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37 members have voted

  1. 1. How is Laura?

    • Awesome,I always use her
    • Good,I use her sometime
    • Good,but Mist/Elincia is better than her
    • Good,but Rhys is better than her
    • MEH
    • I only use her in the Dawn Brigade
  2. 2. Who is the best healer?

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So,I'm seriously wondering:Is Laura worth?Right now,I'm at 4-3,she just promoted in her third tier.She's doing good damage.But she's a SAINT,and her speed isn't very good.

My other question:Who is the best healer?

Edited by Lilmik11
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I'd say Mist>Laura because Laura is very hard to raise.

And Mist isn't?

As for best healer, I'm going for Elincia: Good movment, not affected by terrain and good magic stat.

The only horrible thing is that if she's hit by an arrow, she's dead.

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There is much more available BEXP in part 3, plus she can get exp from attacking. Laura basically relies on BEXP in a part where everyone needs it, needs a master seal, and is rather obsolete by endgame. Also to reinforce my point, Mist has more movement, and speed. Laura will have more attack when she gets promoted, but that probably isn't until 3-12,3-13. 3-6 is rather early but plausible.

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I only use Laura in DB chapters for healing or blocking cliffs (like in 3-13). Oh and she sometimes supports a supportless person just for some small bonuses.

Best healer? Micaiah. She has a massive Magic stat, so she'll be fine with Heals and has enormous range with Physic. Elincia's way better when it comes to running (or, in her case, flying) around and dishing out pain, but Thani!Micaiah gives her a run for her money (and there's like no high movement unit in most of her chapters other than Jill, so she can keep up with the rest). Oh, and Miccy is forced anyways, so you kinda have to learn to tolerate her.

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Training Laura is painfully slow and she will probably require a Master Seal. The only place I ever trained her was in 1-E and that was heal abusing Volug who was purposefully being hit by the fire mage.

Elincia would make the best healer with Amiti and Canto, but Micaiah doesn't use up a slot so it would be a toss up for me.

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Elincia and Micaiah don't even compare in terms of offense. She has Thani, but by endgame it doesn't even OHKO anymore. Micaiah has to be RNG abused for speed to ever be useful for offense. Otherwise she will be doubled by everything outside of part 1 and maybe some late part 1 enemies. Elincia will be quading mostly everything with Amiti, give her adept and she will pretty much kill everything she attacks. Then she heals, and flies? Sign me up. Oh don't forget Imbue can be used on her.

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Laura is decent but not the best. I use her sometimes after part 1.

Mist is usually my primary healer for the rest of the game. Sometimes i bring Elincia to endgame because she too is very mobile.

Micaiah is good for healing but meh.

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Am I the only one who ikes Rhys? If he's only going to be healing and doing the occasional power-punch so someone can kill a unit, why should I care about his speed.

I have a habit of keeping my healer away from bad evil units. Although I've only beat the game on Easy Mode, so I wouldn't know :D.

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I'd say Mist>Laura because Laura is very hard to raise. As best, I'd pick Elincia because of her great offensive abilities, and she's mounted.

Heh heh heh...."mounted". /Beavis&Butthead

Laura is only useful in the Dawn Brigade IMHO. And that usefulness ends when Micaiah promotes and is able to use staves. Honestly, in Normal/Hard mode she definitely probably won't even reach 2nd tier. I've only promoted her in Easy Mode because in EM you have BEXP to spare.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Elincia is the best healer, no question.

Edited by El Rey Leon
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Laura has one major problem; 70% growth + Saint caps = wasted potential. And even then, Micaiah's 80% Mag > Laura's 70%. Plus Micaiah has sacrifice which comes with a free restore ability (I know it's cured poison for me on 1-8, so I assume it heals condition). Of course, I always use both in part 1 so that Mickey sacrifices and Laura heals Mickey to staff abuse a bit. In any case, she's next to worthless by part 3 unless she promoted not happening without major abuse or generous BExp dumping since she needs to get CExp if she wants to be at a reasonable level by part 4, say, --/10 or so again, not happening.

Mist and Elincia can attack from the start and while Mist is weak, she can immediately attack and pick up kills from weak enemies. (I assume favoritism here, but I think it's fair considering what I gave Laura.) Plus, the GM's are much stronger, so they can protect Mist. Nolan and Volug aside, the DB can barely protect itself it part 1. Plus, Mist can be a decent mage killer in part 4, and she's got a horse for 8 move + canto. Laura targets Res, meaning that whatever she attacks is either going to take very little damage or kill her on Enemy phase.

Elincia needs no argument except starting Tier 3 + 2-E Physic + Amiti > Mist >> Laura.

In summary, Laura is a really bad healer, and, while needed for part 1 (forgot about vulneraries and concoctions), she's outclassed the whole game.

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Elincia has the best caps, the best movement type, the best growths, the best starting level, the best mastery, and the best personal weapon.

Agreed. I would argue that Mist's mastery is better (and it is, when it activates), but the fact remains that Sol (Skl/2%) < Stun (Skl%). In addition, Elincia has high enough speed growth that she will continue to quad everything that's not a swordmaster right up until 4-E-4. The only thing that could possibly make Mist > Elincia is a high prevalence of crossbows which effectively kill Elincia when they hit. Other than that, Elincia is clearly the best.

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The best healer is an Elixir. Cool alternatives include Vulnerary or Concoction. Best they don't require any equipping and they aren't limited to a shitty secondary weapon.

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Elincia has the best caps, the best movement type, the best growths, the best starting level, the best mastery, and the best personal weapon.

Agreed. I would argue that Mist's mastery is better (and it is, when it activates), but the fact remains that Sol (Skl/2%) < Stun (Skl%). In addition, Elincia has high enough speed growth that she will continue to quad everything that's not a swordmaster right up until 4-E-4. The only thing that could possibly make Mist > Elincia is a high prevalence of crossbows which effectively kill Elincia when they hit. Other than that, Elincia is clearly the best.

Actually, when Elincia rejoins in Part 4, her combat is decidedly mediocre. Her base stats are pretty goddamned awful - Tanith is 4 levels and a promotion behind, yet wins STR/SPD/DEF, and Tanith is actually considered to have bad bases. She's redeemed somewhat by still doubling with Amiti, which means she has a good Stun rate, though.

Although she wouldn't need to do much in the way of combat to beat losers like Mist and Rhys.

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and Mickey with Nosfeatau on a cover tile is pretty much invincible on 4-E-3 while Elincia is noticably frail.

Of course, Elincia can just hold a fortify staff and be able to easily 2RKO white dragons. They're not going to hurt her much, especially if she's on a wardwood tile. I'm not disagreeing that Micaiah is the best healer, but Elincia's real problem is the ton of silver bow enemies in 4-E-2, not the dragon level.

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As a healer,Micaiah is superior,simply due to higher Mag,as well as more chapters/more difficult chapters to heal in.

Elincia is a better combat unit,however her availability is a detriment,especially compared to Micaiah.

None of the other healers compare.

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I'd say micaiah is the best healer if it's about healing, thanks to her sacrifice.

but elincia is better if it's about fighting and movement (and weapon). I usually bring both to the endgame.

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