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It was a moment of time like any other in the farthest extents of the galaxy. Piss boring. The Eggbeater hurtled through space. For many years it had sluiced dust into its rapidly spinning blades as it carved through the interstellar vacuum. No spacecraft more beautiful was known to any universe, and only light was known to rival its sublime speed. Tearing apart space-time like a nuclear missile tears apart dehydrated rice, the Eggbeater was decelerating at the end of its trek to a large but insignificant Jovian planet. Suddenly, from the planets thick, hydrogen rich atmosphere rose an vessel of behemoth proportions. The Eggbeater picked up trace signatures of an interstellar propulsion drive of impossible power.

The rival craft arced into the planet's orbit and nestled itself among one of its many icy rings. As per its form, the crew of the Eggbeater dubbed it the Cheese Grater. Through its many millions of pores, the Cheese Grater exuded superheated hydrogen. Its incredible potential for thrust was immeasurable.

The Eggbeater was the culmination of a thousand races' worth of knowledge, its design was perfect and its power supreme. How was it that the energies leaking from the Cheese Grater indicated it could graze even closer to the speed of light? The Eggbeater's huge diamond plated blades revved up to eight hundred billion revolutions per second as it prepared to engage this preternatural craft born of unknowable heresy.

Without warning, huge stretches of the Jovian's sky were fired at inconceivable speeds towards the Eggbeater. The ejecta was hotter than any star and acted like a flamethrower extending multiple light seconds into the void. Was this attack orchestrated by the Cheese Grater? Was the Eggbeater outmatched by its mysterious adversary?

The Eggbeater's crew willed the ship immune to inertia, and it performed jarring turns and accelerations without turning its crew into sticky red mud. These tactics could not, however, be relied on forever, and the Cheese Grater grew ever more ominous as it drew forth from the planetary ring in which it had previously settled. Beads of salty sweat began to trickle from the brow of the Eggbeater's captain.

The brow of the Eggbeater's captain collected beads of salty sweat.

... continue the saga ...

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You aren't necessarily imagining things.

The story is what you make of it. I implore someone who is not me to continue it so that it may become an epic saga deserving of infinite worldly renown.

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The captain suddenly recalled one of the greatest advantages that his incredible craft had over all others.

"All crew, man your stations, Code Yellow, initiate the Firm Peaks maneuver!" cried the captain, leaping forth and brushing the sweat from his brow, "Today is a good day for somebody else to die!"

The Eggbeater's blades began weaving a new pattern, and a cloud of gas appeared to form in some sort of calm area between the blades. The gas coalesced, forming a great orb, discharging space lightning, and glowing all manner of colors!

"Ready yourselves my comrades," said the captain, "Fire on the target!"

The huge orb suddenly rocketed forth from the spacecraft, propelled by some strange mix of gravitational, electro-magnetic, and propellant forces. As it neared the Cheese Grater, a single, burning shot was fired after it. As the orb collided with the other behemoth, the raging flame slammed into it from behind, causing it to explode magnificently, glowing bright red, and showering the entire sector with its glorious afterglow. Energy coursed through the body of every living thing for light years. As the glow finally began to fade, the crew of the Eggbeater looked on, waiting to see the battered, mangled corpse of their enemy.

But lo, from behind the planet, they saw not a defeated enemy, but a proud ship, bearing straight down on them. While the Cheese Grater had clearly sustained damage from the incredible might of the attack it had suffered, it, by some incredible feat, had survived!

The captain swallowed.


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A frightening roar of machinery was heard. It was as if a dragon had gone rabid. That was the sound the Cheese Grater made, and it rattled the crew of the Eggbeater profusely.

"C-calm yourselves! The Eggbeater crew are not afraid of anything," said the proud captain, "Least of all mockeries such as th-this!"

It was obvious, perhaps to even the crew, that the captain was also afraid. But as courage is facing your fears, the captain was indeed courageous.

With might, the Cheese Grater extended its plates; under them were even more plates with pores to shoot from. And after extending them, underneath those were even more pores! Approximately one billion pores, the Eggbeater's computer calculated. With ferocity, they heated up to a blindingly bright red colour.

"Pull up the force field and cover your eyes!" bellowed into the ship, the captain did.

The Cheese Grater fired the superheated hydrogen through its pores. Though it was still floating after this taxing attack, it was susceptible to destruction by even the smallest force!

Angry and violent, the billions of superheated hydrogen particles raced in space, in an effort to reach the Eggbeater. Though its shield was up, there was no telling what would happen to it if these particles actually hit. The particles got closer...and closer...

Continue the wonder...

Edited by Nightmare
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These billions of particles each moved at half the speed of light, and there was insufficient time to avoid the approaching field of scathing peril. A gruesome smile flashed across the captain's face and he donned his sunglasses while ordered the shield disengaged. Positional thrusters dotting the Eggbeater's gorgeous hull gleamed an eerie glow. In mere seconds its magnificent egg beating blades were aligned with the incoming cloud.

"What are doing?!" exclaimed an exasperated vice admiral.

Brow sweat continued to pool on the floor but the captain laughed a laugh of great merriment as the Eggbeater's blades spun faster than they had ever spun before. Suddenly a tremendous hissing was heard throughout the bridge, the second sound so powerful as to be transmissible through the vacuum of space. The Eggbeater's crew swayed wildly, each person desperate to dodge approaching radiation, but the sunglassed captain assured them such safety precautions were unnecessary.

The rapidly spinning blades drew toward themselves every passing atom of ionized hydrogen, and whirled ever faster as energies of unfathomable magnitude were absorbed.

"Our might is incontestable," the captain shouted, but, as he did so, his sunglasses shattered and shards of darkened glass penetrated his eyeballs.

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