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Discussion about the worst classes!


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Well, that's not completely true. Strategy when using them also plays into "defense".

what he said. my snipers and sages hardly get attacked directly when i use them. if you're smart in how you use them, you won't go through the worst-case scenario, in which they're completely surrounded by enemy units intent on killing them.

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No one said snipers are better than sages. I think that generally sages probably are better then snipers. You're just nit-picking now. Snipers have plenty of skill so hit chance is rarely a problem. And the comparison of them is in defense not offense so they are very easily comparable.

Someone made it sound like Sniper>Sage. <_<

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I suppose part of debate is how you interperet the oppostion's words.

true that! but it was stated (several times) that sages weren't bad. so i don't understand the misunderstanding....

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i actually don't recall this. nobody even hinted that Sniper>Sage.
The biggest thing I'm trying to get across is that Sages are not very sturdy. Against somebody they can't immediately kill or don't get the first hit against, Sages have to rely on dodging in order to not get their shit fucked up


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Seriously it's snipers, if you leave them by themselves chances are


Hell even if you babysit them they still die

Did you not read the discussion? Do it and then we'll talk.

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Seriously it's snipers, if you leave them by themselves chances are


Hell even if you babysit them they still die

then how have my snipers never died because of and ambush?

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Well I'm Rennac I'm to lazy to do anything I can't make a good arguement, I'll I'm good for is watchign shit on youtube.

Sorry for that, well I'm just to lazy to care (how do I delete my post *really wants it gone*)

Besides I have bad luck in that game. I died when the enemy had like .1 percent chance of hitting me

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They're purpose it to support the story modes.

And free EXP in FE4 : /

Also anyone who says Snipers are trash needs to play FE1-5.

Overall worst is so hard to choose, each class has its' time to suck and time to shine. Off the top of my head, I would say bishops sucked more often then not though, I suppose their staff use can stop them from getting the worst class title, but they are just bad at everything else. They were pretty sucky in FE4 and 5, they were only good for their staffs in FE6, Lucies was alright offensively in FE7, but still suffered, the class itself was still poor. They were somewhat useful in FE8 due to slayer. In FE9 they were one of the few staff users, but sucked otherwise. And in FE10 they are decent for once.

IF you bother leveling an alternative staff using class, they will most likely be better (for example on the GBA games, druids make waaay better staff users then bishops).

I'm tired now, I'll put a little more thought in to it tomorrow and see if my opinion remains the same.

Edited by Izuka
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I was mostly referring to the ones in the GBA. But on top of that I don't know what Snipers are like in FE1 to FE3. Admittingly the Bow Fighters/Snipers in FE4 were pretty good, if not then alright I guess. Faval is pretty much my favorite in the second generation. FE5, haven't really gotten around it at all. But I can tell you this I don't like them at all. They have so low HP growth potential. Also, my Tanya died on the very first chapter. <_<

IF you bother leveling an alternative staff using class, they will most likely be better (for example on the GBA games, druids make waaay better staff users then bishops).

Don't forget Athos. <_< He makes a fine healer as well.

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One huge disadvantage of Snipers are that they can be surrounded four ways and be stuck while the enemies laugh and then eventually kill them. I also dislike how reliant they are on other units for defense. But Nintendo made up for those shortcoming by giving them them good stats and generally good characters.

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Personally, I don't think there is a "worse class" - each has their own strengths and weaknesses. A unit is only as crap as the player who controls the units. It's not the units inability to do something, it's the player's inability to do something with that unit... If that makes sense.

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If I have a least favorite class, it's probably Swordmasters, myrmidons, etcetera. Most of them don't have enough strength to end fights quick enough for me, and it doesn't help much that some of the sturdiest classes in the series have the weapon triangle advantage on them. I also like their weapon type's long-range options less than any other type's, but nobody gives a damn about that.

But then, like with archers, they have some quite awesome characters among them, particularly in the earlier games, so whatevs.

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On the whole Sniper/Sage debate:


Let's look at a small bridge or passage, something one square wide. On the other side is a large troop of enemies. Put a Sniper on the front of the passage (to take out an annoying enemy), then end your turn, the Sniper will get attacked ONCE (maybe twice if they have a ranged unit, but that doesn't matter here), get hit 0-1 times, and probably live. Put a Sage there. The counterattacks will mean you get attacked more and are more likely to lose your Sage.

Similarly, put a Fighter there and he's going to Glass Jaw himself to an early grave (unless he's Boyd). Yes, in open terrain the Sniper is easily swamped. However in closed terrain the Sniper's weakness can be an asset. Neither Sniper nor Sage should be sent alone into open terrain where they are likely to get attacked repeatedly as neither of them has a Defense to last long.

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One huge disadvantage of Snipers are that they can be surrounded four ways and be stuck while the enemies laugh and then eventually kill them.

I really hate to sound like a prick, but if you let this happen then you suck at the game. Unless your just going for lulz and want to see how long they can last or something.

I have never had any problems with snipers. They are probably the worst in FE6, but even then they are still usable. If you use your unit's effectively, then they shouldn't get attacked under most circumstances and still will be able to kill stuff on a regular basis.

The main problem with Snipers on the GBA games is that the nomads outclass them more often then not. This doesn't mean they are useless however.

I also dislike how reliant they are on other units for defense.

In this type of a game, it's a team strategy effort that gets you through, your not supposed to rely on 1 unit dealing with everything. However the newer games have somewhat spoiled players because of how easy they are, so it's expected now that a unit can own half the map alone.

If you have played Advance Wars, think of snipers as artillery when you move them...

Edited by Izuka
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On the whole Sniper/Sage debate:


Let's look at a small bridge or passage, something one square wide. On the other side is a large troop of enemies. Put a Sniper on the front of the passage (to take out an annoying enemy), then end your turn, the Sniper will get attacked ONCE (maybe twice if they have a ranged unit, but that doesn't matter here), get hit 0-1 times, and probably live. Put a Sage there. The counterattacks will mean you get attacked more and are more likely to lose your Sage.

Similarly, put a Fighter there and he's going to Glass Jaw himself to an early grave (unless he's Boyd). Yes, in open terrain the Sniper is easily swamped. However in closed terrain the Sniper's weakness can be an asset. Neither Sniper nor Sage should be sent alone into open terrain where they are likely to get attacked repeatedly as neither of them has a Defense to last long.

FE7: Night of Farewells chapter to raise Nino while using Rebecca as the shield (because she dodges everything) comes to mind here.

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Personally, I don't think there is a "worse class" - each has their own strengths and weaknesses. A unit is only as crap as the player who controls the units. It's not the units inability to do something, it's the player's inability to do something with that unit... If that makes sense.

Quoted for truth.

I generaly Use normal (one or 2 weapons except amored), flying and magic units, the others one time per gameplay

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