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MaSu's current status with his Finals...-_-


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1st period-English-Wed

2nd period-Geyosystems-tomorow

3rd period-computer graphics a.k.a sit next to branded blade and surf serenes-No final

4th period-FAUST I mean GOVERNMENT!(WORST CLASS EVER. PROBABLY FAILED THE FINAL)-took on friday. 89% chance of failure

5th period-Japanese-took today

6th period-animation a.k.a surf serenes with deathreapr.-no final

7th period-Algebra 2.-took final today.Pretty difficult.

Thursday and Friday i have graduation rehearsal. Then prom is on friday(pfft! Like im going!) THen graduation is on tuesday given that god works miracles and passes me for government.

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Just don't panic.

Lessee... 9th period physics- tomorrow

1st period wind ensemble (yeah, we have a final, fudge it all.)- wednesday

2nd period computer graphics aka surf serenes- wednesday (i'm not entirely sure why we have an exam)

3rd period calculus- haha, finals wut? would be on thursday but i dont have to go

4th period history- Thursday. Fah.

5th period lunch- friday- I might show up for the heck of it, if my friends are there (we eat in the band room)

6th period Chinese- Friday- meh. I'm gonna do lousy.

7th period english- lol. no exam, but would be monday

8th period gym- pfft.

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lol! i'm done with that and now i'm learning some cool stuff! like programming and nuclear physics!


if you learn in C++ language I can actually help you.


I'm going to learn Java next year.

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I only have to worry about a Bio CP and an English 10 CP final, since my other finals are completely worthless. Also after I get done with A final, I play video games all day

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My high school functions more like a college. We choose our own schedules and we have a mod-system instead of having periods. And there's always at least 40 mintues of free, exculding lunch, time at certain points in the day. It's very complicated at first....but later, you know it like you the back of your hand.

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More like for each semester....

Same except that each class is 90 minutes, with a 20 minute lunch, and there's no free time

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