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Hacking Ideas


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To do List: Hack BK to 19.99 and see if he gains any stats.

Hack a purge and kill the Peg knight in 3-4

I'll do them all sooner or later. And not just the hacking ideas, the girls too.

Edited by Bryan
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Turn Lyn's promotion class in FE7 into a class for regular units as well.

I really need to see what topic this is under before posting

Hack a purge and kill the Peg knight in 3-4

I think you mean 3-12? The one that leaves?

Edited by core34510
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Turn Lyn's promotion class in FE7 into a class for regular units as well.

I really need to see what topic this is under before posting

Hack a purge and kill the Peg knight in 3-4

I think you mean 3-12? The one that leaves?

Mabye... I couldn't remeber and haden't looked it up yet. >>

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I'd really like to see if there's a good way to break/modify caps. Even if you cant change growth rates, I think you can alter character caps and bases to make a much more balanced game. I'd like to see some of that in a future project.

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You can change growth rates and caps. Besides the number of tools needed to do so, the actual hacking is no more difficult than with any other FE game.

I don't really have any ideas right now, but if I could get a hacked ISO running (or could get somebody to do it for me), I'm sure there are plenty of things that I'd like to check.

Maybe hack in some 0 Skill characters to test the hidden item finding rate.

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You can change growth rates and caps. Besides the number of tools needed to do so, the actual hacking is no more difficult than with any other FE game.

I don't really have any ideas right now, but if I could get a hacked ISO running (or could get somebody to do it for me), I'm sure there are plenty of things that I'd like to check.

Maybe hack in some 0 Skill characters to test the hidden item finding rate.

In that case, I would like to see if there is a way to make a 'balanced' version of the game, so that we can actually play some of the worst characters in the game without massive favoritism or battle save abuse.

As for item finding rate, I thought it was generally accepted that it relied on a combination of Luck + Biorhythm, not Skill. If it's not yet a proven formula though, disregard this section.

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Guest Goldie

You can change growth rates and caps. Besides the number of tools needed to do so, the actual hacking is no more difficult than with any other FE game.

I don't really have any ideas right now, but if I could get a hacked ISO running (or could get somebody to do it for me), I'm sure there are plenty of things that I'd like to check.

Maybe hack in some 0 Skill characters to test the hidden item finding rate.

I never thought about trying to edit growth rates, I can give that a look..

I've done caps changing long ago, I just never let it out because I felt it wasn't that important.. but it looks like this:



Just like PoR, the highest is 127.. then it drops back to 0

I can also change the base stats of all units.

I can find more, just ask for it.

Edited by Goldie
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You can change growth rates and caps. Besides the number of tools needed to do so, the actual hacking is no more difficult than with any other FE game.

I don't really have any ideas right now, but if I could get a hacked ISO running (or could get somebody to do it for me), I'm sure there are plenty of things that I'd like to check.

Maybe hack in some 0 Skill characters to test the hidden item finding rate.

I never thought about trying to edit growth rates, I can give that a look..

I've done caps changing long ago, I just never let it out because I felt it wasn't that important.. but it looks like this:


Just like PoR, the highest is 127.. then it drops back to 0

I can find more, just ask for it.

I'm actually surprised that it can go up to 127. I imagined that since no cap goes past 50, IS would have used a 6 bit code and two bit marker, making the maximum possible cap 63 instead.

I know that there's a really good thread on balancing ideas somewhere a couple of pages back; if no one else wants to keep it going (I think that whoever was doing it never finished), I'd be happy to take it over and keep going. Ultimately, I'd like to eventually come up with a "Balanced RD" patch where every character is more or less playable throughout all three modes, rather than the lame attempt at balance that IS could come up with (a.k.a. the dartboard).

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Remember HP can go up to 120, so they needed 7 bits. And it was probably easier to use the same maximum for all stats.

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You can change growth rates and caps. Besides the number of tools needed to do so, the actual hacking is no more difficult than with any other FE game.

I don't really have any ideas right now, but if I could get a hacked ISO running (or could get somebody to do it for me), I'm sure there are plenty of things that I'd like to check.

Maybe hack in some 0 Skill characters to test the hidden item finding rate.

I never thought about trying to edit growth rates, I can give that a look..

I've done caps changing long ago, I just never let it out because I felt it wasn't that important.. but it looks like this:



Just like PoR, the highest is 127.. then it drops back to 0

I can also change the base stats of all units.

I can find more, just ask for it.

I was just thinking about doing that. Although the only thing I would do is raise the speed caps of Palies & Sages

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Guest Goldie

You can find all of them through the Class and Character addresses:

80B53F90 - Hero

80B540AC - Vanguard

80B541C8 - Myrmidon

80B542E4 - Swordmaster - Male

80B54400 - Swordmaster - Female

80B5451C - Swordmaster - Disciples of Order

80B54638 - Trueblade - Male

80B54754 - Trueblade - Female

80B54870 - Solider

80B5498C - Halberdier - Male

80B54AA8 - Halberdier - Female

80B54BC4 - Halberdier - Disciples of Order

80B54CE0 - Sentinel - Male

80B54DFC - Sentinel - Female

80B54F18 - Fighter

80B55034 - Warrior

80B55150 - Warrior - Disciples of Order

80B5526C - Reaver

80B55388 - Archer

80B554A4 - Sniper

80B555C0 - Sniper - Disciples of Order

80B556DC - Marksman

80B557F8 - Armor Lance

80B55914 - Armor Axe

80B55A30 - Armor Sword - Male

80B55B4C - Armor Sword - Female

80B55C68 - Lance General

80B55D84 - Axe General

80B55EA0 - Sword General - Male

80B55FBC - Sword General - Female

80B560D8 - Lance General - Disciples of Order

80B561F4 - Axe General - Disciples of Order

80B56310 - Sword General - Disciples of Order

80B5642C - Marshal - Lance

80B56548 - Marshal - Axe

80B56664 - Marshal - Sword

80B56780 - Marshal - Zelgius

80B5689C - Black Knight

80B569B8 - Thief

80B56AD4 - Rogue - Male

80B56BF0 - Rogue - Female

80B56D0C - Whisper - Male

80B56E28 - Whisper - Female

80B56F44 - Assassin

80B57060 - Bandit

80B5717C - Fire Mage

80B57298 - Thunder Mage - Male

80B573B4 - Thunder Mage - Female

80B574D0 - Wind Mage

80B575EC - Light Mage

80B57708 - Fire Sage - Male

80B57824 - Fire Sage - Female

80B57940 - Thunder Sage - Male

80B57A5C - Thunder Sage - Female

80B57B78 - Wind Sage

80B57C94 - Light Sage

80B57DB0 - Dark Sage

80B57ECC - Fire Sage - Disciples of Order

80B57FE8 - Thunder Sage - Disciples of Order

80B58104 - Wind Sage - Disciples of Order

80B58220 - Arch Sage - Fire Male

80B5833C - Arch Sage - Fire Female

80B58458 - Arch Sage - Dark

80B58574 - Arch Sage - Thunder

80B58690 - Arch Sage - Wind

80B587AC - Light Priestess

80B588C8 - Empress

80B589E4 - Chancellor

80B58B00 - Druid

80B58C1C - Druid - Disciples of Order

80B58D38 - Summoner

80B58E54 - Priest - Male

80B58F70 - Priest - Female

80B5908C - Bishop - Male

80B591A8 - Bishop - Female

80B592C4 - Bishop - Valtome/Numida/Disciples of Order

80B593E0 - Saint - Male

80B594FC - Saint - Female

80B59618 - Saint - Lekain

80B59734 - Cleric

80B59850 - Valkyrie

80B5996C - Sword Knight

80B59A88 - Lance Knight - Male

80B59BA4 - Lance Knight - Female

80B59CC0 - Axe Knight

80B59DDC - Bow Knight

80B59EF8 - Blade Paladin

80B5A014 - Lance Paladin - Male

80B5A130 - Lance Paladin - Female

80B5A24C - Axe Paladin - Male

80B5A368 - Axe Paladin - Female

80B5A484 - Bow Paladin - Male

80B5A5A0 - Bow Paladin - Female

80B5A6BC - Blade Paladin - Disciples of Order

80B5A7D8 - Lance Paladin - Disciples of Order

80B5A8F4 - Axe Paladin - Disciples of Order

80B5AA10 - Bow Paladin - Disciples of Order

80B5AB2C - Gold Knight - Sword

80B5AC48 - Gold Knight - Axe Male

80B5AD64 - Gold Knight - Axe Female

80B5AE80 - Silver Knight - Lance Male

80B5AF9C - Silver Knight - Lance Female

80B5B0B8 - Silver Knight - Bow

80B5B1D4 - Pegasus Knight

80B5B2F0 - Falcon Knight

80B5B40C - Falcon Knight - Disciples of Order

80B5B528 - Seraph Knight

80B5B644 - Queen

80B5B760 - Draco Knight - Male

80B5B87C - Draco Knight - Female

80B5B998 - Dragonmaster - Male

80B5BAB4 - Dragonmaster - Female

80B5BBD0 - Dragonmaster - Disciples of Order

80B5BCEC - Dragon Lord - Male

80B5BE08 - Dragon Lord - Female

80B5BF24 - Lion - Red Untransformed

80B5C040 - Lion - Red Transformed

80B5C15C - Lion - Black Untransformed

80B5C278 - Lion - Black Transformed

80B5C394 - Lion King - Untransformed

80B5C4B0 - Lion King - Transformed

80B5C5CC - Tiger - Untransformed

80B5C6E8 - Tiger - Transformed

80B5C804 - Cat - Male Untransformed

80B5C920 - Cat - Male Transformed

80B5CA3C - Cat - Female Untransformed

80B5CB58 - Cat - Female Transformed

80B5CC74 - Wolf - Untransformed

80B5CD90 - Wolf - Transformed

80B5CEAC - Wolf Queen - Untransformed

80B5CFC8 - Wolf Queen - Transformed

80B5D0E4 - Hawk - Untransformed

80B5D200 - Hawk - Transformed

80B5D31C - Hawk King - Untransformed

80B5D438 - Hawk King - Transformed

80B5D554 - Raven - Male Untransformed

80B5D670 - Raven - Male Transformed

80B5D78C - Raven - Female Untransformed

80B5D8A8 - Raven - Female Transformed

80B5D9C4 - Raven King - Untransformed

80B5DAE0 - Raven King - Transformed

80B5DBFC - Heron - Reyson Untransformed

80B5DD18 - Heron - Reyson Transformed

80B5DE34 - Heron - Rafiel Untransformed

80B5DF50 - Heron - Rafiel Transformed

80B5E06C - Heron - Leanne Untransformed

80B5E188 - Heron - Leanne Transformed

80B5E2A4 - Red Dragon - Male Untransformed

80B5E3C0 - Red Dragon - Male Transformed

80B5E4DC - Red Dragon - Female Untransformed

80B5E5F8 - Red Dragon - Female Transformed

80B5E714 - White Dragon - Untransformed

80B5E830 - White Dragon - Transformed

80B5E94C - Dragon King - Untransformed

80B5EA68 - Dragon King - Transformed

80B5EB84 - Dragon Prince - Untransformed

80B5ECA0 - Dragon Prince - Transformed

80B5EDBC - Spirit - Fire

80B5EED8 - Spirit - Thunder

80B5EFF4 - Spirit - Wind

80B5F110 - Order Incarnate - Aura

80B5F22C - Order Incarnate - Ashera

80B5F348 - Pilgrim

80B5F464 - Vendor

80B5F580 - Citizen - Old Man

80B5F69C - Citizen - Male

80B5F7B8 - Citizen - Female

80B5F8D4 - Citizen - Child Male

80B5F9F0 - Citizen - Child Female

80B5FB0C - Horse

80B5FC28 - Hero


80B5F20C - Base Stats 1

80B5F210 - Base Stats 2

80B5F214 - Cap Stats 1

80B5F218 - Cap Stats 2


80B5F328 - Base Stats 1

80B5F32C - Base Stats 2

80B5F330 - Cap Stats 1

80B5F334 - Cap Stats 2


80B5F444 - Base Stats 1

80B5F448 - Base Stats 2

80B5F44C - Cap Stats 1

80B5F450 - Cap Stats 2

11C difference

There's also the base skills, weapon ranks, etc.

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I never thought about trying to edit growth rates, I can give that a look..


Just like PoR, the highest is 127.. then it drops back to 0

I'm scared enough of the normally maxed Ashera from your videos. This one is just overkill... *Faints*

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I never thought about trying to edit growth rates, I can give that a look..


Just like PoR, the highest is 127.. then it drops back to 0

I'm scared enough of the normally maxed Ashera from your videos. This one is just overkill... *Faints*

I need to hack the game so that Enemeys have near maxed stats, and my units have maxed stats. o.o

When you made Mia have zelgs class, did it change he little battle icon?

Edited by Bryan
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Guest Goldie

You mean her portrait? The only thing that changed was her class, she still had her bonds, etc.

Which I assume can be found in their Model addresses:

808C3570 Ike

808C366C Izuka

808C3768 Ena

808C3864 Ilyana

808C3960 Danved

808C3A5C Ulki

808C3B58 Edward

808C3C54 Elincia

808C3D50 Lehran

808C3E4C Oscar

808C3F48 Oliver

808C4044 Volug

808C4140 Caineghis

808C423C Gatrie

808C4338 Calill

808C4434 Kyza

808C4530 Rhys

808C462C Kurthnaga

808C4728 Kieran

808C4824 Gareth

808C4920 Sothe

808C4A1C Sanaki

808C4B18 Sigrun

808C4C14 Black Knight

808C4D10 Black Knight

808C4E0C Shinon

808C4F08 Giffca

808C5004 Geoffrey

808C5100 Jill

808C51FC Skrimir

808C52F8 Astrid

808C53F4 Soren

808C54F0 Sephiran

808C55EC Zelgius

808C56E8 Stefan

808C57E4 Tauroneo

808C58E0 Tanith

808C59DC Brom

808C5AD8 Zihark

808C5BD4 Titania

808C5CD0 Tibarn

808C5DCC Dheginsea

808C5EC8 Tormod

808C5FC4 Nasir

808C60C0 Nealuchi

808C61BC Nailah

808C62B8 Naesala

808C63B4 Nephenee

808C64B0 Nolan

808C65AC Haar

808C66A8 Vika

808C67A4 Volke

808C68A0 Aran

808C699C Fiona

808C6A98 Heather

808C6B94 Hetzel

808C6C90 Pelleas

808C6D8C Boyd

808C6E88 Marcia

808C6F84 Makalov

808C7080 Micaiah

808C717C Mist

808C7278 Muarim

808C7374 Meg

808C7470 Mordecai

808C756C Janaff

808C7668 Bastian

808C7764 Rolf

808C7860 Ranulf

808C795C Rafiel

808C7A58 Leanne

808C7B54 Lyre

808C7C50 Reyson

808C7D4C Lekain

808C7E48 Lucia

808C7F44 Leonardo

808C8040 Lethe

808C813C Renning

808C8238 Laura

808C8334 Mia

808C8430 Kurth

808C852C Aimee

808C8628 Levail

808D3758 Fire Spirit

808D3854 Thunder Spirit

808D3950 Wind Spirit

808D3A4C Aura

808D3B48 Ashera

808D3C44 Gallia

808D3D40 Gallia

808D3E3C Phoenicis

808D3F38 Kilvas

808D4034 Goldoa

808D4130 Goldoa

808D422C Feral Ones

808D4328 Feral Ones

808D4424 Feral Ones

808D4520 Feral Ones

808D461C Feral Ones

808D4718 Pugo

808D4814 Isaiya

808D4910 Zaitan

808D4A0C Burton

808D4B08 Pain

808D4C04 Agony

808D4D00 Wystan

808D4DFC Laverton

808D4EF8 Djur

808D4FF4 Radmin

808D50F0 Jarod

808D51EC Zeffren

808D52E8 Yeardley

808D53E4 Maraj

808D54E0 Tashoria

808D55DC Ludveck

808D56D8 Silvano

808D57D4 Rommit

808D58D0 Istvan

808D59CC Veyona

808D5AC8 Callum

808D5BC4 Lombroso

808D5CC0 Kezhda

808D5DBC Septimus

808D5EB8 Roark

808D5FB4 Sergei

808D60B0 Goran

808D61AC Yuma

808D62A8 Catalena

808D63A4 Valtome

808D64A0 Numida

There's a lot more, but I don't want my post to get too big.

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You mean her portrait? The only thing that changed was her class, she still had her bonds, etc.

No like her map sprite. I was just wondering because I am going to change Calil to Archsage (Wind) So that she can use Rexcalibur on my girls only playthrough. o.o

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Guest Goldie

You mean her portrait? The only thing that changed was her class, she still had her bonds, etc.

No like her map sprite. I was just wondering because I am going to change Calil to Archsage (Wind) So that she can use Rexcalibur on my girls only playthrough. o.o

Yes, Mia still looks like herself on the Map.. so will Calill.

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You mean her portrait? The only thing that changed was her class, she still had her bonds, etc.

No like her map sprite. I was just wondering because I am going to change Calil to Archsage (Wind) So that she can use Rexcalibur on my girls only playthrough. o.o

Yes, Mia still looks like herself on the Map.. so will Calill.

Sweet! :)

You should do soothe & Micky fight where they both have Ashrea's caps. o.o

I'm to lazy to care about mispellings.

Edited by Bryan
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So would it be possible to alter character caps outside of the class caps? I'd like to see some more differentiation in the characters themselves outside of modifying some of the classes. For SM's for instance, Mia gets more max speed but a bit less str compared to the others, Edward wins str but has less defense, Zihark gets +Skl but loses Spd, Lucia would get Luck and Res at the cost of Skl, and Stefan gets Str and Def in return for a bit of Spd and a lot of Luck. I could also see Laura having more speed but less Mag and/or Def, Gatrie losing some Str and Def to make up for Spd (this goes double for Meg), Nolan gets Spd and Res in exchange for Str and HP, all in comparison to the other characters in their class. Heck, we can even buff up Astrid's caps so she can actually turn out to be the best of them all (or Fiona, but she's beyond redemption. What was IS thinking? A character with level 1 stats at... level 8?! She needs to donate the imbue and savior and go get a makeover with Meg, then proceed to the bench.) At least Astrid is stuck with Paragon for part 2 (and will probably keep it in 3-9 so she can ferry another item to the GM's for 3-11 and 3-E) so she can get some level-ups.

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Guest Goldie

So would it be possible to alter character caps outside of the class caps? I'd like to see some more differentiation in the characters themselves outside of modifying some of the classes. For SM's for instance, Mia gets more max speed but a bit less str compared to the others, Edward wins str but has less defense, Zihark gets +Skl but loses Spd, Lucia would get Luck and Res at the cost of Skl, and Stefan gets Str and Def in return for a bit of Spd and a lot of Luck. I could also see Laura having more speed but less Mag and/or Def, Gatrie losing some Str and Def to make up for Spd (this goes double for Meg), Nolan gets Spd and Res in exchange for Str and HP, all in comparison to the other characters in their class. Heck, we can even buff up Astrid's caps so she can actually turn out to be the best of them all (or Fiona, but she's beyond redemption. What was IS thinking? A character with level 1 stats at... level 8?! She needs to donate the imbue and savior and go get a makeover with Meg, then proceed to the bench.) At least Astrid is stuck with Paragon for part 2 (and will probably keep it in 3-9 so she can ferry another item to the GM's for 3-11 and 3-E) so she can get some level-ups.

Yes, you can do it for characters specifically too.

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Yes, you can do it for characters specifically too.

How would you go about doing that? You're not talking about rewriting the game code, right?

Is it hard to do? It seems like to much of a hassal to be worth it. :\

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