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i do maps ლ(`◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)


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I prefer the above version of the two, and I've taken the liberty of drawing up circles for some issues:

Red - Denotes shading issue. For the wall top tiles, they require shading like what the wall height tiles have to the left of a wall. Uphir covered the stairs in his post. The one to the right of the chest needs to have the left side shaded.

Green - Denotes an incorrect tile. The top two need to "hook into" the "capstones" that are above them. The wall on the left side probably should match the brick patter that all of the other ones use. The pillar one has shading on the left of it when it should use the regular bottom like the pillar above it.

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I think I got everything:


You missed the "corner" tiles up near the top that have the square-diamond pillar caps above them. Right now, you just have horizontal wall tiles there and they should be like the tiles 5 spaces to the left and right of the left and right lowest row of pillars in the throne area. (Basically, the "corner" tiles right above the outer straight walls.)

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You might not be able to fix the ones on the blue tiles, but, I can see right there that there's a proper pillar base for the stone floor pillars.
You missed the "corner" tiles up near the top that have the square-diamond pillar caps above them. Right now, you just have horizontal wall tiles there and they should be like the tiles 5 spaces to the left and right of the left and right lowest row of pillars in the throne area. (Basically, the "corner" tiles right above the outer straight walls.)


Is it ok now?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Fused the previous two maps to make a bigger one. Again, please point any errors you find or things that seem weird. Specially on the sea tiles, since they look so empty to me and I don't know what else to add.

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You should be adding more of the 3 tree tiles around the larger trees, as forests always thin out near the edges. And, if you used 13 different ones, you didn't do it very well, 'cause all I can see is spam :<

Maybe it's just me.

STILL, use more of that three tree tile.

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I'm fairly sure that I used most of these tiles:


Which would be more than 13, but whatever.

How does this look now?:


The only change is near the castle at the moment (and a stupid change in the bottom, which I forgot to remove), will work on the rest of the map after I get this part right.

Edited by Krad
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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 2 of my hack:


Aside from the forest near the village(since it is needed for a part of this chapter's plot), any part of this map can be changed. So, comment and tell me how ridiculously overboard I went with the forest tiles.

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After two days...this isn't finished.


Making a 40x30 map is hard.

Anyway, the ridiculous ammount of forest was done on purpose. It is my way of making the different chapters of FE4 noticeable (Prologue-Chapter 3 are filled with forests since they take place in Isaac, Chapter 4 is desert for Yied, the chapters in Thracia will have very few forests, etc).

I really (really) suck at tiling mountains, which is why I've tried to avoid them as far as possible. The tiles I've placed aren't the definitve ones, they're just there as to show a basic outline for the mountain.

So it's time to ask, can anyone help me with the mountains? It would be incredibly appreciated, since I'm in a sort of time limit to complete chapter 3 and 3x if I want to release a demo before March 9th.

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The biggest issue that I can see with the map is that everything is... "square". Well, in this case, "diamond" would be more appropriate. Yeah, nature can follow patterns quite often (The Golden Ratio, much?), but even then, the odds that you'd see perfectly angled cliffs, mountains, etc. is quite slim. Before even delving into the mountains (of which, Hero of Time or Feaw would probably be the best people to ask for help on the tiling, barring just pulling up tons of maps from the games and using them as references), I'd honestly suggest making things more varying. For the most part, the sand in the grass and the forests are pretty good about that. It's mainly the cliffs and mountains that really need to be less perfect. And, on the subject of the cliffs, in the areas where you have the straight cliff tiles on the upper edges of the cliffs, those tiles are incorrect. They're straight tiles for the lower edges of the cliff face (namely attached to tiles in this manner: "/¯" or "¯\").

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Awesome map, I likey.

And, I'd love to do the mountain for you. Also thanks for the praise, Glenn, wheehee~

Just send me the .fmp sometime over a PM or whatever (or if you have msn or aim).

But try to do the mountains in next maps yourself. I used to suck at them too, but now they're... I'm not gonna say a piece of cake, but definitely not hard anymore.

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The biggest issue that I can see with the map is that everything is... "square". Well, in this case, "diamond" would be more appropriate. Yeah, nature can follow patterns quite often (The Golden Ratio, much?), but even then, the odds that you'd see perfectly angled cliffs, mountains, etc. is quite slim. Before even delving into the mountains (of which, Hero of Time or Feaw would probably be the best people to ask for help on the tiling, barring just pulling up tons of maps from the games and using them as references), I'd honestly suggest making things more varying. For the most part, the sand in the grass and the forests are pretty good about that. It's mainly the cliffs and mountains that really need to be less perfect. And, on the subject of the cliffs, in the areas where you have the straight cliff tiles on the upper edges of the cliffs, those tiles are incorrect. They're straight tiles for the lower edges of the cliff face (namely attached to tiles in this manner: "/¯" or "¯\").

I based most of the cliffs on the chapter 6 map of FE4, which has them that way. I tried to change it slightly, though:


About the straight cliffs, I know that I have the wrong tiles, but after searching this tileset (1C1D8A1F) for a long while, I haven't been able to find a better looking tile for that spot.

Awesome map, I likey.

And, I'd love to do the mountain for you. Also thanks for the praise, Glenn, wheehee~

Just send me the .fmp sometime over a PM or whatever (or if you have msn or aim).

But try to do the mountains in next maps yourself. I used to suck at them too, but now they're... I'm not gonna say a piece of cake, but definitely not hard anymore.


I've been trying to practice on mountains (I added a very small mountain in the Chapter 2 map), but this map required a mountain that is just out of reach for my current map-making abilities.

Anyway, I'll send you the .fmp in a minute.

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Nice stuff you got here.... I like those maps by the way... especially the one with the island fort...

The pallete I used for Ike's portrait is the same as the one he uses in FE9, I just picked the colors that looked better from his original portrait and then shaded using those.

I tried using some colors from FE6 on the portrait, but let's just say the colors I chose didn't make the portrait pleasant to look at.

For now, Kieran WIP:


I think it's looks pretty good at the moment. Again, I'm trying to mimic the shading on the original as much as I can. I also had to change the shoulder because, as you can see in the resize example, they were too big for the portrait size. WIll try to finish it by tomorrow.

HOLY SHAT! I did not see this!! *fanboy seizure*

Edited by Frostbite
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Teh map with teh mountain.

It looks kinda weird, but I really like how terribly complicated it is (it took me like 40 minutes to make >.>).

I also fixed some other stuff like pathways and the wrong cliff tiles.

And no problem~

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