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Are Elincia and two other playable pegasi riders able to activate the pegasus triangle?

I used Vika a few times in part 1 and the old raven to weaken enemies for Marcia. I used the hawks to shove, rescue and weaken some enemies in order for Ike to talk to BK in part 3 but are any of the ravens or hawks worth using?

Between the herons how much better is Reyson than the other two?

My Jill has low hp but great speed, Haar has great hp but can't double and both have decent defense and I like both characters but I am only bringing one to endgame or bringing all four pegasi. How is Jill or Haar more convenient than Marcia, Elincia, Sigrun, or Tanith?

All of my pegasi have decent to great stats, Marcia is outstanding she doubles and kills everything. She is performing better than Haar, except on enemy generals. I'm in that chapter Sigrun and Tanith join.

Idk who the best candidate for SS weapons are, I have been using everyone a little but mainly. Edward, Sothe, Jill, Zihark, Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, Ilyana, Fiona, Elincia, Marcia, Brom, Nephenee, Haar, Geoffrey, Astrid, Ike, Mist, Shinnon, Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Ranulf, Lyre, Rhys, Tanith, Sigrun and the herons.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Are Elincia and two other playable pegasi riders able to activate the pegasus triangle? Yes

I used Vika a few times in part 1 and the old raven to weaken enemies for Marcia. I used the hawks to shove, rescue and weaken some enemies in order for Ike to talk to BK in part 3 but are any of the ravens or hawks worth using? Naesala and Tibarn, Janaff and Ulki are okay.

Between the herons how much better is Reyson than the other two? Rafiel is better utility wise, he is able to galdrar 4. Leanne can always galdrar 2. So I would say he goes in the middle.

My Jill has low hp but great speed, Haar has great hp but can't double and both have decent defense and I like both characters but I am only bringing one to endgame or bringing all four pegasi. How is Jill or Haar more convenient than Marcia, Elincia, Sigrun, or Tanith? Haar is the god of RD, Jill brings a bond support. It isn't worth bringing in all the pegasus knights in to endgame.

All of my pegasi have decent to great stats, Marcia is outstanding she doubles and kills everything. She is performing better than Haar, except on enemy generals. I'm in that chapter Sigrun and Tanith join.

Idk who the best candidate for SS weapons are, I have been using everyone a little but mainly. Edward, Sothe, Jill, Zihark, Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, Ilyana, Fiona, Elincia, Marcia, Brom, Nephenee, Haar, Geoffrey, Astrid, Ike, Mist, Shinnon, Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Ranulf, Lyre, Rhys, Tanith, Sigrun and the herons.

I'll list my SS.

Rexaura- Micaiah

VK- Edward

Alondite- Mia

Double Bow- Shinon

Wishblade- Gatrie, Nephenee got stat screwed

Rexcalibur- Soren

Rexflame- Sanaki

Urvan- Haar

Baselar- Volke

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Are Elincia and two other playable pegasi riders able to activate the pegasus triangle?


I used Vika a few times in part 1 and the old raven to weaken enemies for Marcia. I used the hawks to shove, rescue and weaken some enemies in order for Ike to talk to BK in part 3 but are any of the ravens or hawks worth using?

The Hawks are both great, the Ravens both suck.

Between the herons how much better is Reyson than the other two?

Overall, a lot. For Endgame, him vs Rafiel is debatable and both beat Leanne.

My Jill has low hp but great speed, Haar has great hp but can't double and both have decent defense and I like both characters but I am only bringing one to endgame or bringing all four pegasi. How is Jill or Haar more convenient than Marcia, Elincia, Sigrun, or Tanith?

Axes instead of Lances for one, and she generally has higher Str and Def.

Idk who the best candidate for SS weapons are, I have been using everyone a little but mainly. Edward, Sothe, Jill, Zihark, Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, Ilyana, Fiona, Elincia, Marcia, Brom, Nephenee, Haar, Geoffrey, Astrid, Ike, Mist, Shinnon, Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Ranulf, Lyre, Rhys, Tanith, Sigrun and the herons.

You'll need to choose who you're sending to Endgame first.

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Are Elincia and two other playable pegasi riders able to activate the pegasus triangle?

Out of the 4 peg riders, any 3 can perform the triangle attack IIRC.

I used Vika a few times in part 1 and the old raven to weaken enemies for Marcia. I used the hawks to shove, rescue and weaken some enemies in order for Ike to talk to BK in part 3 but are any of the ravens or hawks worth using?

Only Naesala is worth using for a Raven, but he needs SS strike. All the hawks are usable, though Janaff is slightly better.

Between the herons how much better is Reyson than the other two?

A lot.

My Jill has low hp but great speed, Haar has great hp but can't double and both have decent defense and I like both characters but I am only bringing one to endgame or bringing all four pegasi. How is Jill or Haar more convenient than Marcia, Elincia, Sigrun, or Tanith?

Better caps.

All of my pegasi have decent to great stats, Marcia is outstanding she doubles and kills everything. She is performing better than Haar, except on enemy generals. I'm in that chapter Sigrun and Tanith join.

In that case bring along Marcia, Elincia and Tanith if you want the triangle attack (provided Tanith turns out good) and Jill, though Jill will need Paragon in 4-5.

Idk who the best candidate for SS weapons are, I have been using everyone a little but mainly. Edward, Sothe, Jill, Zihark, Micaiah, Nolan, Laura, Ilyana, Fiona, Elincia, Marcia, Brom, Nephenee, Haar, Geoffrey, Astrid, Ike, Mist, Shinnon, Boyd, Oscar, Titania, Ranulf, Lyre, Rhys, Tanith, Sigrun and the herons.

Units you should dump right now: Edward, Laura, Ilyana, Fiona, Brom, Geoffrey, Astrid, Lyre (you're using her in HM? Rofl), Rhys and Sigrun.

Also, consider bringing along Brave weapons for lower speed units like Haar.

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:facepalm: I hate it when my characters get killed because they land criticals while having low hp and enemies swarming in and end up killing them <_< I restarted for Boyd, I was almost done with the chapter. Edited by Queen_Elincia
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:facepalm: I hate it when my characters get killed because they land criticals while having low hp and enemies swarming in and end up killing them <_< I restarted for Boyd, I was almost done with the chapter.

Boyd only has crit on enemies if you leave him adjacent to Oscar/Rolf or if you give him a weapon with crit. Next time, I'd recommend making sure those two things don't happen and this way you can ensure that he will live.

Of course, if he is tier 3 and you meant "mastery", then I can't really help you. I'd just recommend that you use units that can take it. Like Ike/Gatrie/Mia (w/earth support), that type of thing. Also, keep units healed. That's what Mist and Rhys are for.

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poor Mist fell in a traphole and he had about 30hp left but they kept coming in, I'll never end my phase with them holding killer weapons :facepalm: well I didn't have much choice for him, on a side note Shinnon is alive again :lol:, idk why my Shinnon gets killed by mages.

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dump Edward? :(

Shinnon got killed so maybe I should keep Astrid. Leanne is so weak :(. I'm leaving Haar he promoted but still can't double, I'll give Jill a chance.

Can Mist use Alondite?

Yes, Edward is awful in HM.

How'd you manage to get Shinon killed? And lolastrid. Bottom tier pls. Tough luck about the speed-screwed Haar...

Yes, she can, but her strength is abysmal.

:facepalm: I hate it when my characters get killed because they land criticals while having low hp and enemies swarming in and end up killing them <_< I restarted for Boyd, I was almost done with the chapter.

You can avoid this by paying attention and not having anything but full HP units with at least decent defence take more than ~2 attacks per enemy phase.

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I used Vika a few times in part 1 and the old raven to weaken enemies for Marcia. I used the hawks to shove, rescue and weaken some enemies in order for Ike to talk to BK in part 3 but are any of the ravens or hawks worth using?

Surprised no one is asking about this. Marcia isn't in part 1, so how could vika be weakening enemies for her?

Do you mean nealuchi weakens enemies for marcia, or that vika weakens enemies for (some other part 1 chars)?

Mist can use Alondite, but her STR cap is inferior to any Trueblade.

She's not exactly likely to reach it either. Not much opportunity for BEXP abuse, at least from what I've seen from her regularly.

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dump Edward? :(

Shinnon got killed so maybe I should keep Astrid. Leanne is so weak :(. I'm leaving Haar he promoted but still can't double, I'll give Jill a chance.

Can Mist use Alondite?

Yes, Edward is awful in HM.

I like the way you categorically state that Edward is awful, without even knowing what stats her Edward has. In addition, Edward's main problems on HM are his lousy earlygame (which TC has obviously already dealt with) and his general Dawn Brigade underleveledness in Part 4, which is easily dealt with as well.

@TC: Use Edward if you want and he has good stats. Without knowing exactly what stats he ended up with, I can't make that decision for you.

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Oh yes I used Vika and Nealuchi to weaken enemies for other characters.

My LolAstrid is actually good thanks to her unremoveable part 2 paragon skill, data transfer and good growths.

I pay a lot of attention its just not up to me that sometimes my characters can't avoid <40%hits and they start landing criticals when I don't need them to (but when i do need them to they don't do) and enemies keep on coming because of the empty spot in from of my character.

Shinnon gets weakened by mages, the one carrying purge in the previous chapter only targeted him while the enemy cavaliers jumped him and left and lastly the enemy generals tried killing him but they failed. Somehow in this chapter he doesn't avoid many hits :( is it due to the arrows?

I forgot to say many of my characters have data transfer Boyd, Oscar, Astrid, Mist, Ike, Ilyana, Marcia, Jill, Zihark, Brom, and Nephenee.

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Surprised no one is asking about this. Marcia isn't in part 1, so how could vika be weakening enemies for her?

She used Vika in part one, and Nealuchi weakened enemies for Marcia. These are two separate statements.

dump Edward? :(

Shinnon got killed so maybe I should keep Astrid. Leanne is so weak :(. I'm leaving Haar he promoted but still can't double, I'll give Jill a chance.

Can Mist use Alondite?

Yes, Edward is awful in HM.

I like the way you categorically state that Edward is awful, without even knowing what stats her Edward has. In addition, Edward's main problems on HM are his lousy earlygame (which TC has obviously already dealt with) and his general Dawn Brigade underleveledness in Part 4, which is easily dealt with as well.

@TC: Use Edward if you want and he has good stats. Without knowing exactly what stats he ended up with, I can't make that decision for you.

Categorically, Edward is awful in HM. I can't assume that he got blessed or anything, especially to the point where he's comparable to, say, Mia.

My LolAstrid is actually good thanks to her unremoveable part 2 paragon skill, data transfer and good growths.


You mean she got blessed? Still, even with consistent 5-stat level ups or something like that, her availability and atrocious bases make her nigh impossible to use in HM even with Paragon. If you can do it, though, more power to you.

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Thank you :lol: I was very blessed she's actually doing ok, it wasn't that hard for me to make her useful and I think data transfer is the reason because i remember in normal mode without the data transfer she was much harder to raise because she'd get doubled in her joining chapter, but in this playthrough she hasn't been doubled yet or maybe because I am better at shielding my weaker ones now.

If they would have given her better bases and availability she would be better I agree.

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Thank you :lol: I was very blessed she's actually doing ok, it wasn't that hard for me to make her useful and I think data transfer is the reason because i remember in normal mode without the data transfer she was much harder to raise because she'd get doubled in her joining chapter, but in this playthrough she hasn't been doubled yet or maybe because I am better at shielding my weaker ones now.

If they would have given her better bases and availability she would be better I agree.

Ooh! Ooh! I have more! She joins underlevelled. Ololololol

Still, I'm using her in my current playthrough. We'll see how it turns out.

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She's already on lvl 11-12 is that underleveled? Idk it just seems like she is gaining more, I may be wrong.

What are her stats? A blessed Lv10 is most definitely better than a screwed lv 15.

This, and what chapter are you on?

...Actually, that's a stupid question. She joins Ike's team in like 3-11 and you should have some promoted units by then. Half way through second tier is very underlevelled. At least, I assume she's second tier. "lvl 11-12" doesn't help much with that, however unrealistic it is to even have her so far into third tier before/halfway through pt4 without bonus experience abuse, especially on HM. Or are you up to Endgame? I guess we're back to the "what chapter are you on" question. Anyway... use the #/#/# format for levels.

It's too bad she has two and a half chapters to get from 20/2 to something reasonable by the time she joins Ike. And only two more chapters after that to get to third tier or something close to it for pt4. Take into account she's certainly not entitled to Paragon after pt2 and I'm starting to think she's a bit too high on the tier list... and she's fourth from the bottom. Perhaps put her below Meg, but Astrid(T) can stay where she is -if- the extra strength, skill and speed helps her. Which I doubt it does.

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Thats strange, she's definetly better than Meg. They can both get mauled easy but Astrid can easily move away to safety and Meg can't.

I just finished the "Just Cause" chapter I'm back with Dawn Brigade. Astrid's level is 15 right now.

I'll post their stats later.

I'm saving most bexp for Sanaki, the only other characters I used BEXP on were the dawn brigade.

I'm using Haar again I don't like not using him :( it would break my routine. I'll just leave someone else out, is Sothe required to come to the endgame for a second playthrough?

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Thats strange, she's definetly better than Meg. They can both get mauled easy but Astrid can easily move away to safety and Meg can't.

I just finished the "Just Cause" chapter I'm back with Dawn Brigade. Astrid's level is 15 right now.

I'll post their stats later.

I'm saving most bexp for Sanaki, the only other characters I used BEXP on were the dawn brigade.

I'm using Haar again I don't like not using him :( it would break my routine. I'll just leave someone else out, is Sothe required to come to the endgame for a second playthrough?

Oh, come on, answer ONE question...

Sothe never needs to be deployed in Endgame.

Also, I'l assume lv. 15 is --/15.

Don't be an idiot.

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