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Don't read this if you're faint of heart/lack the capacity to care...

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Don't take this personally, but I'm starting to think the more I hang out in this forum with you guys the more I'm starting to act like you guys. I'm also starting to think coming back here is a huge mistake. Not that I'm saying I hate or dislike the members at all but some of you here don't really act you age other than the Moderators in this forum. As such, if you guys just continue to not act your age in the FE board or such then I mind as well leave and rather spent my time over at FE:SS where I am currently serving my distinctive member as GEOS...

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Well, I see your point Logic Swordsman, and agree that you have picked up some of our quirks. If you are not comfortable with that, then you have every right to leave. I can't speak for others, but I would miss you myself. Your seriousness is irriplaceable.

So all in all, we may be crazy wacky people, but we aren't bad people either. (Not saying that you were acusing us of being bad people.)

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Thats well said, considering I hardly know you. Even though I am one of the original members here.

True. Well, if you decide to stay, we'll be more than happy to have you here I'm sure, but if you decide to leave, no grudges.

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K, bye! Wait... aren't all teenagers supposed to have dirty minds and hate being seriousness? I act my age. Very well in fact.

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I think he just wants us to act a little more sane. I mean, I love this place, but from his point of view he thinks we're too crazy.

I can kinda see where he comes from, but I personally love that.

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Don't take this personally, but I'm starting to think the more I hang out in this forum with you guys the more I'm starting to act like you guys. I'm also starting to think coming back here is a huge mistake. Not that I'm saying I hate or dislike the members at all but some of you here don't really act you age other than the Moderators in this forum. As such, if you guys just continue to not act your age in the FE board or such then I mind as well leave and rather spent my time over at FE:SS where I am currently serving my distinctive member as GEOS...
Maybe that's his point.


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Pally? I don't know you much, but you have the capacity to be an alright guy. But "we need to act our age?" That is one of my least favorite blanket insults that have ever been levied at anyone. What even is acting our age? Acting uptight, refusing to goof off, telling people to fix their grammars, what? From what I can tell, few of us are over 20, and most of us act like teenagers generally do. So what's the problem?

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...you guys seem to miss my point, I'm not saying that "if you don't do as I say then I'll leave" You guys seem to take this behavior a little too far I just ask in return to simmer down a little. I don't feel like I belong here at all.

Eh? What should I do to act more my age? I'm 16. Any recommendations?

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Since its obvious that this cannot be comprehend by now how about this: lets just simmer down a little.

Instead of using big words like comprehend try using little words like... understood. Oh wait...

Anyways, in the title you mean "Don't read this if you're faint of heart/lack the capacity to care..."

Anyways, I understood you, it's just that "simmering down" as you call it is too boring. I prefer to be me here, especially since I have to be uptight at this other forum I go to since I'm a mod there.

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I give you my word that I will never change from the way I am now. So I act a little immature or stupid. I do it because it's fun. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but not everyone can be as boring and uptight as you. For some of us, maybe this is the only place we can act like this.

So we act immature. And anyone who does likely isn't going to "simmer down" any. Why stop something that's enjoyable? Maybe it isn't for you, but it is for them. If that bothers you so much, by all means, leave. Nothing's stopping you...

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