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There's no need to be defensive, old friend. I was never making any demands of you, just suggesting the action I would take in your shoes. If it is not your choice, so be it.

I fear we're viewing different numbers of posts per page, judging by your post. For me, we're posting on the tenth page of the thread currently.

EDIT: And it seems we've now progressed to page eleven.

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Crash, why does Soul love Sanaki? :huh: I'm curious.

I wish I knew! -_-


Read the first question coming from my Imouto-chan.

Is this the "Ask Moribalken" topic? Go ask somewhere else.

Not really. I only ignored you very little time, I'm not the type to ignore, even I contradicted myself when Ignoring you.

I only Ignored Mori 'cause she kept making fun of me, I didn't troll her around or bother her, if I did insult her it was just 'cause she started it.

THAT was incouraging the past trolls? Of course I would go in defensive, I just hate when you bring up fucking ancient problems just for your's and other's entertaiment, it isn't even entertaiment for those in the conflict, in which, this wasn't one but you have done this on my "Boring Rant" thread.

And I am not as ignorant as to not be aware of my own mistakes thank you, I now know when to apologize and who to apologize to and not waste an apology.

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Uhuh, yeah...but certainly not for ANCIENT HISTORY. <_<

Crash, I am sorry I revived this topic, I actually didn't know you disliked it, I only recall you being neutral when you first made it, but you started hating it when Mori, Seph & Bananas started picking on you, correct?

Well...*sigh* I AM sorry for this.

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To Crash, I'm also sorry for the role I took in reviving the topic. I wasn't completely insincere in denouncing what had been happening, and even though you likely hate me I have some sympathy with your position these days.

As for Soul, I suppose I owe you an apology too. I included your name in that denouncement when you've done less offense than others I did not mention, people who don't usually participate in topics like this. I won't apologize for bringing up posts you'd made that were less than a day old, however. I don't always get onto the forums before it's nighttime in the Bay Area and I don't like to miss out just because of that! I always read a topic through before commenting, though, so don't think that I'm just ignoring your good posts in favor of making snide comments about the bad ones. That's a practice that bugs me, too.

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Well, it is pointless to just look at a comment when you don't obvserve and analize it, do you even know what "Imouto" means? Not that I am calling you ignorant, your are the contrary to that.

But as most of the time, I accept your apology~

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