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Rhaan's sprites

Intoner Two

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after a couple weeks break, I thought I'd try some splicing again today and do a completely new version of Verona("Ver"), my monk and ended up with this~


I quite like it, myself, and find it interesting that despite the still-pink hair, Ver looks more manly than most of my other men XD

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  • 2 weeks later...


^ an OC of mine, Lexington, that I decided to make a mug for, today~

soon I might start a collage picture of those going in my hack, it will go in the first post and then I'll be updating that with characters going in that as they're done (or edited) *nods*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, these are really good. Makes me wish I could do GBA FE style sprites.

I like Alyssa and Tatiyana

thank you! your own sprites are quite interesting and nice to see, as well read about the character behind them, too ^_^

anyway; another update today for you wonderful and random people that bother to look at my simple works B)

just more splices I've done lately; been more able and wanting to work lately~

(these original characters of mine all are acquainted with one another, as they all live in the same general location and become friends)

now with more personality, hopefully, hah


^ Raines, an armor knight; he's rather easygoing, charismatic and practical; he has been training to be part of his hometown's civil servicemen (police officers, if you will)


^ Trishtan, a thief; he's been Raines' best friend for years; honest but tends to have his foot in his mouth, he freely says most of what comes to his mind, making him seem rude despite the fact he is very thoughtful


^ Luca is a university student; she's fairly casual but can be very quick to anger if things she respects, such as her family, are threatened or insulted; she's fairly skilled at gymnastics and enjoys dancing, making the graceful swordplay of myrmidons come naturally to her


^ Melanie is also a university student and Luca's best friend; her parents are successful entrepreneurs and manage a recreational and resort spa for the weary; Melanie is highly intelligent and though 3 years younger than Luca, is in the same class and graduated early from high school; she enjoys mathematics and while she dreams of inventing practical and helpful things for people, her intellect and memory light the way for talents in magic, too


^ Ken is Raines' live-in roommate and they get along fairly; Ken is rather simple-minded but has a big heart along with his hearty constitution; he despises injustice, although his major flaw is being lazy and also a bit withdrawn, so he isn't seeking to join his roommate in the force to protect and serve; still, he enjoys his simple days of living and tending to minor but important things, his own strength and axe skill are said to rival those of the lawless, sea-faring folk (Pirates)

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What is this I don't even

Her hair is really messy and parts stick out oddly and stop abruptly.

Yeah i was gonna say. I actually facepalmed.

The hair isnt even straight and its all messed up and crazy. What the...


This guys eye and nose is all crazy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

as I make touch-ups and adjustments, I feel I may be slowly improving still; that said, I have a new splice to present

(even got myself a photobucket now since my old uploader kept formatting my uploads to .jpg for no reason lately)


I wanted to redo the concept of my "older" self (for purposes of my hack(s) in progress) and this came about~

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

monthly update~ crickets chirp

more of my original characters~


^Analiese, a paladin


^ Ryuker, a ranger/horseman/nomad trooper/when is IS going to give this class a standard name already~ (sheeted because I can, lol)


^ Elyse, a magic user (haven't decided specifically which)


^ Melanie with a new and hopefully improved hairstyle~

EDIT: Moar update~ well, just one thing, no need to post again since it was done this day

not too comfortable with customizing heavily yet, I did at least attempt to put together a specific mug in the spirit of one of my all time favorite characters, Urick from Drakengard 2; I'll likely still edit it s'more beyond this but 'ey, it doesn't look so bad right now either

reference image~


and my current take on Urick's mug in sprite form:


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  • 1 month later...

*phew* jeez, customizing is tough work, hopefully I didn't completely kill the character... :unsure:

anyway... uhh... here's Marcia~


yeah... I hate doing clothes so I just gave her some gba soldier armour; she wears it well, I think?

eyes never seem to be my forte but dammit, I tried

sooo, comment if you want; I'd appreciate a little advice on what I could do in the future on eye design (since I messed with those pixels for literally hours on end); otherwise, I hope most are able to see the resemblance to the lovable pegasus rider~ XD

EDIT: Hey look! An actually update an improvement on one of my posted mugs *gasp*.

So I really tried to improve it myself, since one only gets better with practice and... a hopefully nicer looking Marcia


my own thoughts: well... somehow she looks a bit older than her FE10 self but it certainly looks more human, I say yay~.

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hmm those eyes....I might consider using this in my hack, if you give the okay. I might edit it a bit though.

yeah that's okay, feel free to edit XD I probably could have just started with a generic set of GBA eyes but of course, I wanted to try the hard way, lolz; oh and I do mean you may use it in full, too

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shall now post a sprite and you will like it, or else. Lol, well I'm quite happy with the way it turned out ^_^. So, lately an old friend of mine just randomly popped into my head and I've been trying to get into contact with them the past few days to no luck yet. But, haha, me getting in contact with them always seems to be difficult because we've neither talked in quite a while (about a year and a third has passed since I last saw/poke with him) and I have doubts as to whether my contact information for him is even up-to-date. So anyway, it was a bit of what my friend kinda looks like, matured a few more years, and simply wanting to "see" them again that inspired the piece I'm about to show you. I hope ya'll like it (and maybe I'll get to show it to him, too, soon) or find it mildly interesting XD.


This is Dio, he's an OC of mine. The name (though familiar) is derived from the 'net name my friend was using when I first met him, almost 3 years ago. Yes, you shall be in awe of the gravity-defying coif :awesome:. Well, see ya around~. B)

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  • 1 month later...

hmm... guess I should update; though I haven't done much spriting lately, I think I'm slowly getting back into the mood~


^ this gal's name is Arshtalia; she gets a fancy ribbon bow I had done initially for that Halloween thing but never completed; so, thought I may as well not waste it and my first draft of this character was rather mundane anyway... accessorize! lol~


^ and this guy's name is Ryan, not much else to say or is there?

enjoy or not, it's up to you; heh, see ya'll around~

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That's a guy :| and Arshtalia's a girl :| TRAPS!

But seriously, Arsh's skin tone is fe6/7 while she has an fe8 outline and colours, her body isn't very readable and looks like a purple and brown sack. You probably overused the outline colour inside the bow too.

Shading issues on the far side of Arsh's hair, where the hair meets the forehead, the neck, the bow and the rest of the clothes, the clothing has no depth or light source.

The ear is also positioned way too low.

Regarding Ryan, other than the fact that HE looks like a SHE, the hair shading is messy and only made worse by the colour choices for it, the blue collar under the clothing makes no sense and looks really rough, the ponytail tandomely cuts into the cloak and his neck is WAY too thin and his chin isn't possitioned correctly on the neck.

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But seriously, Arsh's skin tone is fe6/7 while she has an fe8 outline and colours, her body isn't very readable and looks like a purple and brown sack. You probably overused the outline colour inside the bow too.

Shading issues on the far side of Arsh's hair, where the hair meets the forehead, the neck, the bow and the rest of the clothes, the clothing has no depth or light source.

The ear is also positioned way too low.

Well, I took that all into consideration and thus present a revision; I'm sure the body still needs work on depth but hopefully I've addressed the problems at least in part I tried to; I'll fiddle w/ Ry later on probably.


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  • 1 month later...

The latest of my splicing for ya'll:


her name is Angela

Also, the first post has been updated with a collective showcase of my sprites from the past year (for the most part). Please check it out, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

another character cameo sprite I have done today; one of my favorites from Tales of Symphonia yes I'm a Tales nut too, not that anyone cares


"I'm just too pretty, seriously!" Yeah, Mr. Zelos Wilder; combination of splicing and bits of custom work. Enjoy? lol

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