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Rate a series/franchise Thread

Phoenix Wright

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-Generic 1-10 ratings.

Rate your favorite franchises! With so much shovelware (crappy ass games), newbies who just bought a system or maybe people who haven't searched enough might not know what games to get! Help them here by rating your favorite franchises. Or just overall very good games.

MGS 10/10: I'm an MGS fanboy I guess. Anyone can see that. This game is awesome. Personally, I think this is one of the greatest games in history for the plot and gameplay. Stealth games are fun. :D

EDIT: MGS = Metal Gear Solid

Edited by Big Boss
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MGS was fun I guess. 7/10.



10/10. One of the best games I've ever played. I'd say more but I don't want to stretch the page limit.



10/10. Awesome.


10/10. Awesome

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You should do it the GameFAQs way and make the topic itself a series. Gathering a bunch of series' (both praised and maligned, popular and relatively unknown) and making one rate thread per day. This will be messy and not really give people an idea of how good a game is. Something good came out of GameFAQs in the 15 years it has been around at least. Well, actually, tons of things did, but this one is valuable in this situation!

You might also want to do it in Far from the Forest, as it would probably be considered spam here. You can thank me later ;).

Edited by Tangerine
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With so much shovelware (crappy ass games), newbies who just bought a system or maybe people who haven't searched enough might not know what games to get! Help them here by rating your favorite franchises.

ok ok ok so

you want me to believe that there are new gamers on this forum

a forum for a practically obscure srpg series

of course

God Hand - 10/10 - Best ps2 game grr. Also MadWorld is just God Hand if God Hand sucked.

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With so much shovelware (crappy ass games), newbies who just bought a system or maybe people who haven't searched enough might not know what games to get! Help them here by rating your favorite franchises.

ok ok ok so

you want me to believe that there are new gamers on this forum

a forum for a practically obscure srpg series

of course

God Hand - 10/10 - Best ps2 game grr. Also MadWorld is just God Hand if God Hand sucked.

Read it again. I said a new gamer or someone who bought a new system. Also, I said a series.

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Perhaps it's because it was my first RPG, but if anyone is into PS1 RPG's not named Final Fantasy, go look for a game called Legend of Legaia. A bit obscure and hard to find, but I've heard there are ROM's out there. Anyway, it's really a good game, even if it is a bit of a cliche storm, and the graphics are good for a nearly 11 year old game. Have fun :D


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So are we rating video games or video game series?

Because we all could obviously go on with single video games that we think deserve 9-10s.

With that being said ... Fire Emblem - 10/10. A series so good that even the weakest FE is still a lot better than many other games.

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So are we rating video games or video game series?

Because we all could obviously go on with single video games that we think deserve 9-10s.

With that being said ... Fire Emblem - 10/10. A series so good that even the weakest FE is still a lot better than many other games.

Actually, there is a Legaia 2, I've just not played it, so I can't give an honest rating for it.

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Okami ≥ God Hand.

Okami is good, but it's a lot blander than God Hand in just about every way. Putting them on the same level (or putting Okami above God Hand, for that matter) is pretty laugh out loud. It's like saying Touhou and Cho Aniki are on the same level. While they're both good games, Cho Aniki is just better because instead of lolis (who are pretty generic and overused) it uses bodybuilders who shoot protein-powered bullets and lasers.


Castlevania: 10/10. I've never seen a series as consistently good as this. The only time it started falling apart was from 2005 and after, and even then it still had its great moments.

Edited by Nightmare
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Total war series 8/10 Great series for the PC, large scale battles, and great unit details (as in in animations and looks), the only problem is it gets old after a while and with each new installments made Creative Assembly increases the cpu requirements by a lot.

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Metroid - 1/10

Legend of Zelda - 1/10

Star Fox - 1/10

.....Now onto doing what you actually said to do:

Mario: 10/10 for Ike Mike's reason basically, he saved Video Gaming, and his games are usually pretty awesome.

Need For Speed: 9/10, I admit that they often have a number of flaws, but the games are still usually a lot of fun even then.

Fire Emblem: Duh, I'm on Serenes Forest, how do you think I feel about FE <_</10

Mega Man: 10/10, all I can say is YAY! :awesome:

I'll try to think of some more.

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Total war series 8/10 Great series for the PC, large scale battles, and great unit details (as in in animations and looks), the only problem is it gets old after a while and with each new installments made Creative Assembly increases the cpu requirements by a lot.

Total War is shit. The tactical bits are shit and the strategic bits are even worse. Empire: Total War was even worse than Heart of Iron III. (Scroll down to the fourth post on that page for the comment by hoi3's lead developer. The rest of the nine pages are just discussing that.)

Series rating: 4/10 for Shogun: Total War and 5/10 for Rome: Total War, which had no competition in their niches and got some great historical and gameplay mods. 1/10 for the rest, whose only virtue is introducing RTS and general gamers to the computer strategy genre. 2/10 for the series overall.

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I'm two steps away from the front door.

Let's get into every franchise Nintendo has ever made, alright?

Animal Crossing: 3/10

Art Style: ?/10

Custom Robo: ?/10

Donkey Kong: 2/10

Fire Emblem: 7/10

F-Zero: 4/10

Game&Watch: 6/10

Golden Sun: 4/10

Kid Icarus: ?/10

Kirby: 2/10

Legendary Starfy: 1/10

The Legend of Zelda: 7/10

Magical Starsign: ?/10

Mario: 7/10

Metroid: 6/10

Mother: 9/10

Nintendogs: 1/10

Pikmin: 8/10

Pokemon: 0/10

Punch Out: 7/10

Puzzle League: 5/10

Star Fox: 0/10

Super Smash Bros: 3/10

Wario: 2/10

(Advance) Wars: 8/10

Wave Race: 2/10

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I'm two steps away from the front door.

Let's get into every franchise Nintendo has ever made, alright?

Animal Crossing: 3/10

Art Style: ?/10

Custom Robo: ?/10

Donkey Kong: 2/10

Fire Emblem: 7/10

F-Zero: 4/10

Game&Watch: 6/10

Golden Sun: 4/10

Kid Icarus: ?/10

Kirby: 2/10

Legendary Starfy: 1/10

The Legend of Zelda: 7/10

Magical Starsign: ?/10

Mario: 7/10

Metroid: 6/10

Mother: 9/10

Nintendogs: 1/10

Pikmin: 8/10

Pokemon: 0/10

Punch Out: 7/10

Puzzle League: 5/10

Star Fox: 0/10

Super Smash Bros: 3/10

Wario: 2/10

(Advance) Wars: 8/10

Wave Race: 2/10


This topic should be moved. No one is really taking it as seriously as I thought.

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