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Hurt and Heal - Oujay's + Iced's empire edittion


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I don't care, actually.


No, until you guys stop hurting Soul!

"you guys"? I didn't even _think_ about hurting Soul. That's a very broad term to use in this case.

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I don't care, actually.


No, until you guys stop hurting Soul!

"you guys"? I didn't even _think_ about hurting Soul. That's a very broad term to use in this case.

ALS hurt Soul, he MUST pay.

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 28

AstraLunaSol - 19

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 45

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 40

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 18

Masamune Wielder - 39

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 10

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 29

AstraLunaSol - 19

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 45

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38 Nothing goes against you, random pick(sing the song ABC...)

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 18

Masamune Wielder - 39

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 10

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 30

AstraLunaSol - 19

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 45

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 16

Masamune Wielder - 39

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 10

Furetchen - 36

Edited by Seph
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Enjolras - 38 Nothing goes against you, random pick(sing the song ABC...)


Rouge Et Noir


L'ai-je au moins jamais vue, cette douce inconnue

ou n'est-elle qu'un songe vain comme les mensonges de l'histoire

ne l'ai-je pas rêvée comme cet idéal

qui ferait qu'enfin l'homme échappe à l'animal

qu'il soit enfin lui-même

et vive son poème

Rouge, le peuple est en colère

noire l'espérance de la terre

rouge mon sang tourne à l'envers

noir mon coeur est en misère sans elle, loin d'elle, malade d'elle

Elle venait au jardin tous les après-midis

le temps d'une ou deux heures, illuminait ma vie sans bonheur

mais elle a disparu, mon courage avec elle,

je n'ai jamais rien su, je ne sais plus rien d'elle

et plus quoi faire de moi

que mourir au combat.

Rouge, le peuple est en colère

noire, mon coeur est en misère

rouge mon sang tourne à l'envers

noir, mon amour désespoir.


Allez Marius, tu exagères

l'amour fait souvent des manières

mais il ne t'abandonnera pas

il sait bien que tu es sincère

il exaucera ta retrouveras


Rouge, mon sang tourne à l'envers

noire, mon coeur est en misère


Rouge, le peuple est en colère

noire l'espérance de la terre

Les Amis De l'ABC


Six heures, c'est l'heure, parfait, tout l'monde est là

des chaises, du vin, des verres, écoutez-moi

que personne ne mous dérange

chacun parle à tour de rôle

tu reviens du Pont au Change

Courfeyrac, tu as la parole


Au Pont aou Change, toutes les sections sont orêtes

Grantaire attend à la Barrière du Maine

les sculpteurs, les marbiers

tardent à se joindre à nous

mais les maçons de Montreuil

seront tous au rendez-vous


Lamarque est mort demain nous irons le rondre à la terre

le terre-patrie sans lui n'est qu'un cimetière


C'était un fils du peuple, un très grand général

l'empereur admirait sa bravoure au combat


Il nous faut mériter de servir son idéal

son coeur cibrait à gauche et il le proclama


Il n'est pas mort

Lamarque ressuscité à chaque homme tombé

est le drapeau vivant de ceux qui n'en ont pas

la liberté en deuil affronte l'autorité

dans les rues de paris-où nous régnons déjà


Des hommes, des femmes au farbourg Saint-Antoine

ont fait des armes d'un rabot, d'un compas

à la Barrière de Montreuil

l'armurier est avec nous

il distribue des cartouches

et des fusils à deux coups


La garde observe et elle se garde bien d'intervenir

jusqu'à demain, afin de provoquer le pire


Tout le 6c dragon prend place aux Célestins

et le 12c léger a été consigné

plus de 30.000 soldats sont massés à Pantin


Prêts à tuer leurs frères pour un morceau de pain


C'est pour demain

préparons-nous à tout puisque nous n'avons rien

et le tout pour le tout

The ABC Cafe - Red and Black

Combeferre: At Notre Dame the sections are prepared!

Feuilly: At rue de Bac they're straining at the leash!

Courfeyrac: Students, workers, everyone

There's a river on the run

Like the flowing of the tide

Paris coming to our side!


The time is near

So near it's stirring the blood in their veins!

And yet beware

Don't let the wine go to your brains!

For the army we fight is a dangerous foe

With the men and the arms that we never can match

It is easy to sit here and swat 'em like flies

But the national guard will be harder to catch.

We need a sign

To rally the people

To call them to arms

To bring them in line!

Marius, you're late.


What's wrong today?

You look as if you've seen a ghost.


Some wine and say what's going on!


A ghost you say... a ghost maybe

She was just like a ghost to me

One minute there, and she was gone!


I am agog!

I am aghast!

Is Marius in love at last?

I've never heard him `ooh' and `aah'

You talk of battles to be won

And here he comes like Don Ju-an

It's better than an o-per-a!


It is time for us all

To decide who we are

Do we fight for the right

To a night at the opera now?

Have you asked of yourselves

What's the price you might pay?

Is this simply a game

For rich young boys to play?

The colors of the world

Are changing day by day...

Red - the blood of angry men!

Black - the dark of ages past!

Red - a world about to dawn!

Black - the night that ends at last!


Had you been there tonight

You might know how it feels

To be struck to the bone

In a moment of breathless delight!

Had you been there tonight

You might also have known

How the world may be changed

In just one burst of light!

And what was right seems wrong

And what was wrong seems right!

Grantaire: Red...

Marius: I feel my soul on fire!

Grantaire: Black...

Marius: My world if she's not there!

All: Red...

Marius: The color of desire!

All: Black...

Marius: The color of despair!


Marius, you're no longer a child

I do not doubt you mean it well

But now there is a higher call.

Who cares about your lonely soul?

We strive toward a larger goal

Our little lives don't count at all!


Red - the blood of angry men!

Black - the dark of ages past!

Red - a world about to dawn!

Black - the night that ends at last!


Well, Courfeyrac, do we have all the guns?

Feuilly, Combeferre, our time is running short.

Grantaire, put the bottle down!

Do we have the guns we need?


Give me brandy on my breath

And I'll breathe them all to death!

Courfeyrac: In St. Antoine they're with us to a man!

Combeferre: In Notre Dame they're tearing up the stones!

Feuilly: Twenty rifles good as new!

Gavroche: Listen!

Joly: Twenty rounds for every man!

Gavroche: Listen to me!

Jean Prouvaire: Double that in Port St. Cloud!

Gavroche: Listen everybody!

Lesgles: Seven guns in St. Martin!

Gavroche: General Lamarque is dead!


Lamarque is dead

Lamarque...his death is the hour of fate

The people's man

His death is the hour we await!

On his funeral day they will honour his name

With the light of rebellion ablaze in their eyes!

From their candles of grief, we will kindle our flame

On the tomb of Lamarque shall our Barricade rise! The time is near!

Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheer

Let us take to the streets with no doubt in our hearts

But a jubilant shout

They will come one and all

They will come when we call!

In 2 languages too

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What the heck? :blink:

If you say the words ABC to me, I automatically think "The ABC café" or "L'amis de L'ABC" from Les Mis =P

That's a long song...

It lasts 6 minutes...

I'm only doing the section where Enjolras sings "it is time for us all to decide who we are" until the choral "Black! The night that ends at last" for school...that's about 2 and a half till 3 minutes

Edited by Inspector Javert
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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 31

AstraLunaSol - 19

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 45

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 39

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 10

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 31

AstraLunaSol - 20

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 45

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 39 Random pick

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 10

Furetchen - 36

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Imouto-san, Seph, Bananas...what you just did...thank you!

Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 31

AstraLunaSol - 18

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 46

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 39 Random pick

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 10

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 31

AstraLunaSol - 18

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 46

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 40

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 8

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 31

AstraLunaSol - 19

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 46

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 38

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 40

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 6

Furetchen - 36

You guys who hurt ALS are jealous he can kill Luminothe!Cats.

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 29

AstraLunaSol - 19

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 46

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 39

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 40

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 44

Lloyd Irving - 6

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 41

Soul - 29

AstraLunaSol - 17

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 46

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 39

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 40

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 45

Lloyd Irving - 6

Furetchen - 36

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Oujay - 45


Ether - 39

Soul - 30

AstraLunaSol - 17

BlackKnight - 41

Amelia - 46

Pahn - 40

Blasied - 36

Enjolras - 39

NinjaMonkey - 29

Crash - 14

Masamune Wielder - 40

LightBrand - 35

Mousefire - 45

Lloyd Irving - 6

Furetchen - 36

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