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Rhaan's sprites

Intoner Two

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Welcome, all ye who enter~.

I've sprited (spliced for the most part) for approximately one year and am gradually improving. Yada, yada... anyway, I've gathered up all my finished pieces from the year past for you to peruse at your leisure. The collection exhibition shall be posted below. As you look through the topic, you'll see the rough beginnings and occasional advances I've made. Remember to enjoy yourself and constructive criticisms are always welcome.

The collection of my OCs and Hack characters:


Top Row: Alexander, Alexander (older), Alyssa, Angela, Arshtalia, Bohemund

Row 2: Bohemund (older), Cerenas, Chris, Dios, Eclair, Elyse

Row 3: Erica, Ether, Evva, Fia, Gunn, Jeauno

Row 4: Jesenia, Keneth, Len, Liesel, Lu, Mizuki

Row 5: Nyehicco, Olivia, Rhaan, Rhaan (older), Ryuker, Shina

Row 6: Tatiyana, Trice, Trinity, Trishtan, Tyler, Verona

[spoiler=my earliest splice attempts]


^ beta Rhaan


^ beta Alexander

sprites I did based off existing game characters:


^ attempt at Urick of Drakengard 2


^ attempt at Marcia, FE10-ish


^ Zelos, from Tales of Symphonia (now with more appropriate colors?)

Edited by Rhaan
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The left side of Rhaan's head looks... off. Try giving him some more hair over that side, since it looks like his head's a little deformed ^^;;

Jack's left shoulder cuts off abruptly. Also; I believe his forehead is a tad too large. And the area directly below his neck looks messy and indistinct. Sorry if I cause offence XD;

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The left side of Rhaan's head looks... off. Try giving him some more hair over that side, since it looks like his head's a little deformed ^^;;

Jack's left shoulder cuts off abruptly. Also; I believe his forehead is a tad too large. And the area directly below his neck looks messy and indistinct. Sorry if I cause offence XD;

no offense taken, I admit I'm not fully pleased with the outlook and maybe it's because I took too long and I was a bit sleep deprived as well

did this next one actually faster (at least it seemed quicker to me) and I have more confidence in it as well:


^ meet Lexi, she is Rhaan's half-sister and the other main lord of my FE8 hack, I think I may actually not suck at this thing :D

all mugs here and after are for original characters unless I state otherwise, thanks

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I see a small problem:

Seems when you spliced the hair onto the face, you were a little off with the placement. Sorry if this is vauge.

Oh yeah, looks a bit boyish, is the face eliwood's?

On another note, splicing and spriting gets easier as you keep doing it, i remember my first few were pretty bad but now i think almost all of them are pretty good.

Edited by Uphir
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I understand about the hair being slightly off, tried to align it as best I could, will note it on my list of things to redo w/ my other mugs

the face is Tate(Thito)'s of FE6 who is a girl so... lol~ (I happen to think her face is cute :unsure: )

and yeah, I'm having fun with it, so I'll likely get better as I relax more and don't view it as such serious work and want to do it rather than "have" to :)

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practice makes better, I think, or maybe I just seem to be more lucky with the lady's mugs... rambling aside, my next mug has been completed


^ Cerenas, the first pegasus knight in my FE8 hack, of the pegasus riders in this hack, she is the most spirited and driven, but also the most laid back and tomboyish. Stubborn, sisterly and unpredictable, that's Cer.

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The left side of Rhaan's face is kinda weird.

Jack is a giraffe with a huge forehead. His shoulder is also cut off and his cloak kinda looks like you used GBC colors.

Lexi is much better. I'd change her eye color, though. FE mugs generally use the same color for hair and eyes.

Cerenas's hair shading's kinda weird, but you spliced so I'm not sure what to say... Really like the color choices there, by the way. And if you ever put her in a hack, you should make her pegasus black.

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more fun splices of mine to showcase, yep, I'm truly enjoying the whole thing now, plus holidays tend to help inspire me B)


^ Irya (left) and Kaja (right) they're foster siblings, though as close as any regular brother and sister, if not moreso. Irya is a monk-type character who promotes to a sage and Kaja is the main female archer of my hack.

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more fun splices of mine to showcase, yep, I'm truly enjoying the whole thing now, plus holidays tend to help inspire me B)


^ Irya (left) and Kaja (right) they're foster siblings, though as close as any regular brother and sister, if not moreso. Irya is a monk-type character who promotes to a sage and Kaja is the main female archer of my hack.

There are alot of problems with Irya's Shading. I'll crappily fix them and post them back. (just a suggestion though. You can re-edit it too.) :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

haven't shown anything here in a while; oh I know xP a recent recolor of an OC I sprited (splicing) and sheeted, too lazy to just post the mug by itself so I'll just post the sheet and the original mug~

Tris, my OC:


a recolor of his sprite sheet for another of my OCs, Gunn:


EDIT: minor edit to one of Gunn's skin colors I left unchanged from Tris

I am aware that some skin colors of Tris' mug there may not be the same (and over 16 colors), it was fixed; and if you ever feel like using Gunn or any other character sheets I end up posting, just give me credit and (preferably) ask first, I'll probably say yes ^^

Edited by Rhaan
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  • 3 weeks later...

so, I'm still practicing, honing, waiting... XD ya rly, so here's my latest sprite for anyone interested to have a gander at~


^ Trice; despite his seemingly attire, he is a Berserker in my hack, and a pretty cool guy, if I do say so myself~

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so, I'm still practicing, honing, waiting... XD ya rly, so here's my latest sprite for anyone interested to have a gander at~


^ Trice; despite his seemingly attire, he is a Berserker in my hack, and a pretty cool guy, if I do say so myself~

you might want to try and make the hair fall to his neck more than have there be a rounded arc outward, unless you were trying for that, of course. Well, It probably would look alright either way.

Edited by Core
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massive update (kinda): so there are a great deal of sprites I've done lately that I haven't posted now but I'm bored I feel like just showing them anyway; critique is always optional, any comment is welcome, ya know the drill (will be two posts due to amount of images):


^ he's Rei, a Warrior npc/boss


^ she's Angela, an Archer


^ Ian's a Nomad


^ this Monk's name is Ver


^ Tyler's a Mage


^ Jeauno, a Thief


^ a revamp and cleanup of my first splice, Jack, a dark mage


^ Nye (short for Nyehicco) is a Sage

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(cont'd from the last/previous post, my various new splice showcase)


^ a newly done sprite for Rhaan, in other words, me and see what I did there? P:


^ miss Tatiyana is also a Sage


^ Trice, (reuploaded just to go with this batch) he's a Berserker, believe it or not


^ elder Rhaan, you can guess where/when he shows up XD


^ elder Jack


^ Jack's daughter, Trinity, at 18 years of age


^ Rhaan's son, Len, about 19 years old

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  • 1 month later...

some new-ish stuff I haven't uploaded yet and feel I should yeah right XD


^ Alyssa, an OC and probably a wyvern rider

I also recently just out of boredom decided to recolor (1st gen) Levin's FE4 mug to GBA colors, also resized it a bit; I made it a bit more streamlined looking but will probably put more work into it later on; don't really plan to use it, just for fun, and the shading is mostly untouched to retain that nostalgic Seisen feel which I wanted to keep anyway


^ my revamped Levin kneel before his epic chin! lol


^ standard Levin, for your reference

Edited by Rhaan
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Oh, for god's sake... :facepalm:

Of ALL sprites to steal parts from, you steal from MK's Edmond?

You can't get past me when it comes to sprite theft. Bad move, dude.

oh, well I didn't mean to steal but I can see how the body does look much similar, as I was actually trying to mimic the style of the cloak when editing my own, guess I overdid it, anyway, will change it, no offense harm meant to anyone

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