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FE4/5 Rom editors


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Does anybody know how to work these? I downloaded them from http://febin.so.land.to/ but they appear to be in the same 'language' as the jumbled readmes you get from the patches.

The FE4 one seems straight-forward enough. I managed to find out how to change holy bloods and growth rates of most chars, but i don't know how to edit weapons, classes, caps and promo stuff. It's the same one in Celice's topic about FEBinary programs -

FE聖戦 ROM Editor

Seisen ROM Editor

Like the above, but for Seisen. There's also something to do with text included. I think when I first got this years ago on FESS, there was an optional English file that went along with it. Maybe I'll look around for it sometime, or someone who remembers will speak up ^^


I have no clue how to work the FE5 one so i'd appreciate some kind of guide or anything that could help me. Thanks.

edit: (FE4) I managed to find a readme which told me which showed me what some of the garble was saying but there's still more i wish to find out.

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You might need support for East Asian languages to view the Japanese symbols correctly.

I should mention that the FE4 Editor isn't doing anything that can't be done with the current FE4 Nightmare modules (as far as I know), except maybe the ability to change text. I don't recall seeing anything special about the FE5 Editor either.

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I just fail at using nightmare so hard. I wanted something pre-packaged and easy to use.

I also tried doing some simple editing with Nightmare like changing growths and bases but nothing happened. It works with the rom editor

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In FE4, just raise the class base stats. The caps are always 15+ the base stats (not counting Luck, HP, Movement etc.).

FE5's caps are hardcoded. There's a patch somewhere that increases them to 30.

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I'm using Nightmare 2 now. Anyway, i have another noobish problem. I'm playing around with Thracia and when i tried out the character editor everybodys' growths went all weird. Leaf has 104 str, 2/11 skl/spd and 0 in everything else. Bases are all 100 and nothing happens when i change them.

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Your FE5 ROM needs to have a SNES header in order to use the Nightmare modules.

Also, I'm not sure if Xeld fixed it or not (or it was just me doing something wrong), but Nightmare 2 seems to have issues with saving changes when using the SNES Nightmare modules.

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