can 1RKO the Red Dragon if I double.. and crit both times which is highly unlikely.

Athos: I can 1RKO the Red Dragon, just have to crit once to do it.

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Save Luna for Athos. He comes at Lv20 so I don't see how that hinders him.

Canas: I can 1RKO the Red Dragon if I double.. and crit both times which is highly unlikely.

Athos: I can 1RKO the Red Dragon, just have to crit once to do it.

Filla's Might?

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We can apply the same with Athos, though.

When debating, we're using averages, thereby Canas' 24 Atk or 34 (With Filla's Mt) isn't doing as much as Athos' 30 or 40 Atk with it and the chance to double.

And like I said, endgame things like who is doing more damage to the Fire Dragon is low valued, not convincing at all.

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It's nice to see people who know that Lucius>Canas,Pent,Erk,Serra, and every other magic unit besides possibly Athos due to Athos' awsomeness.

Canas: With Filla's might I can 1RKO it with 1 critical.

Athos: With Filla's might I can 1HKO it with 1 critical.

Tactician: So our conclusion is all Athos needs is Luna and Foreblaze.

Everyone: That's about it.

Athos: About my Aureola...

Tactician: Lucius.

Edited by BlackKnight666
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You're not taking into account he joins in LYN's MODE, where that's chapter 7, where he IS doubling anything. Same story if we were saying chapter 16 where he laughs at Shamans in HM, though, Archers would own him.

But as stated, you have enough time to train Lucius in Lyn's mode even if the nexr buyable Lighting tome is in Chapter 10, you could get him up 4 levels, that's enough to surpass Canas in offense due to high Atk & AS, which Canas is only winning at durability. And again, why do we need a bulky magic user? We won't field him unless you're dumb enough to do so.


Did I not just show you that his offense ISN'T better unless we give him a ridiculous amount of experience in Lyn's mode? 1.25 levels per chapter in LM is what he needs to have the same offense as Canas at join time. And if we don't do Lyn mode, he faces potential 1HKOs as well as WORSE offense.

Why do we need someone with better offense than everyone else for midgame and then same for early and late game, but with almost no durability? We won't field him unless we're dumb enough to do so.

And in response to your actual question: He has WTA on enemy mages with decent offense (IIRC with an early promotion he actually ORKOs fairly consistently) and decent physical defense at the same time. And he's also a good magic tank. He's by no means a bad unit, so "dumb enough" is actually fairly smart.

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A lot of units won't be able to counter Lucius. Just takes 5 levels. Considering many of the units in Lyn mode won't be carried on, he is a good choice.

Lucius is also a more logical choice for endgame than Canas simply because Athos can do the Luna much more efficiently.

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A lot of units won't be able to counter Lucius. Just takes 5 levels. Considering many of the units in Lyn mode won't be carried on, he is a good choice.

Lucius is also a more logical choice for endgame than Canas simply because Athos can do the Luna much more efficiently.

That pretty much.

And as stated many, MANY times. What does he care about -6 Atk (Base level) when like I said MANY times by now, he doubles anything when he's 5 levels under Canas and with +2 Spd, enemies have crappy Res, there's no need for 17 Atk.

He supports Raven, he's getting a little Def from that, his base at lvl 20/1 is 5, count that with Raven's & possibly Serra's support.

Also, signing you in Sulley. ;)

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I'm not saying that's not likely, it's probably about what he'd get. The point it, he's effectively identical to Canas when he first shows up, and quickly becomes worse durably. Then midgame he has better offense (maybe, it depends on what early promo does for him) but no enemy phase. As for endgame, while Lucius might be a little bit better, it's not exactly a blowout. First off, Luna has 35 uses. He can share, especially since Athos has Forblaze. And then he STILL has an enemy phase over Lucius. In fact, come endgame, Lucius probably faces some ORKOs. 23-24 ATK+24 AS ORKOs him. So Linus/Lloyd (whoever has the brave sword) probably ORKOs him. Lloyd and Uhai also might have the AS to ORKO him. For Canas, it takes 30-31 ATK+21 AS. Don't think he's in any danger of a ORKO.

Edit@ Soul:... Wow. I give up. Go look at his attack and enemy stats. He fails to double pirates until 8/0, and doesn't ORKO until 12/0. If he's under that, he doesn't double, and 3HKOs. I wouldn't bother considering supports since A: It's pretty slow. and B: Raven has no business hiding behind the frontlines with Lucius.

If you can't grasp that, then I'll just let you stay here in your own blissfully ignorant world.

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It's nice to see people who know that Lucius>Canas,Pent,Erk,Serra, and every other magic unit besides possibly Athos due to Athos' awsomeness.

Canas: With Filla's might I can 1RKO it with 1 critical.

Athos: With Filla's might I can 1HKO it with 1 critical.

Tactician: So our conclusion is all Athos needs is Luna and Foreblaze.

Everyone: That's about it.

Athos: About my Aureola...

Tactician: Lucius.

Yeah, because Lucius gets destroyed by pretty much any boss here not named Jerme or Darin. Heck, if Jerme goes 1-range he can stick his little knife into Lucius and Lucius goes splat.

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You just ignored Kenneth, Ursula, Mage Morphs, Nergal.

WTF are you talking about 2RKO with low resistance.

20/20 Lucius has 29.6 resistance which is effecitvely 30. 24 speed. Oh Look. He won't be getting doubled by anyone but the brave sword user.

35 resistance with Aureola.

Ignoring WTA

Nergal does 15 damage to Lucius, 21 to a 20/20 Canas.

Ursula does 7 damage to Lucius, 13 to Canas.

And Genepest Druid where I can't find data.

Jerme ranged does 0 to Lucius and 4 to Canas.

Lucius definitely isn't getting 2RKOd.

Canas has 22 speed.

He is getting doubled by Regal Blade Llyod.

Llyod does 33 damage to Lucius(Not enough to kill) and 26x2 to Canas. 1 RKO for Canas. Brilliant.

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Soul:... Wow. I give up. Go look at his attack and enemy stats. He fails to double pirates until 8/0, and doesn't ORKO until 12/0. If he's under that, he doesn't double, and 3HKOs. I wouldn't bother considering supports since A: It's pretty slow. and B: Raven has no business hiding behind the frontlines with Lucius.

If you can't grasp that, then I'll just let you stay here in your own blissfully ignorant world.

Oh, I'm sorry, it's not my fault you can't level him up at least TWICE were he gets +1 Spd gain enough to DOUBLE, yeah, how can he not ORKO? When enemies have around 0-1 Res and quite low HP?

Honestly, there's nothing ignorant about that, it's just your denying Lucius is more useful than Canas and even if he couldn't reach up to double until lvl 8, Canas won't even do that.

And how can he not double pirates when they're Spd is lower than 8? <_<

I'm really not giving up, Lucius is far more superior than a guy who is overrated due to "OH LOOK, I IGNORE RESISTANCE", Lucius just needs his Lighting, Shine for a boost, enemies are pathetic, you here that in most debates, because they are.

Hell, he will even double Swordmasters later on. Not even Canas gets that chance.

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@Black Knight: I thought you meant that THEY had killer resistance (which kinda confused me on Jerme.) Also, how is he reaching 20/20? Linus and Lloyd probably both ORKO them. And then there's Uhai, who also ORKOs them. Okay, so he isn't really doing better than Lucius against morphs defensively. But Luna is great for more than just a few enemies. I'm guessing a Canas+Athos tag team with Luna takes care of anyone on the map. Lucius runs into problems with some opponents there.

Although endgame doesn't really count for too much, does it? I mean, it's such a small part of the game.

Anyways, Lucius probably is a little bit better than Canas, but you're WAY overblowing it. You're making it sound like Canas is some piece of crap and Lucius is the best character ever.

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