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There needs to be some sort of limit. Something like, you can arrange your base stats in any way you want as long as the Base Stat Total doesn't exceed X (Let I Like My Cake Iced decide the value of X). And the same thing with stat growths.

As for weapon rank, prepromotes usually start with an A rank in their preferred weapon with either B or C on their other weapons. We could do the same thing here. imo weapon rank should depend on when the unit joins. The ones that join early on at the start should have E. The lategame unpromoted units should have something like a C or a B.

I don't see items to be too big of an issue though, since you could easily trade them to someone else. Personal weapons, on the other hand, need to be controlled.

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Staff abusing, just like supports, isn't my style. My troops are usually split up into teams of maybe 4 at most, and even that's fairly scattered. I like to just cut through what I can, fall back and bring in the next wave when I need. Or something. Anyway, as an example Moulder got to 10 at I think Chpt 13, Ephraim's Route, adn I only have a C between Forde and Franz (who got RNG screwed and I'm not using) and the instant one between Neimi and Colm (who's dead).

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Okay I've made my mug but I'm completely confused when it comes to doing the stats, not because I'm stupid but because I don't know what format to follow, and I don't seem to be alone. Since the current stats provided all follow different rules, with growth rates ranging from

Furetchen: 270% (Jeigan)

Allan Aokage: 325%

LLoyd Irving 340%

Krevin 340%

So are we going with the SE Hack 325% or the dominant 340% growth?

Further pursuing the issue how many points can we allocate to base stat?

Items/Weapon Rank, just god-mod and choose S rank? Or should everyone (except shamans) start at E?

Just go with another character as a basemark (for example, I used FE7 Marcus' stats but shuffled around and buffed up a touch).

I think Lloyd's strength is in his growths anyway, he's connected in some way to Ether (both SMs, but Ether has ~145% growths if I recall but insane bases, and Lloyd's the opposite). Yeah, just go by the stats of a character who's a similar stat makeup to you. Then tamper with it to suit you best.

EDIT: Well, a C's probably a safe bet for non-promotes. B or A for prepromotes. I'm going with A, for the tradition of early Silver capability, but I'll start with a Steel Bow and a LongBow.

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just so everyone know to get Bases we are using the SE method (take class bases and add 15 points where ever you wish + 3 for every level) and around 340% growths for non-promotes and 280% or so for pre-promos

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Furetchen Arrowroot-Sniper (M)

example01.png (touched up version)

Description: A sellsword who fights to support his blind parents. A master of the bow.

'Death' Quote: "Argh, shite...my arm! I...I'll need to go on the sidelines, get this treated to...but I'll..never be able to fight again. Go on without me!"

HP 18 + 10 = 24+3 = 27 / 65

Str 4 + 9 = 13+1 = 14 / 45

Skl 3 + 10 = 13+2 = 15 / 50

Spd 3 + 12 = 15+2 = 17 / 45

Def 3 + 8 = 11+2 = 13 / 30

Lck 0 + 10 = 10 = 10 / 30

Res 0 + 5 = 5+3 = 8 / 20

Con 8 after promotion

Affinity: Wind

60 points spent (Level 1 plus 20 levels). Boosted up growths to hit 285% (+10% Str +5 Spd)

I'm assuming us prepromotes get promotion bonuses, as otherwise our stats are piss poor. I'm talking, like, Zealot-standards here.

That was by the book, and it seems okay for now.

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just so everyone know to get Bases we are using the SE method (take class bases and add 15 points where ever you wish + 3 for every level) and around 340% growths for non-promotes and 280% or so for pre-promos

Um, does that allow increasing the Con or Mov stats? Because I'm pretty sure those are supposed to be fixed (until promotion).

Furretchen: Where did you get those stats from? A male Sniper's base stats are

HP = 21

Str = 7

Skl = 6

Spd = 5

Def = 5

Res = 2

Con = 8

Mov = 6

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Technically speaking, I don't think it prevents a 7 Str 30 Spd L1 Swordmaster, either.

Edit: I figured that starting with the stats of a L5 Brigand boss wasn't...correct. So I took the Archer bases and 20 levels, throwing in promotion bonuses when I realised the stats were grave tier stuff.

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Technically speaking, I don't think it prevents a 7 Str 30 Spd L1 Swordmaster, either.

Edit: I figured that starting with the stats of a L5 Brigand boss wasn't...correct. So I took the Archer bases and 20 levels, throwing in promotion bonuses when I realised the stats were grave tier stuff.

Well, since you'll be a prepromote Sniper, you might as well take the Sniper bases and add 20 levels. I highly doubt the results would turn out bad.

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just so everyone know to get Bases we are using the SE method (take class bases and add 15 points where ever you wish + 3 for every level) and around 340% growths for non-promotes and 280% or so for pre-promos

Um, does that allow increasing the Con or Mov stats? Because I'm pretty sure those are supposed to be fixed (until promotion).

Furretchen: Where did you get those stats from? A male Sniper's base stats are

HP = 21

Str = 7

Skl = 6

Spd = 5

Def = 5

Res = 2

Con = 8

Mov = 6

no con or move can not be increased and pre-promotes are considered promoted at LV 10 to prevent H4X bases.

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Is 13 to 17 in the Big Four really that h4x? With low HP to boot?

Male Sniper's bases are:

HP = 21

Str = 7

Skl = 6

Spd = 5

Def = 5

Res = 2

Con = 8

Mov = 6

Now, if you were to assume they promoted at Lv 20, then that would give a total bonus of (3x20)=60. Since there are 6 affected stats, let's just even up the boosts and see where it takes us.

HP = 31

Str = 17

Skl = 16

Spd = 15

Def = 15

Res = 12

Con = 8

Mov = 6

For a Lv 1 Sniper, these really do seem like h4x stats. Let's not forget that those Res points can always be spread to the other big stats...

Assuming the promotion to be at Lv 10 seems fair, I guess.

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One second, I'll assemble the Sniper assumed 11 stats to see if my hunch was right.

EDIT: no, wait, I misunderstood...you mean like a 10/1 Sniper?

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EDIT: no, wait, I misunderstood...you mean like a 10/1 Sniper?

Apparently so. However, I'm not sure whether that means Archer base stats + 15 + 30 + promo gains or Sniper base stats + 15 + 30.

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HP 21 +7 = 28 / 65

Str 7 +7 = 14 / 45

Skl 6 +10 = 16/ 50

Spd 5 +...6?/ 45

Def 5 / 30

Lck 0 / 30

Res 2 / 20

Con 8 after promotion

Ah. I appear to have run out of stats.

EDIT: No, wait...one second (sigh)

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HP 21 +5 = 26 / 65

Str 7 +5 = 12 / 45

Skl 6 +11 = 14/ 50

Spd 5 +10 = 15/ 45

Def 5 +6 = 11/ 30

Lck 9 / 30

Res 5 / 20

Con 8 after promotion

Still needs a small Buff IMO

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HP 21 +7 = 28 / 65

Str 7 +7 = 14 / 45

Skl 6 +10 = 16/ 50

Spd 5 +...6?/ 45

Def 5 / 30

Lck 0 / 30

Res 2 / 20

Con 8 after promotion

Ah. I appear to have run out of stats.

EDIT: No, wait...one second (sigh)

Uh, total bonus is 15 + (10x3) = 45. Those stats have a total +30 boost. You still have +15 left.

EDIT: Bah, two minutes late.

Oh, yeah, and starting with the Sniper bases apparently gives better results than starting with Archer and adding promotion gains.

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Furetchen Arrowroot-Sniper (M)

example01.png (touched up version)

Description: A sellsword who fights to support his blind parents. A master of the bow.

'Death' Quote: "Argh, shite...my arm! I...I'll need to go on the sidelines, get this treated to...but I'll..never be able to fight again. Go on without me!"

HP 18 + 10 = 24+3 = 27 / 65

Str 4 + 9 = 13+1 = 14 / 45

Skl 3 + 10 = 13+2 = 15 / 50

Spd 3 + 12 = 15+2 = 17 / 45

Def 3 + 8 = 11+2 = 13 / 30

Lck 0 + 10 = 10 = 10 / 30

Res 0 + 5 = 5+3 = 8 / 20

Con 8 after promotion

Affinity: Wind

I'm assuming us prepromotes get promotion bonuses, as otherwise our stats are piss poor. I'm talking, like, Zealot-standards here.

That was by the book, and it seems okay for now.

I just realised something. I threw 60 points on this guy, which I think makes him a 15/1. Not Zealot, but no Seth either. I reckon this should still be a good compromise.

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here are the original stats I`d posted.

i hope i don`t have to redo them...


Lv.10 Swordmaster








125% growth total

Anima affinity

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Furetchen Arrowroot-Sniper (M)

example01.png (touched up version)

Description: A sellsword who fights to support his blind parents. A master of the bow.

'Death' Quote: "Argh, shite...my arm! I...I'll need to go on the sidelines, get this treated to...but I'll..never be able to fight again. Go on without me!"

HP 18 + 10 = 24+3 = 27 / 65

Str 4 + 9 = 13+1 = 14 / 45

Skl 3 + 10 = 13+2 = 15 / 50

Spd 3 + 12 = 15+2 = 17 / 45

Def 3 + 8 = 11+2 = 13 / 30

Lck 0 + 10 = 10 = 10 / 30

Res 0 + 5 = 5+3 = 8 / 20

Con 8 after promotion

Affinity: Wind

I'm assuming us prepromotes get promotion bonuses, as otherwise our stats are piss poor. I'm talking, like, Zealot-standards here.

That was by the book, and it seems okay for now.

I just realised something. I threw 60 points on this guy, which I think makes him a 15/1. Not Zealot, but no Seth either. I reckon this should still be a good compromise.

Yeah, it's 15/1. But I think it looks good enough. If you started with Sniper bases, then you could have gotten around 2 points extra though.

btw even though this looks okay, I'm not sure if I Like My Cake Iced will be satisfied with adding +60 pts instead of the original +45 on a unit that's supposed to join from the very beginning of the game.

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Still, I don't want to be...Old, Useless Marcus with a Bow who can walk suddenly.

That said, I appreciate your support.

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here are the original stats I`d posted.

i hope i don`t have to redo them...


Lv.10 Swordmaster








125% growth total

Anima affinity

I think that's okay. The bases are a little high but it should compensate for the poor growths.

AmeIia's here so looks like he can finally settle this up.

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...I think he musta left his computer on and be asleep by now. Or something. He's been on and viewing this thread for like half an hour, which is more than quiet contemplation.

It's 1:30 a.m. here in Eastern Australia, and I think he's an hour behind me. Not certain though. Could just be some daylight savings discrepancy.

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