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Judge my team

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Keep updating us with how your game goes and who you choose to exclude from your team as you make those decisions, alright? Soul and I at the least have put enough time and posts into this topic to deserve that.

Fa is cute

Wait until you see her supports....

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Well, here's my suggestion:

Sword of Seals - Roy

Durandal - Dieck

Armads - Gonzales/Echidna

Malte - Miledy, for little or no AS loss at all.

Miurgre - Sue

Forblaze - Lilina/Lugh/Hugh (Just look at Idoun's stats...)

Aureola - Saul (Little or no AS loss, faster, which in total will cause more damage)

Apocalypse - Sophia/Ray (Both of them are fine, Niime is such a pain to get up to S rank)

Exaccus - idklol

Holy Maiden - Clarine/Ellen (yes, you can have S rank in more than one area)

Giving a Durandal to Dieck. Isn't that just overdoing it. Rutger make's a good candidate for Durnadal. He has more speed and skill not to mention the 30+ crit bonus. He is also a beast in hard mode. Personally i would have give Miugre to Shin. He has more speed and strength.

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I am recommending what is best for her at the moment, she is using Sue, not to mention she has a great Sue.

Nobody cares for slightly more Skill when both of them are hitting and especially with Durandal's 90 Hit.

Dieck is great, no AS loss with it, not to mention higher Str at growth =P

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SoS- Roy

Durandal- Dieck (Rutger loses AS from Durandal whereas Dieck does not. Besides, isn't Rutger getting Shamshir anyway?)

Malte- Miledy (If you're giving this to anyone else not named Lance/Allen, you are an idiot.)

Armads- Gonzales/Geese (They're your only decent candidates save Lott.)

Miugre- Merlinus (YEAH I SAID IT LOLOLOL but on a serious note it'd be your impossibly blessed Sue or Shin.)

Forblaze- Lillina (Why the fuck you didn't use Lugh instead is beyond me.)

Nipple- Ellen (If you can get her there...)

Apocalypse- Niime (PLEASE don't punish yourself further by using Sofiya. It's bad enough you inflict pain on yourself by babying Lillina and Wendy...)

Maiden Staff- Clarine (Just... yeah.)

Your team is ridiculous in some areas (WTF at Roy, Lillina, and WTFWENDY) and rather bad in others (Dieck is screwed.) but otherwise I just have to say:


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I had to restart this map three times, one because of Roy got put to sleep and killed by mages the second was because I forgot to heal Miledy and the third I had forgotten to give Lalum the boots and sent Lilina to kill a dragon and was out of Lalum's reach to refresh Lilina :(. This is my favorite map, Sophia is my favorite character so far :).

Thany is great, Astol got the speedwings and I had her rescue him to move him up to get the talisman, the next turn Rose's team shows up she's in reach of four of them, they attack she dodges everything while carrying Astol.

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Still, you're doing quite good as to say Sophiya is one of your best characters, if she is as good as you say she is, I suggest you keep using her. :)

Are by any chance you using Klein? If anything, I am not suggesting you to, just wondering...

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I forgot that hero crest could be used on fighters, pirates and brigands :D my Gonzales was sitting there.

I realized I didn't go to 12x, does this affect anything?

but I have a save slot for chapter 9.

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I forgot that hero crest could be used on fighters, pirates and brigands :D my Gonzales was sitting there.

I realized I didn't go to 12x, does this affect anything?

but I have a save slot for chapter 9.

You won't be able to access the final levels if you didn't go to all the sidequests and keep all the divine weapons intact.

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I had to start from chapter 9, I managed to get to Chapter 12x my team is a little different this time ;) some of them seem screwed :( I did not use Lilina much, everyone else is at the stats I put before. I'm in chapter 13.

Ellen lvl 2: 27/27 promoted

mag 20

skl 14

spd 13

lck 23

def 4

res 20

Gonzales lvl 17 46/46

str 18

skl 6

spd 12

lck 9

def 7

res 1

Roy lvl 18 33/33

str 10

skl 15

spd 14

lck 16

def 9

res 5

Rutger lvl 16 29/29

str 10

skl 20

spd 20

lck 6

def 8

res 3

Saul lvl 15 27/27

mag 8

skl 12

spd 13

lck 4

def 3

res 7

Dorothy lvl 18 34/34

str 13

skl 12

spd 15

lck 8

def 6

res 4

Wendy lvl 17 32/32

str 15

skl 9

spd 6

lck 13

def 16

res 2

Sue lvl 2 36/36 promoted

str 19

skl 20

spd 22

lck 13

def 11

res 6

Thany lvl 19 30/30

str 13

skl 17

spd 20

lck 14

def 9

res 12

Noah lvl 1 42/42 promoted

str 15

skl 18

spd 18

lck 12

def 15

res 5

Tate lvl 16 30/30

str 11

skl 12

spd 17

lck 5

def 10

res 9

Ray lvl 17 25/25

mag 15

skl 11

spd 13

lck 7

def 5

res 12

Ashtol lvl 20 35/35

str 12

skl 14

spd 19

lck 12

def 12

res 5

Clarine lvl 20 23/23

mag 8

skl 11

spd 18

lck 17

def 5

res 15

Fir lvl 10 25/25

str 10

skl 14

spd 15

lck 10

def 5


Treck lvl 10 29/29

str 8

skl 8

spd 10

lck 8

def 9

res 1

Alan lvl 18 37/37

str 12

skl 10

spd 13

lck 10

def 10

res 3

Lilina lvl 12 24/24

mag 15

skl 7

spd 7

lck 7

def 2

res 11

Dieck lvl 12 32/32

str 11

skl 14

spd 13

lck 7

def 7

res 1

Lalum lvl 8 21/21

str 2

skl 2

spd 16

lck 14

def 4

res 6

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Ouch...some of them are quite screwed... :mellow:

Well, if they are useful to you, you should keep using them. Let's see...your Noah is great, actually, if you have him you shouldn't be using Alan or Treck, and you will later get Percival anyways, so with those two paladins you should be fine, maybe Lance if you're using him.

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I had to promote Noah in 12x, i tried killing the boss with my other characters but they caused the boss minimal damage or missed most of the time. ;) I really did not want to restart the entire chapter.

Gonzales is my most screwed character, but he's still decent. Rutger deals so many criticals I don't mind his low strength. I'm sort of upset Thany is strength screwed but she's still pretty good.

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Well...your Gonzales' Skill is alright for his level and growth...but his Spd is just screwed for his growth and level.

And Rutger would do great with a Wyrmslayer~

Your Thany is alright, by the way, her Str will be the same as Noah's, but she will be faster and have slightly better Hit due to Luck and Skill.

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I was surprised Sophia killed the boss with a 20% chance of hitting him, but I had to restart because Miledy got killed by Randy earlier that turn.

I thought Druids were able to use both dark and anima magic I was planning on making Ray use anima :( idk who my anima user will be, maybe Hugh or Cecilia.

Updated Stats (no stat boosts used yet):

Ellen lvl 4: 28/28 promoted

mag 22

skl 14

spd 15

lck 25

def 4

res 22

Gonzales lvl 1 53/53 promoted

str 22

skl 12

spd 17

lck 9

def 11

res 1

Roy lvl 19 33/33

str 11

skl 15

spd 15

lck 16

def 9

res 6

Rutger lvl 19 29/29

str 11

skl 20

spd 20

lck 8

def 9

res 3

Saul lvl 19 30/30

mag 9

skl 13

spd 13

lck 4

def 4

res 7

Dorothy lvl 20 36/36

str 14

skl 13

spd 16

lck 8

def 6

res 4

Wendy lvl 20 35/35

str 16

skl 10

spd 9

lck 14

def 17

res 3

Sue lvl 2 36/36 promoted

str 19

skl 20

spd 22

lck 13

def 11

res 6

Thany lvl 1 37/37 promoted

str 16

skl 20

spd 22

lck 14

def 12

res 14

Noah lvl 2 42/42 promoted

str 16

skl 18

spd 19

lck 13

def 15

res 5

Tate lvl 1 37/37 promoted

str 16

skl 16

spd 22

lck 7

def 13

res 12

Ray lvl 20 26/26

mag 17

skl 13

spd 15

lck 8

def 5

res 14

Ashtol lvl 20 35/35

str 12

skl 14

spd 19

lck 12

def 12

res 5

Clarine lvl 20 23/23

mag 8

skl 11

spd 18

lck 17

def 5

res 15

Fir lvl 14 29/29

str 10

skl 16

spd 17

lck 10

def 5

res 3

Treck lvl 10 29/29

str 8

skl 8

spd 10

lck 8

def 9

res 1

Alan lvl 18 37/37

str 12

skl 10

spd 13

lck 10

def 10

res 3

Cecilia lvl 2 31/31

mag 11

skl 7

spd 10

lck 10

def 8

res 13

Miledy lvl 19 36/36

str 17

skl 15

spd 15

lck 9

def 14

res 3

Lalum lvl 13 26/26

str 2

skl 2

spd 19

lck 18

def 6

res 6

Lugh lvl 8 18/18

mag 6

skl 8

spd 11

lck 8

def 5

res 8

Sophia lvl 5 17/17

mag 10

skl 4

spd 6

lck 4

def 2

res 10

Cath lvl 10 20/20

str 6

skl 7

spd 16

lck 10

def 3

res 2

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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For an Anima user DEFENEATLY go for Hugh, he is faster than Cecilia at base level and is also stronger, he only suffers from bad Resistance, but that is after the chapter you get him. Use him.!

Don't use Saul...your Saul got very bad Mag, Skill, Spd & RES. So it's a no, you would easily do better with Ellen.

Use Wensy: Your Wendy will get 20 Str/Def at 20/1, that's pretty much blessed, her Spd will be 13, not so bad when she's tanking.

Your Tate is great, use her.

Your Thany is even better use her, also.

That Noah of your's, as I said before, you should keep using him, dump Alan, he has really bad stats even if he gets promotional gains, your Treck could do even better, I suggest you keep Treck and dump Alan.

Your Dorothy will be great once promoted. ;)

I think your Cath isn't too good, but you will be using her for thieving, I suppose, keep her up like that and don't put her up to enemies she can't defeat.

Gonzales is simply great, you know what to do! :D

And Fir will be similiar to Rutger exept she will have higher dodge.

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